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Dream Interpretation: Three 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Three? Discover the significance of seeing a Three in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Three appears in your dream ✅

Three symbol
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💡Possible meaning

This symbol could have various meanings, all representing your personality. For example, this could mean having a charming, artistic personality that also exudes extravagance, shallowness, naive, and unfocused qualities. Sometimes it also represents optimism, self-exploration, talent, patience, and imagination; however, this too has a shadow side signifying hypocrisy, intolerance or prejudice, and overindulgence.

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🧭 Direction

Good fortune

Seeing three of anything in your dream means one of these things impacts your life. By noticing which trait personally connects with you, and the details of the symbol (was it positive or negative?), you will understand what you need more or less of in your life.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of three can evoke a sense of balance, harmony, and completeness. It may bring feelings of stability, unity, and a sense of wholeness. This dream symbolizes the power of trios and the potential for collaboration and cooperation. It may also represent the past, present, and future or the mind, body, and spirit. Overall, the dream of three elicits a sense of equilibrium and a recognition of the interconnectedness of various aspects of life.





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8 Aug 2024



I only got 3 hours of sleep and I don't remember even dreaming.

20 Jun 2024



Last night I had 2 dreams. The first dream was there was a teacher doing an activity with three young boys. These young boys were given three types of flowers and they were to offer them to members of an audience in the theatre. Once the boys had given out these flowers, it was time for a swap over so more people could do it. My second dream was that I was sitting in a theatre with 3 friends and my husband, we saw a projection of an animal film on the stage. This was also an interactive film so there were gonna be some jump scares. As the film was playing, when the snake bit came up, you could see snakes crawling on the walls of the theatre. There was also a bit where a lion came to get someone, next thing I felt and saw was a lion had tipped my chair back and was looking at me from above ready to maul me to death, I wasn't too terrified but it ended with me fainted in my husbands arms outside the theatre.

20 Jun 2024



I was being transported to an unknown location in the back of the car. There was no indicate threat at the time but I figured it was best to stay hidden. I remember one street being extremely busy as there seemed to be loads of people. The driver drops us of and I’m in this room there are 3 beds lined up togeather. My daughters are in 1 of the 2 beds so I assume that bed is for me but no idea who the other 2 beds are for. Here’s where things pick up out of nowhere there is a group of people who seem to make it their mission to come after me. It’s not clear what they want from me but none the less they are after me. Either I fend them off or they disappear before making another apesrence later on. The only other person of note was this attractive goth girl. It’s actually not clear weather she’s there to help me or if she’s actually part of the group that’s attacking me. There was one part of the dream where I ask for her number and the group of attackers reappear with one of them saying “you really shouldn’t be falling into traps like this one”

8 Nov 2023



Things are repetitive. Like this school concept keep appers in my dreams; a school library, weird classes on the fist floor, a bookstore and etc. It happened today too, I can sum up today's dream; thoroughout my dream about one thousand people died at the school. There were lots of incidents but the one incidents that I can remember the most is this. There was a weird river outside the school and between the river and the school, there was this eerie atsmospheric place that people do drugs. I don't know why but students went field studies to the river, about 3 or 4 students in one boat at a time. Some students died in the river and some didn't. There was one day where 3 boats went field studies to the river and 3 of them all died. Sadly, one of my closest person died that day. I don't know the context here but I ran though the hallway in school thinking about how many people died this year. It was about one thousand. Suddenly I was in horror that I might die too so I kept running. For some reason I borrowed books at the school library in early days and I was so stressed by the fact that I couldn't return them. My older sister got so angry about how her teacher started youtube and he used his classes' privates to get more views on youtube. There were some more scenes but it's so blury to recall things up.

8 Nov 2023

My crush


So my dream started off with me at school, just an average day, nothing different than usual. Then, I get to one class, which is not one I usually have in real life, and there’s 3 main people in it, my friend, her brother that I’m also friends with, and then a third guy that’s friends with the brother. Anyways, the two boys are sitting on the other side of the classroom, and I’m sitting behind my friend and talking to her. Then, I hear my name kinda come from over where the guys are sitting, and look over, and the brother was like, “No no no, he was the one who said your name,” and proceeded to point to his friend, who looked upset that he said this. I just kind of turn back to talking to my friend cause I don’t know what’s going on, and I decide that I don’t want to know anyways. A minute or two later, the class is singing random songs, and then my friend’s brother ends up saying he has a crush on me- Basically when that happened I remember taking my hat and just like hiding my face entirely, kinda melting into the seat I was in because I don’t like him, but felt bad because of that. I don’t know. Next thing I know school is over, and I’m walking outside towards my bus, but on the way there I come across the friend, and he was like, “Hey how’d it go? Y’all dating yet?” and he like gestured to dab me up, and even though it’s not a normal thing for me in real life, I like dab him up and then give him a hug and tell him, “Nahhh, I don’t like him, but I also feel really bad because of it. Not sure what to do.” And the guy was all like, “Oh yeah for sure, that’s understandable. Byeee!” So that’s where the dream ended. I woke up extremely confused too.

8 Nov 2023



My wife and I left an event at work but had to turn around and go back because I forgot something. It was getting dark. As we drove in to the business complex we saw someone get abducted by a man into an old looking car. We tried to intervene and ended up getting abducted too. At some point the abducted had to stop at an empty closed shopping center, he'd ended up getting into a fight with another guy and the 3 of us decided to run, the other lady ran in a different direction. My wife and I ran to the shops. It seemed like we were at a dead end but my wife found a window that we could escape through. We were hiding in a field and saw the abducters catch up to the other lady, I am not sure what happens to her then. At some point we make our way back home on foot, we seek help at a local hardware store but the owners notified the abducters that we were there. The abducters found us, we tried to run again but couldn't. They stabbed me, not deep cuts, all over my body without killing me. Then they let us go and we were fine.

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