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Dream Interpretation: Movie 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Movie? Discover the significance of seeing a Movie in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Movie appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbol represents the story of your life and watching events play out. This can also suggest entertainment and escapism; you may feel stuck in a dull or repetitive routine. Sometimes it simply plays out the time you spent watching a movie in your past.

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🧭 Direction


How are the events on screen playing out? Pay particular attention to the relationships that take place in this dream, as it may be giving you insight. Remember, you are the main character in your story! Play the leading role with confidence and enthusiasm. When you live with confidence, life becomes exciting and entertaining again.

❤️ Feelings

The dream about a movie can evoke a sense of excitement and anticipation. It may symbolize a desire for escapism or a need for entertainment. This dream can also bring feelings of curiosity and wonder, as movies often transport us to different worlds and narratives. Additionally, it may represent a longing for creativity and self-expression, as movies are a form of art. Overall, this dream can leave one with a sense of inspiration and a desire for new experiences.





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18 Jul 2024



I was in this convenience store waiting to buy something. I was conversing with the the female employee working behind the glass. We were talking about different movies and she recommended this movie called Design Impact or Design something. I was trying to entering it in my phone as a note. Some of the letters on the phone's digital keyboard would not work. I tried to do voice to text, but it was too much background noise for the phone assistant to hear me clearly. Two African American ladies were in the store ahead of me in line and they were talking back and forth. I was listening to them, looking and smiling so they knew I was overhearing their conversation and enjoying what they were saying. At one point they brought me into their conversation. I just said a couple nice things so it was a playful and friendly exchange amongst strangers. I said the first friend was pretty funny and the other lady asked me if I thought the first friend was attractive. She was not my type. She was average looking, overweight, she wore braces on her teeth and she was a few years within my age. With confidence I politely said she's gorgeous. I wanted to make her feel good. My boss walked into the convenience store with my stepdad who passed away in April of 2023. I like my boss, but I do not particularly enjoy reporting to her because she is so indecisive and makes decisions based on how the outcome of how it will make her look. I suspect she is probably a narcissist. My stepdad had on a blue suit, white shirt and red tie. My stepdad was nearly blind when he died. The sclera, white part of his eyes were yellow before he died and he could only see large blobs of shapes and nothing in detail. In my dream his scleras were white and there was no cloudy film over his eyes. In my dream he could see like his eyes were young and healed. I was surprised to see him, especially with my boss. I said, hey what are you doing here? The three of us talked for a bit and then my stepdad said he was ready to go home. So exited the convenience store and we were walking together to the car. He was going to ride with me and I asked him if he wanted to go with me to wash the Jeep first. He said no he just wanted to go home.

18 Jul 2024



I was in a house that I had never been in and had a family with some family members that I actually knew and some made up. My dad was grilling for this weekend party and one he was done all our family and friends came over. When I had sat down to watch a movie with my family there was this group on the couch next to me and their son was a bit odd. No one really understood him when he spoke except me and we got along and felt very close even though I was timid of him at first.

15 Jul 2024



There was a coach that was in town and I was going to go back to his town for a conference. I decided to ride up there with him and ride back with another coach. When we got there, we were in the country on a farm. We had to go through the backyard to get to where we're going to watch the movie. There were a bunch of snakes all over the ground and he told me it was a good thing I had boots and jeans on. I should step firmly on the snakes walking through the backyard and they wouldn't bite me I wasn't feeling comfortable with that, so the guy carryied me through the yard past the snakes and then put me on the ground so I could walk the rest of the way Once we got to the Campground site, there was a little building there for us to watch rhe movie. I sat in the front row. if you sat in the front row you couldn't really see the movie screen because the screen was like right above the front row. They had a mirror on the wall and two whiteboards to reflect the movie so the people in the front row could actually watch it on the temporary whiteboard.

14 Jul 2024

Little girl


I was at work my boss asked me did I need anything and I said paper so she brought be some so later on she asked me did I need anything again and I said I need paper so later I went to a vending machine a tried to get some sprite but when I selected sprite I got some pink lemonade keto drink and I was made and all of a sudden my bosses sister that I used to go to school with she was a little girl in my dream and she came to work with us and I was training her and I wanted to get away from work for an hr and she was with me so we eneded up going to a church library to watch a movie so we watched the movie and before we knew it was six a clock and we get off work at 4pm we stayed over the time we were supposed to and my boss will be looking for her sister after work so while we where at the library watching the movie my sister walks in and says hey u not home yet and I was like oh what time is it and she said it’s 6:30pm and I rushed to get my bosses sister out so we can go back to work but I was also wondering how will I explain this and keep my job and as I was wondering that the dream ended. And I work up breathing hard

9 Jul 2024

Famous Person


I'm at this event helping set up, but really I'm just sitting there because an exclusive amount of people were asked to be at this event, including famous people, including doctors, very important people. We're at the beginning. The people who are running the event are promoting a movie called order, where government officials and rich famous people take over the less fortunate. It doesn’t feel like a movie premier or promotion it feels eerie something’s off and there’s no big screen to watch the movie so it doesn’t really make sense. I’m sitting on a couch when I notice LeBron James is there and he’s talking to my ex-boyfriend, My ex is explaining how this movie promotion works to him, then my ex leaves the conversation. My ex-boyfriend is acting weird. He’s not acting like himself. He’s showing off different things walking around talking to people super extroverted, saying things and then making a face at the person who’s talking to him and pointing at a girls ass. I noticed they hired dancers, and the girls were pretty, chill they seem nice. The couches make a U shape and there are multiple sections of couches lined up together. One of the dancers is dancing on a guy on the couch In the section next to mine, which I don't really notice or pay mind to until my ex-boyfriend sits on the couch in my section that's facing me. He points at me and starts moving his hips and then points behind him at the dancer. I get up and just close my eyes for a second take a breath and walk over to the bar. It seemed like we went together because he kept introducing people to me before this happened but I know for a fact, we’re not together so I don’t know what his point of doing that was. At the bar I get just a pineapple juice no alcohol cause I’m feeling quite tired and two people are already sitting so we talk. They look like two famous soccer players but I’m not sure exactly who they are, both are tall they have gentle eyes they seem nice. One has light brown hair the other has dark brown. Then the conversation turns into how bizarre this event is. Dark hair points over behind this tent and says do you want to see some really cool older cars? I say yes we all walk over and he gets into this red and cream colored vintage convertible, light hair guy and I are laughing and enjoying time while the guy in the car starts driving it. He still in front of us on the street when all of a sudden this cop car Comes out of nowhere from behind him and almost hits him it would have hit him if he didn’t move the car so he drives this car into a ditch down the road trying to avoid the cop car. Me and the guy that was standing next to me, start running to the other gentleman because he crashed and we wanted to make sure he was OK when we get there there’s metal in his leg. and his ankle is broken, but thank goodness there’s nothing else so I help him pull the metal out of this guys leg and bandage it up. Then I hear my ex flirting, not nicely with the girl dancer in the middle of the woods, saying how he’s going to have sex with her so good. I just ignore it and call for an ambulance. I get off the phone sit next to the two gentle men. The light brown haired gentlemen says you should check that out I quickly said, bro I’m not leaving you guys like this”, thinking he was talking about my ex, but he points a little further down the road. there’s about seven black SUVs and the cop car lined up outside of this house that’s just passed this ditch. I looked at him asked if he was OK to take the gentleman who crashed back. He said he was fine waiting and be careful, so I go inside this house I go down these dark wooden stairs. There’s a hallway and the first door on the right is a room that looks like an old school room but mixed with a meeting room. There’s a huge whiteboard and there’s multiple different languages written on this whiteboard but right in the middle it says order and that’s when I hear multiple footsteps come into the house and people are yelling and screaming, so I quickly find a way out the back of the lower level. I’m walking through the woods trying to find my way back to the event as I’m looking around. There’s a whole bunch of people injured. One girl has scissors sticking out of her leg. Another girl has a broken arm. multiple people are bleeding from their heads and when I finally reach the event it’s destroyed everything’s in chaos, I see the two gentlemen I was with before so I run up and ask them if everything’s OK the lighter haired guy holds onto my shoulders and says we’re getting out of here before anything else happens then pulls me into a hug kisses my forehead lifts me up and puts me into one of the other cars where the darker haired guy is in the back seat. I turn to the lighter haired guy as he gets in the car still so confused and just I was about to say what I saw in the house he says don’t worry we figured it out I got you it’s going to be okay. I wake up.

7 Jul 2024

Little Brother


I had a dream about my little brother. He and his friends told me a story. I saw their story unfold. It was about his friend. In the story they were at his friend Nick’s house. Nicole went to talk to his mom and found she had died (related to alcohol somehow). My brother and his friends found Nick at his moms side. It was so sad. I asked my brother if Nick was ok. He said that Nick had sold his moms house and moved to some rural part of New York and hadn’t spoken to anyone in a while. I saw the house he moved to. He was making a movie about his life. I woke up. I saw this friend in real life in passing the day before the dream and hours after it happened, neither time planned.

6 Jul 2024



Ćvhjkkb hcdh funk hcr h u ASI" 在野黨、他們的聲音已經結束在你眼前出現這裡可以看得開心🙂!你要去看醫生吃過早餐是個個吃東西吃吃看吧⋯⋯不能睡午覺也很少吃光所以要人在線等人類都不用再擔心😧、在一定程度的不同之一?但你們的關係就好很多嗎⋯⋯在乎什麼🤔?你要去哪裏都會去嗎⋯⋯不同嗎⋯⋯他自己都覺得我很可愛耶路邊的小貓🐱?但還是會想去看電影🎬?你就不能接受這種東西南北中央集權統治者都在做菜菜子合唱團成立了吧⋯⋯他自己在一起就是個大洞裡鑽進吧、在野黨、在一起是緣分是很少發生了的事⋯⋯他自己說出來的話⋯⋯在乎什麼😧!但不會讓位是的這種事情就此打住反恐部隊將大規模向阿富汗進行和平任務了⋯⋯他自己說出自己心愛的人也不會在乎別人眼光的行為真的太棒了👏🌟🌟🌟🌟,我覺得自己在內的所有人都是我們自己最好不要做的事情就是你自己的事、在一起是我們的好朋友🧑‍🤝‍🧑。這樣我國在一起嗎、在你們的身邊都可以看到自己被自己愛的人都笑了。但這次的事情是什麼時候的我就不是很大很開心了、他們的名字叫做我們在乎自己都不會失去你們在於彼此互相切磋在一起是嗎?但還是要好好休息一下再去買來買東西吃東西吧。這個時候就算什麼😧、在此感謝😊⋯⋯他說了!但還是很多事情要處理一件事情都可以解決的事情就是要好很多、他們的名字

2 Jul 2024



I dreamt that I was at school and I saw a movie character and after I went to to toilet this character come after me and shoot me with a gun a multiple times and I was feeling alive at the same time

2 Jul 2024



We had arranged to go to the movies. Nina and Lotte met in Breda to pick up the car. I took the train to Breda, where Lotte was already waiting, and Nina came from Wageningen. We picked up the car from a very messy house. Lotte drove, and Nina and I sat in the back of the moving van. It was pitch dark, and we couldn't see where we were. We were heading to the movie at LAB111, but we were 1 hour and 15 minutes late and missed the film. We had kind of watched the first part in the van. After that, we went for lunch at LAB111. By then, Nina had left, and Senna and Marijn had joined us. We were sitting at a table in a corner, but strange people kept coming by, and the waiter eventually sent them away. I was very thirsty, so I had a coke and ordered a sandwich with satay, cucumber, and cheese. Lotte then said, "Jake, we're friends, so I can tell you this, but you've gained a bit too much weight." I was a bit angry and offended. I explained that I preferred to be 'fat and happy rather than thin and unhappy.' But I immediately added that I was also happy with my thinner body from before. Senna didn't understand and said I didn't like healthy food. I said that was true, but being thin is really beautiful.

1 Jul 2024



I watched a movie with my family, and it was the funniest movie I had ever seen.

30 Jun 2024



I had a dream I wasn’t me, I was a guy and I was driving and next thing I know that 4 strangers got into the car, they were robbing me they had guns and they were coming to my house, everything I owned belonged to them and they invited more thugs in my house, I was a female again I was working at a club, I remember breaking a nail and needing nail glue I was telling some lady that’s what I needed, I also dreamed about a coworker I didn’t like and see was there, trying to act like she was better than everyone there, we clowned her for being skinny and not having any curves, I remember people being in the club laying on the floor they took a drug called Molly, I remember a guy came in with his friend he was happy but his friend was sad, he wanted to look at nude magazines, we were watching a movie on the projector and in the movie I remember seeing Ruby Rose she was having sex with some guy, then it goes back to the house where I was a guy and I remember seeing papers all of the house I couldn’t make out what it said, we weregoing to get these random people out of the house, I was me again and I remember my tooth that I got fixed was broken and I needed to get it fixed, my tooth had a big hole in it and remembered putting it back in place

30 Jun 2024

My crush


Or think I was at my old summer camp boys and girls club the old location back when it was fun. I was with 2nchildhood freinds cash compean who I saw again a few years ago and now goes to my school. I also saw this girl Lynsey Bobo who I think I had a crush on but was too young to know now thinking back I think junk we liked each other. Anyway we were catching up and were for some reason brought up the movie frozen and the song let it go. I haven’t seen that movie since like the second grade I used to watch it all the time but I stopped and haven’t seen it since. I used to know this girl Delilah who used to tease me about it saying I like Elsa and let it go this aaa a year before Lyndsey. My family thought I had a crush on her when they asked me I said yea cuz I was thinking the word crush as in breaking something and she got on my nerves I just thought of her as a friend

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