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Dream Interpretation: Jumping 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Jumping? Discover the significance of seeing a Jumping in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Jumping appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Jumping in a dream symbolizes taking a leap of faith or taking risks. It can also represent a desire for freedom or a need to escape from a situation. It may also indicate excitement or anticipation for something new.

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🧭 Direction


Think about what you are jumping over or towards in the dream. Is there something in your waking life that you need to take a risk for or escape from? Consider the potential consequences of taking a leap of faith and weigh the risks and benefits. Trust your instincts and take action towards your goals.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of jumping evokes a sense of exhilaration and freedom. It symbolizes a desire to take risks and embrace new opportunities. This dream may also reflect a need for escape or a longing for a fresh start. The feeling of weightlessness and the adrenaline rush associated with jumping can signify a sense of empowerment and confidence. It suggests a willingness to overcome obstacles and leap into the unknown. Overall, this dream elicits feelings of excitement, adventure, and the potential for growth.





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23 Jun 2024



About my boyfriend and I found out he died because he jumped off a back of a U-Haul truck and fell asleep when he had a concussion and died in his sleep

21 Jun 2024



At first I arrived at a kind of island with a big boat like the titanic. The sky was grey and it looked and felt like it was about to rain any moment. We , my family and I , went trough a big garden door into a kind of Funpark on this island. There my family left or disappeared, I don’t know anymore . Anyway , I went to a waterslide . There was Emilia waiting for me . The whole park was very creepy and dark . Everything was in kind of grey shades . It looked like it was about to rain any moment . Suddenly I was at the big garden door again with my family and we left the park , but we were still on the island . We were on the beginning of the island next to dark , dark water . There stood every where big black book shelf’s with books , a lot of books in it . We were told , that we can take anything we want out of the shelf’s for free and keep it . I took a lot of books . My family stayed at the first few shelf’s but I wanted to look out for even more books so I went over to the shelf’s which were pretty far away . The sky turned even greyer then possible . There , suddenly , I saw that the funpark wasn’t a funpark . It was a Prisint . And while I stood between those big black bookshelf’s all of the criminals there Manegent to escape . The run against me and one of them pushed me into the black black water . I started drowning and suddenly I felt from the sky in a completely new scenery . I felt from the sky in a kind of a big doll house . The scene changed completely. The sky was pretty blue and the big dool house was in orange and pink colors . But strangely I was very small . Smaller than just small . Out of nowhere came a boy ( he was very hot btw ) and a nice looking blond girl . I knew them from somewhere but I don’t remember from where anymore . I trusted them and we tried to escape from the „doll-world“ . All around us where no one . No birds , no people , no dolls but somehow I didn’t feel alone with them . We started jumping down from one doll house roof to a big rock . And from the rock to another big big rock . The rocks were also in orange pink colors . After time I stood at a very big rock . The boy and girl waited for me on the other rock . The rocks were very high and I was to scared to jump . Finally I was brave enough to jump . And then I woke up .

20 Jun 2024

Angry at mom


⁃ We were in a school…a warped version of my middle school and the main hall from Albert Einstein High School. ⁃ Climbing stairs to different floors ⁃ TwistedDisaster (Michie) was there? With a promise and coloring character designs ⁃ Someone in a wrap similar to an Arabian Woman but the wrap was fully colored in Gradient rainbow was being drawn. Even outside the lines ⁃ Mrs. Walsh & Mrs. Harris were there as I did this— ⁃ Michie eventually turned me away for any more drawing ⁃ Both art teachers were giving me medicine(?) through my wrist—needles? ⁃ At sole point I started being able to jump floors and stories and land safely with no broke bones and legs ⁃ After awhile I was sent to Mrs Harris again and she gave me another shot ⁃ I was no longer masking. Unable to mask what I’m thinking or feeling, and unable to hold either back. ⁃ At this discovery from saying what was on my mind, I found Mrs. Harris. And she asked, “How do you feel?” ⁃ I let her have it. Explaining how saying what the Fuck I thought all the time was dangerous, how it contributed to my bruises, cuts, and majority of my physical and mental abuse by my mother. I was angry at Mrs. Harris. ⁃ Thoroughly explaining also why I was terrified to speak my mind, as I’m now only way to speak. As it’s caused me to be I betrayed and ousted by several communities ⁃ I see someone in the distance. I chase them like they’re the White Rabbit in Wonderland. He’s been evasive and even managing to trick me and a few others byby disguising himself as a cop. ⁃ The cop was in his normal clothes but I had a “Wait a minute” moment ⁃ Looked behind him and saw the person I was chasing with his hoodie or strung up shirt wrapped around his body like a harness running away as I chased him—hot on his tail again ⁃ He goes one way and I suggest to two others to cut him off at the exit but the longer way. And to be quick about it. ⁃ A white dog with black spots—A Samoyed? Or a very floofy bear dog, I also gently commanded with urgency to pursue the running Individual. ⁃ I also start running. I wake up to David’s dark tabby male cat Lister purrs and loud audio in my headphones. Both are taken care of.

31 May 2024



Dream peoples be line they want jump the river

30 May 2024

Running away


I was running away from a player or opponent because my health was going down so I used a potion or power up to start jumping really high while I was jumping another opponent try to shoot me I quickly turned lucky but my power weared off and I started falling so highs or something crazy and then I woke up

22 May 2024



I dream of that some people I know we're jumping of the rooftop and when I chance came to jump I know that I will not get hurt but there will get lot of pressure on my legs so I hold my paternal aunt hand with my left hand and with my right hand I had my father's hand and I jumped and reached safely . They help me jump and do not get me pressure in my legs . I hate my father

21 May 2024



Jumping from one car roof to another. In the dreams there were many cars that were stationary and I jumped all the cars one by one until I managed to land safely on the ground

20 May 2024



I’m not sure how I am in acquaintance with this woman, but I was with a black woman and she was driving. She had a child with her. We stopped at the store and the child was simply talking to herself and the woman backhanded her. We got back in the car. The woman was driving, and she became unstable in her reactions. I didn’t initiate it, but she started falling out of the car door and I pushed her. I was going to drive the car away with the child in it. It was like there were two endings to the dream one that I jumped into the driver seat and drove away, and the second was that someone else jumped into the driver seat and drove us away. I don’t know who the other person was but they felt safe.

15 May 2024



So, last night I had a dream and I remember it was outside and it was a lot of running and jumping. What's it called? It was like different, I don't want to say like shape-shifting creatures, but like each of them had their different types. And their different like abilities and how they transform and their speed and everything. But a lot of them were friendly. Some of them were, a lot of them defended like me and what's it called? My friends. And what else? Some of them were like, I don't want to say like romantic, but some of them were like very down for interspecies. Does that make sense? But they weren't like obviously another species. Some of them had wings, some of them didn't. Some of them were fast, some of them weren't. But I do remember them, all of them being humanoid, at least.

14 May 2024



Being in a small boat with my dog in a river with a strong current, he fell out and I jumped into save him. I was holding on too him

13 May 2024



I was trying to wake up Because I was laying in an uncomfortable position, but I kept dreaming about waking up. At first I was in a car with someone and they were talking to me and what they were saying wasn’t making any sense so I knew I was Dreaming. Next I Dreamed about waking up but was skeptical so I got up and jumped to see if I felt light. I wasn’t sure the first time so I jumped again but with my eyes closed. to stop perceiving the room and I didn’t hit the floor I kept falling so I knew I was still asleep. and then I dreamed about waking up a few more times before actually waking up

11 May 2024



I was falling down a flight of stairs in slow motion after jumping from the top

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