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Dream Interpretation: Jacket ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Jacket? Discover the significance of seeing a Jacket in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Jacket appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

A jacket in a dream represents protection and warmth. It can also symbolize your outer persona or how you present yourself to others. The color and style of the jacket can provide further insight into your personality and how you want to be perceived.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Think about the color and style of the jacket in your dream. Does it match your waking life style or is it different? This can give you clues about how you want to be perceived by others. If the jacket is too tight or uncomfortable, it may indicate that you are feeling restricted or constrained in your waking life. Consider if there are any situations where you feel like you need more protection or support.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of a jacket may evoke feelings of protection, warmth, and comfort. It symbolizes a sense of security and the need to shield oneself from external influences. This dream may also represent a desire for a certain image or identity, as jackets are often associated with style and fashion. Overall, the dream of a jacket brings forth emotions of safety and the need for personal expression.





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Dreams of users containing the word Jacket

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8 Jul 2024



I was in sales again and was going around to each of my clients and trying to give them something. For one of the clients I was releasing their shoes, but they were almost sitting on my face. I had to keep asking them to readjust so I could breathe. Another client I was trying to give an extra pair of shoes who sell shoes. She assured me she was fine and on one shoe a week program from her company.another client excepted money from me as a gift as a way to say thank you. I was going around the mall making these touch points with my client and bumped into Kelly. My most successful friend! just had a wonderful lunch with Kelly, my dear friend Who is very successful and gave me great advice as always. She always reminds me what is important. I was feeling very upbeat as I was doing my route through the mall to the public transportation wrapping up my day. I was passing the part of the mall with thereโ€™s always some guy trying to talk to me. Usually one of the same guys and this time the guy was occupied but yelling to catch my attention. I started running, not afraid, but just trying to avoid him. I took off a big jacket, so that I could run faster and avoid him. I remember, I was cautious and focused to get to public transportation. I was waiting for the bus/train and was with Kelly again. It was dark in the sign across the street from the bus stop was going into a parking lot named more sugar in Spanish. I thought that was funny and pointed it out, however there was a commotion and we went to go check it out. Kelli was wearing baggy clothes and boots and when we went to see what was going on because everyone was moving, they said there was a snake there. After a few seconds, they found the red black white and yellow snake on Kelli, and brushed it off of her. Everyone was quite scared and worked up. The snake had a giant white tag hanging off of it as it went into the gutter. Then after I caught the bus to El Cerrito, California, where I used to live for a few months, I was walking along and saw a big smile in a rearview mirror of a car. It was Ryan, Kelliโ€˜s husband. He told me he wanted to grab something to eat with me, I said I just ate with Kelli, but that I would pick it something with him, not eat but hang out with him while he ate. He told me to get in so I got in and he started driving erratically. at one point he turned left and I almost fell out of the vehicle because there was no door on the car. He told me he needs to โ€œsing HUโ€ like me and I told him I would do it with him and assured him it was important. I remember as we were driving, thinking I was supposed to be selling and here it was filling up my calendar with non-revenue producing things. I liked Ryan. I was just feeling conflicted over my priorities and needing to sell.

26 Jun 2024



i was shopping at the mall with my grandma, my mom and sisters. i picked out pink knee high tall heels, a loose gray or blue shirt, and a medium condors jacket. i put the jacket back becausee i was like nah. i told my mom how it would make sense because when i used to live in oxnard the college mascot was a condor, even though i now live in my hometown bakersfield. i didnt end up buying anything. i remember texting a guy i used to go on dates with named romeo. then all of a sudden im outside in this beautiful, mystical place that was a large fountain surrounded by water. im on some type of floaty going into the water, so im not wet. a white sleeping cat, 2 dogs, a waterbottle, and more animals were also on floaties. thats when a whirlpool started to form. i was texting romeo and he was talking me through it. i put all of the animals together on a bigger floaty before they fell in the whirlpool. i put the dog next to the cat. kept a dog in my arms when i got out of the whirlpool. it felt like i was in alice in wonderland somewhat bc of how odd the situation was. i wanted to save all the animals and make it stop but i didnt. thats when i heard someone say my cousins grandma โ€œgets mad when dad doesnt pay herโ€

26 Jun 2024



I'm at the training I was last week, and I'm on one of the last days, and me and another girl, we are not participating in an exercise. And we're both very tired for some reason, so we're settling in very uncomfortably, watching the others, and there's a mountain of jackets. So the other girl is sitting down already, falling almost asleep, and I'm going to grab my things, and I want to go to the mountain of jackets with some pillows where I want to sit down. And as I move towards there, she's kind of crawling towards the spot, and tries to sit down just before I get there, and she had seen that I wanted to sit down, so she really just went there to take it from me. She's tiny, I'm a bit bigger, so I'm not having it. So I try to push her away, and this pushing away turns into a massive wrestle, where we each other, we become pretty intense. So I see myself biting her fingers, and it's a very slow and calm wrestle, almost the other group will not notice it, but we're fighting tooth and nail for this. And I say something to her, she's like a gent settler, I say something to her, which I forgot now, I say something like, that's what you get when, and I don't remember what I said then.

24 Jun 2024



I was out in the town and there were a lot of new rules Basically, there was a dictator that had taken over and the town rules were very limiting and against any crime or anything that could be perceived as crime. I was a student in school, and I didnโ€™t fit in with the rest of the students. Our building caught on fire and we all had to run out and go to a hospital to be taken care of. When I got out of the hospital, I went to a thrift shop of sorts and saw the only shirt or jacket or some thing that I had owned hanging up to be sold. So I went to get the jacket and I asked the storekeeper hey this is my jacket from the accident, can I have it back? The storekeeper said I would need to pay to get the jacket back and I told him I did not have any money but that it was my only belonging. He said I could not get it back without paying so I took it when I went to see my classmates, and ask them what they wouldโ€™ve done and then I had taken it. They were very upset with me for breaking the rules and stealing some thing, even though it was mine and taken from me. Iโ€™m out on the streets trying to exist in the town doesnโ€™t like me. I get taken to a detention center/jail for kids where they trained you but really were torturing you through games and situations that kids ahould not have been in. I remember being in the woods a lot and my brother was there with me. My family kept coming to try and find me and get me out. I believe they framed the place as a school and I was a tennis player and my family wanted to make sure that I was still playing tennis and to see a game. I was not playing tennis because I was being tortured through these activities. They did not let my family in and kept me doing activities. I donโ€™t remember a lot of the activities but one of the main ones was this game in a pool. Before the game they gave us a explanation as to why we were doing it. In the explanation, they talked about how men were out of war where they had to hide underwater for four hours, and have combat underwater or they wouldโ€™ve been shot from above. Job to stay underwater without being detected by each other or found alone by the other team. I was one of the first people in the water able to start getting ready and cleaning our side of the pool, so I worked very hard. They told us that we could collect the leaves off of the floor to improve our gameplay. We could also put the leaves on the boys side to make them play worse. I was collecting leaves and scraping up algae when I was found by the other team. The collecting leaves and scraping of algae, was supposed to be done by a teammate of mine that had a developmental and intellectual delay Skill issues and autism. This individual was actually a student of mine and my real life last year that I had trouble connecting with and working with because she was not advanced enough to be in my class. She was upset with me because it was her scrape the leaves, but I knew that she would put our team behind so I did it quickly for her and then set her up for success by doing most of it so that as the leaves came in the game, she could keep up. She was very upset with me for doing so, I would also like to note that I myself have autism and adhd but I am thrice exceptional because I was also a gifted student because of my high IQ scores as a child. I mask and hid my autism better than others can so I wasnโ€™t formally diagnosed in my real life. I often in waking find myself judging others with the same disorders as myself for not learning and adjusting to the world like I have from a place of ableism. Continuing with the dream. I was the first person on my team found while I was cleaning I went to a center where I was on my own outside of the door to the pool. The game was eventually over and the person in charge came to me and he wanted everyone to smile and look him in the eyes so he can figure out what team to place us on tomorrow. he said he was using our eyes when he got to me. He had trouble seeing my eyes because I wasnโ€™t in the same place as everyone else I told him they were steel blue and he said everyone else has had steel blue eyes as well. Which is weird to me because blue eyes is not a very common eye color, the next thing I know Iโ€™m able to run away from this camp and go into town. I find myself in a convenience store where there is coffee, popcorn, and drinks and candy. I am looking around. I find coffee and I get some snacks then consciousness shifts to the front of the store and I watch a woman check out. She has random things ring up on her item and they are confused but donโ€™t like me so figure itโ€™s my fault and walk back to me. I occasionally have OCD in waking life when it comes to cleaning I get an in a mood where I will start cleaning and I canโ€™t stop until someone stops me. Itโ€™s an unhealthy behavior, but I get a lot done and Iโ€™m going to have to clean my apartment today. in the dream I had gotten into an OCD state and kept making coffee after coffee for people popping popcorn, scanning candy and other items and it was all piling up around me. The shopkeeper and ladies started yelling at me for what I had done, but we looked to the side, and there was a curtain that was moving because there were a ton of people that had arrived to buy the things that I was making as if I was a barista, which is the small town did not have. They could not be upset with me and I continued making coffee until something happened and I walked outside like a little explosion. I looked down at my feet in the snow and I saw a rat. I heard my brain say there is a rat in the shop, no more coffee. it was as if my brain was exiting OCD mode because it was grossed out by some thing. People wanted more coffee and I said no and walked away because I was no longer in that mental space. it became late, so I blocked back towards the forest and it was as if I was seeing snow in my eyes and I was excited, and then when that OCD mode shifted everything kind of turned red, and my brain was upset. I knew it was time to get my brother out of the camp because it was over so I walked towards the forest. I was looking for the water. Our family had brought because that was the only way to get people out of the camp. I saw lots of families and students from the camp walking out of the forest towards their vehicles, but I could not find my family or our water. So I kept walking in the forest and eventually I ran into a tall man that was in my family, possibly my dad or husband I was unclear at that point. I looked to the side and I see my belongings and my brothers belongings, there is a baby stroller in the middle recognized that I had forgotten at that time. I saw my purse, my jacket and other belongings on the side of the post piled up a baby carrier on the floor and my brothers items on the other side on a different post. There was not a baby in the baby carrier so I picked it up to put it on the stroller and couldnโ€™t get it attached correctly. my husband walked over at that moment and told me that I didnโ€™t have the baby carrier on correctly as I was already loading my belongings into the baby carrier so that I can get out of the park. I went to the side to fix it and as I was fixing it, I heard a younger brother walk up to my husband saying he was still holding the baby to my husband, and my husband said thatโ€™s OK youโ€™ll have to keep holding him. I had a sense of the baby was a boy and his name was possibly Freddy. I did not see the baby, but I kept picking up Lauren and loading the stroller. We started walking towards the back of park to find my brother and then my alarm went off and woke me up.

18 Jun 2024

Building (Place)


I had a dream I was walking around this space with a few friends. It was raining outside so a lot of people were in the building. It seemed like a shopping area/food court but everything was darker toned. Like black picnic tables. Dark walls. The only lights came from the food stalls. I went to use the bathroom and the bathroom was a white dimly lit large U-shaped stall style bathroom. It had showers on one side of the U and regular bathrooms on the other. I went in to wash my hands and as Iโ€™m washing my hands I notice there are people waiting for the shower. I look over to the showers to see one is open but thereโ€™s a brown gross looking liquid puddling in that stall and drawing towards the drain. And then the smell hit me. Everybody washing their hands started gagging and trying not to actually puke. It was a PUTRID smell! As if somebody had not washed in a month and was on their period at the same time NASTY smell. I start to look for another spot to wash my hands but everything else is taken so I get ready to leave. As Iโ€™m walking out I notice the only color since Iโ€™ve been in this dream in a pink and green floral decoration around a large mirror. I take a second to look at myself and consider taking a selfie but I end up not taking a selfie because there are a few people around and I didnโ€™t want them in my picture. So I leave. As Iโ€™m looking around a girl I had seen in the bathroom with earlobe length black curly hair, a round face with a slightly point chin, black spaghetti strap shin length dress, combat boots and lots of long necklaces and a little black backpack tells me she likes my outfit. I tell her I love hers! She goes on about her day and as sheโ€™s walking away the jacket she was holding changes from black to like a frog green and I wake up.

27 May 2024



On bus with people driving through mountainous area with little traffic and saw woman falling/rolling down a hill from the road. As fast as she was descending she must have been pushed from a moving vehicle but I donโ€™t recall seeing one since I had been talking to a passenger. I feel like my reaction and thought process was going in slow motion. I should have told the driver to stop immediately but it took me a minute to grasp the situation. It appears to be spring. Jackets being worn but green leaves were abundant and it had recently rained.

18 May 2024



I had a dream I was with my sister and one of my family members in a car and someone I know had some type of baby but it wasn't like real but it was I don't know and she put the car seat in the car without putting it on the holder and like didn't give us a holder ish like it was like literally in the trunk and then she's like okay you guys can go and I was like oh Leah wait and as I'm saying that the freaking car seat tips over the baby falls out oh I was shocked I was scared and I said yes I don't stop stop the car I yelled at her stop the car and I went to go fix the the baby and I was like oh my gosh the baby looked fine but also this baby was like really small like probably the size of my two hands together and I was in this like fluffy ass jacket I don't know why and

15 May 2024



I was in a lunch room with my friends, someone starts opening up their jacket and I make a joke itโ€™s like their trying to protect a celebrity, lil nas x is there and I open up my jacket to cover him as a joke. I fall into him and our bodies touch, he catches me and I end up in his lap facing him. I can feel our groins touching each other. Iโ€™m getting hard and so is he we make out and I end up riding him. I wake up. Me and a powerful Pokรฉmon fell In love. We were trying to have sex but kept getting interrupted by other Pokรฉmon coming to congratulate us and tell us are union was very important.

25 Apr 2024

Car accident


Me and looked like my cousin were walking down one of our old road we lived on and I noticed the trees had people in them that were carved out of the trees and I said WOOOOW I never noticed these before walking down this road and they were pretty cool. As we were walking the next thing you know we look behind us and a car was coming and a truck coming ahead of us and we stop and step back off the road and the next thing you know we see a deer by the fence and it jumps over the fence and was about to jump in front of the vehicles and I was like no no no no don't do that. I jumped but jumped back as soon as it did it and the next thing you know a car from a side road just barreled through the road and hit the car that was coming towards us and the next thing you know it's a big pile up of cars and then the next thing you know theres a whole bunch of people standing along the side of the road gathered. And I was walking along the road and I remember I had jello shots in my jacket I was carrying and a few grab them and was going to take them but I snatched them back and said since you just grabbed them and didn't ask me no I'm taking them back. And as I'm walking I ran into my sister who was talking to one of her old friends and then my nieces walked up and was telling her that someone was waiting for her and she pointed at her frind and said this is why I'm late. And the next thing you know I'm in a car with my mom and she's driving crazy fast In our yard around our old house me her and dad built and I told her to slow down and she was on the phone as well and she said something to me and I freaked out on her and told her that I have PTSD with this kinda of driving and I hope out and as I do I try to close the door all the way but it was a sliding door and it didn't catch and as I got out I heard her say something and I started freaking out and yelling at her about how I tried to close it but it wouldn't and then my mom turned into this guy and then I wake up.

5 Apr 2024



This dream was very different. I had this dream 2 to 3 years ago but I still remember it as clear as day. I see myself floating in a white void with gray smoke like swirls being the only thing in the void, besides me. I'm just slowly drifting while in a deep sleep, but I can feel that I'm at peace. Sensing myself at peace, it was the greatest feeling. While still dreaming I suddenly start to hear someone call my it sounds like whisper is at first but then it starts to get louder and louder. eventually this makes me open my eyes so I can find who it is calling after the third time my name gets called everything goes black then I started the first blink was nothing but a bright light and blurred visions, second blink the light is brighter and the blurred vision start shaping like people. the third blank was when I started hearing the voice calling my name but it was very muffled. Before I got to the 4th blank The voice started becoming more clear and when I opened my eyes to faces started to appear. I wake up and what looks like a surgical room with two mercenaries trying to wake me up and guided me through a mental wake up. well they were doing that all of these doctors and scientists were around me unplugging neuro plugs from my skull and spineI making sure my vital signs were okay. One of the mercenaries was just messing with me which kept pissing me off while the other one was making sure he didn't have to step up and do something since he thought my Powers were out of control, even though I still didn't know what they were. After I get cleared from recovery I get sent to bed with a group of people and we walk to our one room that was filled with military like bunkers. We all get to bed and I keep getting questioned with what happened while I was in my simulation that needed so many extra mercenaries around me. but I just tell them I don't know, roll over throw the blankets over my head and go to sleep. the next morning at 0500 hours, a hurricane alarm goes off and we all started getting up making our beds getting dressed. A tall fit Asian man starts playing music from his clock radio to get everyone excited for the day. We're almost done getting ready all together then a woman wearing a white medicine jacket with a clipboard starts calling out our names to make sure no one's missing. After she's done doing a roll call we have to put these metal electronic collars around our own necks then we line up single file and go to the cafeteria to eat breakfast. When I get to the cafeteria there's a whole bunch of adults and children there but only from the ages of 6 years old too 34 years old but we were all divided by different categories. After we finished our breakfast me and the people that are sitting with me got brought to a room that looked like it was set up like one of those chairs from The matrix. Asian man that was playing music in the morning to wake everyone up sat in the chair and all these people gather around and started attending to him. I then go with the woman in the doctors jacket and get taken to an examination room. I'm wearing a white gown sitting in a chair while I'm getting poked and prodded at quite different scientists. They are trying to get me to activate my Powers but I was having a difficult time doing that. I'm doing a physical exam and due to boredom I look out in the hallway, but to my surprise I see a group of children that look like they're around the age of seven and nine being led by men with guns. That's the last time that I ever see those kids. It's the next thing in the dream I start getting into an argument with the lady in the white doctors jacket telling her that we need to stop what we're doing because this is becoming excessively wrong, but she just ignores me. The next day in the dream I noticed that the bunk beds in the rooms are becoming more and more empty and in that morning of breakfast time I'm talking to a tall muscular Asian man named jet, a blonde Russian girl named Anaya, you're handsome but scruffy brunette man named Jackson, and my cousin Tony, trying to convince them that we need to get out of here and take the kids with us and without hesitation they were in with the plan. The next day in the dream we're doing our usual stuff and I notice these twins that are new to the groups. One twin is a girl and the other twin is a boy and the girl carries around a gray rabbit with her at all times. When I saw these twins I started feeling worried and angry. When our scheduled examinations were over I had a conversation with jet, Anaya, Jackson and Tony and we planned to leave that night. Thing skip forward to that night and we're all running down a pitch black alleyway with the kids we tried to escape with. The female twin with the bunny rabbit trips and falls from trying to keep up with us. Jet sees her fall and immediately runs back to try to go get her. Jackson is losing his mind Aunt jet when he turned around to get the girl because we were in a very specific territory that we were not supposed to be in. this area was worse than the place that we were running awat from. I keep trying to tell Jackson to calm down and to make sure the other kids hide at least while jet gets the girl but as soon as Jet got within arms reach of the girl these Bright lights like there were multiple cars lit up at the little girl and Jet. This weird gang of super mutants came out from the lights and almost killed the girl and jet. I got scared worried and heartbroken because of anything happened to those two I would have been lost. I hear guns finishing loading and saw them aiming at jet and the little girl I screamed out loud to make it stop then everything went pitch Black. We were still in the alleyway because I heard jet running towards me with the girl and he whispered in my ear thanks for saving me. Now that we got rid of this crazy gang we all made a run for it we're trying to go to the ocean but at the nick of time we get caught by the people who were trying to experiment on us. Helicopters and military grade everything just started popping up out of thin air surrounding all of us. They take us down one by one and make sure that we couldn't speak or touch anyone. They had us locked up as if we were the most dangerous beings on the face of the Earth. The next day I am so angry that I'm just screaming and yelling and fighting with every person that is a part of this facility to the point where they had to put a specific collar on me that continuously injects me with a sedative. When Anaya saw this she was not happy about it at all and kept finding a way to stop the collar from activating but when the white jackets found out they killed Anaya and locked me in a water tank with an oxygen mask and a straight jacket. I can see through the glass as if I'm looking through a window and I noticed that they were going to take the twins. And when I saw that they were going to take them my eyes turned white with fury, I break the tank that I'm in and then I start to absorb every ounce of water within a 10 mi radius formed it into a 87 foottallbody and start attacking everyone while I was slowly walking to the city. At that point I had lost full control over myself because I was full of sadness and rage. The last thing I remember seeing this dream was the government response teams pointing every weapon they owned at me firing them at me and watching all the bullets tanks and missiles turn into dust as they try to hit the water body that I had stuffed myself into

3 Apr 2024

Baby boy
Same person


years ago i had the dream where i woke up in my dorm room and had motherly senses that there is a baby in my room. it is like i had mother instinct and got up to grab baby boy from the crib beside my bed. Years after years, i had the similar dream where i saw a toddler boy with dinosaurs jacket at the birthday party. i got the instinct that he is same person as a baby boy i saw in my old dream. he called me his mommy.

31 Mar 2024



I had a field trip and it was in a bus and the field trip was on Sunday and ever the whole class was there and I had a seat next to my best friend Allison, and when I look at the window, it turned into Zenia and then when I look at the window again and turn into Leah it was kind of weird and I didnโ€™t like that so I open my small backpack because I had a lot of stuff in there for the field trip. Maddox keep using my jacket and I didnโ€™t like that Leah kept looking in my backpack and their seats for the kindergartners, and the first graders, all of us have our names on the seats so we can know which seats are ours. The first graders and the kindergartners didnโ€™t sit with us even though that was their assigned seats when I told Leah, I didnโ€™t bring my phone to field trip because I let it charge she got mad and my dream ended

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