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Dream Interpretation: Robbery ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Robbery? Discover the significance of seeing a Robbery in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Robbery appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

This dream symbolizes a feeling of loss or violation. It may indicate that you feel someone is taking advantage of you or that you are not in control of a situation. It can also represent a fear of losing something valuable or important to you.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Think about what you feel is being taken from you in your waking life. Is there a situation or person that is causing you to feel powerless or vulnerable? Take steps to regain control and protect what is important to you. It may also be helpful to seek support from trusted friends or family members.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of a robbery can evoke a range of intense emotions such as fear, vulnerability, and anxiety. It may leave the dreamer feeling violated, helpless, and on edge. The sense of loss and violation can create a lingering sense of unease and insecurity. The dream may also trigger feelings of anger and frustration towards the perpetrator. Overall, this dream can leave a lasting impact, instilling a sense of caution and vigilance in the dreamer's waking life.





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18 Jul 2024



I had a dream I got robbed again. (During the day.) Some guy in a black ski mask and a white T-shirt told me to give him everything I had. I did not. I ran. He started shooting but somehow I didnโ€™t get hit.

18 Jul 2024



I was at some kind of hall with my Mom and her husband. On the way out a man tried to rob me. I would not let him have a ring that was special to me. I ended up taking his gun from him he was trying to get out and shooting him. It gave us enough time to escape. We got in the car and I ended up driving because I was better at it. We escaped.

16 Jul 2024



In my dream I came back to an apartment I was renting that was in bad shape Not someplace I would live. Anyway too robbers where I there and they were trying to leave As I was trying to lock them out I reach my hand in the tray and took a few pieces of my jewelry back A little elephant necklace my dad gave me when I was about 12. And a few little sentimental things. The place its self just prior to me walking in on the robbers, well The electric panel got a surge and knock out all the electric and blow out the refridgator and lights Old fashion telephone that still worked I'm guessing I was back in time A very odd thing was a lady across the street was playing with her tiger. Apparently she had it for years and was hiding it I wasn't supposed to see it. When the landlord came over to fix Everthing All the items were no longer broke but he did install all the dial mechanism back on the safe

12 Jul 2024

Sexual Assault
Parking Lot


I have a recurring where this dude kidnapped me in his house with other people and we found out he was sexually assaulting this little girl so we got this orb heโ€™s been hiding and trying to convince us to use and we finally use it and in in this old town with a version of my gf in an apartment we lived in and I just spawned into this universe I was on this parking lot roof and we got stuck there I ran down and met my gf we tried to go back to our apartment but we couldnโ€™t the town was hiding and leaving while it was abt to get robbed and looted and I remember looking at my gfs hand and feeling genuine love and connection and ik maybe we will survive it but I needed to stay there

11 Jul 2024

Saudara laki-laki


Akmal's goodbye My mother nearly got her phone robbed, she also got robbed while parking her car and wearing no hijab, but gratefully she is agile enough to take it back, I was devastated knowing that she would chase her phone's robber even without covering her hair. Fast forward, I went to a weird warped version of my maternal grandfather's house. I was in my older brother's room, Ikmal, my phone was charging, but I can't wait patiently, so I to the other rooms and found other phones that my mom bought for me, there are now 3 phones that I have. Mom then arrived to pick me up, suddenly ikmal and my little cousin Iffa appear, ikmal then shakes my hand, Ikmal then told Iffa that it is Sunday and near Eid, so she also shakes hands with me, I retrieve 3 of my phones and went straight to my mom's car, not knowing where this car will go.

9 Jul 2024



I had a dream about getting airbnb in Baton Rouge Louisiana really nice on the beach. After staying in the house I realized that the it was another family staying upstairs. We still ended up staying but the father was really weird and wouldnโ€™t give us privacy but they did have a male dog that looked exactly like brownie . Nothing else really happened except for victor somehow ended up in my dream when I opened the bathroom door. After that we left the airbnb and drove we needed up at a gas station where someone tried to rob me and 2 black men tried helping me. But ultimately I ended up saving myself because I chased him and put his hands behind his back until the police came . After that I ended up getting home and Valeria and another girl was at my house and we caught up and after she left I got back in the care and ended up waking up

8 Jul 2024



I had a dream my sister tried to rob me while I was walking down the street hanging out with my friends (we donโ€™t talk)

5 Jul 2024



The dream was me and Ryan (my boyfriend) driving home talking about the concert from the other day and how we needed to find housing for the next concert. We see that small little motel is being built so we decided to stop and look. Ryan gets out first and once I did I regretted it immediately. I felt unsettled, scared, I was so terrified. Two other men where around trying to act "casual". I screamed and demand Ryan to open the door because they were locked. I screamed and begged as my feelings got more and more overwhelmed. Someone walked over to open the door to try and robbed us and I looked at him screaming in fear, distress, anger. "Are you trying to robbed us?!" As he backed off nodding. I screamed my head off and begged again till my anxiety woke me up. Hated that.

30 Jun 2024



I was supposed to be heading to a party with friends and family but I forgot something so I walked back to where I live. I walked down a road where on one side was houses and dort plots and scattered trees and the other side was a huge cliff/bluffs. The sky was darkinging, the sun had just set. There was a woman in front of the door about to open it with keys and I knew she was trying to rob my roommate's house. I approached and asked where the nearest liquor store was. The woman was very suspicious of me, but I played it like I was just a drunk homeless person and she believed I was so she gave me the directions and I left. I knee that anything she took from the house we could just rebuy plus I'm no snitch. So I walked to the alley behind the house to wait when I ran into a handsome man in a car. I recognized the man from some networking events I'd been too and he and I had been meaning to meet up to plan a community event. He saw me and invited me to sit in the passenger seat so we were talking. Then the woman who had been bulgarizing my roommate's home came out the back gate and was shocked and angry to see me. She pull3d a gun and asked the man what the hell was going on. I realized he was the get away car. He remained calm tho and said I wasn't going to tell. I also realized the woman didn't have anything from the house which means she either was bugging it or couldn't find what she needed. She grumbled and said fine and got in the back seat. He drove away and we ended up at the party I was originally going to. Everyone was very surprised to see me with him, He was attractive and wealthy, and my family and friends kept trying to pull us away to ask questions but he asked me to stay by his side so I did. We started dancing. Then suddenly rhe fbi showed up. The man handed me a bag of diamonds and asked me to casually hide them by a tree. So I did and made a star in the dirt to mark the spot. Then we left with the other patrons while the fbi took down the woman who had arrived with us. I asked if he was concerned and he said no, it was the consequences of her reckless and selfish actions. We got back in the car and there was a crazy wind vrewing, mattresses and shopping carts in the air. I then woke up

29 Jun 2024

Parking Lot


I was parking in a parking garage with a friend and two men came up to us to rob us with stun guns. It was a groundhog day situation where ut kept happening and I had to figure out ways to defeat them. I lost everytimw until we finally grabbed their weapon and fought them. The next level of my dream was like a video game. A different friend was now in a wheel chair and I wheeled her out of the garage into an elevator. We end up in some temple run style obstacle course where we had to jump the wheelchair over a gap in a bridge.

20 Jun 2024

Home Invasion


I was at my home when a group of people came to drop something off. They commenced by robbing my home & threatening me, I managed to hide my grandsons Xbox. I found out theyโ€™d killed others theyโ€™d robbed and had a machete to kill me

19 Jun 2024



My sister had a dream about me in a car with an unknown man, screaming and crying out loud. At first she could not see where I was but then she eventually followed the sounds of my screaming and crying until she saw where I was. As she was approaching the car, two men came after her as though they wanted to rob her. As she was running towards the car she woke up before she could reach me. What does this dream mean?

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