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Dream Interpretation: Thank 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Thank? Discover the significance of seeing a Thank in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Thank appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbol could vary widely depending on the context. Are you thanking someone for something? This may indicate guilt over not having done what you know to be just. Are you being thanked? You may be struggling with feelings of inferiority towards someone you envy.

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🧭 Direction


Your psyche is telling you that you need to right a sort of wrong, it may not even be anything big! Just some act of gratitude or apology may be all that is needed. Alternatively, your psyche may be asking you to come to awareness about why you do certain things. Perhaps these actions are out of envy toward someone else? This could be a friend or someone you work with. Be kind and forgiving to both yourself and such people. Acknowledge that some gifts come not from within, but instead they come from without. The sun shines on both those who do good and those who do bad.

❤️ Feelings

This dream evokes feelings of gratitude and appreciation. It suggests a sense of thankfulness for something or someone in your life. It may also indicate a desire to express your gratitude and show appreciation towards others. This dream leaves you with a warm and positive feeling, reminding you of the importance of gratitude in your waking life.





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Dreams of users containing the word Thank

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21 Jun 2024

חבר לכיתה


חלמתי שמישהו מהכיתה שלי שאני לא כל כך מחבבת היה הבן זוג שלי. אהבתי אותו אבל גם פחדתי ממנו. הגענו לבית של סבתא שלי אבל היא לא באמת הייתה נראית כמו סבתא שלי. הוא סידר את הבית, הביא לי פרחים והכין לי ארוחה וניסיתי להגיד לו תודה אבל הוא לא נתן לי לדבר והשתיק אותי וממש פחדתי ממנו.

8 Apr 2024

New Job


The year after my grandpa passed away, in 2022, we were in our new trailer, me and my grandma, because we basically had to move out of our house that I grew up in forever by January. I had a dream. I was laying on my blow-up mattress, because that was my bed at the time, in my new room in my trailer. I was sleeping on my blow-up mattress. Then suddenly, I was asleep. I remember in my dream, I was at my grandfather's sister's house, in the back room where my grandfather would always sleep and stay when we visited there. That room that he stayed in, I have always been afraid of that room. For some reason, I have no idea why, but I always was. The fear. I never felt safe in that room. So, in my dream, I was in that room he used to sleep in. The room I was scared to be in. I remember the door being open, wide open. It was nighttime. I always watched TV at nighttime. Since the door was open, there's a hallway. One side of that wall, of that hallway, is a huge closet. The closet doors was a huge mirror. So, it's pitch black in that hallway. I cannot see anything. It's dark. It's black. It's scary. Then, I remember the whole room going dark. The TV was not working. I was trying to change the channel or something on my TV. It was not working. The TV went to TV static. I don't remember if the bedroom door was closed or open when the whole room went black and the TV was not working. Then, I remember my whole body. I don't know if it was in a blanket or not, but since I sleep on my back, my whole body was turning. Slowly turning. Slowly turning into a full circle. Slowly turning. Halfway before, whatever it was, I was going to see. I don't know if it was going to be a demon or whatever, but I woke up. I woke straight up from that. I woke up gasping. I wake up and to the left of me in the bed, a swoop of black. Like a swish of a black spirit or something black flew by me and disappeared in the room. I remember still not being able to move because I was paralyzed. I felt like I was paralyzed. I was not able to move, speak, nothing. Completely in terror and fear. I finally was able to move maybe after 15 to 20 minutes. Then, I was crying. I was bawling my eyes out. Completely scared, shitless because I had a night terror a year ago in my old room. Now, a year later in my new room, I am having a night terror again. I have no idea if a horrible spirit was following me from my old house that just happened to follow to my new house. I do not know what it was, but that was a very scary time for me. Thank God, now, in the year 2024, in my own place that I own, my own apartment, night terrors are not happening anymore. Thank God. I do not know if it was a trauma from back then or what, but it was very scary. Very scary.

8 Apr 2024

New Job


I had a dream where it was me and a bunch of people that I know and we had a job where we had to “fish” but we would also be swiping and we was on a boat , and we had to pull things in that we would catch on a chain . And all of a sudden there was this sting ray that Specifically stayed by me the whole time we was fishing and it caught me when I almost drowned and we ended up catching like 2 cars but then the waves took em them away ; and then we had to leave and go home and the sting ray followed us all the way to the doc and I ended up picking it up and saying “thank you for spending time with me and my “family” and I said I enjoyed it so much please stay safe” and i put it back and it swam away. And when it swam away I woke up.

7 Apr 2024

My crush
Running away
New Job
High School


I was in school and I was trying to find a room for the Muslims to pray in which included the boy that I have a crush on in high school and junior high but I was never brave enough to tell him and he was a Muslim now and so were several others and they wanted me to pray in the front but I told them I couldn't because I was a girl and they were like, but you were the organizer and I was like, but still we need a boy to lead the prayer and also the text, there was like a group text kind of a thing as well and one of the teachers was getting upset at me for becoming disruptive after that I was doing a tour of like a green mosque and by green I mean eco-friendly but their water feature wasn't doing a good job of irrigating the field where they did outdoor Salah or prayers so they were docked a grade but they had a book they were going to give me it was like a personal workbook and they were like, hey, you've been here before you can have this book, it has your name in it and just barely any notes and I was like, oh yeah, I have been to this mosque before and thank you so much for giving me my book that I forgot about I also had to make like really creative use of some clothing to cover myself enough to pray Salah because I wasn't wearing my hijab and I didn't have long sleeves on in my dream after that I saw someone doing a jet ski out the back kind of like in the moat slash pond slash water feature of the mosque and I noticed that he was pulling some essential equipment behind him so that he didn't have to lose it or deal with it some other way anyway, I went out to offer some help and when that happened, the dream took on some transformation there was a little creature who was getting scared it was weird, it was like a little horse but also a cat but also a rabbit maybe even a little bit of a dog and it wanted to jump off of the jet ski but I was like holding it because I didn't want it to get hurt and the people who, it was suddenly like the mosque was a palace instead of a mosque and the people who lived there were explaining why the little creature was scared because it was human technology and it was loud and there were like elephants on the roof and all kinds of beautiful geometric architecture different levels and everything and then they started explaining why the United States was a bit of a nuisance because they had contracted with a company that allowed them to build airspace or like airstrip spaces essentially on all these different countries and so they don't have to like fill out a visa application or do any kind of thing to visit that country they just go because they own the bases and then when that company went under, they just bought the company so then the Air Force or the government or whatever owns the company that allows them to go between countries and so they just have a domination on that and you know, instead of having to worry about maintaining like cultural ties with your neighbors in the new world they just completely deviated and relied on a method of isolationism and then dominance yeah, after that it was like I saw Jesus returning and he didn't even realize he had gotten shot or something he was kind of like, I don't know, like this guy tried to kill him but he tried to tell, I think I must have been the lady with him to stay behind him and not run because he can't protect her if she runs away. This was back at the school where the dream started.

7 Apr 2024

My crush


I woke up do go to a school trip a bit stressed to be late. We were in like a camp, there were people I knew from high school and university. I kept being close to my old school crush. Which is now a friend. People from university dragged me into doing a project, but in involved animal cruelty so I was so angry but no one listened to me. I wasn’t being heard at all, someone came to arrest us for doing so. And I was in the side of the mean people despite me. The camp became an inflatable castle surrounded my water in which I swam. We played and disobeyed in the cafeteria. I saw my ex there and that made me sad. Two friends who were best friends were pregnant at the same time. It made me cry from happiness. I was naked, and I saw my psychologist selling swimsuits. Thanks to her I could dress myself. I forgot my security blanket in the castle.

5 Apr 2024



This dream was very different. I had this dream 2 to 3 years ago but I still remember it as clear as day. I see myself floating in a white void with gray smoke like swirls being the only thing in the void, besides me. I'm just slowly drifting while in a deep sleep, but I can feel that I'm at peace. Sensing myself at peace, it was the greatest feeling. While still dreaming I suddenly start to hear someone call my it sounds like whisper is at first but then it starts to get louder and louder. eventually this makes me open my eyes so I can find who it is calling after the third time my name gets called everything goes black then I started the first blink was nothing but a bright light and blurred visions, second blink the light is brighter and the blurred vision start shaping like people. the third blank was when I started hearing the voice calling my name but it was very muffled. Before I got to the 4th blank The voice started becoming more clear and when I opened my eyes to faces started to appear. I wake up and what looks like a surgical room with two mercenaries trying to wake me up and guided me through a mental wake up. well they were doing that all of these doctors and scientists were around me unplugging neuro plugs from my skull and spineI making sure my vital signs were okay. One of the mercenaries was just messing with me which kept pissing me off while the other one was making sure he didn't have to step up and do something since he thought my Powers were out of control, even though I still didn't know what they were. After I get cleared from recovery I get sent to bed with a group of people and we walk to our one room that was filled with military like bunkers. We all get to bed and I keep getting questioned with what happened while I was in my simulation that needed so many extra mercenaries around me. but I just tell them I don't know, roll over throw the blankets over my head and go to sleep. the next morning at 0500 hours, a hurricane alarm goes off and we all started getting up making our beds getting dressed. A tall fit Asian man starts playing music from his clock radio to get everyone excited for the day. We're almost done getting ready all together then a woman wearing a white medicine jacket with a clipboard starts calling out our names to make sure no one's missing. After she's done doing a roll call we have to put these metal electronic collars around our own necks then we line up single file and go to the cafeteria to eat breakfast. When I get to the cafeteria there's a whole bunch of adults and children there but only from the ages of 6 years old too 34 years old but we were all divided by different categories. After we finished our breakfast me and the people that are sitting with me got brought to a room that looked like it was set up like one of those chairs from The matrix. Asian man that was playing music in the morning to wake everyone up sat in the chair and all these people gather around and started attending to him. I then go with the woman in the doctors jacket and get taken to an examination room. I'm wearing a white gown sitting in a chair while I'm getting poked and prodded at quite different scientists. They are trying to get me to activate my Powers but I was having a difficult time doing that. I'm doing a physical exam and due to boredom I look out in the hallway, but to my surprise I see a group of children that look like they're around the age of seven and nine being led by men with guns. That's the last time that I ever see those kids. It's the next thing in the dream I start getting into an argument with the lady in the white doctors jacket telling her that we need to stop what we're doing because this is becoming excessively wrong, but she just ignores me. The next day in the dream I noticed that the bunk beds in the rooms are becoming more and more empty and in that morning of breakfast time I'm talking to a tall muscular Asian man named jet, a blonde Russian girl named Anaya, you're handsome but scruffy brunette man named Jackson, and my cousin Tony, trying to convince them that we need to get out of here and take the kids with us and without hesitation they were in with the plan. The next day in the dream we're doing our usual stuff and I notice these twins that are new to the groups. One twin is a girl and the other twin is a boy and the girl carries around a gray rabbit with her at all times. When I saw these twins I started feeling worried and angry. When our scheduled examinations were over I had a conversation with jet, Anaya, Jackson and Tony and we planned to leave that night. Thing skip forward to that night and we're all running down a pitch black alleyway with the kids we tried to escape with. The female twin with the bunny rabbit trips and falls from trying to keep up with us. Jet sees her fall and immediately runs back to try to go get her. Jackson is losing his mind Aunt jet when he turned around to get the girl because we were in a very specific territory that we were not supposed to be in. this area was worse than the place that we were running awat from. I keep trying to tell Jackson to calm down and to make sure the other kids hide at least while jet gets the girl but as soon as Jet got within arms reach of the girl these Bright lights like there were multiple cars lit up at the little girl and Jet. This weird gang of super mutants came out from the lights and almost killed the girl and jet. I got scared worried and heartbroken because of anything happened to those two I would have been lost. I hear guns finishing loading and saw them aiming at jet and the little girl I screamed out loud to make it stop then everything went pitch Black. We were still in the alleyway because I heard jet running towards me with the girl and he whispered in my ear thanks for saving me. Now that we got rid of this crazy gang we all made a run for it we're trying to go to the ocean but at the nick of time we get caught by the people who were trying to experiment on us. Helicopters and military grade everything just started popping up out of thin air surrounding all of us. They take us down one by one and make sure that we couldn't speak or touch anyone. They had us locked up as if we were the most dangerous beings on the face of the Earth. The next day I am so angry that I'm just screaming and yelling and fighting with every person that is a part of this facility to the point where they had to put a specific collar on me that continuously injects me with a sedative. When Anaya saw this she was not happy about it at all and kept finding a way to stop the collar from activating but when the white jackets found out they killed Anaya and locked me in a water tank with an oxygen mask and a straight jacket. I can see through the glass as if I'm looking through a window and I noticed that they were going to take the twins. And when I saw that they were going to take them my eyes turned white with fury, I break the tank that I'm in and then I start to absorb every ounce of water within a 10 mi radius formed it into a 87 foottallbody and start attacking everyone while I was slowly walking to the city. At that point I had lost full control over myself because I was full of sadness and rage. The last thing I remember seeing this dream was the government response teams pointing every weapon they owned at me firing them at me and watching all the bullets tanks and missiles turn into dust as they try to hit the water body that I had stuffed myself into

3 Apr 2024



Thank you very much for your time.

3 Apr 2024

Running away


My dream started out with me at a tourist attraction. I was walking around and taking pictures. Dream me was having fun there. After it closed, I went back home, but my house wasn’t there. Then I was like: “Oh, yeah, I still need to build my home base.” Why? Because my dream turned into a survival type game where you need to build everything yourself. After I finished building my base, my sister came to visit me. The two of us hung out before one of the guys from the tourist attraction came knocking at my door. He told me that I was in danger because there’s a bounty hunter chasing after me. Apparently, the hunter is a highly advanced robot that appears to be human and uses she/her pronouns. Upon hearing this, I start setting up traps for her, but she destroys my home base before I could finish. After seeing the amount of power she has, my sister and I run away. We go our separate ways and I eventually come across a bunch of cartoon characters. There were characters from Avatar: The Last Airbender, Steven Universe, and Scooby Doo. Together, we go on an adventure that ends with us forming a giant key in the clouds. After we got the key, we use it open a door to a building in the middle of the desert. We go inside and see that the building is actually an indoor water park. We walk around for a bit until that robot from earlier comes out of nowhere and attacks me. My cartoon friends were able to stop her and throw her in the water, causing her to malfunction and break. I thank them and decide to leave. I decided to act like none of this ever happened. So, I head to my old high school building and start acting like I’m a student there. Everything was going great, I had friends, my sister was there, and I even got a boyfriend! But, everything changed when I got on the school bus. I noticed that my bus driver was everywhere, like she had cloned herself. I also noticed that the other bus drivers, from the other buses, where all invisible. Once my bus driver took a wrong turn, I realized something was wrong. So, I jumped out of the bus window and ran away. While running away, I came across my sister, a nun, and a young boy who claimed to be the nun’s son. The 4 of us started to who knows where, when we came across a bunch of flower buds. (Flowers that hadn’t bloomed yet.) We picked them up and decide to plant them. While planting them, the Joker from Batman starts driving towards us in his green and purple car. My sister and I hide, while the Joker threatens the young boy. I go to get a weapon so that I can defeat him, and he starts threatening my sister. I run over and punch him in an attempt to save my sister. Then I was like: “Remember me?” and I glare at him. Before anything else could happen though, my alarm goes off and I wake up, ending the dream early.

30 Mar 2024

Running away


Me and my immediate family was at our step fam house. Everyone was outside standing around. The eldest mom wanted to pray sing for us. There were a bunch more kids here than we actually have in the waking life. The eldest mom started and during her pray we heard someone going around inside the house. We thought it was an intruder because everyone was accounted for outside. I went to look and only found someone’s shadow running away. I went back inside with my bracelet broken and told the others that they were gone. They were heading back to the front yard but something in me wanted to go back and see who the intruder was. So I pretended to go look for my charms that were on my bracelet and seen a girl coming up the stairs. She looked a bit familiar. I told her she was pretty and wanted to get to know her more. She agreed so I was going to take down her number but then my family started to come back to see where I was. I told them everything was good and they helped with the broken bracelet. I left them again to quickly get her number but another girl was there. But I didn’t seem afraid. I said hi and the girl I was looking for came back. We all decided to be friends. As we were talking my family was coming back out to the back and we ran. We ran until we found a security card to a door and went in. There were people there and they thought were the new workers. So we went along with it to try to look around. There were two other new people , men, who were very nice. They had us drawing something each different and interesting. I couldn’t finish mine and they decided to help me. I didn’t know they were able to do that and I started crying. We ended up being live while the whole thing was playing out and our family found us, they were commenting about us. The people at the place we were at discovered we were runaways. I think we got kicked out. So we ended up with our families trying to explain everything and it was at some school. I felt like I was off the hook but one of the girls were in trouble. Not because she ran away but because her dad discovered she liked girls. I didn’t like that he didn’t approve. As they talked privately I looked around the school and there were people actually there learning. I climbed thru a vent in the floor and that’s where I found a storage room. A teacher came in to grab a hiding student and I told them I was only looking for something. So they let me go. I climbed back up and went to check on my new friend. She was crying and laying on the floor. I asked my mom what happened and where her dad go. She didn’t say anything. I went to her as she was lying there and she yelled “ I said ok!!” I guess he tried to “convert” her to not liking girls. I told her it was me and laid next to her. She started crying and said thanks. I don’t know where they other girl I liked had gone but we decided to run away again. We say a door down the hall and took our chance. It was a play room. But we couldn’t figure out how to get around. After we figured it out there were other kids there playing. We tried to figure out how to leave as we all got called to come back.

30 Mar 2024

Holding hands


I had a dream. I was outside my house and I reconnected with a few old friends or acquaintances. I was happy to see somebody but they just kind of hid in the car and one of the friends got out and they were a little happy to see me but I think they come by for to borrow something. But I saw my old best friend from the seventh grade and we ended up going to lunch together and holding hands and being so happy that we found each other again. I see in real life I see this friend on Instagram. I sent her a message. She just read the message so I don't think she still thinks of me as a friend which I guess is okay but I do like her. Also in real life yesterday my aunt who really likes me told me that I try too hard to keep my friends. I go into this people pleasing mode because I don't want to lose my friends. Thanks for listening.

30 Mar 2024



I had a dream that I was sitting next to this guy in a cafeteria and he was good looking. I tried to start a conversation with him, but he said no and he made a disgusted sound. So I was like, oh that's fine that you don't find me attractive and I said, just because I don't find you, just because you don't find me attractive doesn't mean that I don't find you attractive. I just want you to know that you're very nice looking and he said you and the cafeteria was kind of loud. So I repeated myself because I didn't think he understood what I was saying and I touched him and he was like, don't touch me and his friend was across the table and he said something and I said, I would love to talk to both of you at the same time, but I need to just talk to you in order one at a time. So then the first guy who was like you, he, I finished explaining to him that even though he saw me as ugly, that I felt he was beautiful and I just wanted to let him know, but I let my anger get the best of me and I said the same thing, it was disgusting and I punched him in the face. This guy was really tall, this guy was like nine or 10 feet tall, so he started to fight back a little bit, but I guess I was too quick or too aggressive, plus I'm a girl so he probably didn't want to fight me. So when he got up, I got up and I hopped up, I'm a pretty short person, I'm about five feet tall, I hopped up and I brought him down to the ground, I spun around him, spun him around by his eyes and I brought him down to the ground and then I punched him in the face and he got knocked out, then his friends started coming over, but by that time, the first guy's mom had walked in, I don't really know how the dream was going to end with the fighting, because after the mom walked in, it seemed like the school cafeteria turned into a jail cafeteria, because then we had to get locked down, they gave us ponchos to go out in the rain in shower caps, so that was my dream. Thanks for listening.

29 Mar 2024



I was walking into a supermarket with my aunt. She had long black hair and was wearing a wintergreen dress. We were both barefoot. The supermarket was very crazy and busy. I saw my coworker buying video games. Then I overheard three girls who worked at the store complaining to one another about the chaos of the store. Then an older blonde women, wearing hippie clothes and wearing jewelry took my hand. She said she wanted to tell everyone she was my mom to keep me safe while I was in the store. I looked at the women and told her no I will be ok. I exited the store and was in a fast moving river. I wasn’t struggling I was just going with the flow of the river. Then all of a sudden I saw hanging spider just inches above the water approaching fast. I had to stick my face in the water to avoid the spiders. Later I was in a building that was destroyed and crumbling. I yelled out to see if anyone was there and my one coworker was trapped on the floor above. I found 3 knives in a old box and took them. I found my coworker on the floor above after climbing some stairs. She was dressed in tattered warrior type clothes and thanked me for helping her. Later I was laying in a field at night while 3 people were arguing by a car and some black person I didn’t know came and laid their head on me. We both just laid there in piece waiting for the arguing to stop. I yelled out to the people arguing and I said I’m done with everyone. Then I woke up

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