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Dream Interpretation: School šŸ˜“ - What Does it Mean to Dream About a School? Discover the significance of seeing a School in your dream šŸ’¤ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a School appears in your dream āœ…

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šŸ’”Possible meaning

This symbolizes knowledge, wisdom, and freedom. It is also related to gaining new insight into life and paying attention to waking life issues. Often such dreams connect to having panic attacks and anxiety issues. It suggests that you are considering some changes that make you nervous or feel judged and critiqued as a teacher would do at school.

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šŸ§­ Direction

Bad omen

Be self-aware and confident about any decision you have made in life. Do not let anxiety or nervousness take your peace of mind. Instead, focus on developing your ability and skills, as they will help you attain the things you desire.

ā¤ļø Feelings

The dream about school may evoke feelings of nostalgia, anxiety, or even excitement. It could symbolize a desire for knowledge, growth, or a sense of structure in one's life. The emotions associated with this dream may vary depending on personal experiences and memories related to school.





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18 Jul 2024



I was in a crowded hallway at my old school. A man with a small beard came up to me looked me in the eyes and squeezed my boob so, to attract attention, I loudly told him to stop grabbing my boob. No one noticed so I told the teacher and they blew me off and said that it was probably an accident but I tried to say it was purposeful. I wanted to cry because I felt ostracized but I stayed strong because I was at school. I was also stressed because I had homework to finish for science or history class

18 Jul 2024



I am at a school. There is a male figure selling drugs to students. I am tempted and bought some. I am walking all over the campus trying to find a bathroom stall to use. The entire time I am walking around I am hiding the pipe in my pocket so no one would noticed. Every few moments I would notice the tip of the pipe is poking out my pocket and my hands isnā€™t in my pocket to cover it. I would panic and hide it again with my hands. Every bathroom I go to is either full or doesnā€™t have a stall. I tried to enter a female bathroom but there was females in every one of them. I finally found one but the walls was glass. I see people walking by but no one notice me in there. I take the pipe out my pocket but instead of using I end up destroying it and flushing it down the toilet. At some point, in the search for a bathroom, I am searching for a car. I see a teacher and a student in the parking lot talking. I know who they are. I had this feeling the teacher would be in trouble for doing that as it seemed like fraternization. I walked away. I am in the principle office. The female figure principle notice the teacher and the student through a window. I told the principle the student was struggle with school work and the teacher is trying to help the student. The principle seem to accept my response. Another incident happened while looking for privacy in the bathroom. As I am search for an empty bathroom, a male figure teacher approach me. The conversation seem very flirtatious. The male figure teacher was smiling and touching me in a way that felt obvious he wanted me. I was attracted to him, too. After our conversation we went out separate ways. I am walking around but the scene is no longer a school or it was still the school but had a building with many doors. When I walked in there was a stage and what seemed like a theater. Lots of people were everywhere. I am sitting down listening to someone on stage. I felt a know the person speaking. The female figure was talking about someone as if they are sharing a meaningful memory they have. I hear a female figure who felt like my mom making a negative comment about the length of the speech and people laughing. Another female figure is now on stage sharing her memory of the person. It didnā€™t fell like a funeral. The energy was joyful and happiness. Throughout the dream certain decisions I made set the scene red or blue. I know why it changed between the two colors because before bed I did a guided meditation with blue sodalite crystal. During the meditation the guide said red was for emotional response and blue was logical response. I felt I integrated the mediation into my dream. In another dream I am setting next to what felt like a male figure. He was an angel. I looked to my right where he is sitting and asked if he want me to bring him to earth or stay where he is. I also was sexually attracted to him and felt myself wanting to make a move. I woke up before I received an answer.

16 Jul 2024



An insight into my dreams I had . Never had a choice to leave school, it wasnā€™t an option. I had to return and be in close quarters with threats (bullies) they bullied me in person and online which probably felt like I couldnā€™t escape feeling unsafe (tigers, lions outside) because I still had threats coming in via phone. My abusive marriage has a similar themeā€” irrationally felt that I had no choice but to stay- feel stuck- even though there are periods of intermittent positive reinforcement. I believe that I truly will never be able to let him go and not be in love with him for the rest of my life. These two variables cross into a distorted dream version of my reality. I am always trying to collect my things and escape but I can never retrieve all of my belongings (heavy grief is associated with the feeling of leaving important items behind) and even when I do get out to a vehicle with my stuff I canā€™t carry it and the car never works/comes to get me.

16 Jul 2024



I had a dream that i picked up a substitute teaching job at a provate school near my house. When i accepted the job i lesrned that i had to be there by 8am for community breakfast. Also the school was located next to a set of food stands that give donation based meals. It could be free it I didnā€™t have the money or a small donation of whatever i had it was a lot of good food so i was excited to get lunch. I was notified that one thing i had to be comfortable with was that at some point we take the kids on a horse and buggy ride in carriages that say ā€œwhites onlyā€- the carriages were old and didnt want to destroy the buggies for that alone. I said i was comfortable just so i could get the job and take pictures and expose the school. When i got to the school it was a really easy schedule. Lunch was in a dinning room. I have been to this school in my previous dreams. Its 6 mins from my house on the otherside of a park. This geography only exists in my dreams. I do take the buggy ride and its so fast and ichave to secure the children i dont have the opportunity to take a picture of the ā€œwhites onlyā€ sign. I get to the school and i find we are going to have a short day because there is a meeting fornthe teachers then a dinner party at a nice restaurant. When we arrive at the buggy rides i find out we are having a private meet and greet with Taylor swift. The studnets are super excited snd we escort them in groups to meet her. She looks very tired. However she keeps a good sport smile on and meets everyone with enthusiasm even tho shes very tired. I cheer her up. We make small talk and i even make her laugh. When she had a break me and a supervisor wanted to make sure she remembered us. He had me place his name stitched to a hat he would give her. I rhinestoned my name into a book she was reading with the school group. She leaves before we can give her the hat or the book. My day is from 8am to 1:30. I want to work here again. But they dont have any jobs to pick up the next day

16 Jul 2024



I saw a recurring dream tonight. I saw a school or an institute that we were in. We were there for our viva and practicals and we were made to wait for a special guest who was a brigadier. While waiting for him, i was with all new people and they were my friends. Till they start our practical exam and viva, we had lot of time left . So we decided to explore the place. While moving inside, one other person who probably was the mother of 2 of my friends started walking along. We used stairs to go inside. And when we reached inside the institute, it resombled a mall with zero shops. It had very long escalators and a new type of escalator which did not have stairs, but was made of rotating metal rods on which it is hard for anyone to reach the top while standing. And it was more than simple to reach the top while lying down in sleeping position. During this exploration, I was with my best friends whom I miss very much and when we came out of the building I met the people who weren't a good memory to me but were my friends. This dream was in two parts : 1st half once before and 1st half along with 2nd half tonight

16 Jul 2024



My brother, cousin and boyfriend and I was in a school but for some reason on a boat, and we were playing a game. every few minutes there was announced a few killers, and u had to run into a safe zone that closes in a few seconds if u werenā€™t a killer. you would hear screams and ppl dying outside the door. eventually, killers cheated and went into safe zones and almost killed everyone. they fixed it after 2 rounds, but i was with my boyfriend and for some reason was seperated from my brother and we had no way to contact so i was worried the entireeeee time. eventually the game was over and was reunited with him. OH and my friend was there i remember seeing her at the end. but inside the safe rooms were like classrooms but with seats going on like a small stadium. I think the dream actuallt started outside like a post apocalyptic thing, cuz i remember running and hiding in someoneā€™s yard from someone, somehow it just switched i canā€™t remember.

15 Jul 2024



I was at school and the only one I. My class room. I was feeling determined to get thw rest of my school assignments done as it was the end of school year. There was a guy that I liked and had shown me some attention in another classroom. I kept wondering if he would come by my class room to flirt. Although I felt focused and anxious as I kept looking through his classroom window to see if he was there.

15 Jul 2024



I was attending this church service with one of my close friendā€™s who lives in Seattle her name is Stephana. I assume the church service was in Seattle because her and her sisterā€™s family was there. I don't remember much about the service besides being there. After service I was ready to leave. Usually when I used to attend church and once I had my own car I will leave soon after service. Whoever I saw on my way out is who I would greet. But my friend and her sister was taking a while greeting folks. I asked the sister are we ready to leave and she said ā€œoh I take my time I'm in no rush.ā€ I was kind of annoyed. I didn't have transportation so I was at the mercy of their time frame. I started walking out and bump into an old high school school mate. We greeted and we chit chatted with one another she was willing to give me a ride. It was heavy raining outside and when we got outside the church it looked like the home church I was raised in back in Boston. We hopped in her car and I decided I couldn't leave my friend since I came with her so she parked her car next to my friendā€™s sister car and I went back inside the church to wait for them. Once they were ready to leave we decided to go grocery shopping. When we got to the grocery store I took a shopping cart for my friend and I and her sister took another cart for her and her family. I started shopping and I remember getting all types of stuff. But I also knew I was traveling in a few days so I was getting lots of things. I got a lot of frozen food too so I thought some things will be in the freezer for when I got back. At this point of the dream I no longer thought I was in Seattle I felt like I was in a city I currently lived in. I was at a grocery store that's in NC but it also felt like I was back home in Boston when I went outside. When the grocery clerk ringed me up the food came up to over $1000. I was shocked and I knew I can't afford that and I would have to return some of these items before checking out. The clerk was nice and also extremely busy but they indicated that after my purchase we can exchange Instagram handles instead of email addresses. Both of which I wasn't interested in providing them but it seems like they were expecting it. The dream ended there. Earlier in the dream I was shopping online for my neiceā€™s upcoming 21st birthday. She had a lot of items on her wishlist but I filtered the list for items under $30. I bought three items on her list for $15 each. I packed her gift in a red tote bag and i needed to write her card. I remember seeing my Neice but she was much younger than what she is now and she needed help packing her lunch. I packed her lunch and got her ready to go school. She looked like she was back in elementary school. The next time I seen her she was at her current age and she wanted to see my birthday present so bad but I told her its not ready yet. I was happy to see her excited about it. When I bought her gift there was a couple deals where I could buy one and get one free the free item I kept for myself cause I thought that was a nice deal. I still had to write my neiceā€™s birthday card and I wanted to give her birthday on her actual birthday and I was looking forward to giving it to her.

15 Jul 2024



I was forced to move back to my old town. But the prices were so high that I could not find any nice homes. I had sold my dream home to move away and now was moving home. I was in a neighborhood. And I was in the neighbor home, which was extremely huge. They were very, very wealthy . They were from the Middle East and they were very traditional Muslim family. They were very nice to me. I had my two children and they had many children. The scene shifts, and then I am in the school that the children all the TED. But I am in my bathrobe. And I am trying to explain to all the families that I have not yet gotten my stuff this is why Iā€™m not dressed . Additionally, in the dream, I am being followed by some man. Iā€™m trying to lose him as I drive to the school. And duck into the doorway.

15 Jul 2024

Baby boy


I dreamed that I had a one year old baby boy. I currently have no kids. I was at my dads finishing a project for school - Iā€™m not in school but thinking of going back and attempting law school. When I finished my assignment I went to pickup my baby boy. But this is where it got weird. He was at childcare held at a casino and it was around 9pm. It took awhile to find the correct room. Iā€™m pretty sure I had a friend with me. I went up to the lady working to check out my son from daycare. I also had to use the restroom so I asked where it was. She told me so I started to head that way. It was down a hall and the hall got increasingly dark with lights flickering. I looked into the menā€™s since my son would potentially use this restroom one day and there was a statue of a large clay human sitting on the counter next to the sink for decor. The statue had blobs over its eyes and it was baby blue. It frightened me immensely. Then I went to look at the ladies restroom. The same figure was in the ladies room on the counter except its eyes were missing and it had pink outlining the empty black eyes. It was so uneasy feeling that I decided not to use the restroom and never to bring my child back to this place. I debated to ask the lady what the statues are but didnā€™t feel it was necessary and I woke up from the dream shortly after that. My son was mixed. Iā€™m currently dating a black guy, heā€™s Haitian and Iā€™m white American/Finnish.

15 Jul 2024



In this dream I come from a fictional fantasy world(think Final Fantasy and all the staples of those MMORPG game and isekai manga worlds combined) Is heading to the capitol ot whatever, green green scapes and the beautiful skies Colors do look a bit washed but we donā€™t talk abt that I meet Scar, a character from the game Wuthering Waves(the settings are very fantasy-Chinese fusion); heā€™s the trickster of the game, fights with magical cards and fire, is often associated with motifs for traditional depictions of Baphomet, the Goat(the horns, the Venusian symbols all over his outfit and accessories, blending of the feminine and masculine, the Pallas symbols too) As I go on with the journey I encounter all the other characters from the same game, thereā€™s some other fantasy characters archetypes in the rosters too I talk with them, we all head to the capitol, weā€™re apparently the people summoned to slay the mythical creature or whatever Thereā€™s the sassy mage, the medic(me, probably?), the knight, and the aforementioned guy from the game(he fights with magical cards), another one of the characters(she fights with a katana, controls the wind element and is a bit of a psychic), and another one who has fiery hair and fights with guns, another is a winsome blue-haired military general who wields water fights with a spear and is associated with the Long(Chinese dragon), another wields ice and is a scientist from the aforementioned game Weā€™re talkin and shit, the scene is by some cliff, thereā€™s the ocean, now the sky looks gray and about to rain any time The conversations arenā€™t looking too peachy, either in a serious or argumentative mood Scene changes At school, walking around Building is dusty, unlit by light I find a lit room For some fucking reason myself is already there talking with my classmates from the end of elementary school and the beginning of middle school(it was an all-girls catholic school) Weā€™re talking about dating and stuff, with me being pried of infos the more the conversations go

14 Jul 2024

Waking up


I was in a classroom that was familiar in context but not visually. I have never been in this classroom in real life but it did look familiar, The teacher was also familiar but not familiar, she was familiar because she was supposed to be my real life history teacher from highschool but my dream didn't have any indications this was history class, my body just automatically knew it was in and outside of them dream, but in this dream she looked like or actually was Madison Beer. I walked in a little late from breakfast downstairs in the cafeteria and was going to my normal spot next to my best friend but half the table was missing and my chair was gone so I sat in my other friend's who was absent chair. I was doing work and was a little behind everyone else copying what was being shown on the screen into my notebook, the teacher who was sitting at my table with me and my friend who was originally absent was making fun of the fact I wrote the wrong date on all of my previous pages in my notebook but it wasn't playful teasing, it was like she wanted to embarrass me in front of the whole class. She pointed out my mistake and started laughing and pointing it out to other kids in the class so they could laugh at me too but while dreaming I didn't notice this so I was also laughing at my mistake. The last thing I remember was a group of 3 boys walking in, one walked over to my table and was talking to the teacher, he then started to go through my work and asked if there was anything he could do, I said no to his two suggestions since I was already done working on one of them and was currently working on the last one. The boy noticed my first page wasn't completely finished and was missing two sentences so he offered to wrote those two last sentences, I said yes since I couldn't hear what the two last ones where. The teacher got upset and asked me "You're really gonna let him do your work?" I was explaining to her that I already did everything, I just couldn't hear what was said so I agreed to let him help and when he was finished writing I would erase it and then rewrite it so it'll be like I did it, I suggested that thinking it would be better and maybe calm her down, we went back and forth and the boy got uncomfortable and said he was gonna take off, the teacher said something indicating she wanted him to stay but he said politely said he was fine and then left. The teacher looked at me, said something and then gave me detention, she was upset that I made the student leave even though I didn't do anything, I was hurt and felt really sad that this teacher did not like me and was tearing up over this student I have never met before so Inwad apologizing and trying to understand what I did wrong, I offered to do whatever she wanted me to do to make it up to her and she said not to talk to her for the rest of the day so I said "ok" before I stopped talking to her I asked her if I can take the last piece of work I didn't finish home since class was over and she snatched it away from me indicating she was gonna grade it regardless of it not being done, I then asked about the other work and she shook her head no while looking back and walking away, I shook my head in understatement and stopped talking to her like she requested, I asked my friend where to put our notebooks and class stuff and he was showing me where every item goes and then I woke up.

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