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Dream Interpretation: Mermaid 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Mermaid? Discover the significance of seeing a Mermaid in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Mermaid appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

A mermaid in a dream represents your inner desires and emotions. It may indicate a longing for freedom, independence, and exploration. Alternatively, it may symbolize a fear of the unknown or a sense of being trapped in a situation.

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🧭 Direction


Think about what the mermaid was doing in your dream. Was she swimming freely or trapped in a tank? This may give you insight into your own feelings of freedom or confinement. Consider what changes you can make in your life to feel more fulfilled and satisfied. Embrace your inner desires and explore new opportunities.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a mermaid evokes a sense of enchantment and fascination. It brings feelings of curiosity, wonder, and a longing for the mystical. This dream may also stir up emotions of desire for freedom and exploration, as well as a connection to the depths of the subconscious mind. The mermaid symbolizes a blend of beauty and mystery, leaving the dreamer with a sense of awe and a desire to uncover hidden truths.





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Dreams of users containing the word Mermaid

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10 Jul 2024



I took a few hour long nap, and dreamed of being an aquatic humanoid animal. Like a mermaid of some kind, but I believe it was more like a Japanese Yokai possibly. As I was able to turn to a human and enter civilization I ended up going somewhere and being caught and trapped, but a nice man with similar aquatic abilities saved me and set me free, and I woke up from there.

4 Jul 2024



In this dream I am a male I am an anomaly, some kind of a merfolk-immortal hybrid and I need to die apparently Or people think I need to So I run away, across cities and ports and all sorts of locations, hiding my identity First I’m jn the Pacific ocean Then I am somehow swimming by the Isle of Scots; I see fogs, trees, jagged steep cliffs of limestones and everything Then I get to the Great Britain, have an escapade across London and get to the Iberian peninsula by swimming and everything I have the ability to sling threads across and swing on it like Spider-man I’m then climbing across old cathedrals, in Paris I’m caught but then there’s skyscrapers like the ones in Singapore and then suddenly I’m in Spain again, I’m taken to the airport with other prisoners to be transported but we trick the guards and the warden into thinking we’re following And then we scatter in different directions I for one am chased through tunnels cutting through a small hill in the city, through the cathedral’s steeples and around the glass futuristic skyscrapers built like a Klein bottle There’s vegetations everywhere and the city itself is build amidst the forests and stuff so that makes sense And then by and IN the sea I am taught the truth of my origins A lot of stuff happens and now I’m back on land, disguising myself as human again I’m in this school made from a villa by the sea of Andalusia There’s scarcely any women I’m hiding in the shared shower space because it’s like the only place aside from the ocean where they have proper water supply and I need water to not dry out and die One of the males I’m infatuated with and every time I’m in some sort of a heat he comes to me and fucks my guts(literally, I take out just my gut somehow and feel him Bluetooth-fuck it) I’d suck his cock and make love and stuff but homosexuality is apparently forbidden in this school/place His girlfriend finds this out and joins in(I’m still the bottom, she’s getting eaten out by me while the guy pistons me from the hind) It’s a quickie so before long the school’s warden and stuff comes in and I have to run I climb the veneer boards and patched high walls of the room and make it outside as the police comes in to track me down I can hear the wardens’ voices in my head so I know what they’re trying to do or where they’re at(telepathy?) I use the web-slinging and my atheticism to get across the villa and back to the ocean I sling across the villa’s terracotta walls and vine balconies and for some fucking reason I appear female to the onlookers so people think I’m some sort of a fairy-maniac they’re hallucinating Finally I’m on the ground so I grovel and crawl through the parking lot made of pebbles and the shoreline’s rocks gathering unscathed pretty seashells(mostly clams, mussels, scallops, respective colors gradient of red-orange-pink or green-blue-purple, purple, terra-cotta orange and pink) Thw warden’s car comes in so I run and dive into the ocean

2 Jun 2024



On a blow-up boat in the sea with 3 friend. 2 guys 1 girl. We come to a small floating Beacon. It had a concrete base. We tried to hold on to it because we noticed the sea was getting a little rough. We watched as the waves got bigger and bigger. I knew/hoped after a few waves the sea would becomes calm again. The boat capsizes. I rememberd it was only a dream, I could make myself breath underwater. I turned myself into a mermaid so I could dive down into the water and pull out the boat and 2 of my friends who were sinking. I pull them all up and ask them to climb onto the boat.

28 May 2024



I had a dream that felt like it lasted a few weeks. It was beautiful and vivid. It mainly took place at night, so it was always dark. In this dream I was a Mermaid and I lived alone. I had a house that was on land, surrounded by a pool on all sides. The house was the only one secluded on an island. It’s basement was octagon shaped, empty, every wall was glass so you could see into the water surrounding the house, like an aquarium. The only light coming in the glass room was a bright blue glow on all sides illuminating from the pool lights in the water surrounding the home. I was alone here, it was night, and I had a huge hammerhead shark that lived in this pool and would just swim in circles around my house. I would sometimes sit in the middle of the glass room on the floor, and watch the lone shark swim in silence. Again with only light being the soft blue glow. Sometimes I would actually swim with the shark as a mermaid. It was peaceful, empty and just the shark and I. And then the dream would cut away to a very different scene. In this scene I would be in the middle of the ocean, a few meters from the surface, absolutely nothing around me, and I could see myself in a 3rd person view. There was sun light shining through the water, I was still a mermaid, and I was just floating still, not moving, underwater, and on my back. All I could hear was the static sound of water around me, and an occasional sound of a whale far in the distance. It felt warm and quiet.

29 Apr 2024



My son my husband and myself were all mermaids swimming in the ocean together

28 Apr 2024



I went to the beach and began swimming in the ocean and all of a sudden my son swam towards me (which is weird because he’s 6 and hasn’t learned how to effectively swim.) but he was a merman and he told me to look down and I realized I had a mermaid tail. Looking around I see my husband who’s also a merman. It was kind of odd that we lived in a structure similar to king Tritons castle….

22 Apr 2024



I’m calling it the 13th month because I believe new years is in spring, about 14 months in a year. So, I missed a dream but it was so abstract I could probably right about it here too but let’s focus on the new nightmare. So, I was at Lindenhurst High school and I needed to change into my uniform for my team because there was gonna be a game. Fiashe and Giselle, the security guards of Lindenhurst High School that I practiced Spanish with, wasn’t very helpful saying I needed to put my shit in my locker which I didn’t have, I was carrying a lot of stuff for some reason like my backpack, hockey stick, and bags. I usually carry a lot of stuff like my backpack, purse, and journal but it’s kinda weird I was carrying so much more stuff. Also, I remember there was this boy pretending to be a nerd to impress this girl and there was an act Fiashe did. I can’t remember what it was but I think they were fake fighting. I do remember after there was some horror show about starving and it was two kids? But yeah after that, there were these people asking about who I was. They found out that I was Haitian and some of them made fun of me for it before realizing something about Mami Wata and how it was next to the Dominican Republic. One of the woman turned into Mami Wata and the other girls were looking for her and then I turned into a mermaid and they hunted me. Everything else is blur but they kidnapped me and I outsmarted them but then I ended up in my bedroom in Lindenhurst.

31 Mar 2024



I was hanging out in the garage with jesse and cooking. Putting ribs in the smoker, when one of my preschool students dads walks over and is trying to hang out. Jesse goes inside, annoyed, and tells me to get rid of him. I told him he has a drink in hand I think he just wants adult conversation and to be nice. I walk back outside and all the kids are playing having a grand time in the front yard. Two heavy set black guys join attendance. They start getting handsy with me and I'm willing the universe to send jesse out that door and save me. I finally break free of their hold on my own. I finish putting ribs on the smoker and check on the kids. When I look at the sky I see a tornado form and I yell and run inside to tell jesse too. By the time he comes outside, it's died down again. But I continue to watch the sky. Some weird space ship starts destroying parts of the city and saying something over a loud speaker but I can't remember what they were saying. They laid their eyes on me and headed my way. I got all the kids inside, but when I tried to look doors, either codes weren't working or the doors didn't fit in the door frame correctly enough to secure us safely. Finally I made it into the main house only to see that the dog pooped on the floor. It wasn't a normal pile of poop but it was shaped like a Mermaid that's on the front of pirate ships. I made a comment about it and jesse got up to check it out or leave.

17 Mar 2024



Mermaids making me their permanent little boy

12 Feb 2024



I had a dream where I became a professional mermaid, swimming in 1 of 3 pools, that had sharks and dolphins in them. The ex-friend of last week’s dream was in them again. This restaurant I worked at was located in Tokyo, Japan. Similar to a maid café, but mermaid themed instead.

8 Feb 2024



I was in a body of water I felt like I was in a different dimension and I felt very fearful and anxious that something was in the water with me , in the distance I see a turtle like structure and push it away with the water and my hand. i go underwater to try and swim faster to the land but then a siren mermaid’s face pops up in my face and scares me, it felt connected to my past life in atlantis.

23 Jan 2024

Having a baby


* me and my boyfriend were on an island * we had a baby * there was a war * but we was safe it would happen around us but everywhere we went was shielded by an orb * three siren mermaids in this sea would give me an uneasy chill as they’d be stood on their fins on the water staring at us but my boyfriend thinks that’s why we was protected

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