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Dream Interpretation: Award ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Award? Discover the significance of seeing a Award in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Award appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

This dream symbolizes recognition, achievement, and success. It may indicate that you are feeling proud of your accomplishments or that you are seeking validation from others. It can also represent a desire for recognition or a fear of failure.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Take pride in your accomplishments and continue to work towards your goals. Don't let the fear of failure hold you back from pursuing your dreams. Remember that recognition and success come from hard work and dedication. Don't seek validation from others, but rather focus on your own personal growth and development.

โค๏ธ Feelings

This dream of receiving an award evokes feelings of accomplishment, pride, and validation. It signifies recognition for your hard work and achievements, boosting your self-esteem and confidence. The dream may also bring a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction, as it represents the acknowledgment of your talents and efforts by others. It can inspire motivation and drive to continue striving for success in various aspects of your life. Overall, this dream elicits positive emotions and a sense of personal triumph.





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14 Jun 2024



I dreamt about a huge teenage soccer game happening in my friendโ€™s massive backyard, which was a large field. Throughout the game I won an award during a small match of tag for my speed, and was later interviewed for it, although the interviewers oddly didnโ€™t recognize me and questioned whether I was even a player. Later on the game actually became a large soccer match, which my team one using their incredible teamwork and speed. We conducted a huge team celebration and slept over at my friends home, which hosted the event. I woke up in the morning helping my female cousin Monica record a morning vlog on her breakfast with two other members of the soccer team, who I recognized as classmates of mine, one from middle school and one from high school.

7 Jun 2024

Famous Person


I felt as strong ๐Ÿ’ช as Kanye West Yeezus when he was on stage at the 2016 Grammys I feel I'm as good as him everyone cheering me Ye that's right Ye

13 Apr 2024

Kill Someone
Running away


In my dream I was part of the special forces of the army and we were in this house having to protect ourselves from an oncoming attack and we did so successfully. We had to kill some people and I also heard a story of a guy saying that he had to run away from the attackers and he got awarded for that because he survived

22 Mar 2024



I was at an awards ceremony like th golden globes but it was at a warehouse of sorts. My whole family was there. Then i walked to another room following my mom and johnny Depp was there. I was freaking out and went outside where my mom called him out and i was completely embarassed and he looked like he didnt want to be there but i kept talking and then he walked away

19 Mar 2024



I was at an event with my bf and his best friend. My bf ended up winning an award and during it his best friend saw it and started shouting to me from where he was at talking about my mom and everyone looked at me even my bf and everyone was laughing. But then after my bf won the award he went to take a pic of himself so I went up to him and he just barely talked to me and didnโ€™t care.

18 Mar 2024



There was an awards type of event happening at my work. I decided to purchase a creamy white, strapless dress with red poppies on the bottom of the gown and pair of red Christian loubotins. I was told I can get a percentage off because I work there. I remember checking my shoe order and it was the wrong type I ordered so I had to use an older pair.

28 Feb 2024

Make up


Another nap. This dream seemed to take place in my future because I had all my recording equipment I always wanted because it started with me wrapping up a cover of a song. This looked like it was after either a scout meeting or I finally have a local girl scout office of my own! There were certainly a couple extra of awards on my uniform. But the dream switched to me taking what it seems to be my troop for a hike. So I have a troop now! I also don't seem to need Zara anymore and she's older anyway. Along the hike I am teaching my girls some songs and really enjoying it! We end up going back to camp to roast marshmallows and talk. I start cooking over the fire. We all relax, make up stories. I make the troop dinner. After dinner, I play some relaxing songs on my guitar. I then put everyone to bed.

25 Feb 2024

Killer whales
New Job


A water park/aquarium awarded my family free tickets. Me, my daughter, my two sons and their father. We had fun viewing the exhibits and learning about their research on on ocean life. The main attraction was a new species of killer whale raised in captivity and experimented on to allow it to eat trash in the oceans and reduce pollution and oceanic waste. We were all so captivated by the discovery and their exhibition that we didnโ€™t notice my youngest son slip away. He somehow had gotten into the whale tank and was swimming and splashing. The handlers and whale also noticed at the same moment. We all tried to get to him but the whale was faster and I watched in horror as my son was eaten. I fell to my knees in horror, grief and shock and began to cry. His father came to me and after a moment shrugged and said โ€œwelp. So what are we gonna eat tonight?โ€ I stared at him in disbelief as I continued to cry.

13 Feb 2024



I was talking to a young girl who is a princess who's birthday is in a couple days, who still hasn't gotten her" title ", I told her that's great, another princess told me she hasn't gotten her title yet, and I asked when her birthday was, she told me the 11th, which in my dream was today, so I told her not to worry and I'm sure she will get her title and people aren't born with titles they are awarded them. She was a sweetheart

4 Jan 2024



I had a dream that I was hovering around as a spirit watching two sisters at a large family event. The even seemed like an awards ceremony with dancing and food. The first sister was doing everything in life her parents and other family members thought she โ€œshouldโ€. The second sister was as well, but in the middle of the event she announced that she was no longer going to stick with the โ€œtraditionalโ€ route and was going her own way. When she did, the first sitter criticized her, became very mean towards her and called her all kinds of names. The second sister went on about her business and kept going after her dreams. Then, it seems the dream completely changes set and setting. I was in a higher education settingovong into a dorm or apartment. A lot of people I knew were there as well as my mom. My brother was also on his way. My brother had a hard time parking and had a big issue with getting let in. He finally did and there was a problem with a pair of boots that he brought. The dream changed set and setting again. All the sudden I was in my body flying across a lake. It was cool and gloomy outside. The trees were bare and it felt like I was attempting to get away from something in the water. After making it over the lake, I flew past a tree into a back yard and purposefully fell out of the air into an old, empty pool that was dirty. I landed perfectly without any injuries and began to climb out of the pool. One o climbed out, I touched the foot of a female version of the clown โ€œITโ€ from the movie โ€œITโ€. That startled me and I chose to wake up.

29 Nov 2023



The way my dream started was me doing makeup from Hyunjin and K-pop Idol from stray kids. The it switched real quick to me winning an award for best hair and makeup and how Hyunjin only now wants me to do his hair and makeup. Then I remember at one point in the dream me and my best friend ended up in an ally where there was an abandon factory and we found so many cats and one of them reminded me so much of Raven. My cat who passed away. I couldnโ€™t stop crying cause I missed her so much, but something about the cat didnโ€™t feel right for me to take home. Itโ€™s like I almost knew she was sick, so I didnโ€™t take her. Then it switched over to Hyunjin again and how we were in a racing competition, but the dream seemed to have started from the beginning ok how I even got the award to begin with. As if me winning an award, was just a preview of my whole dream. However, we were racing so much and eventually I caught up to the front and the ones who won the race, weโ€™re able to pick from which stray kids member we can do hair and makeup and I fought from Hyunjin. Then at one point, Hyunjin turned into a little school girl that I had to take care of and I didnโ€™t question how, but she some how become a super important girl where I needed to take care of. She came from a super rich family and her family hired me. Then the girl said she wanted to go to a store so I told the driver which store, but in Korean she told the driver to go some where else and he listened and I told her like like what did she say, but she ignored me. Then we went to this hospital like building and she went to see a friend that she kept a secret. When I saw the friend, she looked super familiar and it was someone I went to high school with. This person though didnโ€™t have their legs. They had robot legs and the person was so ashamed and I tried to tell them it was ok and that I hadnโ€™t seen them in forever and asked how they were doing. It got blurry and I woke up.

25 Nov 2023



I had a dream where i saw alot of F1 drivers at the airport but they knew me already. I was with my mom and my grandma and my mom's name was wrong on the ticket so they wouldn't let her pay for it with her card so Daniel Riccardo paid for it and my mom didn't know who it was and i was like "omg that litteraly was Daniel Riccardo a formula 1 driver" and then he heard me and smirked and then we were on the plane and then had to make an emergency landing by a park and then we got out like nothing and it was an awards ceremony and Charles, Pierre, Daniel, Carlos, and Max were there. And so Charles was talking with me and stuff and then yk how in dreams it changs but not really. So i woke up in like some place and i walked outside and it was like a family reunion but not but Mr rumbler and Mr Jones were taking people to the water park but i was napping inside and i go out and F1 drivers were there again and i walked out and i was walking and talking with lewis Hamilton with Mr rummler right behind. And i see my dad there talking to Charles and i was talking to my grandma and she was about to give me money and i go back inside talking with her and Charles is back in there and he smirked at me. And i barley remember what happened after that but i know that i went back to the airport and they were all there and i said by to all of them if i saw them like Carlos was siting in one of those black chairs they have by the airport and he was wearing a black disposable mask and he pulled it down and took my hand but i was still walking so it like glided and then Charles already had fans and paparazzi and so i waved and he smirked back and waved . And thats all i remember

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