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Dream Interpretation: Library ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Library? Discover the significance of seeing a Library in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Library appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

A library in a dream represents knowledge, learning, and education. It may indicate that you are seeking answers or solutions to a problem. It can also suggest that you need to expand your horizons and broaden your perspective.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


This dream may be telling you to seek out new information or to educate yourself on a particular topic. Consider taking a class or reading a book on a subject that interests you. Alternatively, it may be a sign that you need to organize your thoughts and ideas. Take some time to reflect on your goals and priorities and make a plan to achieve them.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of a library evokes a sense of curiosity and knowledge-seeking. It brings feelings of intellectual stimulation, as one immerses themselves in the vast collection of books and information. The dream may also elicit a sense of tranquility and solitude, as the library provides a peaceful environment for introspection and learning. It symbolizes a desire for wisdom and understanding, as well as a thirst for exploration and discovery.





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Dreams of users containing the word Library

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14 Jul 2024

Little girl


I was at work my boss asked me did I need anything and I said paper so she brought be some so later on she asked me did I need anything again and I said I need paper so later I went to a vending machine a tried to get some sprite but when I selected sprite I got some pink lemonade keto drink and I was made and all of a sudden my bosses sister that I used to go to school with she was a little girl in my dream and she came to work with us and I was training her and I wanted to get away from work for an hr and she was with me so we eneded up going to a church library to watch a movie so we watched the movie and before we knew it was six a clock and we get off work at 4pm we stayed over the time we were supposed to and my boss will be looking for her sister after work so while we where at the library watching the movie my sister walks in and says hey u not home yet and I was like oh what time is it and she said itโ€™s 6:30pm and I rushed to get my bosses sister out so we can go back to work but I was also wondering how will I explain this and keep my job and as I was wondering that the dream ended. And I work up breathing hard

13 Jul 2024



i'm in an old library and i'm struggling to get assistance from the single person on staff that's helping people out. at one point she pulls out a list of call numbers - i smile and tell her i'm a librarian and that will be fine for me to navigate. i take a picture of the call number list with my phone. a couple of strangers who appear to be friends see this and want to follow me up to the stacks where the books are located. the staff person talks to them as well, and separately advises handling the materials carefully. as i make my way up the stairs to the stacks, a young smiling woman asks if she can see the list i took pictures of. i politely decline, because i found her manner grating. she is aghast and rebuffs me. i continue to decline. i find a book about magic that i want but it definitely belongs to someone else. it's got like a seventies style to it, from the brown color and cover art to the font inside. the last 20 pages are taped together, from the top two inches of the first taped page to the back cover of the book. i audibly complain and someone tells me that the book owner is selfish and holding out on us. now i'm in a small town, visiting home. beds are being remade and made. my parents are there but they don't interact with me much. i see mh dad more. he tells me something. it's getting late and it's dangerous to ride my hike home but i do it anyway. there's a killer/hunter/predator on the loose. when i get home i search for signs of a break in. i only see false signs. the next morning is christmas. i go to a friend's place. they have a funny car cover on - it's a christmas sleigh with a santa sack that's embroidered with the word "sociology" in a loose curly script. i want to take a picture of it. someone knocks it around as they aim to sweep some of the snow away from the car.

13 Jul 2024



I was in a library and this girl started talking to me and took me to another place in the library and I held a small square book that looked purple and leather that said my friend's full name

11 Jul 2024



I'm only going to say what I remember but anyways here we go so there was this boy we were in school (in my dream ofc) anyways then we were standing in line in the halls and then he said mmm mmm mmm as if he liked me then I laughed and fastforward he came over to my house my dad was getting ready to take me and my little sister to school and I told him about him and my dad said you sure thats your friend or boyfriend as in a joking way and I said no he's not and my dad laughed then took me my little sister and the boy to school after I got ready then when got to school me and the boy were about to go to class then we decided to skip class then we were chilling in the library skipping and as he was about to tell me his name bc idk why he didn't tell me when we met my dream got cut short then I woke up and I really want to have a part two tonight bc I was loving that dream so much and wanna know how to have a part two of it.

7 Jul 2024



I was part of a game show to pretend to be a family I had a son my sister with me and a husband. After the game show was over they dropped us off at a location and told us weโ€™re gonna record you so make your life good. We made a tiny house that could only fit 2 people for 5. My son the producers told him go down that river youโ€™ll get everyoneโ€™s attanetion while I was already talking to him he went down and it was like a waterfall scary but at the end it was a regular slide. Me and my son where hurt so the producers took everyone to the hospital we had already made a pre plan to escape everyone but my soon was in the room with the desk we make everyone freeze in the hospital and were also in a school they had an emergency button and called the police we got locked in a libary taht was over flowing with water and I managed to break over a window and everyone escaped. So me my sister my soon and my husband survived. And the criminals helping us and they Gave us a place to stay and a home

4 Jul 2024



My grandparents and I were at Target and were grabbing things but then when we were in the checkout I wanted to go get a book so we went across the store and ive seen this store before and there was a baby but I kept ignoring it so we found the library and I was looking for books and they recommended Colleen Hoover and I said hell no I dont read her but then the shop lady gave me an ipad to preview a book that I liked then i tapped the screen to keep looking and she yelled at me to use the pen and I said im sorry but then there was an earthquake and the store was closing so I checked out the book and cut in line for some reason and I saw this kid that I used to go to school with that keeps being in my dreams and we were joking until we went outside and I went into the car with my mother and we drove through someones home because she felt like it and the the owner was drinking out a stanley yelling at us and was like Im gonna call the cops and my mother was just laughing her ass off

4 Jul 2024



I was in a room that looked like a college library with a group of other people my age, it felt like we had known each other for a while and were all friends. We were studying something, all having books and notebooks. After awhile we decided to break for lunch. As we were leaving I was asked to go check on a friend/classmate that wasn't there to see if he would join us for lunch. Everyone else got in their respective vehicles but I, walking into the middle of the road on front of the place we had just left, and transformed into a green dragon (typical two arms, two legs, pair of wings style dragon) and flew off to get our other friend. I arrived at the place where he was, what seemed like an apartment complex in a forest of trees, elaborate treehouse style that looked like fantasy elves made them, very fancy and elaborate. I walked into my friend's apartment and inside he sat at a square table across from where I entered, with two people I did not know sitting on either side of the table, leaving the seat directly in front of me empty. He asked me what's up, I told him our classmates/friends were going to go get lunch and asked if he wanted to join. He said sure, let me finish up here and I'll go with you. He then asked if o could wait outside until he does. I walked outside and began to survey the scenery while I waited. Everything here was made out of wood, there were bridge pathways in between section of apartments, with rope rails. There was rope netting to prevent anyone falling from anywhere.

22 Jun 2024



I was in a massive library that had at least 4 floors -- maybe more -- with a class of my peers. It housed a collection of favorite texts from the academic and political leaders of the country as well as books they themselves had written. I was most interested in the text on wizardry, sorcery, and alchemy and what those particular books indicated about the leaders who patroned them.

19 Jun 2024

Blonde hair


People: Me A blond woman with glasses An gentle Older white haired woman in the library who seemed to know me and was disappointed. Place: Library School Outside Underground? Wearing: clothes then pants Barefoot Actions Rushing around Sitting in a class Talking to both women Explaining stimming Being tired Being unable to recall what happened that day or how I got there Running around outside Time: Afternoon

17 Jun 2024



My friend Kary teaches in a school. One day, he invited me to have dinner with him and his friends. The location was the library of his school. The school location was very dark and remote. When I walked over, I saw that the window where his working sit was still lit. Knowing that he was still working, I entered the library and saw two library administrador . They Knowing that I was Karyโ€™s friend, they click the security pass buttom for me to entered. I entered through the side door, and then went to the main entrance to open the door and closed it again to stop the doorbell ringing. After a while, Kary came down. Other friends gradually arrived, and we ate together in the library.

13 Jun 2024



Putting my daughter on the bus and their were other parents around. And I would go to this school or something and before I would go to the library I would talk to these two guys and I can tell they had some kind of interest in me so I had a conversation with them. One of them decided to come closer and try and get to know me because I changed my clothes and I told them I wonโ€™t dress like this tomorrow. I went to get the librarians attention and she kept walking off helping others. And I had to chase her down just to end up staring at magazines on a shelf and sorting them out.

9 Jun 2024



I dreamt I had a bunch of late library books

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