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Dream Interpretation: Stranger 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Stranger? Discover the significance of seeing a Stranger in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Stranger appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Seeing a stranger in your dream can represent a part of yourself that you are not familiar with or a fear of the unknown. It can also indicate a need for new experiences or a desire to break free from routine.

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🧭 Direction


Think about what the stranger in your dream was doing and how you felt about their presence. This can give you insight into what part of yourself or your life needs attention. Embrace new experiences and take risks to break free from monotony. Trust your instincts and don't be afraid to explore the unknown.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of encountering a stranger can evoke a mix of emotions. It may bring feelings of curiosity, uncertainty, and even fear. The presence of a stranger in a dream can symbolize the unknown, representing new experiences or opportunities. It may also reflect a sense of vulnerability or unease, as interacting with unfamiliar individuals can be unsettling. Overall, this dream can leave one with a sense of intrigue and a desire to explore the unfamiliar aspects of life.





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Dreams of users containing the word Stranger

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16 Jul 2024



I dreamed I was going to the movie theatre with my ex. except we got split up right away, there was so many people going to the movies. I had a Paypal card that I could use as a credit card but the food and drinks were like $20 each and I didn't want to wrack up a lot of money. I saw everyone swarming the food and decided to continue on. I couldn't fond my ex inside the theater so I decided to sit next to a random stranger. He gave me a weird look but he let me sit by him. After the movie ended everyone was leaving and walking down long halls. We passed an area with drink stalls, and I found my ex again. I wanted him to get me a drink but he just ignored me and I didn't get a drink. Then, as we were all headed out down the long hallways, me and three other girls found a cat and absolutely loved bit. it looked like a tortie. we all were like "hi kitty kitty" and it came up to us and meowed. we realized that we were really far behind and I had lost my ex again. Me and the girls reluctantly decided to catch up. There was a certain point where everyone was hanging out and waiting for rides and drinking their smoothies when someone was sad about something. I tried to do the splits to make them feel better but ended up fumbling and fell on my but. it was in front of everyone including my ex. he gave me s weird look but everyone began to laugh and that made me feel better. There was a lady there who said I was her favorite. Then, everyone was leaving. I got split from my ex again, ended up walking to his house. someone had told me he was working on making me a bus. I was walking up and saw it. it was light blue and white. I really liked it and wanted to tell him that but when I got to him he started talking about a bird he'd found. The bird looked at him and said "Are you human?" and he said "Yes." and the bird looked sad. my ex mentioned the bird looked so sad, it was like sesame street. I then woke up.

14 Jul 2024



First started off me tryna steal some drugs and when I went back they weren’t there and they we left but I just saw a ufo in the sky but it got close to us and I wasn’t afraid and it left then I was counting money in my living room and the alien popped up magically into a cat and started downloading shit into my finger and it was talking to telepathically saying it was going to take care of my what ever I needed here he was downloading it all into me But in that house I was with people I didn’t know

12 Jul 2024



It starts off at a school wi ddint know and I was holding a baby flamingo, after that I was reffing a weirdly shaped football field and it was smaller age kids I left after halftime and found one of my best friends Cassidy, after me and get where hanging out at the football game a guy approached me and her and he had an interest in me, he was extremely tall, I had to look up to see his face, he was handsome. Never seen him before. Well he took us to his house or garage area it was down a long gravel road and his place was secluded in trees. We get there and me and her get an eerie feeling. He ended up having a bunch of guys over and they wouldn’t let us leave. Cassidy had her phone on her and hide in a closet beside us while I distracted then guys. She called her boyfriend Conner, and our softball team. They end up arriving but can’t get past the fence. So me and Cassidy make a run for it when the guys where distracted. We go across the fence to find Connor and my entire softball team, one of the guys followed us and had drawn a knife on us so I rushed forward because I had a knife as well I stabbed him and took his knife.

10 Jul 2024

Abandoned home
Blonde hair


I was in a new place with my mom. My mom took me to meetup with a friend and slipped me some cash not knowing if I needed it. It was all the cash she had. Supposedly the bakery place I met my friend at was really good. I got some banana bread slices and a cinnamon roll like my friend did. I remember the price for the banana bread being $35. I hadn’t realized my mom gave me extra money until I pulled the cash out of my pocket. I did my best not to use the money she gave me. I remember having a bunch of 20 dollar bills and some 10 dollar bills and some 1 dollar bills. The money my mom gave me was a few of each while the cash I initially had was a bit more than that. After that my mom had me and my friend in the car with her while she drove to an abandoned apartment complex. She got inside this bin that looked like a giant blue post office box. I was initially going to get out until my friend told me not to as it’s a place to go to when you need to cry. The next thing I knew is that a stranger with blonde hair came and pressed a button and the giant door then started sealing as it began to work like a garbage truck. I raced out of the car fearful my mom was in danger, crying as I wanted to make sure my mom was okay. As I opened the door and the guard behind the door was slowly pushing my mom further in, she yelled at me to close the door. I was crying hysterically as I was beginning to realize that’d be the last time I’d hear her voice. I woke up after that

9 Jul 2024



I was in a war with this guy that wanted to erase his daughters memory and everyone else's. He sends out goons trying to stop me, I took them down fast, and I stole his memory remote. He decided to hypnotize my mother into giving me donuts outside. I ate them and it became suspecious. I ran away and then saw a mysterious guy sitting at a desk that told me why he wants to erase his daughters memory. I was all due to a Christmas event that traumatized her. When the stranger disappeared, goons came along and tried to get me. I grabbed a gun from one of them, I shot, I missed them, but I think I shot the father or the daughter.

9 Jul 2024



I had a dream about getting airbnb in Baton Rouge Louisiana really nice on the beach. After staying in the house I realized that the it was another family staying upstairs. We still ended up staying but the father was really weird and wouldn’t give us privacy but they did have a male dog that looked exactly like brownie . Nothing else really happened except for victor somehow ended up in my dream when I opened the bathroom door. After that we left the airbnb and drove we needed up at a gas station where someone tried to rob me and 2 black men tried helping me. But ultimately I ended up saving myself because I chased him and put his hands behind his back until the police came . After that I ended up getting home and Valeria and another girl was at my house and we caught up and after she left I got back in the care and ended up waking up

7 Jul 2024



I had a dream that two men was after me and I was running through different neighbourhoods trying to get away from them. I then had a different dream where I found a phone from a brand that I don’t use and didn’t belong to me in my house I tried unlocking it but the code wasn’t right and then this voice started speaking on it but I couldn’t understanding it, and then the phone seemed to unlock once I had found a code, there was different pictures in the phone of a man I did not know and me and my mum decided the only logical reason to finding someone’s phone in our house was someone had broke in.

7 Jul 2024



I dreamt I found this back alley road that was kind of like a portal or connection to another world that looked exactly like ours except the people were not normal, and they could tell when we entered and weren't one of them, I ran back and bought some friends with me again to the place later and they all freaked out and started running but I tried to get everyone to stay together because eventually everyone disappeared until I was the only one left with all these strange people who knew I wasn't one of them.

7 Jul 2024

Old friend


I was at a bar and I was being lead to a table with a group of people, the music was loud and everyone was laughing and having a great time, but I didn’t notice anybody that I recognized, which was odd because I felt so comfortable with my surroundings and these strangers. Me and the strange girl leading me to the table finally arrive and I see an old friend, Trey, and he was so surprised to see me. I felt a huge wave of excitement and pure joy in seeing him. Then I woke up

6 Jul 2024



I dreamed I was in class and my mom was volunteering and we had to go to a weird Christian thing because of a necklace? I think I was crying too. I had to watch some performance thing at my outside recess then. Then I was in a house and a gun pointed at me so I hid in a closet. Then I went to the kitchen which was very crowded, and found a few things and washed my hands and felt the water. Then I looked around a bit and we just teleported to my school but this time my mom wasn’t there, it was the 2 strangers whose house I was in. Then I watched the dumb Christian thing but saw my dad. I ran up and hugged him and the dream ended. So basically I was kidnapped, but didn’t feel like I was.

4 Jul 2024



Okay so I told my brother to take me to LA I think and we were on the drive for a while it was me my little sister maleny and my older brother Geovanni, so he says let’s stop to get some food, and we’re looking at to something like what to pick there was a lot of things it was like a all you can eat restaurant and a playground for little kids, anyway I was just looking at what to get and I see a old man in the corner in a wheelchair and with a white teddy bear with a pink nose, and a blue ribbon on its neck and I guess he was famous because I heard screams but your supposed to hug him because he’s famous for his hugs we took pictures and other kids went to hug him but when he hugged me and my little sister he kissed us on the cheek and I noticed he didn’t kiss anyone else so at first k though it was a bit weird but I didn’t care I was supper happy but waking up I realized that was my dead grandpa who was there and he hugged and kiss me but I didn’t know and later on there was these kids who were being so rude crashing into people and not saying sorry but I ignored it for a while later we’re looking at stuff to eat and she moves to us she says something rude I don’t remember and I said “oh I thought you were being rude.” And the kid says “I was.” “And I grabbed her on the shoulder and she went to hit me and we started fighting and I was beating her up but everytime I stopped because I felt bad but she kept coming back and tysm I pushed her and her little brother came and and tried to grab me but the little girl saw that and tried hitting me but I just ended up pushing the brother fair so o can beat her up and I pushed her and I didn’t hit him he was way younger than her and me he wanted to hit me and he hit me somewhere I think on the face and I got mad I was gonna push him away but than MY brother came and took the boy away saying “whose kids are these?” And their older brother was mad because don’t remember anything after that but he threatened to kid my little sister and I was mad I just kept cussing him out like “your gonna hut little ass kids yes b#### I hit your ugly Ass fucking sister but she hit first and she wanted to hit my sister so I beat her was but for you little was brother I didn’t hit him he hit me he was too mush of a baby and he lucky because his little funky was was all in my face.” Stuff like that over and over again and I knew he wouldn’t though I went walking around a alone for a little than after walking by thie car that I couldn’t open the door fully to get to the other side of the place I was walking he was on the other side he got in the abandoned truck and opened the door for me from the inside and raised his hand out for me I grabbed it and we went to the other side of the place We we’re walking and than he told me “naydeneeee your scratching my DM’s”. And I was like what do you mean? And he was like “ because I was putting on my ig that like “there’s this girl and man she. Driving me crazy!” And everyone thought I was talking about how I like you.” And I don’t remember the whole conversation anymore but he was handsome he had black hair a slick back and he had a little goatee and a little mustache I remember he had the most beautiful eyes ever he had nice lips and a normal nose I remember his face and I never remembered anyones face so it still surprises me. And we talking I called him not bad looking and he was flustered and than after my brother called me over he told me “damn naydene I wish you couldn’t leave.” And my sister was looking at me and him all weird and he said “ give me your IG come visit” and I don’t remember after that but I said bye to him and I got on the car and left but before that I apologize to his siblings and went in the car and waved bye and he said bye too all I can think about was going home and added him on Instagram and how much I didn’t wanna leave I wanted to open the door and jump off but why? What would that even lead to? And I woke up

3 Jul 2024



I was in America and was sitting in a computer lab with Mason and Dan. Aside from Dan, everyone there was friend my failed study abroad trip. I asked Mason in person at this moment if we could still be friends. He said "of course dude, I think everyone is being dramatic." I also asked Dan and he said "Of course dude. I've grown attached to the eye bags you give me" and he laughed boisterously. Riley walked up to us in a weirdly vibrant outfit and said "Oh my God, me and Eleanor shared a passionate kiss." I was grossed out because I didn't need to hear that, then Eleanor comes up to Riley and says "let's do it again" And I turn my head away. Someone, a stranger then asks, "Is this woke?" "No, it's love," I sigh, "I guess they love each other."

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