Dream interpretation about Ex, Attack, Fight, Kidnapping, Pregnant, Crash, Girlfriend, Mother, Police, Scream, Son, Friend, Being fat, Hug, Crying, Living, Meeting, Boyfriend, Daughter, Girl, House, Mall, Man, Sleep, Bathroom, Bed, Hair, Thought, Looking, Walking, Clothes, Couch, Purple, Ask, my-ex, My House, My Room, Confused, Living Room, Pastor
I had a dream I was sleeping in the bed with my daughter and I was dreaming. In the dream my daughter was being kidnapped and I was screaming and crying then I woke up from the dream. I was still in the dream and my ex boyfriend came into my room. I asked him how did he get into my house and he said my son let him in. He looked drunked and confused and i asked him to leave. He also had a man with him that was his friend. I did not like that he came to my house unannouced with a friend . Then he said him and his friend just wanted to hang out because they had nowhere else to go . I later found out he brought his girlfriend over to my house as well. This made me really angry so i went downstairs to find out if this was true. I went downstairs and his girlfriend was siting in my living room on my couch. As soon as she saw me she got up to run and i grabbed her and starting beating her up. In the dream i was fat and ugly with no hair! . I grabbed his girlfriend by her hair and threw her out of my house. She said she didnt want to fight me because she thought i was pregnant. The police came and my house was a diaster. My ex and his girlfriend destroyed my house and i was so upset. I called my mother in law and told her what happend and she came over. I decided to leave and take a walk then i bumped into my pastor and me and him were walking and ended up in the mall. He bought me a beautiful purple dress. I put the dress on and it turned black. Then i met this girl in the bathroom and gave her a hug while we were doing our hair.
Dream date:
19 Jan 2024
Emotional tone:
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