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Dream Interpretation: Magic 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Magic? Discover the significance of seeing a Magic in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Magic appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of magic symbolizes your desire for something extraordinary to happen in your life. It may also represent your belief in the power of manifestation and your ability to create your own reality. Alternatively, it may indicate that you are feeling lost and seeking guidance or a sense of direction.

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🧭 Direction


Reflect on what you are hoping to achieve in your life. Are you taking action towards your goals or relying solely on luck or chance? Consider seeking guidance or support from others who have experience in your desired field. Remember that true magic comes from within and requires effort and dedication to manifest.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of magic evokes a sense of wonder, excitement, and curiosity. It brings feelings of awe and enchantment, as if anything is possible. There is a sense of mystery and intrigue, as the dreamer is transported to a realm where the ordinary rules of reality no longer apply. It sparks a sense of joy and amazement, as the dreamer witnesses extraordinary feats and experiences the thrill of the unknown. This dream leaves the dreamer with a lingering sense of fascination and a desire to explore the limitless possibilities of the imagination.





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Dreams of users containing the word Magic

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14 Jul 2024



I was at the top of a hill and a girl I hardly knew from high school was there and I told her I thought her hair was cute. She didn't believe I was being genuine and asked where or what makes it cute and I told her I liked her bangs. I think she was self-conscious because she has always been very overweight but she looked much more in shape now. She was teaching us how to control the dream or something. Like create a bubble around us to do something. My friend was there and we're were practicing using cartoon like magic to avoid attacks from an enemy we spawned for practice. My friend made one of those black holes in the ground like in cartoons to pick up as a shield that would absorb all attacks from the enemy. We were having a lot of fun

13 Jul 2024



i'm in an old library and i'm struggling to get assistance from the single person on staff that's helping people out. at one point she pulls out a list of call numbers - i smile and tell her i'm a librarian and that will be fine for me to navigate. i take a picture of the call number list with my phone. a couple of strangers who appear to be friends see this and want to follow me up to the stacks where the books are located. the staff person talks to them as well, and separately advises handling the materials carefully. as i make my way up the stairs to the stacks, a young smiling woman asks if she can see the list i took pictures of. i politely decline, because i found her manner grating. she is aghast and rebuffs me. i continue to decline. i find a book about magic that i want but it definitely belongs to someone else. it's got like a seventies style to it, from the brown color and cover art to the font inside. the last 20 pages are taped together, from the top two inches of the first taped page to the back cover of the book. i audibly complain and someone tells me that the book owner is selfish and holding out on us. now i'm in a small town, visiting home. beds are being remade and made. my parents are there but they don't interact with me much. i see mh dad more. he tells me something. it's getting late and it's dangerous to ride my hike home but i do it anyway. there's a killer/hunter/predator on the loose. when i get home i search for signs of a break in. i only see false signs. the next morning is christmas. i go to a friend's place. they have a funny car cover on - it's a christmas sleigh with a santa sack that's embroidered with the word "sociology" in a loose curly script. i want to take a picture of it. someone knocks it around as they aim to sweep some of the snow away from the car.

2 Jul 2024

New Home


I had a dream about a family that moved into a new house, a big house for their big family, it was a mom a dad and four kids, my perspective kept switching between the kids, the oldest was a girl in her late teens, then a boy in his early teens, then a younger girl, and then a little boy no older than three, but soon after moving in the kids started to act weird, they started behaving less mature than they were before and the parents were confused but at first thought it was because of the move which wasn't coming wrong but what they didn't know was that their new home had been cursed by a wizard, they didn't notice at first the kids were shrinking too, the curse only affected kids and it made them start aging backwards, the toddler wandered out of the house a few day later as he turned into a baby and later that night stopped existing entirely, the next day one of the kids woke up earlier than the rest and he asked the parents to take care of his sister, they thought he meant the younger one but he started thinking he wouldn't be around for the eldest soon, eventually the parents realized the youngest was missing and they went out looking for him, the kids were getting younger, the little girl was now a toddler, the boy was probably ten, and the oldest girl a tween, then the little girl left to find her parents she ended up getting lost but eventually found a bonfire, that's were her parents found her and they tried to save her but she disappeared into the fire, then the wizard came back to his campfire, he went back home with them and that's when they found out he was the one who cursed the place when the boy came out looking even younger now and started throwing magic back at the wizard cause he had done some searching while his parents were gone to learn how to break the curse, he wasn't very good at it so his spells were like a shotgun not very precise but he hit the wizard, but then the wizard grabbed him and then told him that he may have broken his own curse but that wouldn't save his sister which was the main reason he did it, then they ended up at a grocery store and the girl had her stutter back from when she was little as she talked, but she ended up getting lost in the isles which they looked away and her brother and parents went looking for her and she was half her brother's age when they found her, so they forced the wizard to break her curse as they didn't do anything to deserve it.

29 Jun 2024



I’m having a hard time remembering how my dream started, but I know it had something to do with an evil lady trying to summon the Demon King by killing a rare species of crab. I remember that she took her boat and her crewmates to an island and tried to kill the crab. I tried to stop her by going back in time, but that didn’t work so I just called the police on her. After she got arrested, she tried to get revenge on me, but failed. Then, my dream suddenly cuts to a group of men at store. The leader of the group only had hair on the side of his head. He lead everyone to the frozen isle and showed them a bunch of frozen donuts. The guy said that the frozen donuts weren’t only delicious, but also had magic properties in them. Then, he started eating the donuts. The rest of the group followed him and ate the donuts as well. After a while, they noticed that nothing was happening, and the group leader got all sad. He said that he was hoping that the donuts would have given him the power to time travel so he could fix his mistakes. Suddenly, he got pulled into a portal. After landing on the other side of the portal, he noticed that he no longer looked human. He looked like he was from a video game, “Minecraft” to be exact. Before he could figure out what was going on, he ran into Link from “The Legend of Zelda.” The two of them had a short conversation before going their separate ways. Then, Link morphed into dream me. As I walked around, I saw an amusement park nearby. I wanted to go there, but it wasn’t open yet, so I went inside a nearby building to wait and relax. Unfortunately, the building I went into was filled with monsters and demons. Which made the worker’s jobs even harder since they worked at a mental hospital. I saw all the demons running around and was going to leave, but then I saw my friends in the lobby, so I went over to them. They told me that one of my friends is still trapped in the building and that they happen to have a crush on me. Now filled with determination, I ran around the building, looking for my friend. I found her in one of the patient rooms, folding laundry and watching tv. We hugged each other after getting reunited. After that, we found a secret room in the building that allowed us to transform into what we truly were. I got transformed into a demon and my friend got transformed into a angel. After that, we talked for a bit before deciding to go defeat the Demon King and leaving the room. I’ll never know if we succeeded because my dream ended after we left the room.

28 Jun 2024



So I had a dream that I need to buy some rice... So I went outside to do so.. but for some reason I bought the casserole with me. I thought that it would be necessary to measure.. I got on my bike and looked for a store, I asked a lady assigned there for a plastic to put the casserole in... The lady gave me plastic and I put the casserole in the plastic. I was about to leave and go in my forward direction but I saw there were many unleashed dogs waiting for me.. Then I turn my back and looked at the unleash dogs as I hold my breath taking courage to go in my way... Then, I remember being lost... I ended up seeing my classmate (guy) I decided to approach him and asked for directions.. but his reaction are unexpected. He asked me why I'm here/there and so... And in the end.. he didn't do much help... Luckily there's another classmate that passed by... We aren't particularly close in real life but we talk at least 10 times.. or so... For a very specific reason. So I was lead down on an alleyway then we stop 🚏. In the way I saw many familiar faces... Fictional and Acquittances from real life. Then we were waiting to cross the other side of the highway... But the vehicles are moving in a fast phase.. then I happen to chat with a boy.. and we cross passed together, I did feel a little nervous at first but we laugh it off after we cross. Then, I remember I was in the sea. I saw a girl riding a killer whale. I think that killer whale is a mystic. Well, then I remember I was inside the house... With 2 ladies... Mother and daughter perhaps? I'm not sure. But the conversation seem to get louder... They're talking about something I couldn't comprehend... Probably about magic and stuff... And then, there's this white egg... The woman put it in her belly... And it sinks like it's meant to be there... Then the other one does too... And then... There's this black thing... And the woman grabbed another egg...She dropped the egg and it bounced back...the egg keeps bouncing faster and faster... Then the other woman did something weird and just absolutely creepy.... Somehow there's eyes on his mouth as she opened them... And there's this black fluid in his mouth or so... I tried putting the egg in my belly as well... But it didn't sink in... My tummy didn't buldge like them.. so they said disappointedly that I should try again... Then I went outside and do so... For some reason

25 Jun 2024



So in my dream I was an elf and I was with a group of people I know I knew but idk from where and there were also other elves and we were all some kind of magic detectives or something. My powers were basically telepathy but with my fingers. If I put two fingers up, they would glow and I could move things with them. There was also one scene where a door opened and all of us did a pose with our fingers and we all looked really cool! I remember that we also had our rooms and on the doors/walls there were painted some pictures that marked our rooms. They were marked by our pictures on out Netflix account. My best friend, Karina, was supposed to live next door as her matching-with-me Netflix pfp was there, but I never saw her in the dream. Some girls in the group including me were in the room of the only girl that wasn't an elf and we were trying to discover what she was. I gave her a small yellow transparent lego piece and she could move it with her eyes, just like in "Matilda", the movie. We called our proffesor and showed him, he said she needed practice so she can move bigger things, but that it was okay. I felt really proud of that girl and also of me for discovering her power.

21 Jun 2024



it was about the Netflix series sweet tooth. in it continued the last episode I had watched, from what I remember I was in a boat, in the real series the boat was headed for another boat. Instead, we went to an island. (i was sweet tooth in the dream) we got off the boat and a person immediately greeted up and we went into this cave like structure on the shore. he welcomed us and started walking us through, I remember we came to an aquarium and I was amazed by the fish but the one doctor I forget the name of was suspicious and asked why the dude was doing all this, referring to the sick and hybrids. he responded he was simply curious about the animals, maybe something bigger would come on its own. it sounded a bit suspicious but we continued on. I think i started waking up a little but fell back asleep because the details are a bit foggy but i think he brought us to another cool room and ended up betraying us, we went through this weird obstacle course type thing and somewhere in there we ended up becoming the cast from dungeon meshi on netflix? I was marcille now so we continued to this one grassy area overlooking a huge cliff and cavern. we continued on, i think I asked about how we could see the sky or something, laios responded it was a fake sky, we continued and I think talked some more, some stuff I don't remember happened, harpies showed up, we fought those, I remember using magic there. then we saw a creature with the lower half of a dragon and feathered upper half and immediately thought it was falin and got excited, it flew over and was just a random chimera thingy. fought it, continued, real falin showed up. we ended up cutting off her human half and I became falin in the dream, I think I had been her for a while since I remember watching from a birdseye perspective. anyways they cut off the human part but for whatever reason I remain in control over the dragon half instead. pretty sure I immediately become sane and, somehow even though the part of me that had eyes was chopped off, i/falin rush over to this dirt area since I'm not in control of the part of me with a mouth. I think I panic and just wrote "hello" then they read it, got excited, i/falin returned to normal. I remember getting a weird feeling though and asked them "wait, doesn't this seem too easy?" or smth bc 1. mad mage hadn't showed up 2. the tactic they used shouldn't have worked 3. it didn't feel right. they were all obviously like "dude that don't matter you're back" and we went into town I think because I remember food stalls. don't remember anything else.

21 Jun 2024



Dream August 4th, There was a school I kept going in and out the basement of.. There was people, she felt like a Sophia or a Garcia. There was Pokémon and magic staff themed things. I remember jumping high and feeling like flying, before going back down to help others. A “Toto” calling me and unable to reach me via Pokemon or a similar device is.. apparent 3 times. I believe at another point, I was adopting a pet…a chinchilla with big adorable eyes. The rest is a blur but I know the person at the register behind the counter was a Black teen/young adult with a sweet and pretty smile. More school and parking lot shenanigans, glad I wasn’t Naked this time. Corvid and Grayhawk were in the dream Corvid and Grayhawk were talking about my art, there was a drastic bad turn of events, I feel like I was insulted over what I created desire burnout. I got angry. Then I remember lunging towards Corvid, and the counter and the realization of what’s going on stopped me, then Grayhawk warned me about getting angry and. I’m sure that’s not what was said, I believe I was going to get kicked out if I got angry enough to retaliate again. Then…our scenery changed drastically, I remember we were running. It gave off Marvel Vibes but something was different. It felt like a scene of the Last of Us, but the zombie-like creatures were slow and blackened with soot and char? They piled over each over trying to get to something. I could see who was around me…a formerly canine black furred humanoid(?) being kept looking around but stayed close to me. Grayhawk was best again also looking around trying to help. We were in the middle of trench like forest hills.. in the distance there were…3-4 gigantic humanoids. One with blonde hair, pale skin, and a red and blue latex suit was clear enough to notice. She may have seen me and she started to fight to get to me. Then I found myself panicked and on top of a grassy hill, where I saw a couple other big forest supernatural beings hiding in shelter the best I could. I remember trying to summon a Black Gemmed Toxic Staff from a previous dream, but was unable to call it forth. Then I tried to call my White Vernacular Magic Staff and I was having a bit more success when… I awoke to my own hand twitching against me.

20 Jun 2024



I had a dream I was at a theme park with my ex, husband, and son. In ny dream we were playing games and apparently I had sex with my ex and am hiding my pregnancy from everyone. I used magic to find my ex because I missed him and desired sex with him. I felt guilty about wanting him.

16 Jun 2024



I watched the Harry Potter and decided to play a real life game to find the horcrux but I wasn’t ready. My sister explained I had to put to jewels against the wall and a voice would tell me if it is an horcrux. It was complicated. I spoke with the voice and people thought I was crazy. I wouldn’t have found them in the three day period given. So I would by sequestrated. I tried to fly but it was hard

13 Jun 2024

Abandoned home


The witch francesca had an area that she created to do her alchemy. There were several demons in her capture. When one of the demons would not comply she relased her magic from that area and moved on. I moved on with her. I asked her about things i wanted to conjur and manifest and she said i needed a specific stone to do so. She indentifed the demon that had it. I then journeyed through a wasteland of where her magic once was and many scavengers had been by to retrive items. I came across the other demons who i was surprised to find them alive and free. They explained that their stones had been deemed usesless without the combination of francescas magic. The demon i was looking for was unique. He could activate some power in the stone but the stone was lost. We were both journeying to the area where francesca had built her magic land as well as her prison for the demons. I reached the abandoned and broken prison before the demon and saw that the stone could be retrieved through building a plug connecting peice to a live wire out of the wall. The other wires had been sealed in makeshift ways. I just wasnt sure how to do it. I asked vance for help. And then i woke up

7 Jun 2024



The Unicorn and the Doctor. So in my dreams, I was on the run. I had unicorn blood er Unicorn descentence. Kinda like the last unicorn. Not only do I have magick healing abilities but I can also grant youth and such so I’m often in the run or in dragon. Then I met this Black dragon. He was a doctor, kinda hot. He said he’d help me and so in return I gave him blood and stuff, helped him work with his patients (by choice of course) then there was this other blacky red dragon. Wanted me as his mate and was gonna force it to happen. I hate force and he was like high key abusive so doctor bro kinda helped me runaway along with this kid that worked under him. He had brown hair and a super peppy cute personality. He was a fae of some kind. He helped me by giving me teleport crystals. Anyway there was also this lady who I think was arranged to marry the doctor. (I think she was in love with him) apparently she kept updating the red dragon of our location. Also I think I was developing a crush on the doctor. Maybe. I think I may have been much older then all of them. The cute tiger boy with brown hair, I think he had a crush on me 🤷‍♀️ Anyways I hide around in the fae realm after brunette guy saved me. They ended up having me hide in this time trap with this big biker gang that kinda just adopted me immediately. I’m not sure why but they all though I was super duper cute and must be protected from life itself. The had eagle tattoos (A lot more happened in the dreams but I’m a bit too tired to remember. I did hear the doctors last name though)

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