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Dream Interpretation: Invisible 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Invisible? Discover the significance of seeing a Invisible in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Invisible appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes feeling unnoticed, ignored, or unimportant. It may also represent a desire to hide or escape from a situation or responsibility. Alternatively, it could indicate a fear of being exposed or vulnerable.

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🧭 Direction


Reflect on your current situation and relationships. Are you feeling overlooked or undervalued? Consider speaking up and asserting yourself. Alternatively, if you are trying to hide from something, it may be time to face it head-on. Don't be afraid to ask for help or support if needed. Remember that you are important and deserving of attention and recognition.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of being invisible may evoke a sense of curiosity and intrigue. It can bring feelings of freedom and power, as one can navigate through the world unnoticed. However, it may also elicit a sense of isolation and vulnerability, as being unseen can lead to a lack of connection and understanding from others. This dream may leave one with a mix of excitement and apprehension, as the concept of invisibility carries both positive and negative connotations.





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Dreams of users containing the word Invisible

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15 Jul 2024



I am able to connect and feel energies from earth . I am overwhelmed with joy as feel it through my body. My feet had roots buried in the ground. I woke up a couple times. Every time I went back to sleep I felt it again. There was more people about and I remember have conversations with them on what was going on. I get th feeling they were guides. I have special abilities. I am able to be invisible. I seem to be able to bring people together so they can fall in love. One scene I am walking to a male and female figure kissing on a wall facing a road. I reveled myself and said I am so happy they are together. I felt it was an accomplishment. The male figure seems annoyed I keep popping up out of no where. I made a joke not to worry I don’t watch them during intimacy. He seemed uncomfortable. I am in a tram with a bunch of people heading to somewhere. At some point I feel asleep. When woken the tram is low lit; dark and grey. I see some people are sleeping and some up. Two female figure kept calling me name. I hear the excitement in there voice to get my attention. I for someone reason didn’t respond. I hear them trying to get the male figure next to me to get my attention but he didn’t response to them either. I am in what seemed like a restaurant. I had to use the bathroom. I walk away from the group I am with to find one. The male figure who sat next to me on the tram followed. We seemed to be good friends. We couldn’t find the bathroom and got lost from the rest of the group. We ended up in a cafeteria setting. I see foam and plastic cups. My friend and I grabbed a plastic cup. I walked to a place that seemed like a maybe a warehouse. I noticed the cameras everywhere as I am trying to place the cup in my pants without being noticed. As I am walking out. My friend and a male figure who seem to be a cop and his son was in the patio section of the cafeteria. I rushed over to see what’s going on. I stepped the wrong way and felt fluid going down my legs. I realized the cup I put is in my pocket and had fluid in it. I don’t remember peeing in it. I reached my friend who mentioned he is working. I asked him why when he is off. He laughed and said I have no idea why I am working on my day off. I am not sure what happened but someone shot the officer in the head. I ran off to find the tram. I came across a group of students sitting on benches. There are huge beautiful trees everywhere and luscious grass. As I walk past the group they seem to know who I am and were making jokes about me. I approach the last bench and a female I am great friends with in my waking life is looking at me smiling. I said hey to her and she told me how the student are saying she is finally woke. I made a comment to her saying them kids don’t know what woke is. They aren’t capable of proper hiegene. We both laughed and I proceed to walk to my car. I look left and see a white bus with tinted windows. I felt it was the transportation I was looking for but it’s no longer a tram. I decided to ignore trying to get on and felt it’s better I drive myself to the theme park. I took my phone to call my friend to see if he was able to get on and figure out where is the next stop. I realize I don’t know his number and anyone else contact to reach out. I am at a concert or theater. I walked to a empty seat to pee. A female figure you I felt was my mother looked back at the female figure I fell is a friend to see if see can see the event because I am standing in front of her. I get immediately irritated and walked away fussing that the female figure who felt like my mother is always inserting herself in things that don’t concern her.

11 Jul 2024



I had a dream of me and my friends playing hide and seek in the woods during the day. Somehow, my friends and I were able to be invisible, so it easy to hide and hard to find each other, but a couple of my friends were carrying a tan colored umbrella that when you looked towards it turned into what looked like a floating mushroom Because since they were invisible you could see the umbrella, but not able to see their Bodies. The dream transitioned to a scene of two of my friends getting married and taking the wedding pictures one was my spanish friend from work and his wife who was an Indian girl I went to elementary school with. They took one wedding picture in front of a car door that was removed from a car and the second picture of, the wife on a horse with its behind towards the camera and its hand sticking out a window away from us. Both pictures were taken inside a house. the scene transitioned to two of my Asian friends from high school who seemed to be dating. They were sitting cross legged it’s gazing at each other‘s eyes what seem to be like some tantric/yoga movements as they would hold onto each other and sway their upper body. It look like they’re connecting very well and I was happy for them and thought it was cool.

8 Jul 2024



I went back in time like the 70s or something but was somebody else. I was a young kid with curly hair. I was at a cafeteria that had outdoor stadium seating. I was befriending some kid for a specific reason but can't remember what. I was flirting with a girl and protected her from a group of guys that were trying to hit on her and be jerks. After I began singing very loud in the cafeteria. When I left the cafeteria I gave that kid I was befriending something like money and he drove off and acted kinda like a dick to me and I was a little flustered since I needed to befriend him for some reason which was why I went back in time. I then went to where my house was as that kid and the person I was trying to befriend was there with my mom. She wasn't my mom but the mom of the person I was acting as. They were chatting and getting along. I then saw the kid that I was portraying there with them. We were in the same room but only he could see amd hear me. I said I was not there or something trying to get him to stop looking and not make a big deal but I just left because he was about to get freaked out. I went outside and watched from the backyard. It was a beautiful fall day and the leaves were falling and was calm. The whole thing felt like I was dropped into a movie halfway through as it was very cohesive and there were goals associated with what I was doing like I was following a plan.

8 Jul 2024



This dream started in my home country, but in a different house on the same street. Now, in real life, I really value my phone because that's where I have my music ideas and demos. For some reason, my phone falls in the dream, and I get upset as it cracked a little on the back. I then leave my house to go to where my parents live, which is my actual house in real life. When I get there, a musician friend is standing outside and asking me to record something for our track. Then he drops my phone, which completely smashes the front screen. Again I get really upset, but this time even more. And I once again recall the fact that in real life I have recently gotten a new phone. This was a result of falling and smashing my phone so bad, it broke. Back to the dream, some old band mates of mine came to find me. I don't really speak to them often, but we were having a great time. Then, this fellow musician friend disappears and so do the band mates. My friends come to see me and I'm happy that they're here. But suddenly, I'm invisible. There's a man that has a gun that comes to the house and my parents are scared. I hear my friends saying they need to call me to let me know I need to hide and be safe. However, I'm right there. But the man with the gun doesn't see me, nor my friends. But my friends see each other and not me. I run to check for a safe place my friends and I can go to. But I find more armed men. Some men were running, but they were able to run in such a manner, that they would flash before your eyes. I see one of them, so I run round the corner. And then, there are lots of them. Some of them running and some of them in bicycles. But all armed. I sat there as I knew it was game over, however, I felt a little hope inside me. One of the men shoots me, I feel nothing. But I fall anyway, pretending I am dead. He goes away, but I don't think he believed I was dead because I was still breathing. So he shoots me again and this time it was real and I woke from the shot.

30 Jun 2024



I was at me grandmas house on my moms side, sleeping downstairs in the bedroom my mom usually sleeps in-Which is a little weird cause I always slept upstairs. But the bedroom looked way different and the furniture was moved in a completely different way. I was kinda just waking up in the dream, I started listening to some music on my MP3 player but it was so quite that I started coming up with my own lyrics in my head. I was super excited cause I was like “I can’t wait to start a band”. Also for some reason there was like an invisible guy there. Maybe 2. And they were like, Don’t forget about us. And maybe something like, You have to choose. Though I don’t really have any idea who they were or if they even really existed seeing as they were invisible.

17 Jun 2024

Abandoned home
My crush


My crush who lives in another state went to come visit me. We were in my old childhood home for some reason that was run down, old, small, and generally unpleasant. I remember feeling embarrassed about him seeing it. There was also a lot of people living there including my moms ex boyfriend who used to abuse me and my siblings physically and emotionally. Each room with a rusty broken door lead to someone in my life, current or past. My crush looked more handsome and striking than I thought he would look and I felt nervous and shy the whole time. My old childhood friend was also there. She was a natural beautiful dirty blonde that stole a room the second she walked into it. Her and my crush met and I felt they had an instant connection which stung a little bit. I tried brushing it off so that me and my crush could still get along without him suspecting I have a crush on him. But it felt crushing watching them do everything together and I was left out. They went to go change into pjs and brush their teeth together down stairs while I stayed upstairs and waited for their return. When they came back I went downstairs to do the same thing. Only I came back upstairs to find them kissing in my old childhood bedroom. The stopped as soon as they heard me entering the room and pretended as if nothing happened and I tried doing the same. My old childhood friend ended up leaving so it was just me and my crush which I was hopeful for. We started some flirty banter back and forth like we usually do and I gestured to them kissing in my room awkwardly and he just brushed it off. He then said something meaner to me which I’m very used to since we just tease each other all the time but I was taking it too seriously and I left my room and went down stairs almost waiting for him to follow me and try to make things right. He did follow me but it’s like what he said was already forgotten. I was also changing my outfit so many times. To the point where I even questioned why I packed some things. Either it didn’t fit me, it was old and dirty, or just didn’t look nice on me. I looked fatter in everything I wore and felt so unattractive in front of my crush. We ended up planning to make and produce a movie for the rest of the time we were there. We finished it and I remember we were filming the final end credit scene and I had to put on this ver attractive form fitting dress but I had trouble putting it on and my crush tried helping me. As soon as he touched me it was like I was putty. My childhood friend came along to find us in a precarious way but I don’t think she even noticed. But I still stood back from my crush just in case. It was like I was invisible when she was in the room

9 Jun 2024



An invisible force holding me down. Unknown voice talking in my ear. Trapped unable to move the body. Fear. Shadow person.

29 May 2024



The semi invisible figures started hurting my again. Threatening me. I tried my best to ward them off but I couldn’t seem to save myself. The house flooded and I did my best to save everyone. My grandma and grandpa were drowning and I pulled my grandma out first cause she was the closest. I couldn’t get my grandpa out of the water in time. I failed to save him and I cried. I set up a tea party for my grandma cause she used to say she loved them, yet when she got home she laughed at me and stormed off. Grandpa was dying again. I was yelling at my aunt cause she wouldn’t give me a straight answer on his condition in the hospital. I made some friends around the water city and we swore we’d meet up the next year and they all forgot me. Tyler was one of them, but he was too old to hang out with us anymore. They said I was doomed. That I’m cursed and I’d never get better. That I didn’t deserve to get better. So I tried to be good enough by praying to Jesus but then I was like hey Jesus have u ever had a girlfriend and he was like you’re gonna make me take my own name in vain. But he didn’t say that I felt like he chuckled in the nothingness They say he’s not real- Not Jesus but my mate They said I was crazy. That I was doomed here. And even if he did exist I’d never be with him. That I have unrealistic expectations. That I can never leave human. And I cried

18 May 2024



I thought I was awake and laying in bed, and an invisible being grabbed me by my hair bunched at the top of my head and lifted me to the ceiling and then forcefully pulled me backwards until I was pressed against the wall and I couldn’t get free. I reached up to feel what was holding me but all I could feel was my hair. It felt all bunched up really tight, as though us was being held in a giant fist. My sister came into the room and I asked her to help me get down and the being dropped me to the ground. I tried to stand up and walk, but my legs were uncontrollable and kept extending out to the side of my body in the air. My knees were very shaky and would dislocate without warning at the slightest touch. I was again grabbed by the hair and pulled to the ceiling and backwards two more times. My dad and brothers entered the room as my sister tried to calm me once I had been dropped to the ground again. One of them began tickling my armpits as if to try and cheer me up but it was extremely painful. I told them to stop and they began tickling my feet and it felt like I was being stabbed by pins and needles. I cried out in pain and yelled for them to stop but they thought I was joking at first. I again tried to walk but couldn’t control my legs and I remember saying I didn’t want to continue to live if this was going to be my life now and I couldn’t dance anymore. Eventually I woke up and realized it had only been a dream.

28 Apr 2024

Running away


I keep having dreams about running away from my family and everytime I do it’s usually always my dad chasing me to come back I’m always flying making myself invisible so he doesn’t catch or see me when he gets close or catch me I wake myself up bc I don’t wanna deal with being caught but I notice everytime I run away I’m always trying to shift realties (which relates to real life bc in real life I’m trying to shift realities and move my consciousness to another reality) but in my dreams I would open up a portal and say ima shift to the reality I want to shift to but I never shift to the reality I want to In this dream when I first tried shifting in this dream me and my sister was gonna run away but she didn’t want to no more so I still ran away some reason all I rmeber was running at night time and then when i was running it was my two sibling running towards me I hear my sister say that’s her and they turn around tryna catch me I pass my house and then my dad tries to catch me so I start flying bc ik they can’t catch me but they start flying and my dad grabs me so I open up a portal to shift realties and it’s just another dream I wake up and im a different person in a different room I have two cats and two dogs one of them that passed away in real life I walk outside my room and it’s my dad and brother I didn’t have my mom cause she left and my other siblings wasn’t there bc all my mom had was us then I decided let me try to shift again to the reality I want to shift to so I try again but wake up in a different one where I’m in a different house I have all my family members but my sister is working at McDonald’s which in real life she works at juniper a residents home and I worked at juniper in this dream and my other brother didn’t work which he does in real life so I wanted to leave so I tried to shift again when I did shift it was ALMSOT the reality I wake up in a similar room I’m rich as hell I’m a billionaire I had over 500 billion dollars I remember there was people doing a YouTube video on who deserves the money and this one girl was really rude and selfish so to me I knew I was gonna give everyone 50 million dollars besides her so I do and I’m drinking in this one to celebrate during these dreams I’m waking up in real life realizing these dreams but going back to sleep fast

26 Apr 2024



This was a nightmare about an invisible devilish entity living in a house. A girl sat at the dinner table speaking with the entity. As she spoke to it, it got stronger. You could tell it was getting stronger by its voice. The first time I spoke to it, the entity was weak. The second time it was stronger and like an invisible force it grabbed me and submerged me below the floorboards unter the house and down into a deep ocean underground.

24 Apr 2024

Car Crash


Me and this random person I have never met before were walking outside of this school and I had to pull a chunk of their hair out and then I was walking inside and there was a car speeding down the sidewalk and I barely made it in the door before it hit me. I walked in and there was a man cleaning the windows and I said something to him and he didn’t say anything or look at me. I saw one of my old friends from school and walked up to her and she was talking to me just fine. As I got further until the school I realized no one could see or hear me. It was like I was invisible. I found my old friend again and we went to the counseling room and she was sitting there and my therapist was too but I couldn’t see my therapist. I was panicking and realized I couldn’t see anyone but her and it was just quiet and she left and told me to wait in the room. I waited and waited and she came back and so did everyone else. My therapist was bald and told me she could see me the whole time and didn’t understand why I wasn’t answering her and just hugged me. I got up and was walking outside and I saw you and ran to you and you were mad you weren’t the one I could see or hear. Then everything changed. We were out to eat with some of your family and you were talking about how when you got old you were gonna use a pumice stone on your face when you got old and I said “you stress me out” every body thought that was so funny. We all got up and were leaving and we were in a car on this road like a roller coaster. It was like blue and white and terrifying. We went down a hill and I got scared and everyone was laughing at me. Then toilet paper wrapped around my face and we went upside down and my titties fell out of my shirt. We were back at the school. It was like early morning and when we got in there we met a lady. She ran up to the wall with me and ripped a piece of my shirt off and took out a can of spray paint and went ham. We walked into this room with a small square pool type thing and she jumped in and the water was sucking her down so we both tried pulling her out. We finally did and she was gone. You wrapped her up in your arms with me right along with you and said something and all of your bones broke out of your body and fell into hers and then you both woke up. She changed though. She was like a mermaid with no tail or anything and she was emotionless. She got up and we all left and appeared at this house with a man in the bed and he had no feet. He woke me up asking for coffee and fruit snacks and then started being super creepy. I woke the woman up and she called me daddy? And was about to i think hurt this man and then the alarm went off.

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