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Dream Interpretation: Following ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Following? Discover the significance of seeing a Following in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Following appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

This dream symbolizes a need for guidance or direction in your life. It may also indicate a desire to be accepted or validated by others. Alternatively, it could represent a fear of being left behind or missing out on opportunities.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Reflect on your current situation and identify areas where you feel lost or uncertain. Seek guidance from trusted sources or take steps to educate yourself on the subject. Remember to trust your own instincts and not rely solely on the opinions of others. Don't be afraid to take risks and pursue your own path, even if it means going against the crowd.

โค๏ธ Feelings

This dream may evoke feelings of curiosity, intrigue, and a sense of wonder. It may also bring about a feeling of anticipation or excitement as the dreamer explores the unknown and uncovers hidden meanings. The dream may leave the individual with a sense of mystery and a desire to delve deeper into their subconscious mind.





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Dreams of users containing the word Following

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9 Jul 2024



I had a dream about my ex from 5-6 years ago. He basically randomly pop back into my life like it was nothing. I wanted nothing to do with him. Any chance I could I would walk away or hide from him but he kept following me and finding me. He krept saying and trying to prove heโ€™s change and different this time but I had enough. I donโ€™t want to go back to that. I donโ€™t want to relive old memories and feelings. He was very presistent. Just annoying.

19 Jun 2024



Me and some friends were in some sort of dark mansion, where someone held a party. We found some sort of gory substance on the floor and try to follow it outside. We get to some sort of stone formation where the substance was bubbling down. Our surroundings scary, with old trees and dark sky. We notice that someone was following us and try to climb up the stones without falling into the substance.

13 Jun 2024



The first dream I remembered, I was at an airport going through security and getting my bags checked. After putting all my things in the tray, I realized that the security guard misplaced a couple of my items and didn't know where they were. I was a little annoyed and disappointed and ended up finding out that a girl accidentally took my sunglasses. So I went up to the group of girls who took my glasses to try to get them back and they wouldn't give it back to me. which again I felt annoyed about but then the dream changed to me having the sensation of being followed through a couple scenarios that I don't remember but I do remember having the sensation of being followed.

5 Jun 2024

White shoes


For some reason in my dream was searching for a white shoe . I try looking in like three different closets for the white shoe . I remember going to one of my aunts house and asking her if she had any white shoes in a size 8 or 9 as well . I remember my ex husband pulling up next to me asking what I was doing I told him I was looking for a white shoe he got mad and didnโ€™t believe me and start following me to see what I was doing

19 May 2024



I dreamt about a homeless man following me closely. Once I reached the door to my house, he tried following me inside but I stopped him and told him to try another house.

11 May 2024



I saw the mechanic I had a casual encounter with he was looking at me and was following me. Then there was a girl who was possessed I had to lock her in the room to prevent her from escaping. It was a small dark key I had to lock the door. Then I went to a party and club with a few friends in my dream. Then I ate some seafood and drank some milk that was in the car.

9 Apr 2024

New Job


Last night I dreamt that I was at this dance community and the teacher had me do some moves following after her, and she was so impressed and when she asked of my dance experience I said I had none. Everyone was so surprised the people around me were a lot younger so I felt behind, like i still see myself as a child or that Iโ€™m not where โ€œadultsโ€ should be. But then I was in even though they never asked officially I was partnered up this this boy who didnโ€™t want to be me partner at all. I felt super overwhelmed and inexperienced to be there, he didnโ€™t like the fact that I was a nobody and that I was new, so I spoke up and said if you donโ€™t like me or donโ€™t want me to be here plz just communicate and talk to me, and he got over it, but there was Always tension. Then we sat against this wall the whole dance crew. Iโ€™m a bench. And watched others dancing it was really beautiful and this one girl was doing a backbend on roll skates! I was in awe there was this little girl who came up and said I hate black, for then my dance teacher said ofc not in that way, the theme was about sadness and anger, and they were doing a vocal expression of it as well as dance, the place felt like Iโ€™ve been there before, sort of like my job but more expanded we all lived there and dormed there, the hold time I felt unsure if this was what I wanted, incorporating or committing myself to something new, my days and time would be spent different, and I had lots of anxiety about how I would perform, and it felt hard to settle in, I wonder how elseโ€™s in my life the idea of doing something why I always go to โ€œidk if this is for meโ€ maybe always feeling unsafe? Or having to be on edge. But I wonder if flowing through it and sinking deeper into the possibilities of life could take me to a place I like. Cause the same is bringing me just that, and I seek for growth and change. So I want to be open to incorporating newness and committing to things that question if itโ€™s for me,

8 Apr 2024



The guy I have liked for a while took me to church with his family and asked me to be his girlfriend but he gave me a gift but it was a gift I gave him in the past so he just re-gifted it and then I found out his mom didnโ€™t know we were dating so I was stressed cuz we couldnโ€™t be public our relationship we had to hide it then we went to this beach house and I got lost there and ran past this feild but found out it was his baseball game and I ran and hugged him and he told me to go so his mom didnโ€™t see so I went in the water and got chased by a shark and almost died then when I got out finally this older guy was staring at me and following me and trying to flirt with me and just creeping me out so I ran and hid in a safe place then I got woken up with a loud noise

8 Apr 2024



I do not really remember what the beginning of the dream was about but all I know was I was in a totally different town. It felt like it was a medium sized town maybe a little bit smaller than a big city, but it also felt like it was in the Pacific Northwest , also I was driving and I pulled into a gas station a Circle K gas station to be exact. I pull up next to this other vehicle itโ€™s also a truck I go to the person driving it and itโ€™s my brother but I donโ€™t have a brother in the real world but apparently in my dream I do we talk for a second and then he starts to mess with something in the backseat of his truck I stand next to him and pull out a binder apparently earlier that day I found this binder and it had evidence of my wife cheating on me with him. in real life I donโ€™t have a wife Iโ€™m single but anyways, as soon as I bring attention to the evidence of the cheating I get hit in the back of the head and faults to the ground unconscious. At this point I have a out of body experience in the dream where my body is unconscious, but I can kind of see whatโ€™s going on around me from a third person perspective my brother then takes my truck and leaves. I tried to wake up and follow him, but I couldnโ€™t. Then I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off.

8 Apr 2024

New Job


I had a dream where it was me and a bunch of people that I know and we had a job where we had to โ€œfishโ€ but we would also be swiping and we was on a boat , and we had to pull things in that we would catch on a chain . And all of a sudden there was this sting ray that Specifically stayed by me the whole time we was fishing and it caught me when I almost drowned and we ended up catching like 2 cars but then the waves took em them away ; and then we had to leave and go home and the sting ray followed us all the way to the doc and I ended up picking it up and saying โ€œthank you for spending time with me and my โ€œfamilyโ€ and I said I enjoyed it so much please stay safeโ€ and i put it back and it swam away. And when it swam away I woke up.

7 Apr 2024

Running away


I dreamed that I had a crush on a guy, but he had to be in hiding for something and I had to keep his location a secret to everyone or else he would get hurt or other would get hurt? Bad people were trying to hunt him down. I told him to hide in a secret closet at a random place? He asked me to go to a place - it was like a gas station/store, and I needed to re-buy his things that he sold or got rid of (to make the bad guys think he died). So I went there to buy those things, but there were not many workers around, so I went to this back room and saw a small group of Koreans speaking Korean about me. So I interrupted them speaking about me, and spoke in Korean back to them. They were surprised I spoke almost-perfect Korean to them, but I think it somehow gave me away that I was hiding the guy they were trying to find and they saw that I was holding his old possessions. I noticed that their body language changed and something felt off, so I immediately knew they were the bad guys this entire time, so I immediately tried to run, but all the lights turned off and I couldn't see anything. There was immediately loud gun noises and they were trying to shoot me and shot anyone bystanders that were around me. I had to run away from them in the dark while avoiding tripping on bodies. I ran outside of the gas station store and there was a cliff and bright blue water at the end of it, so I jumped in the water and tried swimming fast while they continued to shoot at me through the water. I couldn't swim fast enough. I didn't know where to go to safety because I was worried that they would follow me to his hiding place and try to kill him, so I tried hiding in an underwater cave, but I couldn't breathe... I began to slowly die.

7 Apr 2024



I was with a character from Jurassic Park, Alan Grant, we and other people in our group were on an island and got into this abandoned warehouse. We all had to hide due to the trynnasaurous rex, Rexy (who is also from Jurassic Park) came and was looking. She couldn't see us and moved on. We came across another group who didn't notice us as we hide and watch them past. When I looked up I say them being followed by a raptor on the walkway above them. It wasn't until later we encountered this group again in a massive open room full of shipping crates. There was arguing before someone knocked something over and made a loud sound which echoed throughout the room and probably the warehouse. We heard Rexy enter the room and tried to hide so, she wouldn't eat us.

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