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Dream Interpretation: Disappointment 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Disappointment? Discover the significance of seeing a Disappointment in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Disappointment appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes a feeling of failure or unfulfilled expectations. It may indicate that you are not satisfied with the outcome of a situation or relationship. It can also suggest that you have set unrealistic goals for yourself or have been let down by someone close to you.

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🧭 Direction


Reflect on the situation or relationship that caused the disappointment in your dream. Is there anything you can do to improve it or change your expectations? It may be helpful to communicate your feelings with the person involved or seek support from others. Remember to be kind to yourself and not let disappointment consume you.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of disappointment may evoke feelings of sadness, frustration, and letdown. It signifies a sense of unfulfilled expectations or hopes that have been dashed. The emotions associated with this dream may include discouragement, dissatisfaction, and a sense of loss. It can leave one feeling disheartened and disenchanted, as if something important or desired has been missed or failed to materialize. This dream may also bring about a sense of resignation or acceptance of the disappointment, as well as a need to reassess goals and aspirations.





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Dreams of users containing the word Disappointment

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9 Jul 2024

Building (Place)


I dreamt about seeing two of my old close friends at some camp place (we were in a building) and those friends of mine don’t even talk to each other. I eavesdropped and they said they can be partners for a certain activity and in that activity you need three people but I was scared to ask them for some reason if I can join. They went downstairs and I followed them and then outside, it was all muddy and there was a huge forest with a small playground. They grabbed a large blue tricycle (the length was long but the height was the same as my friend’s) and then they rode on it away from two other kids from my old school that I got along with too but not close. Apparently they were playing hide and seek and I watched them play. My two close friends rode the tricycle into this circus like tent. I asked if I could play soon and one of my close friends said ‘of course but just wait until next round because it’s still going!’ in a cheerful tone and I was glad he allowed me to play. Soon, I rode the large blue tricycle away from the two boys that I got along with but not close and I rode it in the tent. Then the dream ended and I woke up disappointed

2 Jul 2024

Family Members


Had a dream that I was smoking weed with my brother and guardians, my grandparents came so I hid behind my brother, later on in the hours they figured it out and said they were disappointed and other stuff.

28 Jun 2024

Best Friend


I was in the area of my old elementary school, it was a rainy day, I walked towards the school passing it. In another scenario, I came across an old classmate from elementary school which was nice since he is one of the classmates I’d ever want to reunite with and he asked if we could be best friends and he was with this girl and I wondered to myself why don’t they become best friends. I was in a fancy restaurant with this mature guy and there were some others we came in with who was also with their dates. We were using this mixer, and mucked up what we were tryna make in it which was a bit disappointing but I was in good spirits I was talking about how it was such a bad idea to mix such as such with that even though I wasn’t being serious I was just being funny but it might’ve looked either wise so the guy I was with let me know gently to calm down and that’s when I assured him I was just joking which he laughed and understood. I was chilling at a table with the girls that came with their dates, while the guys were behind us. One of the girls were so smart and intelligent, she was 24, she was gorgeous and just finished college. One of my adolescent clients were there, and he got up and walked away to possibly use the bathroom so I eventually followed him so he doesn’t get lost.

27 Jun 2024



I remember being in Primark with my mother and there were also some other people I knew and I wanted some nails but my mom kept getting angry and saying that she will buy what she wants for me, not what I want. Anyway, so it happened that the nails she chose looked really good on me and they were do natural. They were in a square shape and looked like real nails, with a dirty, smudged, slightly visible french tip, and I was so happy that I finally have long nails(my nails are actually really short), when I woke up I looked at my nails and was dissappointdd when I realised it was a dream.

16 Jun 2024



My husband and I had same dream this morning by devil work that force us divored and make us disappointed

8 Jun 2024

Waking up


It all started with somewhat of a challenge it was like games I knew what this was I had had a dream about it before so I knew what I was doing I was with two of my cousins and three of my friends we were kind of on a team together for these games I don’t exactly remember what the games where but there was about 5 or 6 after all of those “games” there was a race, it was like a tall water slide ghat went into a long slip and slide the girls raced and then the boys raced and the winners went against each others we showed up to basically the top and we picked teams only about 6 people once I got there some of my friends were already there. My mom was there she showed me a keychain she bought for me I asked her and my sister to hold on to it during the race they left the top and we all got ready we basically left everything we didn’t need at the time. Makeup, hoodies, hair ties, jewelry. First the boys started to race but I wanted to put my hair up I stepped on the edge of the water slide looking for it and slipped onto the slide. I was in the boys race now there was ona other girl there that said she was just “breaking the rules for fun” I was having fun because I was racing and surprisingly I won the boys race I was so happy and then I went to talk to a lady. I asked her if I could still go in the girls race with my friends she said no I already won. I sat there disappointed and didn’t even know who won the girls race. They said that I had one and I wasn’t even going to go against anyone. It didn’t seem like a big deal to me. After that I somehow appeared in one of the girls that was in the race’s backyard. She was with her family and it seemed as though I was watching a movie but then I realized I could talk to them. We ended up starting to talk about the race and how they thought there was something kind of weird about it they lived right next to the building so we went in to just chill and kinda talk. While we were sitting I got up and went to get my makeup and hoodies that I had left up there as I was up there a remember seeing a video( in the dream) about a mom who went to get her kids stuff because her daughter was scared to go up there and one of her friends had gone missing while she was up there she was recording and there was blood on one of the benches and she heard something so she hid behind a desk almost and recorded. While she was recording a man peeked his head around the wall he had wide eyes and brown hair he looked around then straight into her phone. Then he left.thats what scared me but I just grabbed my stuff and went back down to them all of my stuff didn’t fit in my hands so I asked if they had something that o could put my stuff in I saw a little backpack so I reached for that but the mom didn’t want me to touch it she made up some excuse for me to not put my stuff in it after a minute I reached for it while she wasn’t paying attention I put all my stuff into it and as we were getting up to leave I had the backpack on but suddenly all the lights went off the only light was the door swinging open I got up to go out there we were all running but once I was at the door holding it for them they stopped running. They were just walking towards me I was confused but their eyes changed they were wide like the man in the video they had a light blue inner circle and a white outline the mother sent the daughter to follow me and she started to I thought that if I got in the sun something would change maybe she would stop but once we got in the sun she started chasing me. There was I bike I got on it but I couldn’t get away. Then more people showed up with the same eyes they all were aimed towards me almost like zombies. I got around the building that was on the other side of the water slide building and there was police they were listening in to something but I felt safe I was going to get in the car but it worried me that they were going to turn exactly like the others so I woke myself up

5 Jun 2024



I went to Cologne for Nicki Minaj's concert. I arrived there and before checking into my hotel I went to check out the arena. I saw an arena but could not see the name on it, while on the website I had seen the name of the arena very large on the arena in photos. I did see at the arena that they were setting up the stage and saw a pink inside. I then went to my hotel to drop off my stuff. Then later I heard that the concert would no longer take place, so I went back to the arena. I saw that they were dismantling the stage. But employees at the arena said it went ahead as planned. Then I stood in line and when I finally entered the arena I didn't understand where I was supposed to stand. There was a stage in the shape of a catwalk, but I didn't know where to stand. I finally ended up standing at the end of the catwalk. Then the performance started but I couldn't get a good look at Nicki Minaj because she was standing far back on the stage. I then zoomed in with the camera on my phone, and that's when I saw that it wasn't Nicki Minaj at all. The performance was given by Ariana Grande disguised as Nicki Minaj. She wore a red lace top and black and white cheetah print pants. Apparently I had also chosen a very bad spot, because she always stayed far away from the stage during the performance.

3 Jun 2024



I remember that I was on my house rooftop and I was recording some video. I was actually in Princess and I was on a date, okay. My house was near a beach. It was a very beautiful beach and it's a Milton City beach and I was at my house rooftop and I was on a date. So I was recording and I was on a date with a guy, a very rich guy. He was having a lot of gold necklaces and he was continuously changing his gold necklaces. I was shocked that he was so rich. So I was saying that I will make a hotel here in the beach. I will buy a private jet here and I will renovate the building and all that's all. And suddenly I said something and what a fact. Then I saw another thing that I was getting married, okay. I was getting married and I was not wearing glasses and I was ready, I was ready and was dressed up. So basically all my matrimonial family members were at my house. So I saw the man, he was like 10 years older than me. He was good looking. I saw his face from the side. He was having beard, he was a muscular man, good looking man and like charming, that's all. He was like gentle, providing man. He was not talking that much. I was not wearing glasses so I couldn't see that much. They were talking, my aunts and grandmother, my mother were talking about the marriage and I was not very happy about it but I am excited at the same time. I was acting very childish, I don't know why. Then I told my mother, I don't want to marry, I don't like men. So I was doing this. I was so young, I still have 10 years to enjoy my youth life. She said it's good to start from now to enjoy your marriage so you don't have to worry later on. I was very disappointed and then I was on my balcony and it was like late night time. I saw a kid, he was having fun. I started having some nice time with that kid. Then I saw my grandpa washing his hands and my father washing his hands. Then the guy, groom came, washed his hands. I saw him a little bit but I was not wearing glasses so it was all blur. Then my cousin sister came and I was talking to her that whatever I feel I will tell her all the things. I will never hide anything from her, like emotional things. Then I went to another room and I saw that all the guests and family members are in that room. When I again started acting childish, I don't know why I was acting so childish in front of them. Then I went to the staircase and saw a big orange cat, that's all.

24 May 2024

Best Friend
My crush


Guy made a bet with his friend and a hot priest he lost the first bet, then him and the priest made a bet that he couldn’t turn the priest gay with a kiss, they kissed and it was hot and good but the guy was disappointed after cuz the priest was still straight, we were at church and sitting next to a lady who was babysitting some kids Guy then video chats attractive older man, older man tells the guy he obviously likes his best friend romanticly, but that instead of getting hung up on an unrequited crush on a straight guy, he should date the older man cuz he knows he’s interested both sexually and romantically in him.

1 May 2024



I just had a dream about a girl I went to beauty school with over 27 years ago and I haven’t seen her in that amount of time. She had come to some kind of party in the town that I’m currently living in and we reconnected as friends. she asked me to come back to the town where she lived, which is where we went to beauty school together because she wanted me to move back to that town so she asked me to come visit. I asked her if she was dating anyone and she told me that she was dating this younger guy that had several young children and that she felt like she was being foolish because she was going to end up paying to raise all of this guy’s kids it sounded like nothing had changed from when we were younger and dated all the wrong men. We were talking about rent prices as she was showing me the place she currently lived in. It was a huge loft space that had several rooms in it, to accommodate all this guys children. I could tell she was doing well financially by the apartment she was living in, but I was so disappointed in her because she was still dating beneath her. I think the reason her and I connected all those years ago in beauty school was because we were a lot a like when it came to dating the wrong men. Well, she introduces me to her boyfriend and he decides to take us out to a nightclub and I’m hesitant because I’m too old for night clubs and really so is she. But I reluctantly decide to get all dressed up and go with both of them. All 3 of us get into her car and he’s driving us all to the club. As we get out I tell her that I have forgotten my purse with my phone and all my money in it. She waves me off like it doesn’t matter and we proceed to pass the huge line into the club and get in VIP. This whole time I’m trying to figure out how I’m going to get myself out of this situation and I want to call my old boyfriend that I dated back then and ask him to come get me. But I have no purse, therefore no phone or money and then I wake up.

1 May 2024

Best Friend


In todays dream I was pregnant again. My mom was pissed off and told me I needed to solve my own problems. I told her I wasn’t asking for her to help me solve them I just wanted her to know and be there for me. I was sitting in the crib I’d just built and pointed out that I had bought and built a crib all on my own. She rolled her eyes and went to town with Brian to get groceries and I stayed home. There was another part of the dream where I was setting my best friend up with the guy she’d been friends with and had a crush on. The guys best friend also pushed him to her so we were standing together and I suggested that the he and I get together since we set them up really and he acted like he didn’t want to but then flirted with me. I knew that he secretly liked me so I perused it. We were in a hot tub splashing each other when my mom came up and told me to get away from him and she was disappointed in me. Then woke up.

27 Apr 2024



I dreamed of my old best friend Vanessa who didn’t ever talk to me anymore due to some misunderstanding. I was not invited to her wedding, but I still went there to send my blessing to her. In the dream I feel disappointed that I wasn’t invited and our friendship was broken.

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