Dream interpretation about Died, Falling, Giants, Funeral, Jealous, Sick, Following, Flirting, High School, Hugging, Being Late, Car, Group, Life, Magic, Vagina, Flying, Girl, Park, Tattoo, Airplane, Driving, Reason, Guy, Back, Part, Seat, Thought, Three, Time, Classroom, See, Looking, Walking, Bunch, Ground, One, Going, Piercing
I only remember, bits and pieces of this dream. I was in a classroom with this girl that I Was kind of jealous of in elementary school. She knew a group of girls that I was also jealous of because I thought they were cool. I went to go talk to them and they were coming from a funeral from this guy I knew in high school I was shocked because I didn’t know he died, even though in real life, I didn’t know that he had died Because I had seen it on Facebook along time ago. Then I was following this group of girls because I just thought they were cool and they were being nice to me. I saw on Instagram that there was a tattoo event, but it was far away, so I was like oh I’ll just use my powers, and fly there. I lightweight wanted to impress the cool girls. I invited one of them, but she was taking too long to get ready. I kept looking for objects to use to fly there kind of like a magic carpet, but with different different objects. We were at a weird amusement park, so I thought about taking one of the Spinney objects, and just making it bigger so I could fit in there and fit a bunch of snacks and things so I would be preoccupied during the flight.I couldn’t find the perfect object and it was taking a long time for me to get ready. I was getting anxious because I knew I was going to be late or miss the event. Plus the other girl wasn’t ready she kept socializing, which was annoying me. Once I was finally ready, I was telling the girl I was ready to go. I had gone through every ride attachment at the amusement park and I had sized them up by using my powers to make them large enough for me to sit in and trying to see which one would be comfortable. so the girl decided that she was ready to go as well so I looked up the event. I found the flyer just to see the event was over or about to be over. I got in my giant flying seat and I tried to fly in the air, and I realized it was windy. I was upset about this because I was excited to fly to the event but I wanted to be safe because I knew if I flew through the air and it was windy I might fall out of the air especially since I wasn’t able to keep the flying object very stable with my powers because I was still learning. So I got back on the ground and I told the girl hey we’re just gonna drive since it’s only three hours away and she was like OK. Then for some reason, I decided to say goodbye to everybody and Bernie Mac was there. I guess I knew him in the dream. so I went to say goodbye to him, and I gave him a hug, and he whispered in my ear like flirting with me and it was gross. So I told him to stop and then he gave me another hug, but then he tried to touch my vagina and Iwas like you, and then I let go of him and walked away and I went and told a different homegirl. then me and the girl were in the car ready to go. I was excited to get some piercings because I’ve been wanting some in real life. and then I woke up
Dream date:
30 Oct 2023
Emotional tone:
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