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Dream Interpretation: Racism 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Racism? Discover the significance of seeing a Racism in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Racism appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes feelings of discrimination, prejudice, and inequality. It may reflect your own experiences with racism or your awareness of it in society. It may also represent your own biases and prejudices that you need to confront and overcome.

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🧭 Direction


Reflect on your own attitudes and beliefs towards people of different races. Are there any biases or prejudices that you need to address? Consider ways to educate yourself and become more aware of the experiences of people from different backgrounds. Take action to promote equality and fight against discrimination in your own life and in society.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of experiencing racism may evoke feelings of anger, frustration, sadness, and injustice. It can bring about a sense of vulnerability, fear, and helplessness. The dreamer may feel a deep sense of hurt and betrayal, as well as a longing for equality and understanding. The emotions stirred by this dream can be intense and may linger even after waking up, highlighting the impact of racism on individuals and society.





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Dreams of users containing the word Racism

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16 Jul 2024



I had a dream that i picked up a substitute teaching job at a provate school near my house. When i accepted the job i lesrned that i had to be there by 8am for community breakfast. Also the school was located next to a set of food stands that give donation based meals. It could be free it I didn’t have the money or a small donation of whatever i had it was a lot of good food so i was excited to get lunch. I was notified that one thing i had to be comfortable with was that at some point we take the kids on a horse and buggy ride in carriages that say “whites only”- the carriages were old and didnt want to destroy the buggies for that alone. I said i was comfortable just so i could get the job and take pictures and expose the school. When i got to the school it was a really easy schedule. Lunch was in a dinning room. I have been to this school in my previous dreams. Its 6 mins from my house on the otherside of a park. This geography only exists in my dreams. I do take the buggy ride and its so fast and ichave to secure the children i dont have the opportunity to take a picture of the “whites only” sign. I get to the school and i find we are going to have a short day because there is a meeting fornthe teachers then a dinner party at a nice restaurant. When we arrive at the buggy rides i find out we are having a private meet and greet with Taylor swift. The studnets are super excited snd we escort them in groups to meet her. She looks very tired. However she keeps a good sport smile on and meets everyone with enthusiasm even tho shes very tired. I cheer her up. We make small talk and i even make her laugh. When she had a break me and a supervisor wanted to make sure she remembered us. He had me place his name stitched to a hat he would give her. I rhinestoned my name into a book she was reading with the school group. She leaves before we can give her the hat or the book. My day is from 8am to 1:30. I want to work here again. But they dont have any jobs to pick up the next day

10 Jul 2024



It was a few days before Christmas. An African-American teen got out of jail. He went to live with his aunt in her apartment. When he got there, she was asleep but told him to go on in with a spare key. Shortly after he got inside, a group of white church members walked inside like it was a tourist attraction. He hid in the bathroom shower because he was scared that they would treat him badly. A woman came into the bathroom and he stopped her before she shut the door and said “wait, I’m in here” She freaked out and went back to the group. He came out with his hands up and they treated him like he was a demon. It woke his aunt up and she ushered the group outside and made them leave. The teen got ready for school the next morning, and stopped by a small store with the money that his aunt gave him to get what he needed. A white teen in his class came up and started being a really racist jerk to him, so he managed to buy a large, loose diamond for his aunt with some money that he saved up from his time in jail as a Christmas present. He went to school after he left the shop, and he was in an ROTC class. The white teen from earlier was in the same class, and started being a jerk again to show off for his girlfriend. When the teen asked him to stop and just let him do the stuff he needed to do, the white teen got in his face and asked him, “are you really gonna talk to an upperclassman like that?” After school, the white teen’s girlfriend came up to him and was nice to him. She walked him home to make sure he’d be okay, and he showed her the diamond he got for his aunt and talked about how grateful he was for her. Other townspeople saw him with the diamond and called him a thief and called the police. The police officer was racist just like the rest of the town and treated him like he was harassing the white girl that was walking with him. The white teen came up to him and was trying to start a fight and accused him of trying to propose for his girlfriend.

19 Jun 2024



January 14-15 ⁃ Had discovered I’m in Japan ⁃ Living with a Japanese college student and her mom ⁃ Speaking the best I could in Japanese in classes and stuff ⁃ Groceries and cleaning fridge with JCS’s mom ⁃ Shopping center? ⁃ Harassed and chased by someone high and racist ⁃ Exits started closing the minute I pushed him away ⁃ Spiritual realm exit? ⁃ One I got to was closed off by Security and one of them stopped me with a big ass shot gun in his hands ⁃ He seemed to want to shoot me and I said, “Do it.” In response ⁃ He didn’t as he hesitated, now unwilling to harm me. Woke up after that and fell back to sleep. ⁃ Back in the college campus ⁃ Was going to classes but actively avoiding one student who identified as a “problemist?” Who had a living hive like organism in his room. ⁃ Relevance of a statue…It’s mentioned twice for me to visit and brought up by me once ⁃ There was another Japanese boy college student who stuck close to me helping me out of situations? Fighting “Problemist” student. ⁃ Ma-Pa, aka Rammy, and I met up and conversed seemingly by chance ⁃ Ma-Pa joins the party! ⁃ We did more in the shopping center which reopened again ⁃ Statue and Spider man like abilities? ⁃ “You do remember I know you, right?” - Ma-Pa (affectionately) ⁃ Signing stuff and getting clearance going in to shop

15 Jun 2024



I cannot remember exactly hoe the dream start but I remeber I was in what I thought was a kitchen. I was making cookies and my mom and my youngest sister was there. I reached for the flour on the top shelf and was worried I didn't have enough. I remember there was 2 cups of flour in the receipe. The the scene changed and I was in a restaurant sitting at a table. The table, walls, and floor were made if dark brown wood. A waiter walks to me and gives me a large strawberry. A white woman I was unfamiliar with that was sitting next to me was also given a strawberry. The strawberries were very sweet. The restaurant was interesting. Some of the patrons were riding mini horses around inside. Soon the male waiter and female waitress approached the table across from me. The woman sitting at the table complained that the waitress' short was see-through. The waitress tried to explain that the shirt was not that see-through. I could see from my table that the waitress had another shirt on under the see-through one. The waitress bad a goth or alternativw appeaerance. The woman still complained about the waitress wearing the shirt and remarked that she was too old to dress like that. I thought it was odd since the waitress and the woman looked very similar, they both looked older, were white, and also over weight. The woman at the table looked over and loudly complained about the types of customers in the restaurant. She mispronounced a word I can't remember and I corrected her. She said the customers at the restaurant were uneducated. I assumed she was being racist ans referring to me. I sarcastically agreed with her. As she got up with her family to leave, I sais she should be ashamed of herself. The scene changed again but I was still in the restaurant. I was standing next to a table text to two brothers. I dropped something I was holding. I apologize to the brother sitting on the right because I thought it fell on feet. He said it did not. I looked around for what I dropped but cpild not find it. I walked away and saw a young man with my phone. The young man was Jorje Sanchez, a classmate I had in elementary school. For some reason the restaurant was not filled with water waist deep. Jorje was sitting on a surf board. I asked him to put my phone down so I could retrieve it. Instead of putting my phone down on the surfboard, he puts it in the water. I got to my phone as fast as I could. The phone was in a case, so I was hoping that it hadn't gotten damaged. However, when I turned my phone on, the screen was glitching. The was upset. Jorje didn't understand why because I told him to put the phone down. I said "I am not upset about the phone, I'm upset you keep doing this" I would repeat thar phrase several times throughout the rest of the dream. I suddenly had memories of jorje breaking my phones. These memories were fake, as I never had a phone in elementary school when I knew jorje. A girl remarked that it would be expensive but I responded that I had insurance so it shouldn't be that much. Some people in the restaurant supported me, while others thought I was being dramatic. We all left the restaurant and I will still upset about my phones. As I was leaving there was guy that keep telling me I had no right to be upset. He said he was not beholden to me for some reason. A female that I think was a female relative of mine, agreed with him and put her finger on my head. This upset me and told her not to touch me. She apologized and said she did it to everyone. I walked away. I would take the train home. To get a ticket there was a electionc booth with many buttons. Each button had the name of a route but I could not find the route that would bring me home from Philadelphia. Then Abigail, a girl I was friends with in middle school appeared. She reassured me and I pulled out a second phone from my pocket. It was an old flip phone I used as a backup. One the flip phone were some videos. One was of my youngest sister in the restaurant. It was completely filled with water and the was swimming through the restaurant while other customers looked on with smile. The second was of me and Abigail as kindergartens. We were presenting a project and it involved singing. We looked very cute. I show the video to Abigail

12 Jun 2024



Was on a family cruise, the boat was huge, it had different levels so I seen other people who weren’t family members. I stumbled across a racist guy who bumped me on purpose and called me a slur… I picked up a chair running towards him and almost threw it at him but stopped, I left and somehow ended up in a boat shaped race car at an amusement park with some of my work friends.. and then ended back up on the cruise. The room my 5 month old and I was supposed to be staying in also had a leaky roof and it was raining.

30 Apr 2024



Here’s a quick summary of the places I went to in my dream last night. I went to a museum, a grocery store, a wedding chapel, and an apartment. My dream started off with my family, friends, and I visiting a museum. There was this one section of the museum that had these talking murals (giant paintings) with numbers on them. There was sign on the wall saying that if you could visit every mural in the right order, you would get a prize. So, my mom and I worked together to do just that. After doing what the sign said, we met a museum worker who flirted with my mom instead of giving us our prize. I’m not quite sure what happened next. All I know is that everyone turned into animals for a few minutes, and that the museum worker had transformed into a racist elephant. After that, I was suddenly at a grocery store buying items for my mom’s wedding to the museum worker. My sister and my friends were there too. While we were shopping, my sister and I got into an argument and went out separate ways. Then, I went to the wedding chapel and tried to convince my mom not to marry the museum worker because he was a racist, but she didn’t listen to me. So, my mom married the museum worker before driving to their new apartment. While they were at their new apartment, they started talking about what to do with the leftover cake. Right as my mom was about to eat all the leftovers, her wedding planner entered the room and took the cake from her. Then my alarm went off and I woke up.

27 Apr 2024



Left home, looking for a address far, was on the highway with my friend, we realized we got lost and wanted to check where we was going, came across this car that was just sitting there with tinted windows, we was by it then we eventually realized it's people in there looking at us, so we got startled and apologized for being on the car, then me and my friend realized the situation they was in and why they were just parked, they had ran into a old lady and was contemplating on calling the police, me and my friend told them to call and drive away fast and the boy that was driving did, so I went in the car through the back and told everyone to follow my IG and I realized it was a good amount of people, Kenya was there and she was about 9 months pregnant, it was a tall brown skin gay boy, the drunk driver was tall dark skin , and it was a girl in the passenger seat that turned out to be one of my online friends, we ended up getting in the car with them and riding with them, after a while of driving kenya asked me did i wanna get out the car and twerk with her when we stopped, do i said yeah, and the next time we stopped was on a residential street, its late late late at night and we got out the car and srarted twerking, so we being loud laughing and stuff then the driver pulls off and kenya start sprinting after it faster than me, so I'm just walking down the street and by that time a lady and some other people came out complaining about the noise and being lowkey racist, so I'm walking trying to get back to the car and around the corner comes a red neck with a shot gun aiming it at us, so we scattered, I was no longer me, I was now the gay boy and somehow he was out the car so being him i scattered over this barb wire fence and tried to hide in thys closet looking place, he ended up finding me , i fought with him as he was trying to shoot me then it went back to me hiding and overhearing him bidding on me, then he found me and didn't kill me and I think we were a couple at the end.

26 Apr 2024



I was in a house with my family and some friends. I looked outside and saw people aiming guns into the house. I ducked down quickly and went to grab everyone. I was telling everyone that there’s people aiming guns at us outside and to avoid the windows. There were a lot of windows. I found my brother and we went to find my mom, she was in the bathroom, I told her and she tried climbing out the window to check, and I grabbed her and pulled her away from the window thinking she’s crazy. We got out the bathroom and went to the living room, while we were going to the living room, I saw some people running along side the house. When we reached the living room, one of the friends was standing there confused, I told her to duck down, but it was too late. She got shot multiple times. Then another friend ran into the living room wondering what happened, and she got shot as well. They were both POC, so I was assuming the shooters were racists. I found a gun and my brother and my mom layed on the floor watching all entrances. The shooters came in and grabbed the second girl that got shot, and warned us about something, I don’t remember what, and then another person came in and aimed their gun at us, so I shot at him, then to the person who grabbed the friend, she got caught in the crossfire and died. A shootout started and they started from left to right. My brother died first, then my mom, then I got shot multiple times. Somehow I still had consciousness, they had grabbed me and put me on top of a stadium and pushed me off to make it seem like I jumped off. I stood up after, and there were only Asian people looking at me like I was crazy. I started walking and they got scared, and I had told them what happened. As I told them we heard some noises and people running and screaming. Me and the people who I was talking to looked over to the noise and saw a tsunami. I yelled no in a frustrated tone because I couldn’t catch a break. The tsunami reached us and I woke up.

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