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Dream Interpretation: College 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a College? Discover the significance of seeing a College in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a College appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of college symbolizes a desire for knowledge, growth, and self-improvement. It may also represent a need for guidance and direction in your life. Alternatively, it could indicate feelings of anxiety or pressure related to academic or career goals.

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🧭 Direction


Consider what aspects of college stood out in the dream. Are you struggling with a particular subject or feeling overwhelmed by the workload? Alternatively, are you enjoying the social aspects of college life? Use this dream as an opportunity to reflect on your current path and make any necessary adjustments to achieve your goals. Don't be afraid to seek guidance or support from others.

❤️ Feelings

The dream about college may evoke feelings of excitement, anticipation, and nervousness. It symbolizes a new chapter in life, personal growth, and the pursuit of knowledge. It may also bring about feelings of pressure, stress, and the need to perform well academically. This dream can represent the desire for success, independence, and the fear of failure. It may also reflect the nostalgia for past experiences and the longing for a sense of belonging in a new environment. Overall, the dream about college elicits a mix of emotions, ranging from enthusiasm to anxiety, as it represents a significant transition and the beginning of a transformative journey.





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17 Jul 2024



i broke into someone's house with me and some friends i didn't know and we partied inside their house then cops showed up because it was the house of like the Chief of police, and i was able to smooth talk my way out of any punishment. And then i played college football with the chief and helped the chief of polices mom and then i was invited to family functions forever and ever but like everyone in the county was there so it was pretty crowded

17 Jul 2024



I had a drream that i was on knickerbocker and whycoff ave. It was a combo of being in dystopian future but feeling like the present. Im with a group of people. Some are friends. We want to try ice cream but the shop is closed. I get to my apartment and im going through my archives of projects i have wanted to work on. And i come across a podcast i started of what jt was like going to college while living jn a shelter. (This is not true in my waking life, i have never lived in a shelter). I run into dave chappele who is messaging one of his friends. He worried they are mad at him. Hes my neighbor. He asks me, if its ok if i come by later, and “slap the shit out of me till i come” and i tell him, “you asked me years ago and i said yes, but you never followed through. The answer is yes dave” in my dream dave and i are friends for many years with mutual friends. He tells me there is a sketch show in which Gordon ramsy shows his mother pornography. I find it strange, but gordon is going to be cooking for my party at my apartment so i figured i would ask him about it when i see him

15 Jul 2024

Swimming Pool


I had a dream that me and my brother, who we both went to college together, but I had a dream that we had just gotten out of school for the summer, like our final exams had just finished up. So we decided to throw this like house party or whatever to like celebrate but it was weird because we're like we're gonna have a big old house party for like several days like we're gonna make the big old event it's about a week-long party And so then like a bunch of people who we were in band with showed up and they were all there and chillin and the first night was fine but then everyone woke up together and we were like the next day we were like we should go swimming in the pool because I guess we had a pool in this imaginary house And the house in my dream was huge, like it was massive, and then so we everyone was getting ready to go swim in the pool and some people were just like, oh we're just gonna like, especially the guys were like, we're just gonna take off and go swimming in our boxers or whatever. And I was like, okay I need to go grab my swimsuit. And so I'm like trying to find my swimsuit, blah blah blah. And then my ex, my actual real-life ex came in and like confronted me and then started trying to like make out with me and like was like trying to get me back or whatever and I was just like wishy-washy about it and then I was like no I'm not interested so then he started talking crap about me to everyone who was at the party and then um so I was like whatever so I went to go get my like I continued on to go get my swimsuit and then I ran into another friend and he started like trying to grab me and like feel on me and like put his hands on me and stuff and I was like dude I'm just trying to go grab my swimsuit like go chill with everyone in the pool I ain't about that right now he's like oh but they're being so boring and blah blah blah I just want to be with you I was like dude no and then finally one of the girls came in and she was like everyone's spreading a bunch of rumors about you that like you're easy and all this stuff and then my brother came in and he was like came to my defense and it's like it's just one guy who's her ex who was abusive and shitty as hell and then another guy who she rejected so like of course they're gonna spread rumors you know like thank you it was nice that like my brother stood up for me like that when the girl was like I guess I really shouldn't have believed um I haven't really got a chance to know you And so we made up and I was like well I'm going up to my room to grab my swimsuit because I still didn't manage to do that. I was like my cat's up there if you want to meet her and no one else at the party's gotten to meet her yet and she was like yeah totally I'd love to meet your cat and so we went up there and my cat Pearl was there and for some reason my room suddenly became like like a loft apartment style room and it was really interesting. It was like okay we're changing locations. and so we were in this like loft like we were in this apartment like or we were on the lower floor where like my bedroom was then we like went up this tiny little like ladder thing and then we were in the upper part it was just like a little like Japanese style mattress on the floor and like a bunch of the windows were like open and stuff and so Pearl could like get out of them and all that and so I hadn't realized until that moment that she was able to escape that easy And all the neighbors were like, she would escape and then the neighbors would like pick her up and start petting her and start loving on her. And then they'd be like, oh is Pearl your cat? I thought she was just a neighborhood cat. And I was like, nah, she's my cat. And then I woke up.

12 Jul 2024

Best Friend


My best friend and I were in college together. I had a free period so I went to a class with her. I remember a bunch of isles and I remember a bunch of people and a bunch of smiles and laughter. Next thing I know there’s the hallways lit with dim blue light. There was some type of race or something going on. I don’t quite remember. Something happened and my best friend got mad at me. Apparently I did something she didn’t like and I retorted with well you did it before so why are you mad. Next thing I know we are in separate rooms with a door connecting them and this glass that slid down halfway. My boyfriend was in the room with her laying on the bed. I asked if he was okay. He said yeah and closed his eyes. She was sitting on the bed next to him and I remember being mad and closing the glass

11 Jul 2024



i was at my new college and there was a lot of stressful yet fun things going on. this dream turned into another one kinda where i was just hangin out somewhere drinking and my boyfriend and brother and friends came and started hanging out with me but then my boyfriend went off to do something without telling me and at that point one of my old bestfriends wanted to facetime me but he didn’t wanna make my boyfriend mad. then i started my period in my dream then me and my boyfriend were in the shower together talking about shampoo then i got woken up

7 Jul 2024

Plane Crash


I had a dream about my older brother on his way to his college in a plane and the plane crashed in the middle of our hometown

7 Jul 2024



I had a dream last night that I'd been away somewhere. I think, I think I was at a hotel and I think it was like a dream I've had before where the hotel was also a college or a university and I was having to walk through places to try and find a room and then the room was really small, almost too small, and then I was getting the train back and I was really looking forward to going home because I was so tired and I sat on the train and I was thinking I was going to have to get the train miles away from home and it started going down the road where I used to live when I was a child and I was like brilliant I can get off early. So I rung the bell, got off the train and it stopped just after the bridge and I got off the train, although it was more like a bus because it was on the road, and I had to walk over the bridge to get back home and I remember I was dragging my feet because I was so tired and I was barely making it over this bridge and I went across the road at the top of the bridge and there was loads of emergency vehicles driving down and I had to really time it right to get over the road because I couldn't go very fast but I only had a small gap so I got over the road, walked down the old road where I used to live and walked down this little thin alleyway that was there and I walked in the back garden and my mum had been in the garage and she came out and she goes, oh we weren't expecting you and I said oh I've managed to get the train closer to home. Anyway, I dragged myself inside, put my stuff down, dragged myself upstairs, I was so tired and I went to see Abby in her room and Abby wasn't in her room, there was a boy in the bed, paddling this blonde girl and I recognised the boy as Abby's boyfriend and I was like I don't know who she is. So I finally said hello, he said hello, I went round into the next room and Abby was in there and I said oh Abby, you're not in your bed, she said oh no my boyfriend's in there and I said okay who's that with him and he said oh just a friend and I said well who's cuddling her and she said yeah I know and I said well that's not right is it. So I was like I'm not having this. So I then went back into the room where the boy was cuddling the girl and I threw them both out and then I said to her I was like right I'm going to sort this one out once and for all. So I got her phone and I started recording voice notes to him saying how it wasn't appropriate that he was doing that and even if Abby was alright with it, it wasn't alright and he shouldn't be doing it and I left about fifty voice notes and she was just like oh right okay and I was like I can't believe this, I've come back and I'm so tired and I'm having to sort this out.

5 Jul 2024

Angry at Dad


I dreamt that I was with my family, my father, brother, stepmom, and members in a house or vacation rental. With each day of our stay at the rental, there was an accumulation of clutter such as boxes, bags, magazines, toys, books and luggage, carry-on, etc. As time lapsed only a path remained open to allow for movement within the house. As the clutter accumulated, so did my anxiety and frustration grow the unhealthy environment. In another part of my dream, I was driving at night on a busy thoroughfare. My father was sitting on passenger side, making unhelpful comments about me to which I got very angry and snapped back at him. The dream seem to continue with another part where I had returned late from my summer vacation. I was reporting to work very late, long after the initial meeting had started. I didn’t know what to do or what was going on, and I felt embarrassed. There was a college class I was taking and I knew I couldn’t or didn’t have the first paper that was due that day.

1 Jul 2024

Serial killer


I was with my family driving to a college on a hill to surprise my boyfriend with a gift when me and my family got there the class had just gotten out I saw my boyfriends truck but he never came out students were pouring out of the door all from the most recent graduated class from my high school I saw a person I knew a friend of my boyfriends and I asked him if he knew were my boyfriend was I was very paranoid like I knew something was wrong he said he didn’t know were he was then I saw my former English teacher from last year I asked her about my boyfriends whereabouts he had gone to the bathroom and never returned to class that’s when I started to panic I started looking for my boyfriend and when I found him he had been killed brutally in the way a serial killer would kill somebody I broke down crying in my dream when I looked back up u saw two dead forms of my boyfriend different this time one was hanging from the tree neck cocked looking at me and the other standing like a statue with shirikins stuck to his right cheek I screamed out crying

28 Jun 2024



I had a dream I was back in college but the difference was I had already been and I was doing much better I was going to networking events like clubs and I was it was the beginning of the semester and my mom was driving me around in real light I had to leave my mom my car for a while while in college. I went to a film club and then started to feel good about how I was participating more, but the anxiety set in when I realized I was actually going to have to do Work for 2 or 4 years!

28 Jun 2024

Violence and death
Running away


I had a dream it was in a reoccurring destination spot in my dreams. It resembles Brooklyn-queens but it’s only in my dreams. In the first time I visited this spot (not in this dream) I got off the train and went into the red building on the upper floor where I played video games with the daughter that owned the building. If you go left from the train stop, there’s the red building and some bus stops, if you go straight, there’s a lot of restaurant, bars, thrifting, the college, bougie seafood spots, and eventually the waterfront. If you go right, there would be a bridge, ferries, and other city destinations. However, in this dream, I was in a college class for one of the last classes and I was going on summer break. I was looking for a group of girl friends to go have a meal with but there was clique separation happening with the Dominican girls and three girls who were very beautiful but all pale light skin left me and another girl who are caramel skinned behind. When I confronted them about it they said don’t worry girl we’ll go next time but I felt like they were lying. Then I was grabbed from behind playfully by this cute chocolate skin boy who I would be dating and I said thank you from grabbing me away from that situation right in time. He said no problem it was awkward to listen to. We kept walking down the street back to the train stop and red building intersection but there was a lot of commotion and people happening. I see there’s a white man trying to signal into the window of the red building like someone is in there. But as he is looking away the man he is pointing to shoots him behind the head with an automatic gun. I try to take out my phone to record from a safe place but then everyone starts running away and I can’t record or see anything anymore so I start running away too. I realize I don’t know where to hide, I think I got shot and I woke up.

27 Jun 2024



In a group of like 20 people and we’re supposed to go skydiving. I’m terrified they’re looking for other group leaders but no, I don’t even know if I’m going to be able to do this. At the same time, Steve Schwartz is talking about Kenna who just died at the college. Announcing her memorial and some other People I don’t know who they are, but they’re doing this nice thing about all our kin and native languages.

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