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Dream Interpretation: Darkness 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Darkness? Discover the significance of seeing a Darkness in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Darkness appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of darkness symbolizes the unknown, fear, and uncertainty. It may represent a situation or emotion that you are not comfortable with or do not understand. It can also indicate a need for introspection and self-discovery.

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🧭 Direction


Take some time to reflect on your life and emotions. What are you afraid of? What is causing you uncertainty? Once you identify these issues, take steps to address them. Seek support from loved ones or a therapist if necessary. Remember that facing your fears and uncertainties can lead to personal growth and a sense of empowerment.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of darkness often evokes feelings of fear, uncertainty, and vulnerability. It symbolizes the unknown, hidden aspects of our lives, and can represent a sense of being lost or overwhelmed. It may also reflect a need for introspection or a fear of the future. Overall, this dream can leave one with a sense of unease and a desire for clarity and light.





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17 Jul 2024



I was in a dream where I was a part of a video game and the main objective was to get from point A to point B in a certain time limit. The game started out at daytime and gradually transferred to night time. There was a specific part where I had to zip line to an area, but I had to get there before it was night time because if it was night time the police would stop me. I was having a really hard time doing it and I kept dying and respawning and I was really scared to do it because it was embarrassing and difficult to complete. I took a break and sat down for a bit in a meeting with some friends of mine. I sat next to my best friend and we listened to the meeting. Then someone urged me to go back and try the mission again, so I did. I failed and I came back and sat down. Then my ex-boyfriend sat in front of me and was basically sitting on my knee and I tried to move, but I couldn't and then I started sneezing and coughing and there was some blood in my sneeze and a lot of boogers that were bright green and that made everyone really concerned so my ex boyfriend went and got me some tissues and cups to put the boogers in and my boyfriend sat at the back of the room, but he never came over. Then I went back to the video game and I tried to do the zip line again, but I couldn't get all the way across so I stopped halfway through and got dropped into the middle of a dark city and I ran around in the city trying to find a way out and there were just dead ends everywhere and there were lots of bad guys and other players that I wasn't sure if they were on my team or not and eventually I found a pathway that had five grape bombs bounce out of it. I guessed that I was supposed to go that way and time it so that I didn't get hit by grapes, so I waited until the last one came out and then I ran through. When I came out on the other side, Christopher Lee Robinson in grape form was there and he was apparently the final boss that I didn't know was going to be there. I scrambled up the platform so I could sit with everyone else and we all gathered there together. The people from Ninjago were there and pretty quickly Cole and Kai went out the back door of the game and went outside, but everyone else stayed and we started fighting the final boss. I switched my weapons from short range to a sniper weapon and tried to do my best to help and then at some point in the battle, my parents came to me and said that we needed to run and that we were going to get out of this place, apparently we were trapped So I asked if I could grab some things, so I did, I ran back to my room and grabbed like two things and then ran back to where they were and for some reason, my little sister had come with us, but my little brother couldn't come with us and I don't know where my other younger brother was, he just wasn't in the dream, but my parents said that we were going the same way that Cole and Kai went, in that they had taken a canoe and they had already made it to the new safe place in the swamps, so I went with them and we started leaving and I said bye to my younger brother and cried a lot and then as soon as we started traveling, I realized that Cole and Kai and the ninjas weren't there and they weren't a part of the dream anymore, it was just my parents taking me and my sister away to live in some isolated place and all of a sudden I got very scared because I would never see anyone that I knew ever again and my parents basically had me contained on this new swampland area and then I forced myself to wake up.

16 Jul 2024



Im at my new house and its super dark and when i turn on the light i end up in my old house with my old stepdad and stepbrothers. They bring in chipotle and i start eating snd talking with them but then i realize i cant finish it and i just leave it there along with my phone they offer to go to the pier and I’m like sure. When we finally leave to go to the pier, they forget to close the door and I yell at them telling them to go close the door and then we get in the car and start going to the peir. When we finally get there, my brother starts saying how oh look it’s your girlfriend and I’m like where and he’s like I don’t know so I get mad but then my stepbrothers start bringing in my friends from elementary and I’m trying to hang out with my friends and everybody starts leaving me at the pier and as I put in my phone number into my friend‘s phone everything goes dark and I end up in the car when everything comes back on and I’m confused but everybody’s yelling at me and saying how I’m a liar and I’m in trouble and my girlfriends in the passenger seat and my stepdad is in the front seat and my stepbrother is on the left of me so I start asking what did I lie about and nobody tells me at first they’re just yelling at me then they say how I lied about where I was and I’m like how did I lie if I didn’t say anything and they said they texted me and I texted back saying I’m at home eating a chipotle bowl and I get freaked out because I left my phone at home next to my chipotle bowl so how did I text back? and everybody’s just yelling at me So i look for my step brother for confirmation and he switches up on me saying how yea i said that and he changes So i smack him in the chest two times and he goes limp with his mouth hanging open. When i turn to face forward my girlfriend and stepdad are staring at me wide eyed and i dont say anything at first. But they jump at me and then i wake up

16 Jul 2024



So me and my family went on this boat in Spain and the boat driver crashed us on a remote island and the island had this Victorian style academy building that me and my family whent into immediately we all went to separate paths and we’re separated. I was alone. I was walking down the dark brick corridor when I saw this knight who basically told me I’d be trapped in this academy and he told Me to pick a type of fighting style ranged mma or melee I choose ranged and I hated it I found a old smart watch that I used the cellular and a solar power bank to connect to the outside world 1 day I found out I could repel out of the shelter by scaling the roof from the inside so I did this as a habit but I stopped before I could get caught because I knew I’d have to go with my family I found out we would all go on some cruise ship to the main island so I snuck on and got my family to come with me to the island but surprisingly my dad wanted to stay and my mom would go if my dad wouldn’t go and my brother wasn’t there so I ended up purposely making them miss the cruise ship back and making them stay

15 Jul 2024



I was in the woods with some people it was sunset and I was following a creek that kinda wrapped around where we lived I was following it then all of a sudden it turned pitch black out and now it was super dark so I started walking back following the creek but I stopped and try to catch fish in the creek by hand but that didn’t work so I kept on going and saw a fish that was stuck on a part of the creek that was to low for it to live so I kicked it into a good part of the creek and then it swam off I kept following the creek and eventually got pretty close the our houses so I walked away from the creek and towards my house but then all of a sudden I knew that something was stalking me trying to get me so I got on all 4s and crawled toward my house and right when I made it the front of my door I heard a loud scream that sounded like a bobcat, it was a bobcat that was stalking me I ran into my room and looked through the window and there it was a house cat that tried to get me. That all I remember

15 Jul 2024



I was standing in total darkness even though I couldn't see a floor it looked like a total black abyss. Everywhere i look just darkness. I see a man approaching me he's dressed in a white robe with a sash. The man had shoulder length brown hair and not a hair on his head was misplaced it was so perfect. He had brown eyes and they looked so kind and full of grace. The way he looked at me was like he had always known me. He looked so familiar almost like we could be related. Like I knew him from somewhere even though we've never met in real life. He had on a white robe with a sash around his waste. He held out his hand and in his right hand there was a key. And he said, "I hold the key to life and death." And he walked away. And then I woke up.

15 Jul 2024

Baby boy


I dreamed that I had a one year old baby boy. I currently have no kids. I was at my dads finishing a project for school - I’m not in school but thinking of going back and attempting law school. When I finished my assignment I went to pickup my baby boy. But this is where it got weird. He was at childcare held at a casino and it was around 9pm. It took awhile to find the correct room. I’m pretty sure I had a friend with me. I went up to the lady working to check out my son from daycare. I also had to use the restroom so I asked where it was. She told me so I started to head that way. It was down a hall and the hall got increasingly dark with lights flickering. I looked into the men’s since my son would potentially use this restroom one day and there was a statue of a large clay human sitting on the counter next to the sink for decor. The statue had blobs over its eyes and it was baby blue. It frightened me immensely. Then I went to look at the ladies restroom. The same figure was in the ladies room on the counter except its eyes were missing and it had pink outlining the empty black eyes. It was so uneasy feeling that I decided not to use the restroom and never to bring my child back to this place. I debated to ask the lady what the statues are but didn’t feel it was necessary and I woke up from the dream shortly after that. My son was mixed. I’m currently dating a black guy, he’s Haitian and I’m white American/Finnish.

15 Jul 2024



I dreamt of being in my living room, with just my dog at first. I walked over to the clear door that connects the inside of the house to the outdoor deck, and I went to it, flicking the outside light on from the inside. I saw my cat. I flickered the light on and off a few more times, just to make sure I was seeing it right. It looked to be him, but for some reason in the dream, I had a very strong memory of already letting him in from outside. I looked towards the couches in the living room, seeing my dog and no one else. I called for my cat, just in case, and he ended up coming out from the dark closet downstairs. I just watched him, as he rubbed up against my leg and then walked away towards the couches as well. I took a moment before looking back at the cat outside. The cat that wasn’t my cat. I thought to myself, did I maybe let the doppelgänger in the first time, and the real cat is outside? Is the not-my-cat-cat even bad? What if he just wants shelter from the winds and cold outside, and is using anytmeans to get it? In all honesty, I was about to let him in, but before I could unlatch the lock, the cat that had copied my cat, turned into a siamese cat, with blue eyes. He seemed upset I saw through the ruse, but I wasn’t especially upset by his trickery. He faded into the darkness of outside, and the once locked deck door became weak, and Inhad to keep it closed to keep anything hiding in the darkness out. It was actually quite fun-my cat came to help me in an almost cartoonish way, putting wooden blocks and toys(I think) to help keep the sliding door as closed as possible. My dog even got up from laying down on the couch and kept watch by my weirdly small living room window that faced the same area my clear deck door did. The window only had one large vitamin, but it did cover the window until my dog nudged it and let the small window/hole peek through. I rushed over to help him close it and my dog huffed and started budging at the curtain to fix it with me. I looked over to my car sitting by the slightly ajar deck door, unable to move it but keeping watch, and I kinda laughed, walking over to him and pushing at the door to close it again. “Looks like we got work cut out for us, huh?” I said to my two pets. My white dog let out a rough whine and my cat just blinked at me. The dream felt hopeful, though.

14 Jul 2024



As my dream started, I ran into one of my fraternity brothers in college, who had just come back from Indonesia and mentioned how amazing it was. I was excited and happy for him and said that I’ve always wanted to go and the transitioned to me being on a beach in Indonesia and then going into the water. I was Swimming underwater in the dark ocean at night. Although I was still a little afraid and nervous about swimming underwater in the dark ocean at night I was that I was getting more comfortable and relaxed as the dream went on. The next dream was about A helicopter that was part of this Asian mafia was attempting to reach the quota their boss set for them for the amount of people they are looking to assassin. They had one more left, and the helicopter was over the ocean when a tsunami came and took it down and destroyed it. Outsiders who heard about this thought how theses mafia members were so greedy to get one more person and because of their greed, two members of the mafia had died in the helicopter accident. The dream then changed. I had some presents that I’d collected in a bag for my mom and my dad. One of the presents I had for my dad were blue light glasses to help with sleep. my dad said, thank you, but that he would be switching the lightbulbs in the house for blue light lightbulbs soon. I said he had mentioned how he would be doing that months ago and still has taken action on it so in the meantime, here are some blue light glasses that he could use. I share that with a little bit of attitude because the one pet peeve I have with my dad is sometimes he says he will do something to improve his health, but doesn’t do it. Although I gave him alittle bit of attitude, I’m happy I didn’t because my intention was to help him and help him prioritize his health. I spoke up for what I thought was right even though it required me to speak up to my dad. I care about him and I care about his health and I wanted him to know that. My final dream took place at what looked like to be a meeting room of a company building. There were people around the meeting room who I didn’t recognize, but in the dream felt comfortable with them as if I had known them. Some people began to talk, but one lady specifically looked me in the eye and mentioned to me. Jantzen, everything that happens to you happens for a reason and everything that has happened to you happened for a reason. It was a very touching statement, I had felt seen by the lady and felt that her message was very caring and authentic and if she truly wanted me to know this. The guy next to me then passed me an iPhone with a YouTube video. It was a video of the soccer star Messi who talked about how you can achieve anything that you dream of. in the video there was also a chupacabra and buddy the elf the video was in Spanish.

12 Jul 2024


Dream H1h2h3h4h5h6h7g8h9h10h11h11h12h12h12h12injectioninbloodthrownursprofessional h500h500h500 inject 💉 ♥️ towhitebloodcellsthrowlithiumcarbonateiwillate2billstheoneilovegetaccsesstomybloodtoseeatleastherprogresssthrowbloodtransformationsbeen1yearinbloodserguerysandcopeingwizthematterdarkmatter Kaolin 4.192 in pink 🔦 🧞‍♀️ 🪔 💡 🛋 🔦 🧞‍♂️ 🪔 💡 🛋 🔦 🧞‍♀️ 🪔 💡 🛋 🔦 🧞‍♀️ 🪔 💡 🛋 🔦 🧞‍♀️ 🪔 💡 🛋 🔦 🧞‍♀️ 🪔 💡 🛋 🔦 🧞‍♀️ 🪔 💡 🛋 🔦 🧞‍♀️ 🪔 💡 🛋 🔦 🧞‍♀️ 🪔 💡 🛋 🔦 🧞‍♀️ 🪔 💡 🛋 🔦 🧞‍♀️ 🪔 💡 🛋 🔦 🧞‍♂️ 🪔 💡 🛋 🔦 🧞‍♂️ 🪔 💡 🛋 🔦 🧞‍♂️ 🪔 💡 🛋 🔦 🧞‍♂️ 🪔 💡 🛋 🔦 🧞‍♂️ 🪔 💡 🛋 🔦 🧞‍♂️ die hat 👒 die hat 👒 was thinking about the same as long as long as long as long as long as you have to go to your life and the other one side is a difference 🤣 😆 is the same as end joining the result in your lives is Xlxlx1x1x1x1 Xlxlx1x1x1x1 500b 1T1T1T Ethio333333333883uu87637737373737774 in die 😀 Is THE 🌎 of an N-terminal translocation domain providing sequence-specific recognition of DNA binding specificity creates double-strand cleavage 👏 and tuberculosis formerly recognized 👏 😀 as long when we are in a cost-effective environment that can afford means

11 Jul 2024

Abandoned home


I was hiking on this steep high snowy mountain with friends when it started to get dark and none of us had equipment that was working properly. We didn’t have any sleeping bags or tents so it was crucial to find some type of shelter because it was going to get below 0° that night. We finally hike up far enough and find an abandoned ski lift and ski house. The sun and at its finally peak of light slowly going down behind the mountain when I say “we need to hurry up NOW” as it starts getting dark. We try to reach the ski house but hear screams and all of a sudden something is chasing and hunting us. We all scatter and I run and run and hide. I’m cold and scared and need to find a way out, I make it to the ski house and find a friend we try to home up in there as long as we can being as quiet as we can and look for our other friends. It gets later and there hasn’t been noises for what seems like a good while now. We tell each other someone needs to look to see if there anything visable out there. We’re both terrified to do so. Just as we are both about to lift our heads up to see out the window the creature/murderer is right behind us And chases us until we all die

10 Jul 2024



I had such a strange and vivid dream. I was working as a detective. Me and some other people were working on a case about this girl that went insane and was killing people around the area. On the first night, we found three dead bodies. It was very strange, and something about the whole thing felt so real. The next night, we were working again. This time we found five dead bodies. It made me feel so uneasy. As I was walking back home, I was walking below an overpass when I saw my girlfriend. I knew we were together, but this is the first time seeing my girlfriend in my dream. For some reason, this case really had me stressed out, and in my dream my girlfriend was the only person I had in my life. For some reason, she looked at me, and said that we can no longer be together and she smirked and looked at me like it was a joke. I asked her if she was being serious and she looked at me and just smiled, ending it. As I walked through the dark and gloomy night, I ran into a group of girls that came up to me and asked me if I was single. I jokingly said “I wasn’t up until a few minutes ago”, and just walked through them. Days went by, and I couldn’t shake the fact that I lost the only important person I had in my life. Why did she leave me? Why did she laugh when leaving? I had so many questions, but knew that I’d never get the answers to them. A few days later, I was sitting behind my truck, and turned around. For some reason, in my trunk I had everything she ever gave me. I began to cry a waterfall, wishing she would come back. I impulsively began talking to new girls. No matter who I spoke to though, none of them were like her. I was so hurt, confused, and angry, but no one could replace who she was to me. I went back to working on my case, trying to forget about her. As I headed back to my office, I worked for a couple of hours, trying to piece any evidence of where the murderer was. I had no leads. I couldn’t keep my mind clear. I went on a break, but as I sat there, I looked at my phone, expecting to respond to her messages like I would’ve done before. There was nothing. I felt a heavy sorrow in my heart. As I sat on my truck, I started receiving pictures from her. They were all pictures of her making silly faces and smiling, then she asked me through text “why have you been so distant? Why won’t you send me pictures of you like before? Are we not friends”? I didn’t get it… It felt like she was mocking me… looking at her beautiful face through the phone made me cry again, wondering what went wrong. Why did she leave me with no explanation??? Why did she have a smile on her face when leaving??? Why is she acting like nothing ever happened??? I went back in, and called it a night. A few nights later, I was on the clock, and me and my colleagues went to an apartment complex where we heard there was an alleged girl walking around stabbing people. It had to be the murderer. I still wasn’t able to concentrate after what had happened with my relationship in the last few days. We split up around the building, seeing if we could find any clues. I was in the top floor. Every door to each room was open. I felt uneasy. Petrified. As I went door to door, I soon came to realize that everyone in this building was dead. Murdered. I began to panic. There were so many things going through my mind, but I couldn’t do anything but panic, cry, and run. This was nothing like me. I would always be able to stay calm and collected. After my girlfriend broke up with me, I started falling apart. My heart was turning to dust. I ran down the hall, trying to get to the elevator, when I saw the girl who was causing these murders walk out of a room right in-front of me. I froze. I walked back gasping for air, when I fell back. I stared at her as tears ran down my face. I stood up, but couldn’t move. She ran towards me with the knife, slitting my throat. I fell back gasping and crying, as she stood over my body, and began to stab me in my stomach over and over again. I laid there crying, as I bled out. She walked away, smiling. I heard sirens, but my vision began to go black. I couldn’t feel anything but the tears running down my face. I began to think of when I was still with my girlfriend, remembering when we were together. My whole life flashed before my eyes. I wondered; if we were still together, would I have been able to take down this murderer? End this horror? I replayed my whole life with her right before death. At the end, she broke up with me just like before, and it felt like i was being stabbed once again. Keep in mind, I am no detective nor plan on being one, but that was what I was in my dream.

10 Jul 2024



I was in my house, looking out of the window. It was dark at night, I saw a rolling Ferris wheel with people in it. Then the people flew out of the Ferris wheel, and died on the street.

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