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Dream Interpretation: Ass ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Ass? Discover the significance of seeing a Ass in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Ass appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

Dreaming of an ass symbolizes stubbornness, laziness, and foolishness. It may also represent a lack of intelligence or common sense. Alternatively, it may indicate that you are being taken advantage of or that you are not being appreciated for your hard work.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Reflect on your current situation and see if you are being stubborn or lazy in any aspect of your life. It may be time to take action and make changes to improve your situation. If you feel like you are being taken advantage of, it may be time to stand up for yourself and set boundaries. Remember to appreciate your own hard work and not rely on others for validation.

โค๏ธ Feelings

This dream may evoke feelings of frustration, exhaustion, or being overwhelmed. It could symbolize a heavy burden or feeling like you are being taken advantage of. It may also represent a need for rest or a desire to escape from responsibilities.





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20 Jun 2024



I dreamt of snail eggs being on my body , 2 of them , one on my shoulder and one on my bottom

11 Jun 2024

Old Lady


In my dream there was this creepy old lady attached to me and I kept screaming NO NO I REJECT YOU I HATE THIS LEAVE ME ALONE. I think she may have been attached to my back? But she fell off on the side of my bed and grew a lot older. Like she was dying and disappearing at the same time. Then I met this guy, he looked really powerful, he said I deserved a harem or something. That people wanted to worship me and no one else. 3 guys. They wanted to share me or something. Then there was a guy, he kinda introduced himself but his name was really long ๐Ÿ’€ ima guess now- something like Kaida but longer. Letโ€™s just call him Kai to play it safe. It also coulda been kyline or Kyle idk ima go with Kai. And then thereโ€™s that dark haired jerk Aemilius or maybe Amelia? He was all like, sorry I fucked your best friend, I wanted you. Like bro ๐Ÿคจ wut? Idk yall be crazy. And I keep seeing shadow people standing around me. Kai stayed super duper close to me. Touched my ass. I hated that. Why did he have to do that? I just want hugs why does everyone have to treat my body like a joke. Fuck men bruh ANARCHY Also I canโ€™t remember exactlyโ€ฆ but there was one more guy. He played a song for me of a girl that kept chasing this guy that originally had a crush on the girl but her chasing scared the crap outta him and he left. He said he needed it slow. I felt really bad during this part. I never meant to go too fast I think I was just really desperate because of my home situationโ€ฆ because I wanted freedom but I shouldnโ€™t have viewed him as that. My safety ๐Ÿ˜…. Itโ€™s funny cause Iโ€™ve never acted like that irl relationships. Never this bad in the past ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ must mean things are getting worse in my life. Anyways I just need to stay strong and slay on. Fuck these assholes who use me for there own entertainment. I know what I want. What I deserve. Also guy who played the song reminded me of Gojo lol

6 Apr 2024



I had went and got all dressed and dolled up for an event that I had a few days before and the guy I was dating at the time Kyle, knew about the event but didnโ€™t like offer to help with like anything, makeup , hair, nails, outfit, nothing. But I got it all together. So a few days after the event I ended up in the backseat of his car, on the drivers side, and he was in the drivers seat and it was another girl in the passenger seat next to him. I couldnโ€™t see her face or anything but I saw her hair it was long and curly, probably a weave. And I heard her voice. I do notice that itโ€™s someone sitting next to me in the backseat but at first Iโ€™m unaware of who it is. I was listening to Kyle and the girl who he calls bestfriend next to hims conversation. She was talking about she needed her makeup done for something she had going on for her friends birthday and her nails and she was also looking at outfits on her phone. He then turns around to me and asks me how much my makeup artists, and nail tech charges and whatโ€™s her IG so he could give it to the girl next to himโ€ฆ and I look at him in โ€œaweโ€ then he turns to her and says, โ€œIโ€™ll pay for your makeup and nails and even your outfit just let me know how much.โ€ I instantly said to him โ€œbro you got me fucked upโ€ฆโ€ I got out the car, and the person next to me got out the car too. That person happened to be my sister Kayla. Kyle steps out the car too asking โ€œwhat is wrong?โ€ I told him โ€œA few days ago, I just had an important event two days ago, and for the preparation of the event, you didnโ€™t offer a penny! But this girl going to a birthday party, and you all hands on deck with whatever she needs? & youโ€™re asking for my glam team for her? You got me fucked up! Weโ€™ve been dating for sometime now and you couldnโ€™t offer support for something important to me but you gone support a raggedy ass birthday party for somebody you not even involved with? โ€ Kyle responded โ€œno, donโ€™t do that to meโ€ฆ like stop ! Be forreal, Iโ€™m just tryna be helpful.โ€ I could see the girl getting ready to try to step out the car because the passenger door opened up. My sister told him โ€œyeah man thatโ€™s bold as hell and in our faces tho?โ€ I said to Kyle โ€œIโ€™m doneโ€ฆ Itโ€™s a wrap.โ€ And I walked away from the car and didnโ€™t say another word to him.

6 Apr 2024



dasha was skiing backwards and it was pointed out that as a person from money she had learned to do that as a kid. i was hanging out with a group of women. one of them was a witch who didn't like me. everyone was in the midst of traveling. they were going to a music festival. i took molly with some of those people. one of my friends urged me to come with them, but i didn't want to. i ended up going on a cruise to dublin (drive to the boat ended with someone getting sick). i was smoking weed on the ship and wandering around. i couldn't find my room. i had a pet puppy with me, and he kept trying to get away from me while i searched for the room. there was a mail carrier on the ship, and the puppy bit her on her ass when we crossed paths. i apologized profusely to her.

6 Apr 2024



me and my friend oz had gone to this place that was supposed to be a camp i guess? but in actuality we were both kidnapped,,, they would track how we would feel the entire time, it would be shown on a screen at the top of the ceiling. the main evil lady would tell me how iโ€™m much more likely to โ€œgo insaneโ€ which sounds stupid rn but it felt REAL. i felt so trapped and terrible and it was not cool. ppl would ask me if i was a bad guy too bc on the screen it would show that i was the least scared? i realized i actually had my iphone so i was like โ€œI NEED TO TEXT EVERYONE WHATS GOING ON!!โ€ and the lady found out i had my phone and put this contraption on it before i could send it out. i had literally BRAWLED her, like i was punching the shit out of her. i had two strikes, and โ€˜something badโ€™ would happen after three. anywho she was like โ€œhaha if u can take this off than u can have ur phone.โ€ so while i was trying to figure it out, i was walking around the place trying to get some clues on the contraption or how to get out. and i have stumbled upon uhโ€ฆ a human fridge. it was just full of dead ppl that were frozen. which is obviously scary. i was the only person who knew,, so when i came back to the main area, on the screen thing it showed that i was TOO scared, so they all the guards got suspicious of me and kept trying to ask me questions. i think i had tried to swoon one of them? anyways i finally opened the contraption for my phone and i texted everyone in a server i was in but no one would respond, and i texted my family and they wouldnโ€™t either,, and somehow i had escaped after a FREAKY ass chase but oz hadnโ€™t. and i remember thinking while i was driving some random mofos car like โ€œi canโ€™t go back but i canโ€™t leave oz either.โ€ and thatโ€™s where the dream ended๐Ÿ˜ž in the dream i think they were farming ppl which is horrific

2 Apr 2024



My ex came back, we were talking or something and then we went on a drive because he learned how to, he wanted to get his stuff from somewhere and ran into ex best friend who was pissed to see him with me, and tried to fight me and I proceeded to destroy her but she kept trying to fight me..I kicked her ass, me and him ended up leaving and then he took me somewhere he wanted me to see, music started playing and I woke up right when we started having sex. It was weird and left me disoriented.

26 Mar 2024



Iโ€™m out here with my family and we go out to eat. Everything is fine Iโ€™m with my grandma Kelli and itโ€™s at a restaurant. Something simple not to out done. Just a little ol shack that serves breakfast burgers and rum. As we order our food a couple approaches. They arenโ€™t young at all but two way older than my cousins. They look at me and say my name โ€œKylee omg Iโ€™m your grandparentsโ€ Iโ€™m like โ€œoh hello I donโ€™t remember you. I think ur my moms parents but Iโ€™m not to sure to. โ€œ They try asking how everythingโ€™s been howโ€™s my mother, her kids, even all up in my grandma Kellis bizz. So now weโ€™re acquainted but I still donโ€™t know them fr. They ask if they could continue talking to us and catching up so my grandma invites them to the house for dinner. As we get to the house everythingโ€™s fine, no bad aura, not one single sign. I go to my room to change out my clothes and the door budges open and โ€œmy grandpaโ€ was the one giving it a nudge. Iโ€™m like wait Iโ€™m changing please get out he apologizes then โ€œmy grandma from my momโ€™s sideโ€ comes in without any doubt. Iโ€™m super confused and scared atp. My grandma sits in the chair in my room and doesnโ€™t make a sound. โ€œMy grandpaโ€ walks in and pushes me on the bed. Iโ€™m screaming for help but my voice keeps going in and out. Almost as though the wind was knocked out of me. I push past them and run to the kitchen. I grab some scissors bc I didnโ€™t have time to dig thru dishes. He approached me and Iโ€™m super scared still screaming for help as โ€œmy grandmaโ€ appears. I stab his stomach with these scissors I pull them out and run to my grandmama to call 911 but she didnโ€™t know what was happening and I have no service no bar not even just 1. Iโ€™m still screaming for help these random people in my house. โ€œMy grandmaโ€ tryโ€™s to grab me from behind, I turn really fast and stab her in the spine. I was shocked at the fact I had to stab these strangers that claimed they were family. The old woman and older man never looked more scary. My grandma scared to move or say anything told them to leave. She didnโ€™t want them to harm both of us since we couldnโ€™t call for help. They packed up there stuff and came walking to the couch. The woman had lost her teeth somewhere in the house she apologized for almost killing me she didnโ€™t know what came about. The husband smiled and gave a little laugh he said โ€œif I didnโ€™t stab him he wouldโ€™ve stuck it in the back.โ€ Iโ€™m absolutely bawling at this point terrified for whatโ€™s next. They left in a hurry thinking the police were on the ass. I was still scared bc they knew where we lived and they didnโ€™t have to try very hard breaking in. Me and my grandma go to the police station and make a statement. I had blood all over me so it was obvious something had happened. I leave the police station my grandmother still talking to them. I try to call my cousin bc sheโ€™s the closest to me out here. And as Iโ€™m walking down the street trying to contact her these kids walk by listening to my conversation so I hurry down by the shore. Thereโ€™s a bunch of ice over the lake. So my dumbass walks on it trying to conversate. Then suddenly the ice starts to crack I start running to the bridge in the middle of the lake but then the ice breaks. I fall in still on the phone trying to swim back to the top but the water is too strong. My body is held down I start to loose air Iโ€™m gasping for breath while it feels like somethingโ€™s pulling me from under there. I start to hallucinate I guess u can say. A tiny council meeting under the water and the members pulling on me. I get seated in a chair they are talking but I couldnโ€™t hear nothing but water moving way too fast. They all turn and look at me waiting for an answer Iโ€™m shocked and try to say I canโ€™t hear but my lungs collapse. I died right there and the meeting disappeared. Iโ€™m still on the phone but the only thing she can hear is me screaming then silent under this noisy smaller version of the sea. I woke up after I drowned without any knowledge of what happened next but I was sweating and crying thanking god it was a dream.

25 Mar 2024



It was Christmas I remember living with the Griffin family from Family Guy, Peter and Lois were asleep. I remember being Stewie and I remember me and Brian were messing with the lights. Then we moved to Clevelandโ€™s familyโ€™s house. There they had a pet tiger. Then I remember the next morning being dressed as my superhero persona a black ninja with a toy sword. Then I remember seeing someone dressed as the Joker, seeing them I was at my childhood home and I told them I was gonna kick their ass. Since both of my parents are dead I call myself real life Batman since heโ€™s my patron deity. The kid who was dressed up as Joker was a school bully who reminded me of him named Devlin we got into a fight and I remember seeing flashes of the killing joke graphic novel. Then I got a glimpse of the Oracle from the Matrix telling me that Devlin was my other half my polar opposite. Then I remember breaking my arm losing my ring finger with a hidden blade from Assassins Creed. Then I remember playing dnd with my friends.

25 Mar 2024



So this time he apparently found an apartment or house semi-close to either where the kids live my nanny family or where I live and moved in with one of my ex dancers brother whoโ€™s name is Caleb who also dated my best friend Brettni. Caleb is definitely not even tiny, remotely, gay or bi or anything like he is very manly. So apparently I found this out and I had to go pick something up. I donโ€™t know what it was but I ended up walking in and realizing that they both lived here and Caleb was it dick like Iโ€™ve never been rude or mean or anything but he was apparently mad for how I supposedly treated Simon and I was like oh you only heard his side of the story you donโ€™t know my side either so you need to drop it but he continue to treat me like an ass and whatever well I guess I came home I was talking to Christy, my mom and my mom (Mamaw) and they were all mad that he moved near us or whatever and apparently there is a ketchup bottle laying in the driveway so I got mad and ran over it with my car and then when I was backing out of the driveway I saw him kind of getting ready to go on a run, but he was in a bodysuit with shorts very like feminine it was weird and then I decided that I was going to throw the ketchup bottle at him so I drove over to a Little pull off or whatever across the street And I yelled at him and I said hey come here I got to talk to you and I just chucked the ketchup bottle and hit him In like the shoulder, the belly and the leg and I did the only reasonable thing I could do after I felt bad give him napkins and a tide pen to clean it up and apparently my mom Christy and my mom (Mamaw) came running out of the house with my uncle yelling at Simon to get away from me that he had no reason to be talking to me and all the stuff and I said I threw the ketchup bottle at him and โ€™m letting him clean himself up and that was the end of that

24 Mar 2024



I was on this weird vacation. I was in this frozen land but also at work. I had moved into my classroom for a short period of time but for some reason my classroom door wouldn't lock. So I got to work on fixing it. Once it was fixed I went exploring. But I had to make it through this prison type place. I ended up getting a huge beating before I got out. Then I was running with these kids. It seemed as if I was baby sitting the kids. One slipped on a super muddy slope and landed covered in clay Mud half under this bolder and half out. She didn't get hurt but I pulled her put and got her cleaned up. Then we kept going. We got to this convince store that didn't want to serve us. I managed to get them to sell us a small snack so we could he on our way. Then I get back to the place I was staying and I'm in one kahki pant leg and one Jean pant leg. Everyone is looking at me and making some remark or another. I fire back with some smart ass remark about my day which shuts them up. Before I walk inside everyone seems to be trying to solve a riddle or something. I laugh and say I know that. Wanna know the answer? I go inside and laugh to myself about all these people trying to answer this question. Then all of a sudden im on this lake or ocean.. but im not in a boat I'm just on someone who's swimming as fast as a speed boat. And we and dodging and weaving through all these icebergs. Then we stop and have a conversation about how someone told people that throwing clear plastic and glass into this ocean was okay because it collects itself to make its own icebergs. And it wasn't true. So we were trying to clean up what we could. Then we ran across this one iceberg that had greenery growing on it. Which made me ask the question "are icebergs just islands growing"?

23 Mar 2024

My crush


kind of about eric ig in another universe. briefly shows me / "toni" (short for tonisha i think) meeting and flirting with him for the first time in a theater esque situation at 15. similar shit goes down and i just don't see him after being reprimanded a few months before my 18th things haven't really improved. i'm in a sort of wayward teens program and we're on a field trip. i have a rambunctious beast friend similar to kayla who takes her daily meds but still acts weird. i've mastered the art of not taking i think we're visiting a hospital or living facility of sorts, and i'm aimlessly wandering until i see a familiar name somewhere. i realize he's staying there and don't really tell bff but try to but she's busy talking with one of the male wayward teens she likes. it's kind of a race to evade both building staff and the crew watching the teens but i make it shortly after some religious folks leave the room. i'm panicked thinking he's in hospice but slowly walk in. just by my heels he goes "toni?" i think he's "quenton" in this dream but we sort of awkwardly look at each other before he smiles and we catch up and gossip and he's fine i think just staying in an exclusive residential suite bc he wants to "find himself" and i guess can afford to. at some point things get hot and flirty and kind of weird in the you're still so beautiful but all grown up way but its so sexy to me lol. in the dream some actually ?? stuff happens and bff is there and i think i was just very in real life horny lmao so my dream had a porn like scene anyways it gets back to some sense of reality when again in the dream he leaves halfway through ~activities saying he'll be back and me and best friend cry like wtf but a more normal scene in this hellscape would be i fall asleep after and he says something i can't really decipher and when i wake up he's gone and the alarms are going off in the hospital again my dream gets crazy and there's an action sequence and the hospital explodes ?? but let's say i and some other patients from either program / facility escape without jumping out of a tall ass building. bff somehow makes it out too and she's pissed at me first bc her crush didn't make it out or got bright back to the state custody but we eventually shrug and kind of become street urchins idk if i have family or she does but we spend the next few weeks kind of making the city outside of the "dishonorable youth" program. initially im trying to find him but there are no leads and bff convinces me to give up. it hurts and i wander one more night in a shady alley that's somehow relevant (lmao i think its a college bar area near where he claimed to live during the catching up scene, suggestive / creepy comments and all) and these two east asian guys ask me what a sign says and i'm like "black cherry?" (it looks like a bar) they laugh and speak another language so i walk away and decide that's it, he's gone xmas eve comes, the day before im assuming my / toni's 18th birthday and there's a sliver of hope that there will be a Christmas miracle but im starting to wake up at this point so the last actual dream part was me standing in what was kind of like central park of ny all lit up and i was looking at this really tall light post that's bulb was super bright and i pretended it was a shooting star before bff is like let's get wasted my own ending i think is that i wake up hungover as shit with this guy snapping and going "hello?" and i think he's my shooting star come true on my birthday morning so im like "quin"?? and he says "who?" as the sleepiness leaves my eyes and he's just some college guy from a bar we went to. i blink before smiling and replying "ah, nobody" other parts in the dream that were probably "in order" before my own ending but i couldn't make sense of it in a linear manner include coming back to the hospital that's now in good condition with better security and we make a joke to the receptionists about the incident months prior which makes them confused first then surprised. i think we go the equivalent of jk, oh can we get these drinks? i also think i made note of not seeing his name on the visiting sheet as an option or something so it could have been during the "where's pedo" montage alternative ending i get some sort of real closure? it's been years of no contact atp and i think nye following my 21st and i see him at the event and he sees me. i don't feel the same butterflies and anxiety but just.. weird so i go somewhere less crowded to drink water and this time he followed me. vague small talk, some awkward silences, and then we both say im sorry. and he's like why are u sorry and while i feel like i have a reason i stop and frown and i just don't know. he goes you aren't because you don't need to be and talks about the regret of ruining my adolescence and that's why he ran bc while the night was fun and thrilling it wasn't right and wouldn't end in good for anyone. like how i'm on track in community college after getting my ged (which i mentioned during small talk) and he's in therapy and trying to talk to ppl his age *awkward pained but genuine laughter* we nod and look away nervously while ppl filter in and out of what's probably someone's penthouse kitchen. the ball drop is soon and he says my name and i instinctively look despite feeling ashamed be almost a dog on call, following every command. he says something goofy to lighten the mood but i interrupt and kiss him as the countdown starts. its brief but passionate and at five i go "goodbye, quenton" and run off to the glass/window walls as one approaches. bff is there with u troubled youth boy toy who's turned it around and she grabs my hand and i squeeze back as it's the new year. there's celebration and cheer and yelling and we hug and bff asks "so what's your first resolution" looking her in the eye with a smile and refusing to acknowledge the confused but all too familiar set of eyes i'm sure is on my back "to never look back" toast, cheers, etc noises as she looks confused momentarily but shrugs and smiles bc she may not get it but she /gets it/ and i do too, finally

17 Mar 2024

Make Out


At the park with mom went to pay light bill at corner store She took mai and she walked on the way there Grandma called her and wanted something to eat Something from firehouse subs I offered hunan wok Mom called me and was upset because she left her wallet home I told her to use Apple Pay Meanwhile Iโ€™m at a park with bean n jr talking to some girl who seemed slightly cool Make it to a living room Saw Ms Jackie she had a silk press hairdue and was having conversation in the living room that I canโ€™t clearly make out I believe I saw white truck donโ€™t quote me but something in my mind said white truck Middle of a street haul ass We get there after and are distraught Me & Josh at the crib Next thing I know he gears hears a knock at the door Heโ€™s apprehensive about it Says itโ€™s police I told him no worries letโ€™s open it we I stood near They asked if they could come in we said no our babies are asleep They said ok It went from 3 police to us having a garage full of individuals Felt like a news conference was happening right in our garage with the garage up Was walking and guy with a black shirt lowcut with hair a mustache that connected stopped me while walking and said โ€œwhiteโ€ something about $10 worth of gas I believe And hinted at about 6 individuals

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