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Dream Interpretation: Sick 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Sick? Discover the significance of seeing a Sick in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Sick appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbolizes struggle, anxiety, broken and low energy. It often implies that you have been working too hard, and it has or will take a toll on you. Such a dream also suggests paying more attention to your health as well as those around you.

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🧭 Direction

Bad omen

Sickness is not just related to our body but also our mind. Your mind is probably aware that something is broken and not functioning right. It could be a friend, family member, or even yourself. Find ways to help yourself as well as those around you to have a peaceful life.

❤️ Feelings

This dream may evoke feelings of vulnerability, discomfort, and unease. It could symbolize a sense of weakness or powerlessness in facing challenges or health issues. The dream may also reflect concerns about one's well-being and the need for self-care.





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17 Jul 2024



Got sick with worms coming out. .white ones

16 Jul 2024



There was a women possibility she was with me but she was sick she had some sort of destiny to die early yet she was pregnant with triplets and I was thinking if she was was going to be able to give birth and how it might kill her bc it all the energy it would take

11 Jul 2024



By the ocean, fighting with people throwing seafood at me, I was thinking about taking a vacation but decided against it. I was concerned about them getting sick and they were less concerned about it. And they were getting upset because I was concerned about them getting sick over the seafood being thrown at me because the medication I was taking. So they didn't take me seriously.

8 Jul 2024



I dreamed that I went to the hospital to see if I was sick before I went on a trip. To my surprise the doctor checked my lymph nodes and saw they were hugely inflamed. She seemed extra concerned. Then my tongue started falling out in pieces. She asked me to show her my tongue which was abnormal looking. Then the doctor explained to me that deep inside my lung was something known as a “Goin”. A cancerous wound that leaks infection into my lymph nodes. The only way for to have a chance was to have an expensive surgery. Just then the rest of my tongue falls out. The doctor continues to explain that even if the surgery won’t save me it will save others. Then as I am waiting on my surgery people from my school begin to tell me that this is the results of me turning my back on God and I had been visited by a banshee informing me of my impending death and eternity spent in hell. I threatened to push them down the stairs and kill them since I was going to hell soon anyways.

6 Jul 2024



Last night I dreamt that I was looting a very high end market that had finished, looking for things for my Dad. In my dream my dad wasn't dying yet, he was just sick at home 💔

29 Jun 2024

Brushing teeth


Dreamed I was in a group of people playing some kind of game. Something happened to our lock picker, who instantly died. One of the other people got sick and needed to brush their teeth. One of the others was being rude and keeping then from brushing their teeth and were threatening the other person when I, wanting to avoid confrontation, quickly made a makeshift brush. The person thanked me and brushed their teeth. With guidance from a leader we made it to the next section of the game. We were to gather the right items. They called for a friend's boyfriend named Copper. She was about to step forward when a different leader was going to teach us something. One of the players said something really rude to him. He got so angry he left for a different group of people and started torturing them. I could hear cries fro help and screams. As this was happening our leader was getting us all out of the area. I was visably shaking and crying in fear, but my leader said "Its okay Julia, Ive got you, we're headed home." And led me to a group of pipes we were all climbing. I woke up.

18 Jun 2024



I was on a plane with Malcolm and my mom, seemingly coming from a school field trip. Suddenly, it seems like we were flying lower and getting close to a river. I yell at the pilot from the rear of the plane, “ if something is wrong you can let us off by that highway, because I would rather walk the rest of the way than drown” he let us out and I ran to make sure my mom and Malcolm got off safely. There was a little girl there. She reminded me of my student Brooklyn from JBAB. I got her too and put her on my hip. Next we were in a hotel, I guess because we were miles away from home. I was in the hotel with Rashidah. We were talking, and she brought up the fact that someone on the plane told the pilot they were felling sick and that’s why they tried to find somewhere to land. I said “that wouldn’t be the first or last time someone threw up on a plane so there was no reason to stop. Something else had to be going on that they aren’t telling us.” I told her I needed to wash up. I gathered things for my shower and decided I would wash up the little girl first, before I showered, since I was taking care of her. Then I began to wake up and that’s all I remember. I don’t remember if the girl was supposed to be my daughter or was she just under my supervision. I don’t remember Rashidah being on the plane but it seems as though she was on the trip with us and ended up at the hotel.

14 Jun 2024



I’m in my living room late at night with my girlfriend Colleen. We are having a good time chatting and becoming intimate with one another, making out and etc. I’m on top of her and looking at her face and she looks at mine, she tells me ‘I love you Myles’ and I’m a little uncomfortable that she used my deadname rather than my chosen name ‘Ellen’ but I figure it was an accidental mistake and move past it. I walk into the kitchen and see my Dad who has come from downstairs and hasn’t been able to hear me or Colleen. He talks to me briefly as he pours himself water and mentions my mother is in the backroom which is also downstairs which is unexpected to me as normally she wouldn’t be up at this hour. I hear her coming out and so scamper into the living room hoping she hasn’t heard me or Colleen and we run out of the house together. Outside is not the way it is in reality. There is a big hill that we run up and at the top is an old mansion with a gate. I recognise this as part of my house also. There are people waiting at the gate, middle aged and in formal attire. A woman holds a vase and asks to come in to offer her condolences. I open the gate for them and guide them inside at which point Colleen goes off on her own. Inside there is an old man sleeping in a bed who is sick, I wake him and tell him that there are people here to offer condolences. All the middle age people gather in one room and I bring him into it so that they can be together. Although he is being woken at 2am he seems cheery to see everyone and they talk loudly. I walk outside that room and in the hallway sitting on the ground are children and teenagers and young adults. I sit with them, we are the children of this strange family. Eventually I leave again to find Colleen. Outside I see Colleen walking with her friend Mhari who in real life is someone who I like. In the dream she is somewhat insidious, influencing Colleen to go back down to my house, I tell her ‘no’ that it’s a bad idea since my Mum could find out about us but they won’t listen and insist on going down the hill. About halfway down we see my Mum walking up the hill so we all run and hide in the bushes as she and my Dad walk past us.

14 Jun 2024



There was a random group of parents with there kid who was sick and needed surgery in my house for emergency and the parents were in there. My mom was Lorelai from Gilmore girls and my sister is Rory from Gilmore girls and my dad was my dad in real life. I wanted coffee so Lorelei took me upstairs to get coffee then she took me to my room to have a nap and I was trying to sleep but then I hear the screaming of the parents of the kid having the surgery and h e screaming gets closer and closer and the kids parents jump on me and I’m terrified then I wake up

9 Jun 2024



My mother got sick and passed away. I was left to handle all of her belongings like her home, chickens, goats and a horse (she only has chickens now) my grandparents that have passed away were there to help me sort everything out and I kept feeling like I should tell my father that she had passed away but I kept pushing it off

29 May 2024



I was riding a scooter from some activity towards home. I didn’t want to pedal, so I got my dog to pull the scooter like a sled dog. It felt good and pleasurable. I did this a few more times. I got home one day and I noticed that she looked very sick — she was bleeding profusely. Her rib cage was enlarged. She was stumbling and obviously very ill. I told my mom that she wasn’t okay and she said that she was doing just fine and didn’t need a vet. Until she looked under her harness and saw big bruises and more blood. I started crying, feeling guilty for making her pull me home every day. I felt I’d injured her. I quickly slipped on some high heels and ran out the door towards the vet. My dog started to exhale black smoke. I was worried, but I ran as fast as I could. I tried to stay behind my mom, but I lost her at some points — I just kept going in my own direction and hoped we’d meet at the vet. The beginning of the journey was difficult as I was slipping and falling all over due to the heels and the floor — it was laminated and uneven. And then it became easier. I began to walk in confident strides and the floor evened out. We found each other at the end of the trip, right before the vet’s office. We got our dog in just in time

29 May 2024



Dmitri and the plague wars The gods become sick in the minds and start killing each other dmitri is an off spring of Hermes and Demeter the meaning of the name Dmitri is Earth-lover She along with other Demi gods come down to earth to fight monsters and try to save the world

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