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Dream Interpretation: Wind 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Wind? Discover the significance of seeing a Wind in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Wind appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbol represents your spirituality and freedom from the physical world. It is also a symbol of money and wealth that can either push us forward or slip through our fingers.

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🧭 Direction


Notice your dream; was the wind at your back or against you? This is a symbol of how your spirituality and financial status are affecting the outcomes of your goals. Find a way to work with your spirituality and finances, not against them. This will release you from anxiety and stress.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of wind can evoke a sense of freedom and movement. It may bring feelings of exhilaration and adventure, as if being swept away by the unseen forces of life. The wind symbolizes change and unpredictability, stirring up emotions of excitement and uncertainty. It can also represent a need for release or a desire to let go of something. Overall, this dream may leave one with a sense of energy and the urge to embrace new experiences.





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Dreams of users containing the word Wind

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18 Jul 2024



I was walking on a extremely busy road with my brother and there was a bunch of wind everything was blowing around. my mom told me i was fine and there wasn’t going to be any tornados. Then a tornado happened then went away and another happened. i never got hurt i was scared.

16 Jul 2024



I was walking with a friend and I found a big barrel of chocolate pudding. We went to put it in my car and my car drove off without us in it. We lost control of the car and it kept hitting traffic signs. One of the traffic signs became uprooted and was flying in the wind uncontrollably. It was a bit scary. Eventually, my friend was able to catch the sign

15 Jul 2024



I was driving down the highway, during sunset, alone in my car. I don’t know where I was going but it felt like I was excited and ready for an adventure. The wind was blowing my hair and my face hurt from smiling so much. The view was beautiful and I was the only one on the road. It was so peaceful and scenic.

12 Jul 2024



Dreamt my daughter was leaving for campus the morning after and I suddenly remembered I hadn’t washed any of her clothes. Our cleaning lady was there and said she could help me out and I gladly took her up on her offer since I felt very stressed out. We loaded the washing machine with the clothes and I went into the kitchen to get us something to drink and looked at the clock in the wall and hours had already passed by! I ran into the laundry room that now was outside for some reason and it was packed with hanging drying clothes and towels and sheets - more or less everything except my daughters clothes. I panicked and started running around trying to find the clothes and suddenly there’s also a strong wind tearing the clean laundry away, making them float in the air and away from me. I reach out and find myself half anting off the building and we’re really high up. All the clothes I need and some sheets and towels are right at the edge of a ledge, if I lean over and out I could probably get them. My phone starts ringing and I answer it even though my grip on the wall is slipping and I’m risking falling over. It’s my daughter and she’s really stressed out, almost yelling at me, wondering where I am! She’s at the airport about to board the plane and she doesn’t have her suitcase or her things. I tell her I almost got it, just wait five minutes and I’ll get it to her. At that moment the wind picks up and I drop the phone over the ledge seeing it falling towards the bottom and I feel my grip loosening and then I wake up.

4 Jul 2024



I dreamed that I lived across the street from Jason Louv (An occult teacher). I was trying to work with him in some way. Later in the dream I learned that we worked in the same nonprofit. I had the feeling that I wanted to escape my life or change it. At times I was my age and still married to Bob, and others I was younger and just starting out. I was sitting in my car taking shelter from a terrible storm. I think my car was white. The wind was blowing my car around while I was in it, and I felt like the world might be ending. When the storm ended I was standing in my front yard looking across the street at Jason's house. There was an ocean in the middle of his back yard with beautiful mountains behind it. The sea was roiling and grey while the mountains were a dark green. Watching the movement of the water, I sometimes couldn't tell the difference between land and water - where one started and one ended. I was overwhelmed by its beauty. The water was deep and strong and moved as if attached to the land but separate too. I was in awe. Storms began again and I felt besieged. Jason was playing loud music from his house because he was upset about something. It turns out he was getting married and he came over to ask us (I was living with a group of people) to help choose the flowers for his wedding. I remember seeing the woman he was going to marry, I didn't know her, and thinking that I couldn't see them together. She was short, chubby, with short black hair and I thought, "How can he like her? They're not well suited." He has picked some flowers from his yard and wanted to show them to us. I got a picture in my head of the flowers I wanted him to have and when I looked he had them in his hand except they were wilted. They were red poppies and I said, "Yes, like that, but alive." He agreed with me and I was happy he'd chosen my idea. Then, as a sort of thank you, or as a gesture of connection, he wrote something on a small piece of paper and said, "This is your name". (I'm pretty sure that's what he said.). When I opened it up it looked like some kind of ancient language like Hebrew or Arimaic. That's all I can remember.

1 Jul 2024



I had a dream that there was a storm in the town I was at, I remember looking outside and seeing northern lights but they were extremely vibrant and showed pictures across the sky. I remember looking over in the distance and seeing a tornado form extremely fast, I grabbed both of my kids and ran downstairs to the basement under the stairs and held them while listening to the rain and wind.

24 Jun 2024



I am in a hotel with David and a few girls. have a bunch of my grandmothers rings and am trying them on and trying to decide which ones to wear. I find meth in the jewelry box and use it. A gust of wind blows them away and I frantically run after them. I call David at the hotel and ask him to come help. He doesn’t, he is with two women and when I get back to the hotel I yell at him. He looks disgusted with me and everyone leaves. I am then alone, still searching for rings, and I realize I am too high and I start to hear voices. I call David to try to get him to come back but he’s not answering. Two male friends finally come over and tell me that everyone is upset with me for getting high but I say that it doesn’t affect anyone else. I am desperate to explain myself and not have people be mad at me.

21 Jun 2024



I had a dream I woke up out of my bed and walked outside, it was very sunny and vibrant, the birds were chirping the wind was blowing and I was running, I knew I was dreaming and it felt amazing to be where I was feeling free. Until I saw what I believe was my shadow self, a dobbleganger standing in the distance.. it scared me.

16 Jun 2024



Was at the metrodome, was wondering where home plate was there in relation to target field. Was sitting but the baseball game had finished long ago. Richie was there and my family, my dad and sister already left. Richie somehow had a tape measure that went from the roof of the metrodome but didn’t go all the way down, his tape measure only went to 280 feet. We were looking for his grandma to head home before the metrodome was going to be demolished the next day to build US bank stadium. We found his grandma, somehow Richie could close down the lights at the metrodome there were maybe a dozen other people sitting in the stands, he shut down the lights. Then I started singing “hello darkness my old friend” and everyone started singing “sound of silence” by Simon and Garfunkel and smiling as a goodbye to the metrodome one last time as we walked out the windy doors.

14 Jun 2024



We were somewhere in Europe where it was heavenly snowing me, my mom & sister were on the bus and wanted to go to the mountains, but when we were there the wind was so strong that it moving the bus we also forgot our gloves so we didn't climb. I do have seen the mountains before The we were in London my mom and I and we took the bus but like this typical red ones, we thought we were in the palace of the Queen but we were in a big mall, very beautiful and a lot of people everything was on the same floor, we went to a woman and I saw my face & 2 ex friends in real life on a chip bag, the picture apparently became famous on the chip bag. Then we went to our hotel room, but the door was full of mold and was broken in some places, so I said to my mom that we had to go somewhere else, the we heard some music in the hall under us, so we went back outside. Later I was 'working' I think in a food restaurant I think it was, but I was painting nails, everything was glitter but the color would shine the whole room, there were a lot of people walking outside at both side of the street, and the I saw Princess Ingrid of Norway, she wanted to do her nails, the rest I don't remember. Later I was running trough a car tunnel and came out on a skater field, they were all sitting on the grass, I was very scared of them, it were just teenagers, but my mom was still in the tunnel so I waited above with those skater, then we run to our house because we had to be there at an special hour or we would lose our house and there was a traintrails just in front of it and I ran for my life and make it through the sound of the train, but my mom didn't and I was late, so I fell on the ground and cried and then I woke up.

11 Jun 2024

Building (Place)


For some reason we were in the city and we were driving and all of a sudden it got really windy and alerts were going off and we looked behind us and water was RUSHING towards us and there were buildings behind us and the water was as tall as them so we came to this road and we had to jump over the ledge bc it was basically a waterfall from the storm and when we jumped down we climbed onto this one building and then all the water came and stuff and then we were hiding on the rooftops which I guess for some reason was illegal to do?? And when the water dried there was a bunch of police officers like a swat team patrolling the ground and trying to shoot people who were on the rooftops and the one guy saw me but let me stay there and I was like “what’s going on?” And he was like we’re starting the purge. I was like WTFFF and the reason we ended up in the city is bc we tried to go to TGIF but no one had their food when we got there and I was like babe we’re gonna be waiting here for 2-3 hours let’s leave and then all that happened

8 Jun 2024



I was in the back of a car driving to a relative's house in Brazil where I was gonna stay for a prolonged period of time. I got dropped at the house and it was all dark and all of a sudden it started to rain and wind extremely hard. Water got into the house and caused flooding and the wind was Blowing all my clothes away, it was frustrating and annoying, and my bag and all my clothes got wet, but eventually it stopped, and I tried to reorganize all my belongings things had been wiped away. Then a second storm came, and the same thing happened. My shirts, my bags all got wet from the flooding and got blown away from the wind. The dream transitioned to me being at an elementary school at night with other people. There was a tornado warning and all of a sudden the tornado arrived with rain. There were still some people outside that were getting caught in the tornado so I ran to the front of the elementary school and kept the front doors open so that I was able to help younger children get into the elementary school. I felt very proud of myself for doing this and happy that I was able to help children get to say get back to safety in the elementary school and I remember crying because of the impact I was having on these people's lives and the risk I was taking. As I was helping people get into the school, there was continuous thanks from other individuals and adults who saw the assistance I was providing and that felt really good.

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