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Dream Interpretation: Purse ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Purse? Discover the significance of seeing a Purse in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Purse appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

A purse in a dream symbolizes your personal belongings, identity, and financial status. It may also represent your hidden desires and secrets. If the purse is lost or stolen, it may indicate a fear of losing control or power.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Think about the contents of the purse in your dream. Are they valuable or important to you? This may reflect your priorities and values in waking life. If the purse is lost or stolen, it may be a warning to be more cautious with your possessions and finances. Consider if there are any secrets or desires you are keeping hidden and if it is time to reveal them.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream about a purse may evoke feelings of security, wealth, and independence. It symbolizes financial stability and the ability to take care of oneself. The sight of a purse in a dream may bring a sense of comfort and confidence, knowing that one's basic needs are met. It can also represent a desire for material possessions or a need to be more organized in managing finances. Overall, this dream may leave one with a sense of reassurance and self-sufficiency.





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30 Jun 2024



I was hosting a yard sale and had a good amount of high quality things for sale. I had a tent up for sale and one woman was interested in purchasing it. There was an expensive grey backpack that she was also interested in purchasing and I offered it to her for $10. When we opened the tent, it had a bunch of cute purses hanging inside of it. I noticed a small purple one and decided to keep it for myself and leave the rest to the lady. I offered it all to her for $40, while reminding her that it was a good price for all that was included and she agreed. I wanted to sell it for more but decided to keep it a decent price so I could get rid of the things I was selling. Her total came out to $50 and she pulled the money out of her wallet and handed it to me. Suddenly, I was in a room that belonged to me and I was with roommates (who are co-workers from a previous job and donโ€™t actually live with me). We were having a conversation and they were helping me move and change the furniture around. We switched out our all black furniture for a light wood color. I was pregnant and telling them that I didnโ€™t know why I always move my things around, and that I was due for labor that same day and needed to get ready to leave. They asked me what I was having and I couldnโ€™t remember. I told them I never was told the gender of my baby. Gabriel (who was the babyโ€™s father) then calls me and asks me where I was. I told him I would take an Uber to the hospital and meet him there. I order my Uber and hurried to get ready for labor. I realized I didnโ€™t prepare anything for myself to take and I rush to get myself ready and packed to go. When I checked to see where the Uber was, it said the ride had been cancelled. Apparently, I took too long and missed my ride. When I looked at the time I was already late for my labor appointment. I panicked a little and became frustrated. I then wondered if it was okay to be late or to miss my own labor. Couldnโ€™t I just reschedule it for another time?

27 Jun 2024



I just had a horrible nightmare about my dead aunt and my dead grandmother. My aunt had just brought home, my grandmother from the hospital who had been ill, and my aunt decided that my grandmother could lay down in her bedroom instead of me taking her home. I wanted to take my grandma home because my aunt was having a huge party with drugs and alcohol, I knew that the party would be crazy and that my grandmother could not get any rest. I did not want to be around all the people and the drugs and the alcohol and try and take care of my grandmother while sheโ€™s ill. So Iโ€™m trying to ask my aunt, if she would just drive me and my grandmother to my grandmotherโ€˜s house. She is being nasty and basically wonโ€™t allow it. My aunt hides my purse and she hides my suitcase and there is no way I can get out of the house with my grandmother. so I look at my aunt dead in her face, and I say if you wanna be this nasty, I can be even nastier because I learned from the best and she took that as a threat. she ends up, taking my grandmother home somehow without my knowledge, and when she gets back to the party she says grandma is at home but you canโ€™t go down there to be with her. I have guards standing at her house and if you do, youโ€™ll regret it. itโ€™s raining outside and Itโ€™s cold. She has taken away my purse all my clothing. I donโ€™t know what to do except for possibly walk to the police station, my thought is if I tell them about all the drugs and alcohol that are going on at this party right now that maybe I can get to my grandmother and make sure sheโ€™s OK. Then I wake up.

19 Jun 2024



My dream started of at my house. I was in my pajamas and was trying to figure out what to wear for the day. My sister then comes into the room and starts talking to me. The longer she talks, the longer I take to get ready. As we talked, I realized that my pants drawer was almost empty. I asked my sister to get me some more pants and she pulled some out of the dryer in the laundry room. Before I could put my pants on, my dad yells at me from downstairs to hurry up. Now rushing, I quickly change, grab my phone, and get into my momโ€™s car. Then, my mom starts driving my sister and I to the mall. The mall happened to be next to a convention center, so there were a lot of people in costumes walking around. Once we get there, I realized that I forgot my purse at home. My mom tells me that Iโ€™ll be fine before driving off with my sister. Now, Iโ€™m all by myself without a purse or a wallet, in a mall. I walk around for a bit and find this lady handing out free samples of some candied rice dipped in colored chocolate. I try it and tell her that itโ€™s really good. She thanks me and asks if I want to buy some. I tell her that I have no money, and she starts to yell at me. I walk away, but quickly turn back around and ask for her candy recipe. She refuses to tell me it at first, but after a moment or two, she finally tells me the recipe. After that, she offers me a job at her candy shop and leads me to her store. Once I get there, I see that itโ€™s very empty. The lady says that her shop hasnโ€™t been doing that well recently and I suggested that she hold an event to get people excited about her store. So, the two of us quickly set up an โ€œArts and Crafts Workshopโ€ mixed with a โ€œDaycareโ€ to get people excited. Instantly, a bunch of people come into the shop and make their own artwork out of candy and edible paint. My boyfriend even shows up at one point. Even though it was exactly what the shop owner wanted, it proved to be too much to handle on our own, so my boyfriend decided to help us. He suggested we make a tip jar and put me in charge of the design. I grab a mug, write something down with a sharpie, put some small decorations on it, and leave it at the front entrance of the store. Even more people came into the store after that, and the shop owner had to close the store since it had reached its maximum capacity. Afterwards, she notices the mug and asks about it. My boyfriend and I explain it to her and she gets extremely upset about it. She says that my tip mug was a mistake and a disgrace before firing me on spot. After that, I sit on one of the benches that the mall has and start crying. My boyfriend comforts me before one of my friends show up. She sees that Iโ€™m sad, so she hugs me and gives me a kiss on the cheek before calling my sister and telling her to come over. Shortly after that, my sister appears and tells me that our mom is waiting for us outside. We all head out to the parking lot at the same time and find our cars. I say goodbye to my friend and my boyfriend before heading to my momโ€™s car. Before I could get into her car though, it suddenly disappeared. I assumed that my mom had abandoned me again and started walking home. On my walk home, I run into my boyfriend again. The two of us talk about stuff before accidentally stumbling into an ice cream factory. We get in trouble for trespassing and the factory owner calls our parents. After that, we go home. Once we get home, I ask my mom whatโ€™s for dinner, she says that there is none, and I go to my room to play a computer game. And that was where my dream ended.

27 May 2024



I had a dream that me and some of my family members where at my old house I gre up in and there was a hurricane come I G do I quickly went to me room and put a lot of stuff in my purse and we went to shelter it was a lot of people there and my and my sister wondered off into the restroom and a man was there and he told me I was having 8 kids and my sister was having 6 kids and that when my last child was born my husband will die shortly after ( he showed me that part through a clip from the future) and the part where he died a had something to do with a ends times prophecy that was in the Bible (now that I'm awake the prophecy was not in the Bible it was just in my dream) Another part of my dreams was when we got to shelter we were talking about one of my friends with a group of friends we where talking about how boogie she is and how she thinks she's better than everyone the girl we were talking about her name is Doris Another part of my dream was when we got to shelter I was looking for my aunt because I was on her shelter list and I needed to be by her just in case of something happened I would be covered in her insurance. While I was at her house her house turned in to a big church where me and my praise dance team where praising dancing with Beyonce and Kelly Rowland we had on beautiful bright colors Beyonce was wearing red and Kelly was wearing blue and towards the end of the dance we were all wearing black and white poofy dresses.

27 May 2024

New Home


I was looking at houses because I was ready to get a new home. I found a home that I thought I liked but when I got closer to it I didnโ€™t like it as much. It was too round and short and didnโ€™t seem big enough for all of my children. It looked like a pineapple. There were other strange looking homes in the neighborhood and they were getting smaller as I sent down the street. Some looked like a grill and only big enough for one person to live in. Some were completely glass and shaped like a purse and maybe a small person could fit in. I didnโ€™t like any of the houses once I looked at the whole neighborhood.

26 May 2024



There was a large apartment looked like a hotel and I donโ€™t know why but my boyfriend dropped me off there and I went upstairs everyone was watching tv in this particular room and one of them said they were ready to eat. I followed with a question of what they wanted and he replied of course you and are the guy next to m. His skin peeled off reveling a demon and the other in the room besides three of us were demons. We ran downstairs to try to find an exit there was no back door no exit so we ran upstairs again to find a window. There was multiple stairs and we were being chased I found a room and we went in there. A woman was there. Calm. She was looking at purses a whole collection on her bed with notes of the same name on them but I couldnโ€™t make it out to read and it was all so weird we tried to tell her she needed to leave but she then replied but I havenโ€™t go my deserts yet and her skin came off reveling she was a demon also. She chomped anotherโ€™s head off leaving two of us left we immediately ran running down the hall and finding a window the guy gets stuck trying to climb out I was weary he was a demon too so I climbed over him realizing he was scared so I helped him get up.I then saw my boyfriend pull up to the place again I was trying to get his attention but he didnโ€™t notice me and went in the building I was so scared for his safety so I jumped out the window and followed him back inside so I could grab him to leave. When I walked in the was someone like a hotel at the front and a room to the right I turned and tried to get them out but they seemed out of it like they were trapped already and had no idea of what was going on I eventually gave up and grabbed my boyfriend and left when we got in the car I realized I left my purse scared to go back in I decided to leave it. Then I remembered the demon with the purses she was trying to kill me. So I told my boyfriend we need to leave quickly and he drove off before we could even get a mile away we both start seeing tall black pointy demons running as fast a a car around us running in the same direction we were going and a tree was in our way and then I woke up

22 May 2024



I went in the market to eat something from a food stall but the food preparation was taking longer than expected so I went for a stroll in the market I had 500 rupees I got into a supermarket and started searching for perfumes as it is my favourite and had planned that I would buy a perfume of 450 rupees and keep the rest in my mother's purse

3 May 2024



I dream I was having sex with one of my exes, and then all of a sudden we were in the car and I went into his glove compartment and stole money from him and put it in my purse before he got back in the car. Then I went to my house and thought I got away with it, but then he came knocking on the door, looking for the money and my purse under my bed so before I showed him my purse, I took the money out and then showed it to my purse, and then all at once I woke up.

17 Apr 2024



I had a dream that I saw this girl in the bathroom right and this is the same girl who is wanting to jump me in real life and I apologized to her and I explained to her what happened and then me and her like became friends again and then me and her was getting kind of close like kind of like dating close like you know you know and then me and her would like hang out all the time and go do stuff and go have fun and for some reason every single time of my dreams I can never find my mini black purse and every single time I wake up I see my mini black purse sitting right in front of me because I remember my dream I was freaking out because I kept thinking like where's my mini purse I don't need nothing big I only have a couple things to carry but I can't carry all this on my own where's my black purse where's my black purse yeah girl when I wake up my purse is right in front of me because all my bags are on my wall right in front of me so I don't know why me and my dream is freaking out over a damn black purse when me in real life I know where everything in my room is like something's not clicking Steven

28 Mar 2024



We were at the beach the whole family was there and we were getting out of the water and I saw some random guy scream and he picked up some shorts with the bottom half of a body in them with blood coming out then he started screaming saying "not my boy this the 3rd one and he lost his dick" so as we continued to get out I saw his friend dick floating at the surface of the water now this water was calm and clear all you saw was sand now this is where it gets crazy..... so after seeing the dick I saw snakes coming behind us as we were getting out and me and my sister kept screaming snake so then the whole family had to get out I went back to get the dick and ended up jumping over snakes as I was running I was being slowed down as if something was pulling me so I snatched away then looked back and it was my baby cousin for some reason he was walking at the time so I screamed at his mom to get him but a snake came along and ate him she tried to catch him but by the time she got there the snake was at his foot and she couldn't catch the foot cause he started at the head so then a crocodile came and ate the snake with my baby cousin in him so his mom was like any body got a knife or a gun earlier in my dream I had ended up in a polygamous relationship with 2 girls now my mom is also married to a women in this dream so later that day me and my mom went out on a lil date and got some food and I decided to tell her about the relationship before I could get it out good her wife whom I hated proceeds to walk in and say "what's going on" so I had to repeat it so now the wife disagrees with me being in a polygamous relationship only because we hated eachother so when my mom went to the bathroom she put a gun to my head and was like "from now on I'm your mom and your dad and you gone love me" sounding all evil and then she dropped the gun in my moms purse

23 Mar 2024



I went to a band concert my daughter's band had. There was two of them. The first one was with one teacher and it wasn't great, you could tell the kids weren't into it and didn't enjoy it. I very much enjoyed watching her play. The first concert was outside. The second concert was in a gym, at my old school. It was a mother's day concert and all the kids were giving gifts that's the school purchased on behalf of the child. I kept waiting and waiting for my gift but it didn't come. My sister was telling me she was sorry that my daughter didn't get me anything and maybe next year would be different. I never got to see my daughter during the second concert and I felt really sad. Then I got up to go to the bathroom. It was this bathroom that had no finished floor so it was just wet dirt. When I got into the bathroom there was a friend of mine doing homework in there. There was a window with no screen and no way to close it, just a cut out square. The view from the window was the highway. As I was looking out the window roller blades and skates were thrown from the overpass down to the underpass. There were police already around there and they went to move all of it before an accident happened but an accident did happen. The police were hit, dragged, thrown and tossed by cars. I saw three officers moving on the ground and one was not. I did not help or call 911 as there was already help and emergency dispatch there. When I turned from the scene I noticed worms and all sorts of worm like small creatures on the ground. I remember thinking that it was disgusting and how gross it would be if they held prom there. I noticed the toilet had no toilet seat cover, it wasn't a toilet bowl but an actual humongous bowl and no handle to flush. I really had to pee so I went. I checked the scene outside again and everything was like it never happened. I noticed a tickling inside my leg so I looked down and this whitish translucent creature was burrowing in and out of my leg. I grabbed it's hind end when it's head was burrowed into my leg and I tried to pull it out but it was like once it was under the skin you could not forcefully remove it. I asked my friend who was just watching this if she had any tweezers in her purse. I dug through her purse in a panic and found some and all these other weird tools. When I put her purse down and looked back at my leg I noticed these big bruise like welts where this creature was burrowed and more were burrowing in my leg. I was waiting for them to come out but they wouldn't but I kept waiting and they watching them move under my skin.

18 Mar 2024



My boyfriend and I also left the restaurant we were walking the location reminded me of Clearwater Fl. We were looking for a hotel to stay for the night as we were walking we saw a building that looked like a lighthouse we thought it might be a small hotel And I remember saying to him that we Joe's it wasn't a hotel because how would we sleep if it was a lighthouse. When we walked inside it was a restaurant. We then went to the Wyndham hotel got in the pool we didn't have any swimsuits we just wore what we had on. We were playing in the pool it was a large pool with pool dividers on the water I remember splashing to much and starting to float in the air across the pool. I was worried i would float away but I managed to grab hold of one of the pool dividers and come down i got back in the water and my boyfriend met me where I landed. We then decided to get out of the water and go to our room. As we were leaving the water it was an African American man sitting on ledge of the pool he had on a brown shirt blue denim shorts and long skinny dreads. He grabbed my arm and asked what was on my shorts belt loop. It was basically small locks of dreads tied to the loop of my belt I told him and then my boyfriend asked him to basically leave me alone we were on our way out the pool. As soon as we got on the walking area by the pool other guys got out and started to follow us they were complimenting me and I was telling them I was with my boyfriend. For whatever reason my boyfriend didn't see the other people behind us and kept walking ahead of me. I remember thinking why isn't he saying anything to stop them. Eventually we made it to our room and he got in the shower and I started to look around the hotel room . I got an odd feeling that the room was already occupied by someone else but they just weren't there. I opened the closet and there was a brown purse sitting in the closet and hair accessories like beads you would put in your hair they were yellow . I also remember a little girl pair of white dress shoes sitting in the closet. I closed the door and told my boyfriend that I don't think this is my room but he didn't seem really bothered by it. Then I thought to myself we never really checked in. We left out or the room and went to what felt like a beach or springs he told me to call his family and they could all meet us there to have fun and swim so I did. I saw a relative there who in real life is no longer living but she reminded of taraji p Henson the actress she was very pretty she had on a sun hat and a blue dress she was having a great time. I was taking pictures of her with I a ring that I wear in my real life it's a gold ring that says "faith over fear" the photos I took of her smiling and enjoying life were so pretty and I really wanted her to see them. But as people arrived some of the photos weren't coming out very clear. However she didn't seem to mind she was just having a good time. I saw an older lady from church and she said Karriscea how are doing nice to see you baby and I said I'm good just trying to take some pictures of cousin. Then the dream ended

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