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Dream Interpretation: Rejection ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Rejection? Discover the significance of seeing a Rejection in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Rejection appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

If you have a dream with this symbol, it represents your struggles with self-esteem and confidence. It suggests that you feel lacking and deficient in front of others. It also signifies certain parts of you which you must distance yourself from.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Your lack of confidence and self-esteem are causing you trouble in your relationships, making you feel alone and rejected. Learn to value yourself first and then watch as others also begin to acknowledge your worth.

โค๏ธ Feelings

This dream of rejection may evoke feelings of sadness, disappointment, and hurt. It may leave one feeling unwanted, unaccepted, and isolated. The dreamer may experience a sense of loss, low self-esteem, and a fear of being abandoned or neglected. The emotions associated with this dream can be overwhelming and may linger even after waking up, impacting one's mood and self-confidence.





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Dreams of users containing the word Rejection

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14 Jul 2024



I am in a beach then im indoors and there are men all around me. A lot in military uniform and other uniforms. I walk with some of them. One that is taler than me hugs me from behind, he is tall, and strong and i like it and we walk this way to a table. I see his face i wish he was more handsome but hes ok. Then im sitting with another guy who is upset he is rejected by a younger women. I try and explain to him the science of attraction and i add in a layer about age. I say โ€œ if we are both an 8 out of ten, we need to find someone who is an 8 in our age rangeโ€

11 Jul 2024

Text message


I had a dream that I was looking at my tablet, when my friend Yehor finally replied to a text I sent. I was waiting a while and was excitedl because it had been 4 days since I saw him. He texted; "I'm good, how are you?" "Thank you, Florida is niceeeee!" and "I'm not going to the summer group, I'm going to the autumn one instead" I was very happy he answered, and when I woke up I was really hoping he actually did text me back, but I checked my messages.... And no reply, still...

9 Jul 2024



I had a dream about my ex and how he rejected me so much while I tried my best to get his attention and love. He eventually seemed to give in, he stayed at my familyโ€™s house with me, sharing bed with me. It seemed we were together again. Iโ€™ve missed it definitely. It felt so nice to be hugged and cuddled by him. Yet itโ€™s just a dream. He definitely didnt seem to want anything to do with me in the beginning. He seemed annoyed with me until he eventually loosened up.

28 Jun 2024



So I was dreaming that we were on our farm, the farm in the Kalahari that Hazel Raven sold. It's my family and my husband's family. I'm dreaming that I'm going to the karal, which is in the camp where the house is, and we need to work cattle. We need to get the cattle in the karal and work the cattle. I'm going to the karal and what I notice is there are three or four horses in the karal, but there isn't a gate that can open to let them out, and it seemed to me that they've been there for a while. So I start working to get them out of there, and when I come to the last horse, I started to stress because I just knew this was a horse that my father paid a lot for because it's a very good riding horse and tame, but because the horse has been in the karal for a while, it was biting and kicking me because of its frustration, and I'm trying to help it to get out. And as I was busy, my father and brothers and my husband, oh, and my husband's mom and dad, they come walking, and the first thing I see my dad on his face, he's very angry at the horse, he gets the horse out of the karal, and as the horse was running away, he whipped it out of anger. And I was sad because I didn't like it, but the people, my brothers and my husband's mom started to laugh, my husband was looking confused, and me also, but nobody said anything because we have to work the cattle now. Anyway, as I was looking, I saw a dark figure in a cloak that nearly represented the Grim Reaper, but nobody else saw this figure except for me. I noticed it going from the ground to the sky, at least 300 meters in the sky. When you look at it, you can't see its face, but then suddenly you see a skeleton face. It was drifting around the sky, opening and closing its arms, like when you want to hug somebody. Then my dreams skipped to where we were in the garage of the farmhouse. It was evening, everybody was working in the garage. My brothers and my husband were working on the motorbike, they were dirty and full of oil. I was standing at the entrance of the garage with this figure, talking to it, I was saying stuff like, no, you'll fit in, don't worry about it, just take your cloak off. And as the figure took its cloak off, it was a young boy with darkish brown hair and darkish eyes, but you could see... but you could see the youth in his eyes, on his face. And, yeah, I was just comforting him that he will fit in and everything, but he didn't fit in, nobody wanted to give him something to do, and he wanted to do something. He kept asking my brothers and my husband, he kept asking my brothers and my husband, I can do this, I can do that, but nobody wanted to give him something to do. And then the dreams skipped to where we were all sitting in the living room eating, but he was sitting on a chair all by himself eating alone, and that's the whole dream.

17 Jun 2024



Conflict with an ex lover and feelings of betrayal and rejection

15 Jun 2024



In my waking life the last dream was consistent with my emotions. They being the women want me but I reject them nowadays and I get sex I am not a sexless virgin and I have a huge cock but they manipulate me and bribe me for money Iโ€™ve lost over $13,000 yen and dollars because of those Asian sluts at least I got laid though in real life and completely drenched their slutty faces in cum haha jokes on you dream app I donโ€™t need you to tell me Iโ€™ve been betrayed or insecure or rejected because women are wanting sex from me now in real life and I laugh in their faces and make them feel like the useless sacks of slutty whore pig shit they actually constitute to be also presumptuously speaking.

30 May 2024



I had a dream that it was me and a few other girls competing for the same guy. I made him some food and warmed it up in the oven. He then fell asleep and I ate his food. He continues to overlook me as I was doing nice things and just slightly showing him I was interested. He continues to keep me around and kind of suggested that he was only keeping me in his presence because I was cool and responsible but I think he liked the things I did for him like clean up and cook and be cool. I donโ€™t know if this is important or not but he was also a celebrity, very handsome with a lot of money and influence. Who wouldnโ€™t desire him! At the end of the dream he was alone in a room and seemed to very stressed about his latest business endeavor. I came to him and wrapped my arms around him while sitting on his lap in a very intimate way. I told him some encouraging words and poured into him nothing but pure love and support. Something I knew the other girls could never do, I seen him for who he really was and just wanted to be apart of that. In the beginning he rejected me but true love always wins! I also want to mention that I felt very safe and a strong sense of love as I embraced this handsome man in my arms. It was a Devine sense of equal femine and masculine envers balancing off of one another.

24 May 2024



I donโ€™t remember the exact situation of the dream, but the overall feeling of it was rejection. It was rejection of being bisexual, but to a degree of hatred and actual violence as a response. It was all dirsected at me, and the people doing it were people I knew and thought wouldnโ€™t have cared like my family.

5 May 2024



I dreamed I went to a major city on an airplane with a group of my friends and an ex-crush of mine Who in real life I know as a cheater. I had an entire adventure with them and eventually came back the same day on an airplane. I started growing closer to my crush and eventually we ended up having passionate sex, so intense that I worried about the morning after pill afterwards, I also forgot that we were doing it on my friends sheets and that sex leaves a residue so I had to apologize for that, I then tried to admit my fetishes to my now girlfriend people kept interrupting me and eventually when I did reveal my fetishes she flatly rejected them which completely stunned me and I ended the dream contemplating the relationship.

25 Apr 2024

My crush
High School


I dream of my crush. I m trying to move on from him . We never talked . I just adore him from in my highschool. He hurt me alot he was always ignored me and rejected me

18 Apr 2024



I dreamed that I was in a group setting, kind of like high school or church with lots of people. In the dream I was being talked to by people I did know and people I didn't ... They were all misgendering me and I didn't make a big deal about it because I knew they weren't doing it on purpose and I was just about to be involved and respectful. Until I made it to one lady who I was going to sit behind, and my friend introduced me and she misgenered me, so I let her know my pronouns were they/them and my friend with me nodded in approval... The lady didn't care to hear that so my friend started to explain why I use those pronouns ... Which made me feel a little embarrassed and exposed, then the lady said "you can sit right here she will be alright" rejecting the idea of my pronouns in a polite southern fashion.

5 Mar 2024



It was a mix of dreams. First ones was me getting told off by Maddie how much of a horrible person I was and how Mum is right and how I deserve rejection from others. Other one was how what I did at Walmart was deserved and I am a truly awful person who is mean and nasty. Third, one was me receiving the long email from Walmart about all the awful shit I did. Last one was just me practicing on Daisy with my dogs just to calm it all down while people kept hammering on the door to open up and face what I did. I woke up tired.

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