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Dream Interpretation: Graduation 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Graduation? Discover the significance of seeing a Graduation in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Graduation appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes achievement, success, and accomplishment. It represents the end of a phase in your life and the beginning of a new one. It may also indicate a sense of pride and self-worth.

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🧭 Direction


This dream is a positive sign that you are on the right path towards achieving your goals. Keep working hard and stay focused on your objectives. Celebrate your accomplishments and take pride in your achievements. Remember that this is just the beginning of a new chapter in your life, so be open to new opportunities and experiences.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of graduation evokes a sense of accomplishment, pride, and fulfillment. It symbolizes the culmination of hard work and dedication, leading to a significant milestone in one's life. This dream elicits feelings of joy, relief, and a sense of achievement. It signifies the end of a chapter and the beginning of new opportunities and possibilities. Graduation dreams often bring a sense of excitement and anticipation for the future, as well as a sense of closure and satisfaction for the past.





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Dreams of users containing the word Graduation

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30 Jun 2024

Back to school
High School


I has a graduation party for high school, I went back and finished the last year.

18 Jun 2024

High School


I think we celebrated our graduation from high school. My friends and me stand in a circle, maybe around something in the Center, ritualistically. Some talk to me

17 Jun 2024



I keep having dreams with the same male co-worker last nights dream we were at a graduation party together and I found an old t-shirt of his and stole it so I could wear it in private

10 Jun 2024



I was with my family at my graduation. I hugged them all and noticed my ex was sitting close to them. He didn't say anything so I ignored him. After I talked to my family members, I noticed millions of tiny blue frogs crawling all over me. They were small enough to fit under my fingernail. I tried getting them off of me but they wouldn't leave. They made my skin itchy then I was going numb everywhere

9 Jun 2024

Childhood home
Sexual Assault
High School


I’m back in high school and my friends and me were planning our graduation prank (something we’re actually working on right now). I remember sitting in class, my school being a mix of my high school and the campus of my former middle school. I’m together with my high school friends and we go out of the school to go on a quest that was also a trip. We meet new teenagers in our age. One place was at a river. We sit on the beach and have fun together. I’m suddenly alone with only a girlfriend of mine (who i don’t know in real life) and she’s on a small sand-island on the river that is connected to the beach. There are also the two other teenagers who have been drinking since we joined them on the beach and lay on their backs in the sand. One of them stands up and goes towards my friend on the island in a threatening manner, like he wants to sexually assault her. I try to stop him and he suddenly grabs me by my throat and presses me against something hard like a street lamp. But it’s the doorframe of the living room in the apartment I’ve lived in when I was a child and young teen. I feel him pressing my back so hard against the edge of the doorframe that i started to feel my bones and get scared of him breaking them, so i squirm in his grasp. Me and my high school friends had to drive with the subway, the public transport I used to drive with to get to my former middle school. We have a group chat, a mix of all the graduates who want to be a part of our graduation prank. I don’t know some of them and suddenly they joined us in the subway. As they introduced themselves I saw an old friend from my second former middle school, who in real life I want to have contact with again. She is with her friends, also a group of people I don’t know. I lean in to hug her but but she tells me she’ll sit on the subway seat so I ask her if it’s still fine if we hug and she agrees. It was slightly awkward but that’s how we are sometimes, and hugged. I wake up.

6 Jun 2024

High School
Old friend


Dreamed I was at my high school graduation and I was sitting on the podium in a big comfortable king chair. Everyone that walked/graduated got to see me. I over heard students in shock that I was there and where curious. There was an old friend in the crowd, he’s older than me and wasn’t supposed to be there but was making me feel like he lied about something. He ignored me and didn’t wanna talk. I woke up missing all the friends I use to have.

6 Jun 2024



I was with my mom looking at different horses to buy and doing these weird tricks on some of them. Then I was with all my friends at the Jr High in the Auxiliary gym watching an elementary graduation. My mom was also there and she was around all of these little kids because she’s always loved babies and being a mother. I was around all of the little kids too and playing with them sweetly. My mom left for a while and then came back with a pregnancy test, and said she was pregnant. (She just got married and is currently on her honeymoon in real life) But then she said she was kidding and wasn’t actually pregnant. There was also another girl that was kind of chunky, African American, older, and definitely not my boyfriend’s type. She looked older but apparently she was 13. She said she was pregnant and was going to be a proud mom. And somehow, in the dream supposedly the father to her baby was my boyfriend, Harry. Then there was like a combination of one of my school hallways and a local movie theater. I got called out of the classroom or something to go to a movie with my boyfriend, Harry. I remember him being Harry in my dream, but he didn’t act like him at all and I can’t remember if he even looked like him. This guy was acting really weird and creepy, almost like a psychopath. After the movie, he was supposed to make me drinks. I didn’t trust him, and thought that they would be poisoned. I saw a bottle of alcohol under the table of drinks as well. I kept asking him if he did something to them and he said no. I ended up drinking it and going back to class and I think it was fine. Everything was very mixed up and I couldn’t remember much and I think I had several dreams that fed into each other.

5 Jun 2024



I dreamed of my ex and we were talking at first. There was a song and we both heard it "Running Home to you". She laughed and said she is running home to me. Then the dream shifted. I was in my childhood hometown. There seems to be some sort of graduation going on. In my mind, I felt like I had to choose someone to be in a relationship. I was hugging my old childhood friends on both sides. One was blonde and another was brunette. But I remember one will be married and another already have three children. I didn't know what to do. I stayed in that hometown and there was a old male friend. He was a football coach at a high school. I felt lonely being in that town. Then the dream shifted. I was watching from space of what is going on to Earth back in 1000 or 2000 years ago and all I see was war and destruction everywhere from all sides of the Old World.

1 Jun 2024

Movie Theater


So in this dream I was at the movies with my family my mom dad and sister TAYLOR and in the movies we could just drive up to the theater and get out on and go in and watch the movie so after the movie we come out and I get on TikTok and I’m scrolling and I see this woman turn around and get infront of a man in a wheelchair and Hoist him up on her back and when he’s up u I thought he was sleep until she said day in the life with my dead husband and I scrolled to another video because I don’t like seeing dead people so I ended up taking my moms phone and seeing pictures of our cousins new home and we ended up going there so she was telling us about her house in the dream she got her house in 2020 but since we where in a pandemic we couldn’t see it so finally in 2024 we are able to she her home so as I wheeled my mom in her wheelchair in the house to look at it we were looking at the pictures on her phone as well so I ended up upstairs and I was looking around on the stair case walls it had pictures drawn by cousins children and they drew a picture of Michael Jackson and as my mom was being wheeled up the stairs by my sister my mom got scared and didn’t want to come up. Then my other cousin jatavia and my friend Rémy came over and we where talking all of a sudden we started talking about jatavia came up behind me and I told her I don’t like that she believes in astrology, tarot cards, and zodic signs and that one day Jesus was coming back and jatavia said that’s not true and I believe what I believe and remy said that is true and my mom said yeah Remy u are all mixed up in both and that is not good because Remy believes in hoodoo and god and I ended up admiring that I believe in tarot cards, zodic signs and his too and then the dream changed to me and Kayla Nicole tv (KNT) being cousins and we where planning her graduation party while she was planning I was looking at her YouTube page wondering why she always changes rooms when she dose her YouTube page and where dose her husband and kid be at when she dose the videos and I was happy for her and she was also making a video in the process and when we sat at the table she was telling her friends in their ears she wasn’t really gonna come to my graduation party because I didn’t come to her first one while I was at the table it’s four of us at the table and I leaned over and apologized for not coming to her first one and that my dad was really busy and we couldn’t go and that’s when she felt bad for what she said and said oh I understand that out daddies are always busy

29 May 2024



I was at some sort of event, like a graduation. There were people there I only saw or spoke to for a quick second in my dream that I haven’t talked to or seen for years in real life (Harvey and navari) I was looking for my friend (honey) in the dream because she had disappeared and that’s who I was there with. I said something to navari and told her I’d come back to hang out and she said Ight bet and I left to keep looking for honey. I used my hands as binoculars and I spotted honey she was waving towards me. From a distance it looked like bleachers when I spotted her, when I went to go on the bleachers the bleachers turned into this seating thing but it was really complicated to get in or around the bleachers because it was like a building. We were all sitting down after I found honey, I’m not sure who me and honey were hanging out with but we were talking about whatever we were sitting on, in my dream they were bleachers but not normal bleachers. As we are sitting on the bleachers the bleachers moved in a rollercoaster like way. It just moved a little bit but was enough to shake us and concern us. We talked about how it could break on us because people don’t actually test them out or set them up correctly, the bleachers moved us again and the bleachers turned into like a roller coaster that spinned in circles. As we were rolling some people looked concerned while others didn’t as much or maybe it was a delayed reaction. I noticed we were about to hit the woods and trees. And somehow I shift my body to stop the whole thing from spinning and hitting the trees. I ended up falling under whatever we were about crash on, it became like a tarp. I was screaming saying “I’m under here! I’m under it!” Hoping I wouldn’t be left behind or forgotten. I seen a man from accorss the tarp and it seemed at first he was stuck too. I asked him “are you okay?” He shook his head yes but no words came out. Before I could say anything else, he started glowing. Behind him was like dark but had bright glowing white behind and around him. it looked like her was crawling to me but I never figured out his intentions. When he said no words to me and I seen him start glowing I chose flight. I don’t know how exactly I get out from under the tarp but I immediately start looking for my mom to tell her about the accident and the man I saw, so much happened at one time. I was searching and searching for her yelling and asking any and everyone “where’s my mom? I can’t find my mom, I need my mom”. Somehow I end up at my aunts house still looking for my mom. My aunt had a curtain as a doorway to her bedroom. I looked in her bedroom from one side of the curtain and then the other, I did a double look from both sides of the curtain again and on the left side of the curtain her room was brown , darker more ran down. And from the right side her room was more clean and almost everything in her room was white. I turn around to question why I’m seeing two different rooms in one doorway, i started to question it , i think i was stumbling on my words. She smiles and asks me if I like her room. Confused still. I start to stutter trying to understand everything. From the accident, the man from the tarp, and now I’m seeing two different types of rooms from one doorway. We don’t exchange words much. Honey come back this time she doesn’t look like honey but it is her. She seems disoriented, moving zombie-like. I ask her “honey are you okay?” She doesn’t respond. Me again, “Honey? Are you good?” She doesn’t answer me. After that I remember going back to continue to look for my mom but then I woke up.

25 May 2024



It was my grad ceremony and they were dedicating clips to all of us and thpse dedicated to my coursemates and I were glitchy, also we sat in chairs that moved automatically so we didn't have to find our own way to the auditorium

24 May 2024



I dreamt I was graduating highschool again and there were a lot of steps I walked the stage or “steps” like 3 times to really soak it in and afterwards I felt the same sadness when I graduated in real life nd left highschool I felt like I everything was leaving me and all that I knew was gone, and I had no clue who I was without seeing the same people or going to the same school or having something lined up for me to go afterwards, in my dream I choose a college but I didn’t feel confident about it just like in real life,

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