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Dream Interpretation: Sewer 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Sewer? Discover the significance of seeing a Sewer in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Sewer appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of a sewer represents the hidden, dark aspects of your personality. It may indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed by negative emotions or thoughts. It can also suggest that you need to release pent-up emotions or let go of negative experiences.

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🧭 Direction


Reflect on your current emotional state and try to identify any negative feelings or experiences that you may be holding onto. It may be helpful to talk to someone you trust or seek professional help to work through these emotions. Consider practicing self-care and finding healthy ways to release any negative energy.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a sewer may evoke feelings of disgust, repulsion, and discomfort. It symbolizes the need to confront and deal with unpleasant emotions or aspects of one's life. It may also represent a sense of being overwhelmed or trapped in a negative situation. The dream may elicit a desire for cleansing and purification, as well as a need to address hidden or repressed emotions. Overall, the sewer dream can leave a person feeling unsettled and motivated to make necessary changes in their life.





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Dreams of users containing the word Sewer

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3 Jul 2024

High School


Had super powers like flying, super speed and could see through walls. I met up and tried to get back together with my first love from high-school. We got together and enjoyed a night together and then I had to leave for a bit and I came back and she was with a friend and another guy and I thought she was possibly cheating like she did when we were younger. I confronted them but didn't act like I thought there was anything wrong, just feeling out the situation. I don't think they were but then we had to escape for some reason and we were in these sewers and the holes we were climbing through were getting smaller till the point where I could move in them and felt claustrophobic and said I can't continue then I left. I came back later to see her with her friends at a hair or nail salon kr something and her friend spoke for her and told me she didn't feel the spark anymore. I said wow, that's wild because I felt the spark a lot but I understood. I held her hand and looked at her thinking this is my last time seeing her and I was very sad. She was in a car trunk at this point, like it was to plbe closed and not opened or looked at again. I left and regret not getting to kiss her one last time. Then I flew off

10 Apr 2024



Dreamed I was at an airport or something with my brother playing guitar hero. I went off to look around and saw something like a huge sewer/swimming pool system. There were two kittens that needed help because there were some kind of monsters chasing them. I did something to chase them off and my brother came looking for me because he was suspicious. I turned him around and yelled at him to leave me alone. I then went to grab the kittens who were suddenly scared of me. I picked them up and put them near these big intake valves and they swam in them and I saw them briefly before they were gone. I hoped they'd get out safely and turned back toward the airport and a lady found me and said they couldn't find me. That I'd have to wait till night before they could send me on a different airplane. I started walking up the stairs and then woke up.

28 Mar 2024



My dream began at my older friend's house, Mateus, who is also Brazilian, and we were there cooking different types of meats marinated in Japanese whiskey. As I left his house and walked down the street, I walked past two older guys playing soccer. One was especially good and he was trying to go professional. As I walked past them I decided to stop and play with them a little bit by juggling the soccer ball. When I left them I went to a soccer field where there were a bunch of kids playing soccer and I was playing with them helping them out and helping them have fun. Once I finished, I decided to fly home. So I was flying over the road, the trees, the fields, and saw one of my childhood friends, Jisoo, playing soccer by her house. When I flew down to meet her, she started kicking the ball at me mutiple times as I was flying home. It began to rain while that was happening and she started getting sad. She said she spent too much of her childhood attempting to become a professional soccer player that she missed out on her childhood and also wasn't there for her dad when he passed away. At the end of my dream, as it was still raining, I saw my shoes that I lost earlier in the dream. It was flowing down a stream on the road and right before I was able to get the shoes, they fell into the sewer to never be seen again.

10 Mar 2024



Me, my friend and some strangers we're stuck in the catacombs of an old castle. Someone was lost in the sewer which was filled with turtles and turtle poop and they had to crawl through it to get to us. We explored more and found a large window and on the other side was some woman trapped in there with monsters. I could talk to her with a speaker and when i did that she turned into my sister. She told me that in the incinerator beside me was our dad or brother. Then we're back home suddenly. Me and my friend go to a diner and we see a real estate woman that I inexplicably hate. She walks up to us and apologizes and tells us she wants to make it up to us with a new hiking trail she bought. Me and my friend start walking the trail and it leads us to a pontoon boat. We get on the boat and I start recording the boat ride. It's on murky swamp water and it leads to a waterfall. The boat stays intact but me and my friend are scared now. Then the boat leads to a water slide in the swamp river and it slides all the way down which is fun but then it hits the bottom and flips upside down. We're dragged beneath the boat in the swamp and have to swim out to land. The real estate woman is waiting for us and I look back on my phone and realize I have proof she tried to drown us. We leave the swamp and go home. We are hanging out when the real estate woman's ex-husband shows up. He is the one who trapped us in the castle. I start yelling at him saying I hate him and his ex-wife but he just smiles.

3 Mar 2024



I barely remember bits and pieces since I should've recorded this as I woke up from my accidental 4 hour nap but here it is. I was with another girl and some dude with some sort special abilities or power but I wasn't there as me, rather an entirely different person at least externally. The dude wasn't necessarily like an enemy or antonganist from my point of view/towards me but also wasn't necessarily with or on mine and the other girls side either, like a chaotic neutral kind of character with a little unsure back and forth between goals, intent, motives, and action/behavior. Always difficult to tell and almost fickle in that sense but nothing too worrying for me at least. The three of us ended up together along mine and the other girls 'mission' and journey to do/find something like a truth and I believe shut something no good down. He just kind of ended up there, with intent that was clearly not trying to 'help' us but not necessarily 'against' us either and with his own motives that are more or less unclear but not really threatening so we were oddly comfortable with him in our own ways aside from some occasional bickering and what not. I am unaware of the backstory of the three of us and our affiliations with each other but I knew that much as far as how we all got on with each other and what we know of each other's characters. For some reason I couldn't physically stand at first, in a wheelchair and something had happened in front of me a ways away that I wanted to see out of disbelief and like a hope. It seemed like an act of kindness and positive change being shown from the random people idly there and I remember feeling disheartened just a moments before this with a lack of confidence and insecurity with my own capabilities and luck. He knew this and seemed to try to lift my confidence and hopes up in his own subtle though direct way. Seeming satisfied when I without any help quickly stood up and managed to even walk a little towards the scene which brought on a lot of emotions in me and determination. There was a time skip to me, him, and the other girl ending up in this giant flooded sewer like area where normally people aren't supposed to be for many safety reasons as well as it not being built for that. The water was practically up to our chest and really strong and big like waves, it was scary but I remained nearly unfazed by fear as we waded through the gushing water into the next section of nothing really different. There was a different little opening though quite big to the side like that of a sewer system that had a red light illuminating it to a high powered fan that would indefinitely kill us if we ended up there. I got stuck somehow being pushed by the water towards that opening and getting dangerously close to the terrifying death trap that was, I was panicking and anxiously yelling "guys-!..." in a way that was more alerting rather than a plead for help. They stopped in their tread and looked back, the other girl with a worried expression and the guy with an alerted expression though the guy had managed to very quickly make his way towards me and manage to save me somehow (probably with the help of his questionable strength and mysterious abilities) he helped me out and towards the other girl where we were supposed to be more or less on our way to wherever we were going. The other girl let out a relieved sigh with a faint smirk as she said to me, "You seem to be constantly helped by him"(something along those lines with the same concept and leading tone). I felt a little embarrassed and irritated with myself at the notice of that and realization of my incapabilities in comparison to them, ultimately feeling a little flustered and embarrassed but also really insecure about possibly not being independent or self-reliant and capable enough. I am always quite independent and self-reliant and with every intention to be at all costs but this made it seem as if it weren't enough to be or at least wasn't in these moments. There was more but it gets more difficult to explain further on and more difficult to remember accurately as it is very detailed to begin with and complex. My conscienceness kept going from in the dreaming state to being more aware and in tune of 'reality' and waking life though never actually waking up, more so like just my mind but I never really opened my eyes or felt the rest of my body wake up like such regardless. Due to this it felt like my conscienceness was being pulled in and out of the dream similarly to that of waking up and revisiting/recontinueing the same dream the next time you fall asleep, making it feel like such without having actually.

15 Feb 2024



I had a dream were I was on my dads bus with my brother and my aunt Dena and we were dropping people off everywhere and then we dropped me off at my school then I went and there was a. Ew class and my cousin and my old class ages were there and it was so fun and then we had to do a game and my ex best freind was there and we partnered and she kept telling me I did the thing rong and left then she did it AGIAN and I did it right then we had to sit sown and I was in the middle of 2 bigs and they kept telling me not to talk and putting there feet in my thighs anyways then so one went to the bathroom and it was time to go home so I rushed home and there was a breaking news and it just appeared on a sly and it said somone went missing and it showed a pictures of the girl and it was the girl who went to the bathroom so I was scared and then I was walking home and there was a old man smoking and a lady with dogs so i was walking and I said I like your dogs and the old lady said nothing but then I got close to her and she waved and I was like I like your dogs and she said thank you then there was a guy in all black by the sewers and he was braking o yo it and the old lady helped him then I was crossing the street and I heard my dog and I could not run and then I relished this was a dream the. I try’s waking up and I could not

9 Feb 2024

Snake bite


A sunny day at the beach and I pick up litter and throw it into a trash can but it's not a trash can. The trash can is a giant spider and it is hungry. I try to run but the spider is to fast and I fall into the sand but as I do lightening strikes and ravens start circling. A rattle snakes bites the spider before it reaches me and the sky turns red as a giant wabe approaches. I run for the hill but a wind pushes me back onto the beach but a truck sees me and pucks me up. The truck crashes into a building and a dinosaur is on the other side of the building and it's hungry. The sky turns red and dark and climb into a sewer to escape.

27 Jan 2024



This was after my amusement park dream suddenly I'm with my sister and some type of cartoon bird that can talk I don't know who that is but it was just a cartoon bird anyway we were walking and it looked like it was Autumn the season had changed and it became cooler outside leaves were all over the floor it was wet from the rain I suppose and most of my dreams the sky is always white which gives me really bad anxiety in the real world when the skies completely white or dark gray my anxiety goes so high and because it's always in my dream I guess I always feel anxious but the sky was white in my dream and we were going down a path you were approaching a school of some sort, they walked into the school it looked kind of abandoned and as I walked in with my sister day day we walked into some sort of room and it looked like there was a river running through it kind of like the sewer but way bigger and it was glowing with an orange atmosphere a warm orange kind of like when you step in to a place and the sun shines onto like a warm surface but it was still cool in the building and I had seen the river I walked over to it as my sister stood back also the cartoon bird too and I was reaching into the water when all of a sudden I got grabbed by some sort of tentacle I was struggling and I got pulled into the water and Freddy Krueger was also in this one he was the one that had the tentacles and was pulling me in and I kept crying out for my sister and the bird to help me it was running over they was trying to help but I was going way too fast and I was trying to swim away as fast as I could but in the end Freddy drowned me and then I just woke up after that

20 Jan 2024

Running away


There was this house, and it was snowing. Me and my friends get out of this house and go outside. Outside, there are these outdoor lanterns and I touch them one by one and they turn on. We go into a snowy forest. There, we see a man fighting a monarch in this weird cement whole in the ground with a small ladder in it. The monarch has a dog with him. Who is standing on the outside of the whole with me and my friends. The man crawls about of the whole and pounds on the ground near the whole. The cement starts crumbling. A dark abyss appears and the monarch falls. The man who was fighting the monarch gets sucked into the abyss as well. We see the dark abyss clear, and there is this giant sewer like whole with dark muddy water in it. The body of the man falls into it. The dog runs away. We keep walking. We hear screaming and shouting and explosions. It’s still snowing. We see these old graffiti on military bunkers and forts and forts. Suddenly, me and my friends see a grenade thrown over our heads. We start running. We see a funeral for the monarch. But for this funeral, all people were dressed in white. We started going back to our house. On the way, we made a shortcut through a stranger’s backyard. Then we returned to the snowy house.

20 Nov 2023



I went skydiving and almost drowned but caught my legs in a pair of blue jeans that were attached to a rock. I start screaming and crying because I'm like 200 feet in the middle of a lake full of people on a random rock. Then this really creepy guy climbs up the rock saving me. He takes me to dinner then takes me home. And at my house we're having a Christmas party. for some reason, this guy was pretending to be nice so that he could try to kidnap me and rape me. So he successfully kidnaps me and rapes me in his car, then takes me home, and I'm trying to explain to my family what happened and none of them believe me. So I just hand out at the party till the guy shows up again then I try to run and hide from him and I do this by finding a hidden area with my and my cousin who believed me. Then this guy comes out of no were and pulls a cat out of the sewer and comforting it. He was really nice and called the cops for me on this 45 year old man named many which was the man who raped me. Then I come home and this random dude names Elliot is a drag queen and he gets a massive boner when I hug him. Then he gives me a dress. Then he rapes me repeatedly several times. And then I wake up.

14 Nov 2023



I DREAMT ABOUT BIKING. Right around my best friend's corner i fell into a sewer. (i cant properly ride a bike)

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