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Dream Interpretation: Horse ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Horse? Discover the significance of seeing a Horse in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Horse appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

This symbolizes energy, strength, freedom, and power. It also indicates the ability to move and adapt, suggesting that you will soon find yourself in a situation where you need to adapt in order to gain from it. Horses also symbolize good fortune, indicating success will soon be yours.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction

Good fortune

Adaptability is one of the essential tools when it comes to finding growth, both in personal and professional life. Learn to change according to your environment so you can reap maximum benefits. You will find the success you have been after for so long, keep working on and building up your business or personal life.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of a horse can evoke a sense of freedom, power, and strength. It may symbolize a desire for independence and the ability to overcome obstacles. The presence of a horse in a dream can also bring feelings of adventure, excitement, and a connection to nature. It may represent a need for balance and harmony in life, as well as a sense of loyalty and companionship. Overall, dreaming of a horse can evoke positive emotions and a sense of empowerment.





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Dreams of users containing the word Horse

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16 Jul 2024



I had a dream that i picked up a substitute teaching job at a provate school near my house. When i accepted the job i lesrned that i had to be there by 8am for community breakfast. Also the school was located next to a set of food stands that give donation based meals. It could be free it I didnโ€™t have the money or a small donation of whatever i had it was a lot of good food so i was excited to get lunch. I was notified that one thing i had to be comfortable with was that at some point we take the kids on a horse and buggy ride in carriages that say โ€œwhites onlyโ€- the carriages were old and didnt want to destroy the buggies for that alone. I said i was comfortable just so i could get the job and take pictures and expose the school. When i got to the school it was a really easy schedule. Lunch was in a dinning room. I have been to this school in my previous dreams. Its 6 mins from my house on the otherside of a park. This geography only exists in my dreams. I do take the buggy ride and its so fast and ichave to secure the children i dont have the opportunity to take a picture of the โ€œwhites onlyโ€ sign. I get to the school and i find we are going to have a short day because there is a meeting fornthe teachers then a dinner party at a nice restaurant. When we arrive at the buggy rides i find out we are having a private meet and greet with Taylor swift. The studnets are super excited snd we escort them in groups to meet her. She looks very tired. However she keeps a good sport smile on and meets everyone with enthusiasm even tho shes very tired. I cheer her up. We make small talk and i even make her laugh. When she had a break me and a supervisor wanted to make sure she remembered us. He had me place his name stitched to a hat he would give her. I rhinestoned my name into a book she was reading with the school group. She leaves before we can give her the hat or the book. My day is from 8am to 1:30. I want to work here again. But they dont have any jobs to pick up the next day

12 Jul 2024

Old Lady


My dream was like a scary movie. There was going girls and boys and one of them got murdered by some guy that I saw and then we all started chasing him To get him and I ran into a little boy and he said that he saw the person so he takes me to this place with horses, and I realize I have my retainer in and each time I go to take out my retainer, my teeth start falling out and sticking into the retainer and I have a hard time speaking it keeps happening over and over there was a stream and a statue for where one of their beloved horses has died before and the old lady at first didnโ€™t like me, but she did like me so she said she was gonna fix my teeth so she gave me a different retainer and she said they was supposed to make my teeth better but then I couldnโ€™t talk with it that well so I kept trying to take it out and my teeth kept getting worsethen I finally woke up

11 Jul 2024



I had a dream of me and my friends playing hide and seek in the woods during the day. Somehow, my friends and I were able to be invisible, so it easy to hide and hard to find each other, but a couple of my friends were carrying a tan colored umbrella that when you looked towards it turned into what looked like a floating mushroom Because since they were invisible you could see the umbrella, but not able to see their Bodies. The dream transitioned to a scene of two of my friends getting married and taking the wedding pictures one was my spanish friend from work and his wife who was an Indian girl I went to elementary school with. They took one wedding picture in front of a car door that was removed from a car and the second picture of, the wife on a horse with its behind towards the camera and its hand sticking out a window away from us. Both pictures were taken inside a house. the scene transitioned to two of my Asian friends from high school who seemed to be dating. They were sitting cross legged itโ€™s gazing at each otherโ€˜s eyes what seem to be like some tantric/yoga movements as they would hold onto each other and sway their upper body. It look like theyโ€™re connecting very well and I was happy for them and thought it was cool.

8 Jul 2024



i dreamt that i was in my primary school again but as my current self. i was sat watching an assembly and one if the teachers was doing some acrobatic routine with some floaty lavender coloured fabric that was hanging from the ceiling. she was naked but covered by the fabric mostly. i left school and ended up outside my secondary school, where ir was the last day of school again. i saw my old friend who i grew apart from over time and we hugged for a long time. my school was in a different location, ao i was lost and didnt know how to get home, so i went inside and one of the teachers decided to try to get me home on a horse. we rode up a street with colourful decorations ourside every house, like balloons shaped like hearts and stars. suddenly a bunch of horses came charging past us and i fell off of our horse. she told me she couldnt get me home like this, so i had to walk to the bus station. it had been taken over by some kids doing PE / sports day, which was ran by older people like college age. i found my friends briefly and then a woman dressed like a fortune teller gave us a code to solve. i was taken away by the woman and she invited me to join their school. i had to follow a strict dress code, and i had to dye the front left side of my hair yellow, and wear clothing inspired by the theme that week, which was celebrities. the dream changed to another dream, i was at a concert with my friends in a large restaurant. we lined up to get some food, they sold churros, milkshakes, ice cream and waffles. my friend frankie bought a chocolate ice cream, when it got to my turn, i didnt get to buy anything because i was shoved into the crowd. they started to sing hozier, one of my favourite singers which was really fun. then, the dream changed again and i was given the task of building something in my grandparents garden. i tried to build a toilet shack like in shrek but when i showed it to them, they hated it and i was sent to the corner.

8 Jul 2024



I was teaching a grade school class. But they were overly energetic so I took them outside for some outdoor playtime. I was leading a game but the children kept being distracted by baby deer. Then all of a sudden a stampede of horses was coming right at me. One large brown horse came to save me. He sat down and let me hug him as the stampede went by. I was so thankful to the horse I cried.

4 Jul 2024



Ok so last night I dreamt that I was talking to Captain Hook from once upon a time and I gave him something with my number secretly engraved onto it cuz for some reason i wasnโ€™t allowed to give people my number or something kind like it was illegal. Anyway Iโ€™m running away and hook turns into a frog then rinses a horse through a castle looking for me he gets out the castle an kept on looking for me. But then mom woke me up and I couldnโ€™t finish the dream๐Ÿ˜ญ

29 Jun 2024



My papa Milling Kevin, one of my dad's friends that we used to go to his house together, um, I ended up visiting him. And he took me to this very, very large field. Half of the field was for people and animals that have died, and it was their graves. There were graves for thousands and thousands of people, and then there were also graves for hundreds and thousands of animals, including cattle, horses, livestock, goats, chickens, dogs, cats, etc. And then, on the other side of this very, very large green grass field, looks like it might be in fucking Kansas, it's a grave for the living. And Kevin, or my grandfather who's passed away now, steps down and he's like, oh yeah, this is my grave, and it's the grave for the living. And the grave for the living have gravestones for pets and also, um, people. Flash forward, I end up at this barn with horses, where they're riding these horses. And I see this woman on a horse I used to ride, named Duchess, and I noticed she she looks happier than the last time I saw her. I ask them how Duchess is, and Duchess looks like she remembers me and misses me. And I ask the lady, can I ride her? And she says no. And I say okay then i wake up

28 Jun 2024



So I was dreaming that we were on our farm, the farm in the Kalahari that has already been sold. It's my family and my husband's family. I'm dreaming that I'm going to the karal, which is in the camp where the house is, and we need to work cattle. We need to get the cattle in the karal and work the cattle. I'm going to the karal and what I notice is there are three or four horses in the karal, but there isn't a gate that can open to let them out, and it seemed to me that they've been there for a while. So I start working to get them out of there, and when I come to the last horse, I started to stress because I just knew this was a horse that my father paid a lot for because it's a very good riding horse and tame, but because the horse has been in the karal for a while, it was biting and kicking me because of its frustration, and I'm trying to help it to get out. And as I was busy, my father and brothers and my husband, oh, and my husband's mom and dad, they come walking, and the first thing I see my dad on his face, he's very angry at the horse, he gets the horse out of the karal, and as the horse was running away, he whipped it out of anger. And I was sad because I didn't like it, but the people, my brothers and my husband's mom started to laugh, my husband was looking confused, and me also, but nobody said anything because we have to work the cattle now. Anyway, as I was looking, I saw a dark figure in a cloak that nearly represented the Grim Reaper, but nobody else saw this figure except for me. I noticed it going from the ground to the sky, at least 300 meters in the sky. When you look at it, you can't see its face, but then suddenly you see a skeleton face. It was drifting around the sky, opening and closing its arms, like when you want to hug somebody. Then my dreams skipped to where we were in the garage of the farmhouse. It was evening, everybody was working in the garage. My brothers and my husband were working on the motorbike, they were dirty and full of oil. I was standing at the entrance of the garage with this figure, talking to it, I was saying stuff like, no, you'll fit in, don't worry about it, just take your cloak off. And as the figure took its cloak off, it was a young boy with darkish brown hair and darkish eyes, but you could see... but you could see the youth in his eyes, on his face. And, yeah, I was just comforting him that he will fit in and everything, but he didn't fit in, nobody wanted to give him something to do, and he wanted to do something. He kept asking my brothers and my husband, he kept asking my brothers and my husband, I can do this, I can do that, but nobody wanted to give him something to do. And then the dreams skipped to where we were all sitting in the living room eating, but he was sitting on a chair all by himself eating alone, and that's the whole dream.

28 Jun 2024



So I was dreaming that we were on our farm, the farm in the Kalahari that Hazel Raven sold. It's my family and my husband's family. I'm dreaming that I'm going to the karal, which is in the camp where the house is, and we need to work cattle. We need to get the cattle in the karal and work the cattle. I'm going to the karal and what I notice is there are three or four horses in the karal, but there isn't a gate that can open to let them out, and it seemed to me that they've been there for a while. So I start working to get them out of there, and when I come to the last horse, I started to stress because I just knew this was a horse that my father paid a lot for because it's a very good riding horse and tame, but because the horse has been in the karal for a while, it was biting and kicking me because of its frustration, and I'm trying to help it to get out. And as I was busy, my father and brothers and my husband, oh, and my husband's mom and dad, they come walking, and the first thing I see my dad on his face, he's very angry at the horse, he gets the horse out of the karal, and as the horse was running away, he whipped it out of anger. And I was sad because I didn't like it, but the people, my brothers and my husband's mom started to laugh, my husband was looking confused, and me also, but nobody said anything because we have to work the cattle now. Anyway, as I was looking, I saw a dark figure in a cloak that nearly represented the Grim Reaper, but nobody else saw this figure except for me. I noticed it going from the ground to the sky, at least 300 meters in the sky. When you look at it, you can't see its face, but then suddenly you see a skeleton face. It was drifting around the sky, opening and closing its arms, like when you want to hug somebody. Then my dreams skipped to where we were in the garage of the farmhouse. It was evening, everybody was working in the garage. My brothers and my husband were working on the motorbike, they were dirty and full of oil. I was standing at the entrance of the garage with this figure, talking to it, I was saying stuff like, no, you'll fit in, don't worry about it, just take your cloak off. And as the figure took its cloak off, it was a young boy with darkish brown hair and darkish eyes, but you could see... but you could see the youth in his eyes, on his face. And, yeah, I was just comforting him that he will fit in and everything, but he didn't fit in, nobody wanted to give him something to do, and he wanted to do something. He kept asking my brothers and my husband, he kept asking my brothers and my husband, I can do this, I can do that, but nobody wanted to give him something to do. And then the dreams skipped to where we were all sitting in the living room eating, but he was sitting on a chair all by himself eating alone, and that's the whole dream.

28 Jun 2024



So I was dreaming that we were on our farm, the farm in the Kalahari that Hazel Raven sold. It's my family and my husband's family. I'm dreaming that I'm going to the karal, which is in the camp where the house is, and we need to work cattle. We need to get the cattle in the karal and work the cattle. I'm going to the karal and what I notice is there are three or four horses in the karal, but there isn't a gate that can open to let them out, and it seemed to me that they've been there for a while. So I start working to get them out of there, and when I come to the last horse, I started to stress because I just knew this was a horse that my father paid a lot for because it's a very good riding horse and tame, but because the horse has been in the karal for a while, it was biting and kicking me because of its frustration, and I'm trying to help it to get out. And as I was busy, my father and brothers and my husband, oh, and my husband's mom and dad, they come walking, and the first thing I see my dad on his face, he's very angry at the horse, he gets the horse out of the karal, and as the horse was running away, he whipped it out of anger. And I was sad because I didn't like it, but the people, my brothers and my husband's mom started to laugh, my husband was looking confused, and me also, but nobody said anything because we have to work the cattle now. Anyway, as I was looking, I saw a dark figure in a cloak that nearly represented the Grim Reaper, but nobody else saw this figure except for me. I noticed it going from the ground to the sky, at least 300 meters in the sky. When you look at it, you can't see its face, but then suddenly you see a skeleton face. It was drifting around the sky, opening and closing its arms, like when you want to hug somebody. Then my dreams skipped to where we were in the garage of the farmhouse. It was evening, everybody was working in the garage. My brothers and my husband were working on the motorbike, they were dirty and full of oil. I was standing at the entrance of the garage with this figure, talking to it, I was saying stuff like, no, you'll fit in, don't worry about it, just take your cloak off. And as the figure took its cloak off, it was a young boy with darkish brown hair and darkish eyes, but you could see... but you could see the youth in his eyes, on his face. And, yeah, I was just comforting him that he will fit in and everything, but he didn't fit in, nobody wanted to give him something to do, and he wanted to do something. He kept asking my brothers and my husband, he kept asking my brothers and my husband, I can do this, I can do that, but nobody wanted to give him something to do. And then the dreams skipped to where we were all sitting in the living room eating, but he was sitting on a chair all by himself eating alone, and that's the whole dream.

28 Jun 2024



So I was dreaming that we were on our farm, the farm in the Kalahari that Hazel Raven sold. It's my family and my husband's family. I'm dreaming that I'm going to the karal, which is in the camp where the house is, and we need to work cattle. We need to get the cattle in the karal and work the cattle. I'm going to the karal and what I notice is there are three or four horses in the karal, but there isn't a gate that can open to let them out, and it seemed to me that they've been there for a while. So I start working to get them out of there, and when I come to the last horse, I started to stress because I just knew this was a horse that my father paid a lot for because it's a very good riding horse and tame, but because the horse has been in the karal for a while, it was biting and kicking me because of its frustration, and I'm trying to help it to get out. And as I was busy, my father and brothers and my husband, oh, and my husband's mom and dad, they come walking, and the first thing I see my dad on his face, he's very angry at the horse, he gets the horse out of the karal, and as the horse was running away, he whipped it out of anger. And I was sad because I didn't like it, but the people, my brothers and my husband's mom started to laugh, my husband was looking confused, and me also, but nobody said anything because we have to work the cattle now. Anyway, as I was looking, I saw a dark figure in a cloak that nearly represented the Grim Reaper, but nobody else saw this figure except for me. I noticed it going from the ground to the sky, at least 300 meters in the sky. When you look at it, you can't see its face, but then suddenly you see a skeleton face. It was drifting around the sky, opening and closing its arms, like when you want to hug somebody. Then my dreams skipped to where we were in the garage of the farmhouse. It was evening, everybody was working in the garage. My brothers and my husband were working on the motorbike, they were dirty and full of oil. I was standing at the entrance of the garage with this figure, talking to it, I was saying stuff like, no, you'll fit in, don't worry about it, just take your cloak off. And as the figure took its cloak off, it was a young boy with darkish brown hair and darkish eyes, but you could see... but you could see the youth in his eyes, on his face. And, yeah, I was just comforting him that he will fit in and everything, but he didn't fit in, nobody wanted to give him something to do, and he wanted to do something. He kept asking my brothers and my husband, he kept asking my brothers and my husband, I can do this, I can do that, but nobody wanted to give him something to do. And then the dreams skipped to where we were all sitting in the living room eating, but he was sitting on a chair all by himself eating alone, and that's the whole dream.

28 Jun 2024

Dark Room


I dont remember a lot. But I remember being in this room with lots of people getting ready for my wedding. I remember my family being there. I seen this girl I know her in realy life but not very well her name is Erin. Anyways I realise I've left my 2nd wedding dress at home(this makes me very stressed) then she pulls out a dress that looks simlair. I thought it was my 2nd dress turns out she was showing everyone her wedding dress for her wedding this.made me very annoyed as this is my wedding only.i should be wearing white and no one should be taking the attention away. Everyone crowded her and gave her.loads of attention While my sister prepared to chuck red wine on her. The room was dark I remember. Also the wedding horse carriage I hired didn't turn up.

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