Dream interpretation about Family, Lucid Dreaming, Cousin, Dog, Phone, Water, Bed, Parking Lot, Parrot
My dream started in a parking garage where I walked to the staircase and found myself in an open area with a table that had a red parrot. The parrot and I were working on doing some math and I would feed it food for it to bite and eat. The dream transitioned to me being in my bed. I woke up from a noise that I heard and started having a weird feeling. I noticed A light that was coming from a bedside table and realized that was coming from my phone's flashlight. It was strange because I didn't do anything for it to go on. I woke up pretty discombobulated to turn off my phone and stumbled to pick it up. On the way, I hit a water bottle and spilled water on the floor, but eventually got to my phone and tried to figure out who texted me for the light to come on, but my phone was at 1% and it was broken. When I got up I felt very discombobulated. I was stumbling around. I couldn't see well. Things were glitching in and out and I knew that I wanted some help for my mom. So I walked out my door, saw my dog trying to help me out and as I headed to my parents room I realized I wasn't with my mom. It was my dad and my stepmom. I was a little disappointed but also surprised that I thought that my mom was here because I wasn't staying at my mom's house. I walked back to my room to go to the bathroom and my cousin came in, Alex. At this point, I was like, Alex, why are you here? And realized, oh, this is a dream. And then my dream changed to becoming lucid. Unfortunately it didn't last long, Alex looked at me kind of strange when I ask him what he's doing here. He, unfortunately, took this as a sign to leave, turned his head, and started hobbling out of my room, and as he walked or hobbled each step, his back started to hunch more and more. I realized that this was a dream, and all of a sudden, I spiraled back to being awake in real life.
Dream date:
12 Apr 2024
Emotional tone:
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