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Dream Interpretation: Spirit 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Spirit? Discover the significance of seeing a Spirit in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Spirit appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Seeing a spirit in your dream can represent a connection to the spiritual realm or a desire for spiritual growth. It may also symbolize a need for guidance or a message from a loved one who has passed away.

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🧭 Direction


Reflect on your current spiritual beliefs and practices. Are you seeking guidance or a deeper connection to a higher power? If you feel lost or disconnected, consider exploring different spiritual practices or seeking guidance from a trusted mentor or advisor. If you believe the spirit in your dream represents a loved one who has passed away, take time to honor their memory and cherish the time you had together.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of encountering a spirit may evoke a mix of emotions such as curiosity, awe, and perhaps a hint of fear. The presence of a spirit can create a sense of mystery and wonder, as it represents a connection to the supernatural or the unknown. It may also bring about a feeling of vulnerability or unease, as spirits are often associated with the afterlife or the spiritual realm. Overall, this dream can leave one with a sense of intrigue and a desire to explore the deeper meanings and messages behind the encounter with a spirit.





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Dreams of users containing the word Spirit

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7 Jul 2024



My husband and I were in my room, getting ready for bed. My room had a tall fridge/freezer combo and a full size bathroom attached to the room. I set an item down on the bed in anticipation of putting it in the freezer, when the item is picked up into the air and placed neatly into a wire rack in the open freezer. I ask my husband to watch to see if it’ll happen again, and it does. My brain decides that this is a spirit trying to be helpful. Although the spirit is helpful, at some point, I become fearful of the spirit. I close my curtains better. I let my cats into our room and close the door. I put a laundry hamper in front of the door to keep anything from coming inside. I find myself in the bathroom, scared, repeating “leave my things alone, leave my cats alone, leave my things alone, leave my cats alone.” The fear wakes me up.

30 Jun 2024



I dreamt I was in the middle of a bridge over water. It was a beautiful day. I could see the green land at the end of the bridge. I started to go over the side of the bridge into the water. I did not realize I was dreaming, but I realized I had control. So I stopped falling and floated down to the water. I realized I could walk on the water, so I looked below myself but could not see my body or feet. I figured I was a spirit. I floated across the water toward the land.

25 Jun 2024



I had a dream that i was bringing my spiritual guide, Karly 1 of many pink scarfs to select to baptize for my spirit guide Ezili Freda. When i showed her all the scafs i had she accepted the large plain pink one. She hung it up and it began to be enchanted by ezili fredas spirit in approval of the scarf. A brezzy spirit carried the scarf into the house to be blessed for me

21 Jun 2024



I saw on a wall a big banner that said healing house for all diseases. And in that hospital, the way to treat all physical illnesses is to heal the soul and spirit of the patient first.

10 Jun 2024



I had a dream that I was forced to go to a “mental facility” with is an insane asylum. And I knew that in my mind this place seemed off-ish like my spirt team was telling me that I need to get out of there because it’s not what it seems and I didn’t understand it but I followed what they said , I waited until night time to leave and I ended up escaping and the head master ‘person that is in charge’ got mad and turned into a monster crypt thing and was tryn to chace after me . I got another girl to escape but then she changed her mind and I climbed up some latter thing and jumped into a helicopter and took off before the monster crypt thing could get me . And when I woke up it’s like I had this weird feeling like I was being watched by someone or something. And I woke up with slight chest pain but mostly confused .

9 Jun 2024

Plane Crash


I was about to go to sleep and i was in an old room at my grandparents house. There was someone behind me also in the bed who i cant remember. The closet door was close to the bed and after closing the door that was inside the closet, it opened back up. I went to close it again and it opened again. I then spoke out loud assuming it was a spirit and asked it to close the door and turn off the light and the spirit listened. My dreamed then transformed to me on the plane and the pilot announced that because of a specific person the plane was going to crash into a baseball stadium. The plane ended up crashing and i ended up in third person and watched the plane crash into the stadium.

5 Jun 2024



The details of this entire dream I can’t remember too well but this specific part was very vivid. I was riding on a bus with this woman sitting next to me. She had brown, curly hair and looked familiar. She was talking to me about how she was either scammed or hacked. I had very little interest in the conversation. Suddenly, she turns to look at me and asks “what do you think god fears?” I get a very strong feeling that this is a spirit talking to me. I start to feel like I am watching my dream on a movie screen. I reply that I do not know. I start to gain consciousness and wake up but try to resist as I want to ask the “spirit” questions about life. When I get back in the dream, I get the response “you do know” but I can’t tell if it came from her or me. The rest of the dream I try to reconnect but am unable to properly.

2 Jun 2024



Someone was telling a story to someone else about how I died or disappeared. I went into a restroom with my brother and some others and they all left out the restroom before me. While I was about to leave the restroom, some sort of voice or spirit said something to me and then I was pulled by my hair (but no one else was in there) and I began to be swirled around vigorously to the point where a wind was forming like a tornado. I could even physically feel the wind in real life.

18 May 2024



Tower climbing game We’re climbing a paper tower that looks like one of those red Sino-Japanese temples with roofs stCked on top of each other At school(idk if private or public, japanese high scchool looking but ppl in there are fairly multinational) We’re notified that instead o a regular sport’s day we’ll be doing this and that the event will be occupying three months of our preparation period we could’ve used to prepare for our regular sport’s day Some of my classmates are disappointed that we’re not doing the normal sport’s day I’m excited for the weird tower climbing The tower’s in a weird Japanese garden that’s mixed and integrated into the suburb of wherever we’re living(looks like a mix of Higashi Kurume, Nogata and Sumida) We start climbing There are weird interactions between us classmates and the spirits that inhabit each floor’s 祠 shrine Each spirits mimic the form of our favorite characters and strange memories For me some of them being getting lost on a cloudy, rainy afternoon in the zigzagging town streets, seeing and talkjng to a girl wearing a raincoat, a pair of rain boots and the leather school backpack sporting a vinyl umbrella All of which adorned with age appropriate patterns of pink, red or yellow palette She says smtg cryptic but i know and understand that it’s important Mix of memories of green and le chemin de vent playing in the background Anyways from a certain point in the competition ppl start dropping out I, a person who looks like and probably is Artur and another two people I know irl but aren’t them keep climbing We have some dialogues about how much we’ve changed in the course of events and some other “touching, vaguely philosophical and emotional™️ nostalgic JRPG and anime dialogues that happen at the middle of a challenging moments in the character’s growth” moments We have those additional anime moments And finally i get to the swaying top of the paper tower after being pushed and encouraged by Artur and the two fellow ppl i’ve come to grow much closer with Ppl cheer, MC congratulates, and we’re all instructed how to safely exit the tower There’s beluy’ noch and another surrealist Japanese Ghibliesque game music playing in the backdrops of the fog shrouded town We start climbing off, the scene skips to when we got off the tower and are on the ground watching it fall off and break Now it’s white and like paper

15 May 2024



I'm in a house with my family. They went away. While they were gone, a spirit came into the house in the basement. When everyone came back, they found out about it. I asked a guy named Chase something but he tells me, "No, Monday. I'll get the beer." I look at him surprised because I don't drink alcohol." I said,"Chase, come on." But he was afraid of the spirit. I looked around and everyone was afraid of the spirit. I wanted to show them that there's nothing to be afraid of. I got off of the front porch before someone could stop me. I walked to the side of the house. I was going to walk through a tunnel that was behind of the house. The dream told me that the spirit is right in the middle of the tunnel. It was a woman but I couldn't see her face because her hair was covering it. I become a little bit of afraid because of the way she looked. So, I walked behind the tunnel. The closer I walked towards her, the stronger the pull was. She wanted to get into my mind and make me confused. But I repeated, "Jesus is stronger than this spirit." I got halfway to the back of the tunnel and my nose started to bleed. But I kept going and I kept repeating,"Jesus is stronger than this spirit." My dream switches and I'm in bed with a little nose bleed. Everyone is saying that I made it out and I'm good. But I wanted to know the name of the spirit. I asked Jesus. He said,"That is the spirit of I finally got my own way." I woke up.

9 May 2024



I was in a big building with large marble columns. I was standing on one side of the building next to a column. A man in black tactical clothing came in from the other side of the building. He looks in my direction and points his gun at me and shoots me in the head. I feel a euphoric feeling when the bullet penetrate my head and I feel my body hit the floor but my spirit is still standing

7 May 2024



I dreamed that I was standing on my property tending my garden when 3 giant birds of prey flew over my head. At first I was afraid they were going to harm my chickens or other animals but then I was suddenly struck with the realization that they were there to harm me. They were there to show me something I didn’t know. Instead of fear I felt a sense of awe and amazement at their beauty. I felt the wind blowing at my back and through my hair as if a spirit was speaking gently to my heart.

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