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Dream Interpretation: Time ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Time? Discover the significance of seeing a Time in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Time appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

This symbol represents your connection with action and opportunity. This suggests that time is a precious commodity and questions your relationship with it. This also signifies your fear or anxiety of missing the time you have on your hands, leading to missed opportunities and making you feel stagnant.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction

Daily events

Analyze your dream to determine if it's encouraging you or warning you against the use of your time. Do you need to slow down and be patient? Or perhaps you need to hurry up and take action. First, check if this pressure of time is causing your anxiety. Then, take action to heal and find confidence in using your time wisely.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream about time can evoke a sense of urgency, anxiety, or pressure. It may reflect a fear of running out of time or a desire to make the most of the present moment. This dream can also symbolize the passage of time and the realization that life is constantly moving forward. It may bring up feelings of nostalgia, regret, or anticipation for the future. Overall, the dream about time can elicit a mix of emotions, ranging from a sense of urgency to a contemplation of the fleeting nature of existence.





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14 Jul 2024

Little girl


I was at work my boss asked me did I need anything and I said paper so she brought be some so later on she asked me did I need anything again and I said I need paper so later I went to a vending machine a tried to get some sprite but when I selected sprite I got some pink lemonade keto drink and I was made and all of a sudden my bosses sister that I used to go to school with she was a little girl in my dream and she came to work with us and I was training her and I wanted to get away from work for an hr and she was with me so we eneded up going to a church library to watch a movie so we watched the movie and before we knew it was six a clock and we get off work at 4pm we stayed over the time we were supposed to and my boss will be looking for her sister after work so while we where at the library watching the movie my sister walks in and says hey u not home yet and I was like oh what time is it and she said itโ€™s 6:30pm and I rushed to get my bosses sister out so we can go back to work but I was also wondering how will I explain this and keep my job and as I was wondering that the dream ended. And I work up breathing hard

10 Jul 2024



I was at the park next to the primary school Iโ€™ve attended, the sky was cloudy, the air was warm, and yet I had on my grey hoodie with jeans that had folded a little above my ankles. I sat there watching other children playing, there was this one special playground activity that looked fun if you put your mind to it, though it wasnโ€™t desirable plus it was pretty high in the air where someone could easily fall off of. I pictured my 7-10 year old self playing there, with some girls whom I wish I couldโ€™ve connected with back then (when I think about them now, I mean) just knowing I canโ€™t change back time.

23 Jun 2024

Holding hands


I had a dream i was dating this guy, he was south asian with dark skin, he was handsome. I was comfortable with him and was at his parents very large home, me and his parents got along well, with them even buying me coffee - an iced latte. I was cuddling and holding hands with my boyfriend, he was definitely loving all of me, including my personality. It was then time for me to go to work and he, his parents all took me to my job, it was a complete new building for my job but with the same co-workers, we ended up going out for some drinks, hanging with my work bestie, it was very nice. However, it was close to starting the shift! so i left my work bestie in the bar and rushed past my manager, who was saying it was 7:55 or 7:45 and my shift started at 8pm then it was time to start working, it was me and my other work bestie, we were walking up and down the new building that had like 3/4 floors downstairs, it was like an extreme basement - anyways each way down, there was animals and like the levels, with plastic toy models, in blue and yellow - i got to the lowest level and saw fish was one of the lowest animals, i picked up the toy and it was cute, i loved it. However, looking at the time when walking up from the levels and getting back to the shop floor my manager looked at the watch saying itโ€™s 8:18pm, im late and my work bestie who was at the bar was also late, even though i was already working and was getting stock from downstairs. I then woke up

20 Jun 2024



So I was at school and there was a play happening and I think I was supposed to be in it but my and my friend were walking around and there was this classroom and the teacher asked us to help her clean up and she was showing us these huge flies she had in a cage, she had a lot of insects and then we started cleaning up and I was trying to organize these toy utensils based off of if it was a fork or a spoon or what kind of pattern was on it and my friend kept telling me to hurry up and I asked her to help me and she told me just to put them in a drawer so I did but for some reason I was afraid of the teacher seeing me do that and as we were walking out it looked like the isles in a store and all the lights turned off except for the isles lights and we were saying bye to the teacher and then next thing I was back in the auditorium and I was checking the time on my phone because I wanted to know if I was in a dream and the time was just letters and numbers and it was changing letters so I figured out I was in a dream, then the play had started and I was exploring the school with my mom and I kind of jumped down into this huge room that was right behind the auditorium and it looked like a old Victorian castle but how it looked in the Victorian times and a women who I assumed was the mom or the one in charge and her daughter and a bunch of male guards came out and the mom and daughter had crowns and beautiful ball dresses and the guards were dressed like guards and I was explaining that I go to this school and I just got lost and for some reason the guards started attacking my mom and then the dream switched from me being who I am to me watching myself but I didn't look like me and my mom didn't look like my mom and I was watching myself just ignore the guards attacking my mom and I got mad that I wasn't doing anything and then the dream switched back to me being me and I explained to the queen or mom that I was in the school play and the stained glass they had kind of went see through and showed the school play going on and all the people in the audience and she let my mom go and I was asking her questions like does she live here, is this her house, does she own the school and she said yes and she was showing us this huge projecter that made any movie look like it was made in the 60s and she explained that my teacher was able to get her a big TV that did the same and I was telling her she can do whatever she wants In her house except kill someone because that's not cool and she was surprised but we both laughed it off and she was very nice but the guards and her daughter were just sitting down in silence and they were watching the play in the auditorium through the stained glass that became see through, it was like they were watching it from behind the stage and they could see everything and everyone but no one could see them

17 Jun 2024

My crush


I had a dream I Was a witch in the coven American horror stories and I also had sisters that are on a different show I watched and one of the sisters had cancer and my sisters dared me to speak to my crush and seduce him it was originally my crush Andrew but he changed later but I was at this really old school I never been to in real life but my teacher wasnโ€™t there nor was most of my class so I had to sit in someone elseโ€™s class room but it was very early like 6 in the morning but by the time got up to go talk to Andrew I got dismissed from class which was at 7 am and still dark I looked at the time and it was 4 pm and it started getting light outside so I go outside and call my uncle to pick me but he said he had to get ready so I just sat by these boys and one of them was apparently my โ€œcrush?โ€ He had dark skin and dreads he was Kai cents but his name was something else and I accidentally sat on this abandoned dirty couch but after being told it was abandoned I got up and got on the bus to go to my grandmas neighborhood

14 Jun 2024

Love Interest


I do understand that you're going through some stuff. Maybe in another life we had a chance but I'm rooted in reality and sometimes I feel like I'm living a double life when I'm with you. You remind me if the times I was free and out and about but also the times when I was just a friend and that wasn't a good feeling. I thought I grew out of that feeling and I use to cut any girl out my life that made me feel that way. Now I think to myself did not give them a chance because of how you made me feel once upon a time and again not blaming you, again it's a me thing. I've been in love with someone else and I had to make a choice and I did. Which is why I'm with Julia. I don't want much just exist with someone. Occupy the same space through love but also through the tough. I look back at it and noticed I don't seem to be that choice. After all this is the most I've seen you in 9 years. 9 years is time we can't get back and yeah.

11 Jun 2024



A guy trapped me and a few people in the bathroom of a bar it was like an escape room there were keys and u could only get out if there were the right keys in the right place and if u got it wrong he would kill u, I got it wrong he tried to kill me with two small metal pulls pushing them into the temples of my head, then someone walked into the bathroom and we all got out but we weren't safe, we all sat at the bar he was at the bar sitting next to me. I was trying to save people from him, everyone knew he was trying to kill people tho, and he tried to kill a few people by pushing them off the chairs and tripping them, eventually I got mad and was confused why no one was helping me or calling the police so I screamed and yelled while I had him pinned to the ground for anyone to please call the police, but someone said they were are they, they wouldnt answer this late, I felt the time was 12 almost 1 very dark u couldn't see outside it was pitch black but I kept yelling and yelled to try anyways.

10 Jun 2024

Best Friend
Running away


Being on the run with my family, and having to go through a cupboard to escape. My husband daughter and son with our dog all got through but my best friend stopped me to talk with me and I got caught and fitted with a tracker. I've gone back to our family home and taken my children's things and cried. I've managed to get the tracker removed and gone through the cupboard but in the parallel place time moves quicker, and I've seen my husband and cried but he didn't have our dog, Sadie, he had a different breed of dog and said Sadie had died. I'd only been separated from them for a few weeks but in his time it had been years

9 Jun 2024



In the dream I woke up from the last dream, next to my boyfriend who was on his phone, I leaned over and looked at it, he watched some short videos. When I looked at the time I realised he way late for work and said it, he stood up quickly and throwed his clothes on, kissed me and was out the door.

9 Jun 2024



Boyfriend kiss me for the first time in over 5 years

9 Jun 2024



I was by my grandparents front yard to their apartment, and it was very late at night. Me and all of my soccer-teammates were there for some reason, I have no idea why. I continue to walk with them all the way to the lobby and to the elevator inside the apartment. But as we enter the elevator, everything except the foundation of the building disappears, and we were instead standing on a big muddy field with huge hills of mud that made it more like mountain peaks of mud. Me and my soccer-friends explored the muddy area together, getting covered in mud while doing so, and then decided to see if we made a wrong turn. But then as soon as we tried to leave the muddy area, it became deep in the afternoon! Then a lot more of my friends came, and everyones parents. But the parents there acted as if nothing was wrong at all!!! Even though we were in a huge muddy field within the foundations of a building! At least they brought snacks and candy, I guess... They just took us all and we walked and walked outside to the building complex and area, but as it walked, time seemed to pass quickly, that as we crossed the street, it became nighttime. Then, we arrived at the house of my online Waldorf homeschooled friend Zoe, who I know didn't live anywhere near my grandparents apartment, let alone across the street, me, all my friends, and my soccer teammates, all dropped her off there, then continued and dropped my other friends off at their houses, saying we'll definitely see them very soon; Juno, Stoney, Rocky. Then we dropped all of other my soccer-friends; Yehor, Jaxston, Mia and Micah, saying goodbye and that we'll see each other next Sunday. As we dropped off more and more people, the surroundings looked less and less outdoorsy, till finally when only my parents, my sister and me were left, the path turned into a hallway! We continued walking and found a purple themed bedroom, which was said to be my cousins, Juliana, Jaylene, and Christian, but they weren't there. I've never seen a purple themed bedroom before. I looked outside the window, and I saw something unbelievable: I was looking out the window and looked down at a view of Palermo, Sicily, from what seemed like a castle hotel, and it was daytime again! Then I woke up.

9 Jun 2024



I was at my grandparents front yard to their apartment, and it was very late at night. Me and all of my soccer teammates were there for some reason, I have no idea why. I continue to walk with them all the way to the lobby and to the elevator inside the apartment. But as we enter the elevator, everything except the foundation of the building disappears, and we were instead standing on a big muddy field with huge hills of mud that made it more like mountain peaks of mud. We explored the muddy area, getting covered in mud while doing so, and then decided to see if we made a wrong turn. But then as soon as we tried to let the mud, it became deep in the afternoon! Then a lot more of my friends came, and everyones parents, but the parents acted as if nothing was wrong, even though we were in a huge muddy field within the foundations of a building! They just took us all and we walked and walked outside to the building complex and area, but as it walked, time seemed to pass quickly, that as we crossed the street, it became nighttime. Then, we arrived at the house of my online Waldorf homeschooled friend Zoe, who I know didn't live anywhere near my grandparents apartment, let alone acrorthe street, me, all my friends, and my soccer teammates, all dropped her off there, then continued and dropped my other friends off at their houses, saying we'll definitely see them very soon; Juno, Stoney,and Rocky. They we dropped all off one of my soccer friends, saying goodbye and that we'll see each other next Sunday; Ivar (I think thats how to spell it). As we dropped off more and more people, the surroundings looked less and less outdoorsy, till finally when only my parents, my sister and me were left, the path turned into a hallway! We continued walking and found a purple themed bedroom, which was said to be my cousins, but they weren't there. I looked outside the window, and I saw something unbelievable: I was looking out the window and looked down at a view of Palermo, Sicily, from what seemed like a castle hotel, and it was daytime again! Then I woke up.

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