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Dream Interpretation: Argument šŸ˜“ - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Argument? Discover the significance of seeing a Argument in your dream šŸ’¤ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Argument appears in your dream āœ…

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šŸ’”Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes a disagreement or conflict in your waking life. It may indicate that you are feeling frustrated or misunderstood in a particular situation. It could also suggest that you need to communicate your thoughts and feelings more effectively to resolve the issue.

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šŸ§­ Direction


Reflect on the situation that caused the argument in your dream. Is there a similar situation in your waking life that needs to be addressed? Consider the other person's perspective and try to find a compromise. It's important to communicate openly and honestly to resolve any conflicts and move forward.

ā¤ļø Feelings

The dream about an argument may evoke feelings of frustration, anger, and tension. It signifies a conflict or disagreement in your waking life that is causing emotional turmoil. This dream may also reflect a need for resolution or a fear of confrontation. It is a reminder to address and resolve conflicts in a healthy and assertive manner to restore peace and harmony in your relationships.





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Dreams of users containing the word Argument

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16 Jul 2024



I dreamt with my cousin. Me and her had reconciled with eachother after a year of arguing and I was at my old apartment. We spent the entire day together and then she left. I thought she was going to sleep over but then I realized she was leaving and I was concerned because I didnā€™t want to stay alone at my old apartment.

15 Jul 2024



I was having having an argument with Zac, and shouting at him a lot about something. I picked him up by the ankle and held him over an open drain, threatening to drop him in. He started complaining that he didnā€™t feel well and his head hurt. I noticed his head was bleeding, and that heā€™d cracked his skull and a piece was visibly broken. I put him down immediately and all anger towards him disappeared, instead I started to nurse the wound and assure him everything was going to be okay. I also wondered if it was me who caused the injury to him, and felt some guilt

6 Jul 2024



I guess I moved back in with my parents or something but I had a bunch of boxes in my room. Something happend that lead to a blow out fight between my mom, I called my boyfriend to tell him I was once again going back to him because of this fight. And I remember calling my sister (she lives out of state so idk what she was doing home) to ask if my dad could bring something over to but as I was asking I discovered I left what I was asking for at my boyfriends so I didn't have to deal with the drama of asking my dad for help. Especially since mom and I had just been in a huge fight and I keep going back to a man my parents cant stand.

4 Jul 2024

Serial killer
Building (Place)


i had a dream about... of course we had our regular escapes and work was ended as well. i remember that it was like a big building and it was like the warehouse because dave was there big which is big boss and apparently it was something about hr talking to him about best and he was i guess writing her up but then the way he was saying it was very disrespectful like saying that we were bitching or whatever And it was loud enough to where other people heard it but at the same time I couldn't fully hear it so I was still trying to be a little defensive like maybe he had some reason to say that. But after that when he came back down and Bess was being rude and being her regular annoying self, um, that's when there was an email saying that there is a Valentine serial killer on the loose in the building. So she starts running, I start running after her. I don't know why I ran after her but I did. The rest of the foreman were there including my boss who is caring and gorgeous and treats me like his partner in crime slash little sister. Everyone started running and I jumped out the bay door trying to get away. I ran into the serial killer while I was about to drive away and he popped up in my car. He was actually really funny and he was consistently switching from friendly to psycho and murderous quickly but I was sometimes able to track his moods. I remember him actually being really cool peoples and we would go around after he killed he would like be chill for a little bit as long as you weren't in like his direct line of sight or you weren't his initial victim you were good he was actually like really friendly really cool and I remember we were staying at a hotel and I never witnessed the murders but I knew that they happened but it would like blank them out in my brain and some of them were very gruesome like a couple people got shot by a shotgun a couple people got like dismembered but it wasn't like I was afraid but I wasn't like too afraid if that makes sense because he was really cool people he was funny made me laugh we related to a lot of things and when we were fighting on the same side he was a great ally. We finally get to like another train I remember it's like a subway system and we make it to I think the train had like almost like sleep cars on it too because I remember there being like almost like a work type situation but it looked like our house like the like my house of growing up so it was like a room and I remember I walked in the room and Jim when the foreman were there and I remember my boss being there but it was so dark that I didn't realize he's naked but even though like that was a inkling I didn't really bother and like he felt like like hey can you back up a bit and it wasn't again like pure fear is just like hey this is cool but can you back up like it was just comfortable and that was dope but after that I went back out and of course the serial killer was there and now we have less and less people that we started with. I remember that the final round was him chasing me through a parking lot because I was the last one. And I remember trying to drive away, he would pop up. He was very quick if you didn't keep your eye on him. Sometimes it would be really terrifying when he would kind of circle more than one person and then end up choosing the other person but you have to try and keep him in your line of sight. But I did survive. I remember he did try to get me but I remember the video ending with like a tropical area, not tropical tropical but like a nice area that was kind of foresty and it had like a big, big body of water. I want to say like a lake. And I remember wanting to jump in the lake and take on the form of a mermaid to be able to like explore it better. But before I could do that, I woke up.

30 Jun 2024



I was at this retreat-like place. I got into a huge argument with someone at my gym and my older sister. The argument was so severe I concluded that Iā€™ll never speak to her again. I think i felt it was severe because she was mocking me in front of the other people there and it seemed like she took their side over me. I went back to my eldest sister and my niece who is her daughter and told them all about it and how Iā€™m never speaking to her again. We spoke about it and then my eldest sister and my neice, her daughter, went to spa and was at a steam room. A couple days later I heard my eldest sister passed away. I was searching everywhere for my niece cause I know she was going to need me. I also couldnā€™t believe she passed something felt off. Was she killed? I think one of my cousins was also in this place and reached out to her to figure stuff out. I also think at some point I suspected my cousin was involved. I knew I had to get to my niece to be there for her and I also needed to figure out if this is true and if so what happened to my eldest sister. I also knew my niece needed both me and my other sister but I didnā€™t know how to repair that bond nor if I wanted to.

30 Jun 2024



I'm driving a large, white, extended cab pickup truck down a very tall, steep hill/mountain made of sand. Like, an enormous sand dune. It drifts and rocks and jolts and at one point rolls and flips over with me in it, but somehow I'm okay. After the flip the truck stalls and I can't get the engine working. Gravity takes me a little further down the hill, coasting to a stop. I'm about halfway down. Oh no, this is a bad place to get stuck. I don't have much water and there's no one out here. It would be a hellish walk back. Just then my older brother Jason shows up with a spare key. And the truck starts up again. "we've been watching you on the monitor, thought you could use some help". Thanks! I say. Then I'm loading a suit case into the trunk of a black sedan. My suitcase is there first but then a young woman I don't recognize appears and replaces my bag with hers, which is much larger. "Excuse me, there is room in the backseat for yours, mine was already in the trunk and both of ours won't fit back there." "So move it then" she says I don't think you understand, I reply. "This is my car and I need you to move your fucking bag to the backseat. You can sit on the front but I'm the one driving, and my bag was here first. Are we clear?!!" She nods.

28 Jun 2024



I was arguing with some people about cannabis and that I donā€™t have a dependency or issue. Saying how I use it and it helps me. Then all of a sudden the group conversation ended. There was a hike journey and I was jumping and started flying until I reached a zip line thing but there was a easier route to go. Then there was sexual videos on YouTube I did not mean to see. Then there was another big group meeting where the lady in the middle was acting like a victim and saying she had to just put aside all these feelings to be confronted. People were giving her feedback and stuff but she didnā€™t want to listen but I couldnā€™t hear because so many people were talking and rustling with mushrooms and I was like can we put them away. I suggested we have fidget toys in group

24 Jun 2024

Black Hole


In this dream Iā€™m going to a school Cracked roads, untouched woods around the town and dusty weather, some mix of rural side of Tokyo and Milan Iā€™m trying to catch the last bust on 2:34(afternoon) thatā€™d get me there on time My highschool math teacher is with me and heā€™s rushing too The school looks like an odd mix of my younger brotherā€™s elementary school in Hakone and a school I went to for the 1-2nd grade of my elementary school years(both are old, somewhat in a rural location and full of trees and nature) The class is a chaos, first silently doing their homeroom classes and then devolving into arguing about how to bypass the math teacherā€™s homework due The conclusion is to mock him till he doesnā€™t remember about it anymore from anger And then to defeat him in the arguments Iā€™m skeptical, but later on I get involved When the math teacher comes in they get on with it, and almost succeed The math teacher from pent-up anger against the unruly students turns into a monster Like a city-sized monster, in a hammerspace that he creates The class is sucked in, the whole city is sucked in, maybe the whole country is The inside is like blackhole, I see debris of road signs, uprooted trees, buses, schoolā€™s debrisā€¦ I try to figure out ways to quell his anger by analyzing the angry statements that he makes in his tantrums

23 Jun 2024



Woke up after dreaming about my wedding, in my dream my ex invited himself to my big day. I don't know why. We had an argument that he wasn't invited and he left. Dream felt very weird.

23 Jun 2024



I was late to school, to enter my class i entered another class, where a male was teaching and scold to me for late. Said, i worked at shop which makes it late. There is a lady teacher in my class. It was examination. Few are on the back and front, and middle was like empty. A boy said come sit here but I sat middle alone. There was something written on the board, first i didn't understand then I madam said quick write those or will clear it. I realised it was answering to our exam. I was little hard to understand the answer, but I figured out. Nitu ( a girl, from childhood school) was arguing with Korean boy about killing something. Then boy came near to nitu and held him. Nut's head exploded, they blame the boy, but I insist I held him and didn't do anything. After few minutes heads are started to explode. We all are running to get out of school, but doors are closed. It opened and we are ran. I didn't have sandals, and Why don't know I ran for stole one. And I unable to run like im in slow motion and other boys are running fast. I'm at sandals and trying a few and my legs are like very big like my mother 's. To try more I ran to other room but I saw some familiar face and stoped. There were girls but a girl ( jharana, from village) asked how was your exam. Said , it was okay .

22 Jun 2024



My dream started off in my room. I was laying in bed with my boyfriend when my cat came and started meowing at me. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 6:00 AM. So, I got up to feed my cat his breakfast. My boyfriend asked where I was going and I told him that I would be back soon. While I was feeding my cat, I saw my dad, in his work uniform, standing in the kitchen. He was one his phone and asked me to take out the recycling. I did just that and put the recyclables in the recycling bin in the garage. Unfortunately, I had thrown my catā€™s food and water bowl in there as well. After my dad freaked out raised his voice at me, I took the bowls out of the recycling bin and filled them with cat food and water before putting them down. Then, my cat came over and started eating his breakfast. I was going to head back to my room after that, but my mom and my sister came into the house saying that they needed help with the groceries. So, I helped them put everything away. While we were putting the groceries away, my dad noticed that my mom had mostly bought sweet treats instead of actual food. The two of them got into an argument about this, which later turned into an argument over money, which lead to an argument over their jobs. Not wanting to hear my parents fight, I went out to the driveway in front of the house and looked up at the moon. My sister came out with me and did the same thing. Then, I got a text from my boyfriend telling me that I left the light on in my room. I went to turn it off and started playing a game on my laptop afterwards. I started playing the ā€œSims4ā€ and loaded up my most recent save file. After doing that, I placed inside the game. I got placed in this weird scenario where I was still in control of what my main Sim did, but wasnā€™t in control of anything else. I couldnā€™t tell anyone else in the household what to do. Anyway, I hung out with my sim for a while in a apartment building. After a little while, my neighbors started to throw a party. Unfortunately, one of the party members died while they were there, which caused Death to show up. He took the dead personā€™s soul before looking directly at me and throwing me into a separate room. He was mad at me, but I didnā€™t know why. Before I could ask him anything, my brain was suddenly filled with memories that didnā€™t belong to me. My brain was showing me how Death became what he is. After that, Death started talking about heā€™s practically a demigod. I wasnā€™t sure how to respond to that, but it didnā€™t matter because thatā€™s Death struck me down with his scythe. Then I woke up.

21 Jun 2024



for preface; this is a reoccurring dreamā€” this being only the second time i had it and iā€™d only remembered having this dream after i had the second one because the plot continued. the first dream: so there was this nightclub run by this evil guy. he had tricked a bunch of midoriyaā€™s friends into working for him (from my hero academia i love that anime) and they were all so excited but little did they know he injected a poison into them that killed them very slowly. but he ā€œinjected itā€ by welcoming everyone to the club with drinksā€” however, midoriya knew that and his mission was to infiltrate the place and make sure his friends were safe but the boss man caught on and said if he told any of them that heā€™d kill them all with the poison right away. so i basically had watched midoriya try and protect his friends while also simultaneously being under constant scrutiny by the boss. i donā€™t think midoriya took the poison thoughā€¦ that was the first dream i had days ago. the second dream started with me being in there with them and they were my friends i think, or maybe i really just wanted to save them but the boss man knew that i knew aswell and he told me not to tell them either or theyā€™d all die. anyway, in this dream the nightclub had this theatre room area where he would have midoriya and iā€™s friends preform. (it looked like a bunch of fortnite skins and emotes on the stage.) but todoroki (on multiple occasions) kept leaving the stage mid performance cause he was sick or something and he would hide behind this pole (he wasnā€™t hiding very well) and when i would look over to boss man, he looked at todoroki with an angry expression because todoroki was blowing his cover. and once, a different day in the dream, i was walking into the nightclub (it looked like the entrance to my house) with this girl who said she was going to help cause i think i told her everything about everything and especially about todoroki. and she was like ā€œDONT WORRY I GOT THISā€ and she ran in ahead of me and i lost her. and so when i went inside i was standing with the group of people (just like midoriya was in my first dream, trying to play along but also discreetly find an exit for everyone, however midoriya was nowhere to be seen in this dreamā€¦) but when i was standing there with them there were these two shorter brown skin girls. they hated me. the one on the left started explaining why she didnā€™t fuck with me and she said itā€™s because i ā€œtalked to her man.ā€ or that i ā€œwanted himā€ and that was just not true. i was like ā€œwhoā€™s your man?ā€ and she was like ā€œmalik.ā€ AND THAT WAS AN ACTUAL GUY I TALKED TO WHEN I WAS LIKE 14ā€¦ SO I SAID ā€œgirl i promise i donā€™t want himā€ but she kept cutting me off and saying that i did. and the girl on the right was just like ā€œyeah i donā€™t fucking like you either.ā€ and i was like so confused cause i didnā€™t want him at allā€¦ and i said ā€œwhen did u start dating himā€ and she was like ā€œfebruary 2024ā€ or something. and i talked to malik in february 2020.. so i was like ā€œā€¦ so when we talked.. he wasnā€™t your man..ā€ and she cut me off like ā€œBITCH FUCK U THATS MY FUCKING MANā€ and i was like ā€œokay what fucking ever bitch bye.ā€ and that was the end of that so i walked into the club and like i was sitting in this booth by the backā€¦ i donā€™t remember really what happened back there. i remember a bartender lady who was looking my direction but thatā€™s it. then skip to the theatre room again, they were all performing again and todoroki went off of the stage mid performance again. and the performance was really good, he was supposed to be front and center but he ran off and boss man was so fucking mad. BUT THENā€¦ THE GIRL FROM EARLIER WHO SAID SHE WAS GOING TO HELPā€¦ she came out dressed as todoroki (again this specific law of physics was for some reason like fortnite so she just changed her like character to look like todoroki.) and she was doing the dance, but she wasnā€™t exactly doing it right at all and she wasnā€™t even on the stage but just right beside it.. i assume to buy him some time but bossman could tell it wasnā€™t actually him. i just remember the rest of the performance being really good and then at the end everyone was clapping including me. but then some girl from the crowd, which looking back i think was the bartender, had randomly stood up and said ā€œoh by the way everyone, heā€™s forcing all of those people to work for him. heā€™s injected them with a poison in their legs that will slowly kill them over time.ā€ and me and everyone else on the stage started clapping and cheering for her and the bossman was like ā€œahhh i gotta go!ā€ and ran away. then after that he was like banned from the nightclub or something but he kept coming back but he was like a lowlife. so everyone from the performance and stuff was kinda just living their own lives, only being connected by the fact that they were all manipulated and poisoned. i spoke to a few of them, they were each like super emo or something i donā€™t really remember iā€™m sorry. but then.. cut to the future and to a different scene.. todoroki was laying on a gurney in the hospital. this part i wasnā€™t there, but it was more so just letting me know that this was happening while i was elsewhere. like a cutscene. and he was laying flat on his back and he looked very sick, and he was asleep. then he slowly woke up and as soon as he opened his eyes he started to slightly panic (which is out of character for him since heā€™s typically very calm and quiet) and he like sat up and ripped the blankets off of his body and one of his legs were amputated. he looked horrified and all he could say was ā€œDO YOU SEE THIS??? DO YOU SEEE??ā€ to whoever was with him (the doctor or his parents? iā€™m not sure.) i remember there was a lady in the hospital specifically that was like helping wheel his gurney when he was asleep and she was kinda rude thatā€™s all i remember. what the hellllll is that about??

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