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Dream Interpretation: Stabbing 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Stabbing? Discover the significance of seeing a Stabbing in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Stabbing appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes emotional pain, betrayal, and feeling attacked by someone close to you. It may also represent your own aggressive behavior towards others or yourself. It is a warning to be cautious of your actions and words.

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🧭 Direction


Reflect on your relationships and see if there are any issues that need to be addressed. If you are the one doing the stabbing, it may be time to examine your own behavior and make changes. Seek help if you are struggling with anger or aggression.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of stabbing evokes intense feelings of fear, vulnerability, and shock. It signifies a deep sense of betrayal, aggression, or unresolved anger. This dream may also indicate a fear of being hurt emotionally or physically. The act of stabbing represents a sudden and violent disruption in one's life, leaving a lasting impact on the dreamer's psyche. It is a symbol of pain, danger, and the need for self-protection. The emotions associated with this dream are often distressing and may linger long after waking up, reminding us of the importance of addressing our fears and finding healthy ways to cope with them.





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Dreams of users containing the word Stabbing

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16 Jul 2024



I was flying a helicopter and trying to shoot missiles at a target. Then I was in a room with a boy who was trying to stab me with knives, but I wasn’t scared, I was going to stab him before he could hurt me

15 Jul 2024



My sister and I were having an argument in the back seat of a car and when we arrived to wherever we were going, there were crowds of people who were chasing my father and finally a young woman stabbed him in the neck

11 Jul 2024



There was someone in the school who once a week comes in and hunts one student and I had to hide in a bathroom stall until the hunter got the student, and at the end of the dream the hunter stabs the student with a knife a bunch of times.

10 Jul 2024



I had such a strange and vivid dream. I was working as a detective. Me and some other people were working on a case about this girl that went insane and was killing people around the area. On the first night, we found three dead bodies. It was very strange, and something about the whole thing felt so real. The next night, we were working again. This time we found five dead bodies. It made me feel so uneasy. As I was walking back home, I was walking below an overpass when I saw my girlfriend. I knew we were together, but this is the first time seeing my girlfriend in my dream. For some reason, this case really had me stressed out, and in my dream my girlfriend was the only person I had in my life. For some reason, she looked at me, and said that we can no longer be together and she smirked and looked at me like it was a joke. I asked her if she was being serious and she looked at me and just smiled, ending it. As I walked through the dark and gloomy night, I ran into a group of girls that came up to me and asked me if I was single. I jokingly said “I wasn’t up until a few minutes ago”, and just walked through them. Days went by, and I couldn’t shake the fact that I lost the only important person I had in my life. Why did she leave me? Why did she laugh when leaving? I had so many questions, but knew that I’d never get the answers to them. A few days later, I was sitting behind my truck, and turned around. For some reason, in my trunk I had everything she ever gave me. I began to cry a waterfall, wishing she would come back. I impulsively began talking to new girls. No matter who I spoke to though, none of them were like her. I was so hurt, confused, and angry, but no one could replace who she was to me. I went back to working on my case, trying to forget about her. As I headed back to my office, I worked for a couple of hours, trying to piece any evidence of where the murderer was. I had no leads. I couldn’t keep my mind clear. I went on a break, but as I sat there, I looked at my phone, expecting to respond to her messages like I would’ve done before. There was nothing. I felt a heavy sorrow in my heart. As I sat on my truck, I started receiving pictures from her. They were all pictures of her making silly faces and smiling, then she asked me through text “why have you been so distant? Why won’t you send me pictures of you like before? Are we not friends”? I didn’t get it… It felt like she was mocking me… looking at her beautiful face through the phone made me cry again, wondering what went wrong. Why did she leave me with no explanation??? Why did she have a smile on her face when leaving??? Why is she acting like nothing ever happened??? I went back in, and called it a night. A few nights later, I was on the clock, and me and my colleagues went to an apartment complex where we heard there was an alleged girl walking around stabbing people. It had to be the murderer. I still wasn’t able to concentrate after what had happened with my relationship in the last few days. We split up around the building, seeing if we could find any clues. I was in the top floor. Every door to each room was open. I felt uneasy. Petrified. As I went door to door, I soon came to realize that everyone in this building was dead. Murdered. I began to panic. There were so many things going through my mind, but I couldn’t do anything but panic, cry, and run. This was nothing like me. I would always be able to stay calm and collected. After my girlfriend broke up with me, I started falling apart. My heart was turning to dust. I ran down the hall, trying to get to the elevator, when I saw the girl who was causing these murders walk out of a room right in-front of me. I froze. I walked back gasping for air, when I fell back. I stared at her as tears ran down my face. I stood up, but couldn’t move. She ran towards me with the knife, slitting my throat. I fell back gasping and crying, as she stood over my body, and began to stab me in my stomach over and over again. I laid there crying, as I bled out. She walked away, smiling. I heard sirens, but my vision began to go black. I couldn’t feel anything but the tears running down my face. I began to think of when I was still with my girlfriend, remembering when we were together. My whole life flashed before my eyes. I wondered; if we were still together, would I have been able to take down this murderer? End this horror? I replayed my whole life with her right before death. At the end, she broke up with me just like before, and it felt like i was being stabbed once again. Keep in mind, I am no detective nor plan on being one, but that was what I was in my dream.

6 Jul 2024

Locked Door


I was on vacation with Po and Hong Hui. We were eating at a small restaurant with two others. It was a delicious Korean restaurant, and we had ordered Korean fried chicken, served with a tasty marmalade made from Madame Jeanette peppers. Someone went to the bathroom, so Hong Hui said we should wait to eat until he returned. I found Hong Hui quite nice, but then I heard that Po liked her too. I wanted to talk to Po about it in a secret language at the table, but Po got angry. Then suddenly, I was on vacation with two other girls, staying in a dirty hotel. We were in Germany, in a beautiful city. We did a lot and saw many things. I even ran into my father and Brenda there. One of the girls always had her earphones in and listened to something on her phone all day. Because she didn't sleep at the hotel at night, our other friend got angry and asked what was going on. She explained that she had an older boyfriend in America who had come to visit her and that she had been sneaking out at night to see him. She was always listening to his voice messages. When we returned to the hotel, she decided to stay with us, which made her boyfriend angry. He came to the hotel, very angry. We quickly locked our hotel room door, but he stood outside and started banging on it hard. The two girls hid under the bed while I tried to hold the door closed. Suddenly, the door flew open, and there stood a very angry old man. He wanted to see his girlfriend and started hitting me. I pushed him into the hallway, and he fell to the ground. I grabbed a screwdriver and stabbed him in the calves, making him scream. Then I also hid under the bed. The blankets smelled extremely sour, like a mix of old people's sweat and expired milk.

5 Jul 2024



I was listening to music (Heathens) when I zoned out. This is a daydream/vision that I saw during that time. I saw myself in a white jumpsuit in a jail cell. I had a shiv in my hand and I was on top of someone. I kept stabbing them, over and over again. No matter how much I stabbed, no blood got on my white jumpsuit.

23 Jun 2024



i don’t remember the first part too well although i remember arguing with my sister because she was on facetime with people i didnt want her talking to. but then, i think i was in this house that was pretty big and i was looking for keys to unlock something but i was rushing to get them before the other people because they had malicious intentions. so me and my sister looked and looked and couldnt find that last key but the other people did, and i heard them say they were going to kill my mom, who was laying in bed in one of the rooms. so worried i ran up to the room to tell her and made it but shortly after i warned my mom, they came up the stairs trying to attack us. so i closed the door but the guy pressed against door and tried to get in. i wasn’t strong enough to fight him off but he got in. i grabbed a box cutter and started to stab him which made me very uncomfortable. i also threatened to slit his throat but i couldnt bring myself to do it. i think i was too scared. but then that guy was taken care of. then the other more powerful guy was wandering around and me and my sister planned to hide from him and then catch him by surprise. i remember sitting with my sister trying to invoke someone and praying to god (even tho in my waking life i dont believe in doing that) i could feel and energy around me and in me. When i heard the guy trying to come up the stairs i tried to hide under the bed but i didnt fit and he found me. he tried to shoot lightning from his hands to hurt me but it didnt work and i ended up stabbing him too a couple times which i still did not enjoy. after that i ended up outside and everything was back to normal everyone was free but then i remembered my mom and i ran up to the house screaming for her though my voice never made a sound. I find her being carried out on a stretcher and i feel like im about to start crying because i think shes gone but then someone lifts up the plastic that was on her face and pinches her nose and then she woke up and i felt relief. Then i think i woke up.

21 Jun 2024



I was at my friends party and 3 people got killed and one of the guys got stabbed a bunch of times

16 Jun 2024

Car accident


I have reoccurring dreams about catching my ex’s (they rotate I can feel it, I can’t see which ex but I can almost feel like it’s a combo of em all in one entity) and I noticed all my sex toys has been placed in other areas of the house, porn stashed somewhere, and when confronted they always get defensive and gaslight me. Here’s where it takes a dark turn. Instead of coming clean, things get heated and violent. It turns into an attempted murder with stabbing. Everything is being audio recorded somehow and he does attack me, all while his new lover is listening in on this… it’s like he blacked out from rage, and then stopped suddenly realizing what he’d done and stopped. I survive. Out of nowhere there’s a voice that’s narrating and it’s HER, like a movie and she said “Have you ever seen your lover kill his?? I have, and that’s what did it for me” ie not wanting to stick around to being his new gf. Then somewhere in there I’m telling this story to my best friend and we both started to cry about the whole situation and because we can go back and listen to the audio. Also idk how the events came about but a car accident is involved somehow, maybe it was a message but it wasn’t my car, I just remember seeing the car and the terrible shape it was in… which ended up being my car that insurance wouldn’t call it a total so I could get coverage.

13 Jun 2024



I had a dream that I stabbed somebody in the back, but it was out of self defense. The other person came at me with the knife first.

11 Jun 2024



A woman I didn't know broke into our house and tried to stab me. I tried shouting for help but no sound was coming from my mouth. I held the knife on the sharp blade to prevent her from stabbing me hence cutting my palm severally. She then mentioned that she wanted to kill me since her children were also murdered.

31 May 2024



i was in a dorm room when i went out to the city with a friend that disappeared and left me all alone. suddenly i turned into a cat and i started wondering around. i never figured when i turned back into a human but suddenly i was me again in the countryside which reminded me a lot of the village my mother is from. i saw a man with a sharp wooden hand chasing another person of unknown gender and he eventually stabbed them and looked at me as i stood shocked to that sight. then afraid he might chase me down i sprinted down the road and i got to a field of crops and olive trees. then i talked to a woman asking her directions for the village my mother was from. she didnt know. i asked another old lady near by and she told to me head towards the heart of the field, turn left and then go up a hill whose grass made zig zag patterns. i went there. at first when i got out of the field i saw a big mansion which reminded me of a wes anderson film. i passed that and found myself in a forest full of fairies who danced on giant mushrooms. suddenly i wasnt afraid of the man with the black hair and the pale face. i went up the hill while the fairies were dancing around me. they had beautiful long amethyst coloured hair and their song was mesmerizing. i tried to go up the hill and then i woke up.

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