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Dream Interpretation: Marriage 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Marriage? Discover the significance of seeing a Marriage in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Marriage appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of marriage symbolizes a union, partnership, or commitment. It may represent a desire for a deeper connection with someone or a need for security and stability. It can also indicate a fear of commitment or a need for independence.

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🧭 Direction


Think about your current relationships and whether you are ready for a commitment. If you are already in a committed relationship, consider ways to strengthen your bond. If you are not in a relationship, think about what you are looking for in a partner and how you can attract the right person into your life.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of marriage evokes a sense of joy, excitement, and anticipation. It symbolizes a deep desire for commitment, partnership, and unity. This dream may bring feelings of love, happiness, and fulfillment, as well as a sense of security and stability. It represents the merging of two individuals and the potential for growth and shared experiences. The dream of marriage can also evoke feelings of hope, optimism, and a longing for a deep emotional connection. It signifies the willingness to embark on a lifelong journey with someone, embracing the idea of building a life together.





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6 Jul 2024



I dream of I was in my cousin marriage and all the family and cousins were there . I was enjoying alot and was very happy. Then I went to sleep and saw that my mom is praying but music is playing in background so I felt bad . Then I also saw that I'm very important person and I was doing some deal with other company. I grew up in a beautiful smart lady . I was wearing a formal suit . And looking at important papers . I got a husband also he was very masculine and handsome. He was wearing a formal white shirt and black pant standing near me like a body guard . The in the marriage house as everyone was going to sleep as I got a husband I got a private room . In the room there was big king size soft bed white pillow and bed sheet . As fun I lay down at bed infront the door was open . I can saw the front room with door open and saw uncle laying looking at me it was awkward. My husband came into the room and close the door . My husband was looking so hot he was very happy that we got a private room and can have some fun . He started unbuttoning his tshirt and his gorgeous body chest abs oh my . I was laying and admiring his body ready for sex . He jumped in bed got into the blanket and inserted in my . I thought I will something or pain but I didn't feel anything. He was trying, I thought maybe because we already have sex alot of time that's why I feel so comfortable that I don't feel anything. I also saw that I'm doing dishes in kitchen and told my sister to have lunch

6 Jul 2024



I dream that my ex was getting married but I didn’t see the person

6 Jul 2024



I had a dream I took a trip to the moon where they were doing experiments on dreams and dream like states. I took part and in my dreams I saw things that could have been, such as meeting a great grandparent, having my dream job, getting married and having children. However, there seemed to be a realisation in my mind that I was happy with what I have in my waking life but I couldn't get out of this simulation. So I attempted to kill myself several times in this simulation before it would let me go. I did eventually wake up, and so did others who took part in the simulation.

1 Jul 2024



I was marrying a billionaire, but I really didn't want to get married. We were on a small plane above a tropical island and everyone was being served food before the ceremony. I was alone in a seat that looked like a bus seat, but on a plane. My dress was turquoise, and not really a wedding dress. I was getting criticized by my family members for not wearing white. I woke up before the ceremony started.

21 Jun 2024



My boyfriend and I got married and moved to a house in a foreign country, and everything was perfect for a small amount of time. Then my POV switched to a man cleaning up a little farm, and a 500 year old tree that had somehow lifted itself off the ground to create a little cubby under the roots. It was full of trash and old memorabilia. I was cleaning it up and out and while I was I was telling my boyfriend about it. I’m still in the POV of some random guy. I assume myself as a man, seeing as I at some point want to transition. But I’m talking to my boyfriend about all this, and I’m telling him about how after all these years, there’s been 5 murders under this tree. I start to tell him the stories of it all and I finish with a story about a scorned lover killing himself and his wife with him. I don’t remember wether he believed me or not. But then our kid, a little girl, came up to me and walked with me, to help me clean up the tree. My husband was inside the house. Me and my husband have had a hard time in the past controlling his urges. I got the tree all cleaned up and started cleaning up the garden by the tree, we’d eating and throwing away trash. The garden was full of ducks, like so many ducks, and one had a cute little hat. We had a cat there and her name was Penelope or patches I don’t remember. My daughter and I cleaned up everything and went inside, to find my husband on the phone. I ask him who he’s talking to. He ignores me. Suddenly I’m my female self again, and I’m in a couple chairs under the tree, so is my husband. He is my current real life boyfriend, but he looks and acts like a mixture of all my exes. This weird woman, in a suit starts asking us questions like “what animal do you think this man represents” and she would show me a picture of a stranger. I’d say something and be wrong, but suddenly there was this other woman on the other side of my husband, she was snarky and a pick me girl. She got it right and said chameleon. And they then showed us a picture of a man transforming into a chameleon. I look around noticing my boyfriend\husband flirting with this new woman. I trust him so I ignore it but it bothered me. Some time later we are in our 2 story house and all 3 of us , myself my husband and this mysterious pick me girl, are sitting in my marital bed. She asks a bunch of weird questions and acts better than me, and I straight up ask my husband if they’ve slept together. And he goes silent, i gasp and ask again. He nods and walks out of the room. I ask her, she agrees and laughs. I start to tear up, following him out of the room, making sure our daughter is nowhere near us. I see the tree outside our window. I urge my husnband to tell me why but he stays silent and just packs his things. She taunts me and asks why I even care, I get violent and threaten to throw her down these stairs and she runs and laughs. We tussle and eventually she starts saying she’s a better lover than me. She suddenly hides in a bottle of cooking oil, and I throw it off the balcony into the foyer. Killing her. My husband says oh my god, yk I have to call someone. I cry and beg him to stay, I ask him why and how long, I go from angry to sad to heartbroken. He said it’s been this way for years. With different women. I ask why and he says he just has urges, and he shrugs, I yell at him and he pushes me lightly and walks out the front door. I walk out with him and curse him while begging him to stay “I can change” I say. My boyfriend/husband bringing up how I’ve restricted him on several things, and I say if I would have known that restricting him would make him cheat I wouldn’t have done anything. He packs his bag on his back and we walked to the airport. I’m freaking out and he is saying how he’s leaving. I ask him if we can try again, but he does a sexual innuendo with his fingers, desperate for him to stay I agree to do that and he leaves. I cry and beg and plead but he still leaves. I’m then at the airport, headphones on, no one speaks English and I’m just wandering around crying. I mean messy awful guttural loud crying. I’m in a foreign country by myself with my cat and my daughter, and a house that I built a life in with someone who destroyed me. I lay the glass shards of his mistress under the tree.

18 Jun 2024



I was sitting on the floor next to a coffee table. I had a burning cigarette in an ashtray on the table to my left. And a full pack in a cigarette case in the center. There was clutter covering the table, magazines, coasters, balled up paper. My ex girlfriends sister walked in. Picked up my pack of cigarettes and took one out. Didn't ask, just did. Which fits perfectly in character to the real Shay (Real life - side bar) Her and I used to be good friends in college, then I started dating her sister. Ended up with her fracturing my right orbital wall of my eye. Her sister (Brittany) and I were together almost 4 years prior to this. Only made it another year longer. We were supposed to get married 12/12/21. Brittany left me a few months before our wedding date. (Back to dream). Her sister lights the cigarette, and Britt walks into the room. She had mid length straight dark hair with blue, teal and purple hair tinsel in it. Which is super weird because she was never ever a girly girl. Super tomboy. Hair always cut like a guys and super crimpy. I stood up, and she fell into my arms. I was confused because she was there. I was relieved and elated, because... she was there. We havent spoken in years. I remember they were both dressed in black. Like the had just been to a funeral. Then my alarm went off and I woke . up. (Real) There hasn't been anyone since Britt. Not even an almost date. Nothing. I went from never not having someone, to being in complete solitude since she left. I know though, if she walked into my life tomorrow, I'd take her back quicker than a heartbeat.

12 Jun 2024

Blonde hair


I was married in my dream to my current boyfriend. He had an old flip phone and was having an affair. He wanted to leave so I told him to go. He packed his stuff and left to go and live with his new girlfriend. He admitted to renting a house with her and showed me a picture. She had blonde hair and 2 children. She was in his phone as XX. I didn't feel awful and accepted it, I just wanted to move on.

11 Jun 2024



I was sitting with my boyfriend and we were talking about our life together and making plans to get married.

10 Jun 2024



I dreamt that I was with my cousin Anna, (who is one of my good friends and my age) my mom, and most of her side of the family at some sort of venue. We were all really rich and royal, and I was coming of age to be married or something. The focus switched from my mom to me when I decided I wanted to get married. Anna and I went to look at dresses at this shop/house thing. There were all of these beautiful dresses hung up on the wall, and not all of them were wedding dresses. I wanted a white, classic wedding dress, but then I saw this beautiful shining purple one. It looked like a very fancy prom dress, or something a princess would wear. It was beautiful and I just kept it on, even though I kind of wanted a classic white wedding dress. I kept going around with Anna, and girls on my moms side like my grandma, mom, aunt, and Anna kept bringing me random boys in suits that I have never seen before and tried to persuede me to marry them. I didn’t really like any of them and it just didn’t seem right but for some reason in my dream I didn’t know why. Then there was this one boy that really really liked me, and he had longer black soft hair. I have never seen him before and don’t have a clue who he is. I didn’t like him but he loved me and got my snap. Then he sent me a link of his bank account, and told me that I have jr and can use it if I ever need. I was very confused but I felt bad because he liked me so much and I didn’t like him back. Then the time was running short and I had to get married as soon as possible. I kept getting pressured by my moms side of the family to pick a boy and get married, but then I realized that I had a boyfriend (which is my boyfriend Harry in real life). So then I said to my mom, “Why don’t I just have Harry come over here so I can marry him”. I then told Harry that I needed to marry him and he flew in with his mom on this big fancy plane and got off in a suit. I talked to him for a bit and I can’t really remember much after that I think I woke up.

8 Jun 2024



I was captivated and given few hours of parole at night time to meet family. My major concern was my university was about to reopen after the summer vacations so how am I supposed to attend that among all this later the scene shifted to the morning where I was running away to attend classes escaping the captivation leading to witness one of my friend accident which was evidently done by the captivator he reached out to me through phone and asked me to return and marry him as a punishment. I agreed watching my friend suffer and saw the wedding preparations going on I was sent too. When I entered the building I saw some children who were excited to see me and then suddenly I heard a bark. When I turned I saw a dog to which in defence I threw a kid in front. Suddenly I was attacked by someone with a knife I took the stair but as soon as I was about to reach the first floor my captivator helped me and beaten up the attacker

3 Jun 2024



I remember that I was on my house rooftop and I was recording some video. I was actually in Princess and I was on a date, okay. My house was near a beach. It was a very beautiful beach and it's a Milton City beach and I was at my house rooftop and I was on a date. So I was recording and I was on a date with a guy, a very rich guy. He was having a lot of gold necklaces and he was continuously changing his gold necklaces. I was shocked that he was so rich. So I was saying that I will make a hotel here in the beach. I will buy a private jet here and I will renovate the building and all that's all. And suddenly I said something and what a fact. Then I saw another thing that I was getting married, okay. I was getting married and I was not wearing glasses and I was ready, I was ready and was dressed up. So basically all my matrimonial family members were at my house. So I saw the man, he was like 10 years older than me. He was good looking. I saw his face from the side. He was having beard, he was a muscular man, good looking man and like charming, that's all. He was like gentle, providing man. He was not talking that much. I was not wearing glasses so I couldn't see that much. They were talking, my aunts and grandmother, my mother were talking about the marriage and I was not very happy about it but I am excited at the same time. I was acting very childish, I don't know why. Then I told my mother, I don't want to marry, I don't like men. So I was doing this. I was so young, I still have 10 years to enjoy my youth life. She said it's good to start from now to enjoy your marriage so you don't have to worry later on. I was very disappointed and then I was on my balcony and it was like late night time. I saw a kid, he was having fun. I started having some nice time with that kid. Then I saw my grandpa washing his hands and my father washing his hands. Then the guy, groom came, washed his hands. I saw him a little bit but I was not wearing glasses so it was all blur. Then my cousin sister came and I was talking to her that whatever I feel I will tell her all the things. I will never hide anything from her, like emotional things. Then I went to another room and I saw that all the guests and family members are in that room. When I again started acting childish, I don't know why I was acting so childish in front of them. Then I went to the staircase and saw a big orange cat, that's all.

30 May 2024



I was in Florida, and I was there with a few friends, and my sister was there, and she said to me, Annabella, you have to get married, you know, you have to get married, you have to start your family, oh my God, you have to get married, you have to start your family, time flies, and I said to her, oh my God, you're right, I have to hurry up, oh my God, if I want to be a mom, this is the time I have to really get married and start my family, you're absolutely right, Iris, and then we said to each other, so where are we going to find him? We said to each other, where are we going to find him, and we like, we didn't know what to do and where to look for him, like, where is he, where can he possibly be, where are we going to find him, should we look on apps, should we go to those places, like, we didn't know where to find him, and that was what I remember from the dream, I remember being in Florida, I remember water, I remember red convertible, I remember my sister, I remember a few friends, I remember sunshine, I remember palm trees, and the highlight from what I remember, the highlight of my dream from what I remember is like, you have to get married, you have to start your family, and where are you going to find your husband? So that's all I remember from that dream.

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