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Dream Interpretation: Vagina 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Vagina? Discover the significance of seeing a Vagina in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Vagina appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes femininity, sexuality, and fertility. It may also represent a need for intimacy or a desire for emotional connection. Alternatively, it may indicate feelings of vulnerability or insecurity.

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🧭 Direction


Consider your current relationships and how they are affecting your emotional state. Are you feeling fulfilled or lacking in intimacy? It may be time to address these issues and communicate your needs to your partner or seek out new connections. Additionally, examine any feelings of vulnerability or insecurity and work on building your self-confidence.

❤️ Feelings

The dream about a vagina can evoke a range of emotions, such as curiosity, desire, intimacy, or even vulnerability. It may symbolize femininity, sexuality, or the need for emotional connection. The feelings associated with this dream can vary greatly depending on the context and personal experiences of the dreamer.





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6 Jul 2024



My dream was we went to a tribal place where they believed in god a lot. Very spiritual people. They were going to help me be able to have kids again, even though I told them I had a partial hysterectomy. The leader said he could still make it happen. I had to put some device in my vagina to start with. It felt like a toothpick and hurt, but I believed what he was saying and kept it in. They had me do a test. I held a long drum stick and was blind folded. I had to hit the wall behind me. It was gold plated and right in the middle was a round picture of Jesus. I hit it every time and it made a beautiful sound and got the people of the tribe talking. At one time I accidentally burped out loud and one of the tribal ladies punched me in the face. She said it’s not lady like and that’s the punishment, so I let her do it. One of my little brothers was there with me and he did something wrong. I was able to get him to come down from a boat they had nearby. The punishment for what he did was to punch him in the chest and stomach. I said be ready for it, but I didn’t get to see it happen in my dream. My step mom was with me through this whole dream as well. We were on a mission to get to the end of the very long boat we were on. There was a mermaid looking woman who would hold her breath for so long under water that she would die, but come back to life. Everyone thought it was so great that she could do that and god would let her come back to life. She reminded me of a serpant or Medusa by the way she looked and acted. Close to the end I was meditating and I said someone has had a baby. The leader said how do you know and what’s the gender. I said I could feel it. I was in water and meditating. It’s a boy I said. He then said lead us to the baby. So I started walking towards a pool they had for what looked like seahorses, but bigger like small dog sized ones. There was a baby, I lifted it and said it’s a boy. The tribe cheered. The leader then said it’s time for you to be able to have kids again. He showed me to a woman who had tools and what looked like pieces of cloth. She was going to reach up inside of me and rebuild my cervix and tubes, so I could bear children again. Once it was done I could make love to my husband with some kind of plant they had and would have another child like god intended. I said no this is wrong. You said I could do it naturally, god would make it happen. I’m not letting her do that to me. The leader said god is upset that you did what you did. I told him it was for medical reasons and he is fine with my decision. I woke up before anything else happened

9 Jun 2024



In my last dream i was in a room in someone else’s house. My wife was in that room too. There were other naked girls there. We were all laying on this big bed. My wife wanted me to have sex with these other gorls. The girls were very beautiful and they were all different races and different body types. I remember being attracted to them. My wife said in the dream she was having trouble with her libido and getting her vagina wet. She still wants me to enjoy my life so she found some girls to have sex with me. She just wants to watch so she knows that I’m happy. She only wants me to have sex with them but nothing else so our relationship is still safe. I felt horny in my dream with all these sexy naked beautiful women in the bed with us so i started caressing each of them and I had sex with them while my wife watched. I remember it feel good. These girls were feeling up on me and it felt great. I kept looking at my wife to make sure she’s okay. She was watching amd she didn’t look like she was mad. She had a smile in her face. My wife had to girls feeling in her and she really enjoyed it. I wanted to have sex with my wife but she said she couldn’t.

9 May 2024

Best Friend


I was hanging out with Beezus and Butthead again we were still doing our same thing this sucks and this is cool and then I had my best friend's sister Xena for some reason she turned into a big old fluffy white kitty cat even though she's kind of short go figure go figure you know but anyhow I just told that we were just getting by the pool and unbeknownst to me I saw a sister Xena just swimming in the pool even though she has that big old fluffy fur and I had to put and I had to keep an eye on bees in the blood for some reason but hey they were pretty cool and I had to put some swimmies on them because they were too skinny and they didn't know how to swim but it was alright after we're done swimming got changed and we had some snacks and we all had nachos and some stuff like that and we're just sitting around and laughing about stupid stuff like the penis the vagina masturbation and we're just laughing and joking and we're just laughing at stupid stuff on TV and stuff

9 Apr 2024



i dyed my hair from black to white, my mom tried to break into my room and she did and then starts messing with my stuff and then she messes with something that’s dangerous, a lot of little kids and a lot of dogs try to break into my room they are pushing onto my door then the little kids are then sticking objects inside of my vagina little kids raping me with objects

9 Apr 2024



i dyed my hair from black to white, my mom tried to break into my room and she did and then starts messing with my stuff and then she messes with something that’s dangerous, a lot of little kids and a lot of dogs try to break into my room they are pushing onto my door then the little kids are then sticking objects inside of my vagina

19 Mar 2024



I cried to my ex telling her that I only have 7 weeks to live because I have cancer and I just wanted to tell her how I felt before I died. I told her that I never stopped loving her even though she caused me trauma. She said she has always loved me and she never stopped, and then we started to kiss in the car. She slipped her fingers into my vagina , making me moan real loud, and she leaned down and started licking my clit while fingering my vagina. It felt so real and intense, I orgasmed really hard. She then kissed me and told me that she was sorry for everything she’s ever said and that she was just mad that we weren’t together anymore

17 Mar 2024

New Job


Talking amongst friends and new people at a dinner table in a white room. I was a man and I wanted this man next to me. I wanted to suck his dick so I went under the table and started but something happened where he broke my heart. So I got up, upset and left. This beautiful woman decided to get up and follow me out the room into a big white bedroom. I was crying, packing up then all of a sudden I saw her in the corner of my eye. She was smiling at me. She tried to get closer to kiss me but I refused because I didn't want my heart broken again. She then said I'm a man who turned into a woman. I hope that isn't the reason you refuse. I said no that isn't it because I'm the same as you but the other way around. It's just I don't wanna be hurt again. But something about her I just couldn't help myself. I started to make out with her. Touching every part of her body. Sucking her breasts, lifting her skirt and fingering her. It was exhilarating. I told her at some point I'm sorry if I hurt you. She said I'm ok. So I spit on my hand and went back to her beautiful vagina. She was screaming with pleasure, I started kissing her more and more and then finally went all the way. I pulled my manhood out and stuck it inside her, watched her scream of pleasure.

13 Feb 2024



I could not penetrate a vagina. It was consensual. I didn’t see her face or body.

21 Jan 2024



I had a dream that i started my menstrual cycle and it was gushing from my vagina non stop.

28 Nov 2023



I walked into the bathroom on my boyfriends brother and his penis was out. I could feel my heart racing my vagina getting wet. We ended up on a couch and I was touching him very intimately

30 Oct 2023



I only remember, bits and pieces of this dream. I was in a classroom with this girl that I Was kind of jealous of in elementary school. She knew a group of girls that I was also jealous of because I thought they were cool. I went to go talk to them and they were coming from a funeral from this guy I knew in high school I was shocked because I didn’t know he died, even though in real life, I didn’t know that he had died Because I had seen it on Facebook along time ago. Then I was following this group of girls because I just thought they were cool and they were being nice to me. I saw on Instagram that there was a tattoo event, but it was far away, so I was like oh I’ll just use my powers, and fly there. I lightweight wanted to impress the cool girls. I invited one of them, but she was taking too long to get ready. I kept looking for objects to use to fly there kind of like a magic carpet, but with different different objects. We were at a weird amusement park, so I thought about taking one of the Spinney objects, and just making it bigger so I could fit in there and fit a bunch of snacks and things so I would be preoccupied during the flight.I couldn’t find the perfect object and it was taking a long time for me to get ready. I was getting anxious because I knew I was going to be late or miss the event. Plus the other girl wasn’t ready she kept socializing, which was annoying me. Once I was finally ready, I was telling the girl I was ready to go. I had gone through every ride attachment at the amusement park and I had sized them up by using my powers to make them large enough for me to sit in and trying to see which one would be comfortable. so the girl decided that she was ready to go as well so I looked up the event. I found the flyer just to see the event was over or about to be over. I got in my giant flying seat and I tried to fly in the air, and I realized it was windy. I was upset about this because I was excited to fly to the event but I wanted to be safe because I knew if I flew through the air and it was windy I might fall out of the air especially since I wasn’t able to keep the flying object very stable with my powers because I was still learning. So I got back on the ground and I told the girl hey we’re just gonna drive since it’s only three hours away and she was like OK. Then for some reason, I decided to say goodbye to everybody and Bernie Mac was there. I guess I knew him in the dream. so I went to say goodbye to him, and I gave him a hug, and he whispered in my ear like flirting with me and it was gross. So I told him to stop and then he gave me another hug, but then he tried to touch my vagina and Iwas like you, and then I let go of him and walked away and I went and told a different homegirl. then me and the girl were in the car ready to go. I was excited to get some piercings because I’ve been wanting some in real life. and then I woke up

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