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Dream Interpretation: Rooftop 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Rooftop? Discover the significance of seeing a Rooftop in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Rooftop appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of being on a rooftop can symbolize a desire for a higher perspective or a need to escape from the mundane. It can also represent a sense of achievement or success. However, if you feel fear or anxiety in the dream, it may indicate a fear of failure or a lack of stability in your life.

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🧭 Direction


Consider what the rooftop represents to you in the dream. Are you looking down on the world below or trying to climb higher? If you feel fear or anxiety, try to identify what is causing those feelings in your waking life. If you feel a sense of achievement, celebrate your successes and continue to strive for your goals.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of being on a rooftop can evoke a sense of freedom and exhilaration. It may symbolize a desire for independence and a willingness to take risks. The height and openness of the rooftop can also create a feeling of vulnerability or fear. Overall, this dream may elicit a mix of excitement, empowerment, and apprehension.





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Dreams of users containing the word Rooftop

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18 Jun 2024

Serial killer


I was with my mother and brother in the garden from our new villa. My brother was playing with the tire swing, which hang on the biggest tree there, my mother and I just had watched a dokumentation about the house. We sat by the sea, I looked at a part of the rooftop, which was broken and in the garden, the whole villa needed a renovation. My mother said that the sea was going to be pumped out, I looked at her confused, then I realised it and smiled "That means we could seek the corps right?" she nooded, I stood up and walked down to the water. The last owner from the villa was a serial killer and he hide the corpse in the sea and his dungeons.

11 Jun 2024

Building (Place)


For some reason we were in the city and we were driving and all of a sudden it got really windy and alerts were going off and we looked behind us and water was RUSHING towards us and there were buildings behind us and the water was as tall as them so we came to this road and we had to jump over the ledge bc it was basically a waterfall from the storm and when we jumped down we climbed onto this one building and then all the water came and stuff and then we were hiding on the rooftops which I guess for some reason was illegal to do?? And when the water dried there was a bunch of police officers like a swat team patrolling the ground and trying to shoot people who were on the rooftops and the one guy saw me but let me stay there and I was like “what’s going on?” And he was like we’re starting the purge. I was like WTFFF and the reason we ended up in the city is bc we tried to go to TGIF but no one had their food when we got there and I was like babe we’re gonna be waiting here for 2-3 hours let’s leave and then all that happened

8 Jun 2024



we met at some tuition, he was kinda rude but at the end he initiated a conversation i don’t really know why but i invited him to my rooftop, we were half way through climbing the stairs but, i heard my mom unlocking the door and climbing up. i went like “go! go! you gotta run” i started panicking. he began climbing down the stairs, he met my mom and greeted her for some reason?? they talked apparently. i managed to rush inside without being noticed, somehow. i ran to my room and pretended to fall asleep but i ended up actually falling asleep lmao. i woke up to a view of him lying on one side, propped up on his elbow, hand supporting his head but his eyes remained locked to mine the entire time. i don’t know how long he has been lying here but it felt soothing. this time he had this soft expression on his face, his attitude attitude from earlier had drastically changed. we had some small talk, but this was the first time i noticed how huge his build was, he definitely works out. his chest was WIDE. his arms were all athletic, he looked as if he could lift me from one arm without breaking a sweat (oh and he did btw). i don’t know why but we began packing, apparently we are going camping with his family (i fucking hate camping). DESPISE THAT SHIT. we packed tents and all the other stuff required for camping, he was coming with us. i was waiting for my mom since locking the door and i remembered that i forgot all my makeup and skincare supplies, i begged my mom to open the door just for a couple of seconds but her response wasn’t as friendly to say the least… we left for camping. we met his family and greeted them, i found out his name was Sahil. (i overheard his mom talking to him lol). i stood there awkwardly as i watched everyone building the tents, Sahil was setting up the bonfire. after he was done setting up the bonfire, i went to his direction. we shared some small talks again, but more interesting and funnier this time. suddenly he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me towards him, he lifts me up and swings me around in circular motion. i laugh and protest as i shoved my hand to the helm of my dress before i ended up flashing somebody.

4 Jun 2024



I dream of that I was going on rooftop and it was evening time and gave my phone to my Lil cousin brother. The sky was cloudy after rain and there was also my uncle as we were looking at sky I noticed that sun and moon is at sky at same time and moon has sparkly star with it it was good until I also saw sun with a star with and there is another planet then I remembered that I read that on news that all the planets in sky will align in a line in the sky and we can see it but I don't read the full article which place it could be seen I dint know that in my area we could also see . Then the magic happnd in the sky the sky turned dark and suddenly blue with sparkles the planets look big it looks and colourful I was very happy and I asked my Lil cousin bro to give phone and take pic of sky and then I noticed a UFO and light was coming out of it when I tried of taking pics idk why always camera zoom on and all the alien came in pic I couldn't take the pic the alien was like robot with octopus tentacles orange colored . Then I went down

3 Jun 2024



I remember that I was on my house rooftop and I was recording some video. I was actually in Princess and I was on a date, okay. My house was near a beach. It was a very beautiful beach and it's a Milton City beach and I was at my house rooftop and I was on a date. So I was recording and I was on a date with a guy, a very rich guy. He was having a lot of gold necklaces and he was continuously changing his gold necklaces. I was shocked that he was so rich. So I was saying that I will make a hotel here in the beach. I will buy a private jet here and I will renovate the building and all that's all. And suddenly I said something and what a fact. Then I saw another thing that I was getting married, okay. I was getting married and I was not wearing glasses and I was ready, I was ready and was dressed up. So basically all my matrimonial family members were at my house. So I saw the man, he was like 10 years older than me. He was good looking. I saw his face from the side. He was having beard, he was a muscular man, good looking man and like charming, that's all. He was like gentle, providing man. He was not talking that much. I was not wearing glasses so I couldn't see that much. They were talking, my aunts and grandmother, my mother were talking about the marriage and I was not very happy about it but I am excited at the same time. I was acting very childish, I don't know why. Then I told my mother, I don't want to marry, I don't like men. So I was doing this. I was so young, I still have 10 years to enjoy my youth life. She said it's good to start from now to enjoy your marriage so you don't have to worry later on. I was very disappointed and then I was on my balcony and it was like late night time. I saw a kid, he was having fun. I started having some nice time with that kid. Then I saw my grandpa washing his hands and my father washing his hands. Then the guy, groom came, washed his hands. I saw him a little bit but I was not wearing glasses so it was all blur. Then my cousin sister came and I was talking to her that whatever I feel I will tell her all the things. I will never hide anything from her, like emotional things. Then I went to another room and I saw that all the guests and family members are in that room. When I again started acting childish, I don't know why I was acting so childish in front of them. Then I went to the staircase and saw a big orange cat, that's all.

22 May 2024



I dream of that some people I know we're jumping of the rooftop and when I chance came to jump I know that I will not get hurt but there will get lot of pressure on my legs so I hold my paternal aunt hand with my left hand and with my right hand I had my father's hand and I jumped and reached safely . They help me jump and do not get me pressure in my legs . I hate my father

19 May 2024

Running away


I saw me and my friends were running and hiding from someone. We went to rooftop and started hiding from a woman from neighbour she was looking at us . A guy took my hand and took me to sky and space he showed me stars and galaxy and he even showed me stars constellation like he was controlling them . When I went for closure look to the stars the constellation looks so real and beautiful

4 May 2024



Sitting on a rooftop, people running, fire and death

9 Apr 2024

Make Out


My boyfriend Ryan and I were having a nice dinner at a restaurant with our friend Rebecca, but at the end of the dinner, Ryan disappeared. I got into my car and drove around looking for him. I tried calling him and he didn’t pick up. I gave up searching for him because he wasn’t answering his phone and ended up a another friend’s house party. I called Ryan one more time and he finally picked up and was on FaceTime but his audio was muted. He was also at some random pool party at someone’s rooftop apartment with a lot of attractive and shirtless guys. His audio was muted and he wouldn’t tell me where he was. I started yelling on the phone and was so upset. I told him to tell me where he was, and he wouldn’t. He started making out with this random guy at the party he was at. I was furious.

25 Mar 2024

Running away
New Job


So me and my mom moved into a new apartment complex. As me and my mom were on a tour we went to the rooftop, as I walked around I looked behind me and nobody was there. It was just me. And then I here a bark. I turn around and there are 2 cages 1 has a chihuahua in it and the other has a pug. I walk over to them and let the chihuahua first. Then when I stick my hand through the metal bars of the pugs cage, the pug grows another eye and 4 more legs. It’s skin turns green and eyes turn red and it attempts to hit me but I get my hand out. As I try to run away I realize i am moving in slow motion. I see the pug is trying to break the bars of the cage. I try to scream but I couldn’t. Nothing came out. And the pig escapes and eats me limb by limb. And when I die. That’s when I wake up.

19 Mar 2024



So I was going to a hairdresser and I wanted to cut my hair really short, like a pixie cut. And I found pictures and I started making deals with the hairdresser about what I want. So I was sure I wanted a pixie cut. And it was a big change because I have long, in real life, I have long cherry red hair. So I wanted it short. And I even found a picture and everything and when I sat down I showed her and when she was about to cut my hair I fastly changed my mind and I was suddenly nervous, I didn't want my old hair to be gone. So I wanted a little bit longer, like shoulder length, but then that was too much too and I wanted less. So I had an idea to get an undercut, like under my hair would be short. So I don't remember what we did, maybe we did that. And then the other part of the dream was me, I was in the gym. and my mother was next to me and we we went on the machines for running I don't know what they're called but in real life recently a gym opened in my around my house like really close open the big gym so we were there in that gym and we were running and my mom said that her machine wouldn't go faster so we switched a few times and while we were there I wanted to raise weight and all and outside it was cloudy I knew that people could see me while I was working out so I saw my sister I don't have a sister in real life but I saw my sister And she was, she was telling me to come down fast and that I couldn't get close because she's in big danger. So I, I was afraid and I got down of the gym without my mom. And I think that she did modeling, but she was trapped, she couldn't leave. So I should get help, but in front of the other models and the teachers, I should be quiet because if I do, she, she won't, she will be in danger. When they practiced model walking I triend doing it with them and the people there looked really strange at me. I also remember hearing that my sister is a top model and that she won numerous times. And I remember her being super afraid of something that they might do to her if they knew that I wanted to save her. So I got away from the modeling people and I called my mom. We were outside the mall for some reason, but I called my mom. And I was hoping that they couldn't hear me. And I said to her that she should come down fast because something is really urgent and dangerous happening. So she said, what? And I said, I can't tell you. It's the same that my sister told me when she called me. But I said, and she kept saying, why? So she didn't want to get down before knowing. And I remember saying, you need to, there is danger. But, as I was saying that, the people who my sister was with looked over to me and they whispered something. So they might have heard me speaking at the phone. So I got away and I climbed to the rooftop and I walked them over. So I think when I got down and my mother got down, my sister was gone and something happened. I don't know what.

10 Feb 2024

Running away


I'm on a rooftop at night, I'm a marvel superhero chasing a villain who is running away from me. I don't see which one I am but the rooftops suggests Spiderman, ot Daredevil. I finally catch up with the mutant that's been running from me and apprehend it, and begin to ask questions. "Why were you spying on me? Are you planning some kind of attack? Are you working with anyone else?" Me? It says. It's you who's the villain. "Who are you working for?!!" I threaten. "Superman!" It says cowering. 'Superman is the most powerful being in the universe, when he tells you to do do it! And he told me to watch you and report back what I saw. ' Why would Superman keep surveillance on me? I'm helping people. "That's not the way he sees it. What do you call a superpowered human imposing their will on others outside the law, with no accountability?" Isn't that exactly what he does, though? I counter. "He's not human, he's Kryptonian" I let the mutant go. Who is he to play God? I may not be a hero but I'm no villain. Then I remember his name is Kal-El which means son of God.

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