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Dream Interpretation: Tattoo 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Tattoo? Discover the significance of seeing a Tattoo in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Tattoo appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Such dreams are often associated with one's identity. They symbolize your desires, individuality, and change. In addition, they signify an important decision that you have recently made or will be making shortly. They also suggest that you are finding ways to try and define yourself.

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🧭 Direction


Do you have any tattoos on your body? If yes, what do they mean? Do they say anything about your personality? They can be a way to express your emotions and reveal things about you, which you otherwise find hard to define. Identify your daily habits, personality as they will help you understand your subconscious needs.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a tattoo can evoke a mix of emotions. It may bring feelings of self-expression, individuality, and empowerment as tattoos are often seen as a form of personal art. However, it can also elicit anxiety or uncertainty, as getting a tattoo is a permanent decision. The dream may symbolize a desire for change or a need to leave a lasting mark on the world. Overall, the emotions associated with this dream can range from excitement and confidence to apprehension and contemplation.





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Dreams of users containing the word Tattoo

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9 Jul 2024



As I get a new tattoo sit down in the comfy couch watch TV and relax for a bit as I noticed my tattoo rip off my skin and fade away leaving flaky marks on my hand . Showing my family in amazement.

3 Jul 2024



I lived in Spain with my family, which consisted of a father and five siblings. We lived under a sort of points system. You earned points through good behavior, and these points acted as money. With points, we could pay for and buy drinks at the club. More and more children kept coming to our house because our father took in anyone who needed a home. As a result, we lived with a lot of people in a very small space. There were many children in a very impoverished house. I slept with many others in a room at the top of the house. Then we went out. After going out, we walked home, and a boy who was albino walked with us. He looked a lot like someone from a series I watched. I said to him, "Do you know Ian Gallagher from the series Shameless? You look like him." He replied that he was visually impaired, so he couldn't watch series. My so-called sister wanted to kiss him, but he rejected her. When we got home, that sister couldn't find her phone anywhere. She was also a primary school teacher and had drawings from primary school children in her hands. Another sister drank blue Fanta that was in the fridge. Then suddenly, I was at work. A new colleague joined us. She looked like someone I knew from Ex on the Beach. We then received a bonus from Raymond for our good work. I got €42.99. Raymond joked with me, saying, "Then you can get a new tattoo, Jake." My new colleague asked if I had many tattoos, and I said, "Not really." Then I asked her the same, and she said she had a small tattoo and showed it to me. I was shocked because it was the exact same tattoo that I had and in the same place. I showed mine to her, and we were both in shock. My tattoo was quite faded, but you could still see it.

2 Jul 2024



I was in this strange place that was almost like an army camp and my tattoo started to rub out which was extremely upsetting. I also got in an argument with a middle-aged man who was upset because I sprayed his vegetables in his vegetable garden with water by mistake and he was saying that I owed him £200 for damages and everyone was siding with him to the point where I felt like I was the one in the wrong but I didn't have £200 to give him. I then went to sleep in a tiny room that had been filled with random things and the door wouldn't close properly because it was broken and I had to be extremely quiet or another angry man would come and find me.

18 Jun 2024

Lucid Dream


I dreamed my daughter, Kota, wanted me to take them and their friend to a tattoo removal appointment that their friend had set up. While there, I was just laying back in a chair and looking around while their friend was having the tattoo removal done. At one point, I experienced being high on edibles in the dream while at the appointment and started becoming dizzy and disoriented. I was looking through racks of clothes while they were still busy working on the tattoos. I could see their friends tattoos covering the majority of her body. One of my sister in laws showed up and showed me this black, lacy, dress that was a costume of some kind and I had the lucid thought that I was being encouraged to take the dress, but I forced myself to give it back to the shop owners instead. I went to get food while waiting for them to finish the appointment. While eating in my car, a man with a thin face and gray hair appeared at my window and said he had an extra order for me, on the house. I looked up into his eyes and they were a glowing yellow, gold, color and his smile looked sinister. I told him I didn't want it. He walked around the car as if he was going to try to get in my passenger seat. I put the car in drive and started driving away to escape. I got to an area of the parking lot I'd have to turn around to get out on to the street and when I did I saw a vehicle coming towards me. I woke myself up at that point out of fear.

13 Jun 2024



Had tattoos all over my legs, they were in black ink. I was taking my child swimming and got changed and walked to the pool but slipped and fell in. I remember thinking I don't want to make a fuss so I'll walk slowly and just get in the pool. When I slipped and fell in, the life guard blew his whistle and everyone turned around to look! I was embarrassed and passed it off as I was fine. The swimming pool was quite busy but was clean and nice to swim in.

13 Jun 2024

Being Pregnant


I found out I was pregnant amd didn't know if I was going to keep the baby or not. I was in a train station and an invisible monster terrorised everyone in there. I couldn't speak properly when I ordered my ticket and the staff member asked me to call someone. I was in a swimming costume and was going swimming. I looked in the mirror and I had massive colourful tattoos all down my legs.

12 Jun 2024



I’m driving a car, my family is in it. It’s dark, maybe rains a little. We are going on a bridge and I’m drinving up this spiral thing. My daughter suddenly screams: watch out! You are on the wrong side. I’m calm. I think that I already felt weird. But I take the time to check if she is right. I see 2 cars coming my way. I know she is right. I go a bit on the side, let 2 cars pass and then I make a u-turn. Really not a big deal. As we come back down, 2 men are trying to stop me. Telliing me I can‘t go through. I find it silly, my husband argues with them. And I just quickly go. We are back home, I‘m working on an art projet, maybe a tatto. My husband is on the phone and hands me the phone. It‘s his best friend asking me how Iam. I‘m not sure what he means. He says because if the bridge thing. I say that I have already forgotten about it. Normally these things I don‘t hang on to. I want to ho back to my work and hang up. My husband cones and wants to emnrace me. I have an idea at that moment about my drawing. I hug him, but my thoughts are somewhere else….

3 Jun 2024



It's a very strange dream. I dreamt that I was in school and we had to prepare, I mean a lot of kids had to prepare for some type of exam in language class. It was like a language test but we had to prepare for a specific part in the essay that was about a book we read and we didn't have a lot of information. But the dream is strange because we would get a prize or something, whoever did the best and could write about what happened in the book can remember the most information. But what happened was the teacher actually gave us permission to be artistic and even, what it was, we had to tattoo ourselves on a place in our body that portrayed the essay in a way or something like that. And I remember I was really excited so I got to this one person, a guy, and I didn't have a lot of money, I explained to him what he should tattoo and as he was starting to tattoo my left arm it was very painful and I wasn't used to it because in real life I do have tattoos but in the dream it was very painful and I looked down and I noticed that the tattoo doesn't make sense. So I asked him later, did he understand me, does he know what's going on, is he aware of what he should tattoo? And he answered me no, he's just using his intuition because he doesn't understand how is he supposed to know about the book we read or what's in the essay. And then I just said leave it, leave it, don't continue your work but I was devastated because my arm, it wasn't what I wanted and it was so sore I was even bleeding. So I left this guy and I walked toward another guy that had a smaller tattoo stand. I didn't have a lot of money but I sat in his chair and waited for an appointment. He came up to me and he gave me money. I asked him why he was giving me money and he said he can't have somebody sitting there crying because it's bad for his business. But I explained to him I'm waiting because I don't have any other options, this guy ruined my arm, look can you fix it, I'll give you the rest of my money. And he took pity on me and started doing the tattoo but he asked different questions, he didn't ask anything about the book or the essay, he asked questions about myself, how do I see myself, how's my personality and whatever. And I don't know what it had to do with the tattoo but at the end I was very happy and I looked down at my arm, he did a great, great job. And even when I went back to the other kids, the teacher was so impressed because it was a beautiful tattoo sleeve that portrayed a lot of the information about the book and the essay and it was very creative and just, it was awe inspiring and I remember I could do the test properly and I got good marks. So yeah, it was very weird.

23 May 2024



So I had a dream that I was with Suki and basically getting tattooed and she basically catered to me on my birthday

23 May 2024



I dreamed that my one of my ex boyfriends current partners - Anna - (they’re in a polyamorous relationship) messaged me that on my ex boyfriends birthday, her and him were super closeby but hadn't come to say hi. She encouraged me to go see him. So I drove to him house and she let me in and we talked for a few minutes. It was nice and easy for a little while. Then my ex and his other current partner came back and she was very mean right away. She started talking about how much weight she lost, how much better she was than me. My ex boyfriend and I got to hug and talk for a moment. Then his parents called on a video call to wish him a happy birthday. They were happy to see me and Anna together there with Ryan. Anna showed me a tattoo she had done at a shop near me and we enjoyed each other's company talking about her tattoo and how much I enjoyed getting my tattoo from the same shop. Ryan's kids came upstairs and he was sad that they hadn't said happy birthday or anything to him and then they left with their mom. While Ryan was outside dealing with his kids going with their mom, his other current partner started saying that my cooking was horrible and openly mocking me. I said it was time to leave and got up to go. I grabbed my water bottle from the table and started leaving. It was then that she did some magic spell and reversed time. She played security footage that showed me hitting her with my water bottle to try to get Ryan and Anna mad at me. I tried explaining that I'd never do that, but the camera showed it, so they didn't seem to believe me. I tried leaving and she started chasing after me. Attacked me, effortlessly, with whatever she could find nearby; golf clubs, ski poles, anything. I tried to fight back, but couldn't. So I pulled free of the spell and walked out the door. She came after me. I looked back and said, "it's okay that you don't like me, I'm just not for you, that's all." Then when I got to my car, Ryan had left me a note on a red piece of paper that said he appreciated me coming up to see him and how much it meant to him. That he'd like to try to talk when he can. I noticed that my grey car was damaged on the roof and had writing on it when I got back in it.

5 May 2024



I got 2 tatoos one of something i dont know and the other tatoo was of bart simpson on my bicep pointing to me towards my face. It cost 125$ and vance, my boyfriend who i live with paid the tatoo artist.

24 Apr 2024



I’m in one of my old houses and I’m at the top of these stairs that lead to the basement and me and my mom hear something down there. I go down there and I see a figure and I run straight back upstairs. I’m at the top of the steps and I see a figure of a ghost girl with a long white sleeveless dress. She fades into the darkness. My mom goes down there and I’m waiting for her to come back up and she’s taking a while. I shout for her and get no answer. I go down there and my mom is standing in a corner, silent and she has blank look on her face. And her eyes are dark and there’s black circles under her eyes. I quickly get her back upstairs and she seems to be in shock. I’m at my grandma and grandpas house (my mom’s parents) and we’re all in their kitchen and my cousin Josh comes over cause he wanted to see me. It’s been a while since we saw each other. He’s catching up with me and then telling me about some new tattoos he got. And when I’m looking around it looks exactly like their kitchen and it feels very vivid too. In the dream I noticed that I was missing my cousin and happy that he wanted to see me. My grandpa is talking to us as well. There’s another relative there that I can’t remember who it was though.

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