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Dream Interpretation: Purple 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Purple? Discover the significance of seeing a Purple in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Purple appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Purple is a color of royalty, luxury, and spirituality. It may represent your desire for power, wealth, and status. Alternatively, it may symbolize your spiritual journey, inner wisdom, and intuition. It can also indicate creativity, imagination, and inspiration.

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🧭 Direction


Think about the context in which you saw the color purple in your dream. Is there anything in your waking life that relates to this color? If you saw purple in a positive context, it may be a sign of good luck and success. If you saw it in a negative context, it may be a warning to be cautious of your desires for power and status. Trust your intuition and inner wisdom to guide you towards your goals.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of purple evokes a sense of mystery and enchantment. It brings forth feelings of creativity, spirituality, and luxury. This color symbolizes power, ambition, and independence. It may also represent a desire for individuality and uniqueness. The dream of purple can leave one feeling inspired and connected to their inner self, encouraging them to explore their imagination and embrace their passions. It signifies a sense of royalty and elegance, leaving a lasting impression of sophistication and grace.





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17 Jul 2024



I can’t really remember how this one started. The first thing I remember is being outside at some sort of house party. The night sky had a big purple light in it. I wa sitting at a table facing twoard the houses exterior wall. A lot of stuff happened that I can’t really remember now but eventually it transitioned. Two friends at I were inside a grocery store. One friend looked professional (like she worked there) the other two of us were just shopping. I didn’t realize we were planning to steal until she put two small vases of flowers into our cart and told us something about the store not taking notice. Then there was a big commotion with a manager and some customers that gave us space to leave through the front doors. We started making our way down the street but quickly realized we were being chased by the manager. We were on bikes. I don’t remember much of what happened next but I escaped and got home and waited in my car for them. I was angry. It was raining hard. I moved my car a few feet and then reversed and put it back where it was originally parked. I saw my female friend (the well dressed one) show up in a hoodie. After a while I got out and went up to her. She told me that she had buried her bike (to not be found) and that our male friend (the one who ran with me) had been beaten up and she didn’t know where he was. She told me it wasn’t my fault. I don’t remember much else

11 Jul 2024



I wake up in a barely lumminated bedroom that gives the space a purple hue and go down stairs in a house that looks like a remodeled verison of a house i used to live in and see what seems to be a race war between black neighbors on my side and white neighbors in the other both arguing over a large U-haul movers truck thats almost bigger and wider than the house itself, i ignore it and go inside and talk to my mother who tells me that she knows im taking phioenix dust and tells me to be wary using that stuff during my secret workout sessions upstairs.

30 Jun 2024



I was hosting a yard sale and had a good amount of high quality things for sale. I had a tent up for sale and one woman was interested in purchasing it. There was an expensive grey backpack that she was also interested in purchasing and I offered it to her for $10. When we opened the tent, it had a bunch of cute purses hanging inside of it. I noticed a small purple one and decided to keep it for myself and leave the rest to the lady. I offered it all to her for $40, while reminding her that it was a good price for all that was included and she agreed. I wanted to sell it for more but decided to keep it a decent price so I could get rid of the things I was selling. Her total came out to $50 and she pulled the money out of her wallet and handed it to me. Suddenly, I was in a room that belonged to me and I was with roommates (who are co-workers from a previous job and don’t actually live with me). We were having a conversation and they were helping me move and change the furniture around. We switched out our all black furniture for a light wood color. I was pregnant and telling them that I didn’t know why I always move my things around, and that I was due for labor that same day and needed to get ready to leave. They asked me what I was having and I couldn’t remember. I told them I never was told the gender of my baby. Gabriel (who was the baby’s father) then calls me and asks me where I was. I told him I would take an Uber to the hospital and meet him there. I order my Uber and hurried to get ready for labor. I realized I didn’t prepare anything for myself to take and I rush to get myself ready and packed to go. When I checked to see where the Uber was, it said the ride had been cancelled. Apparently, I took too long and missed my ride. When I looked at the time I was already late for my labor appointment. I panicked a little and became frustrated. I then wondered if it was okay to be late or to miss my own labor. Couldn’t I just reschedule it for another time?

20 Jun 2024



Pointing out that my mother has a different colored pomeranian every day. (Monday: Red, Tuesday: Orange, Wednesday: Yellow, Thursday: Green, Friday: Blue, Saturday: Purple, Sunday: Pink.)

13 Jun 2024

My crush


i was at this house with my mom helping take cqre of my baby brother and baby sister and my baby brothed keeps juet not listening its tike for him to go to sleep and he wont go and j look at his bed which is cut in half diagonally, and hes thrown a bumch of food into the empty part of his bed instead of eating it, and i have to tell him he camt do that, so i scoup up the dry mac n cheese fron there and hwat it up and eat jt and then my mom husband comes to the house and brings in my grandmas twin, but is telling me its her, i know she didnf realky have a twin but i tell them i dont wqnt her pretending to be my grandma i knkw shes gone and she could never be her so id rather get to know her as herself not as mt grandma bc she will never get to be her. and im upset qnd my vouce is a little shaky for this whike trying to stufd my mouth full of mac n cheese so i dont have to talk anymore. and then it cuts from there to me keaving the house and goung tk go meet up with my bestfriend and her new crusb qnd his frjend. and his friend i kind of havs a crush on but i know i shouldnt be around him at all but im using hik to not bw around my bestfeiend and her new crush becaus ei do not apprpve of them together, and me and her are waljing down this parking garage to go keet with them and im just hoping his friend will be there because evem tho i know i shoildnt be around h8m bc i love my boyfriend and wouod never do anything, i feel guilty wanting to he aroumd this other guy and when we finally make it to them my bestfriend and her crush kind of just disappear in the distance like i can see thek but i cant hear them and i dont really wan tto pay them any attentjon anyways because she shouldnt be trying to date this guy, and this guys friend and me are jsut subtle flirting there isnt much talkign but i can feel it and i ask him if i can put a sticker on his phone and he lets me butbi cant dwcide bc i dont eant to do a romantic one but i figred he wohldnt like the other ones so he grabs the stickers and puts this purple heart flowery sticker on his phone ajd says something about loving me, and were all climbing around these tall building and ealking around this really big and empty parking garage

7 Jun 2024



I was with my mom and we were in this shop. I was struggling to sleep and we were in there to try and find something that would help me sleep. So we asked this shop lady if she had anything for me and she walked over to get something from the other side of the shop. She came back with this feather, and it immediately made sense to me that I would use this feather to stroke myself to sleep. And so my face lit up. She didn’t have to say anything. She said we have these in different colors over here and me and my mom went over there to find one. This feather the lady was holding was a blue and orange feather. So I brought one of them home I think this one was a purple feather.

30 May 2024

Serial killer


Dreamt there was a serial killer killing teenage girls. He would display them, dressing them like popular dolls. Each girl would be discovered by another girl in the neighborhood. Also dreamt I was at an event with 2 children I believe I was fostering. It was a formal event. I checked in and saw a lot of old coworkers. As we were looking for a seat, a choir procession began. They were in purple gowns. I also dreamt I was at an event contemplating the idea of fostering/adopting. I was deciding between an infant or teens. My kids were already gone from the home. I was concerned about raiding teens in my 60s.

21 May 2024



I’m in a large clothing store that seems fimilar. I’m shopping alone but everyone knows me. I look around the endless rooms at all the clothes and a girl points out a fluffy dark purple coat on the highest rack. I want it so bad. No one is around to help. I grab one of the hooks that reaches the ceiling, I am too afraid to look up. I ask for help and no one can. I face my fear and look up even though it hurts I reach for the coat with the gaint hook and snag one down. I try it on, other girls gather around and I ask how it looks. Everyone loves it but it feels too small. The coat is now orange and purple and I’m wearing an orange shirt. Too much orange, I take off the orange shirt and I’m wearing a white tank top. My body is perfect in the mirror. I want to try on the larger size coat but I have to use a hook that is 10 times harder to get it. I can’t reach the bigger size it’s impossible. I settle for the small coat but I can’t afford it. I start looking around for my mom to ask her to buy it because I know I can convince her easy. Then I start looking at everything I’m wearing, a lot of it is from the store. How can I buy it all? I think I could probably steal the belt. I’m wearing white tights I begin to take off and they rip to shreds like paper. The scene changes and I’m in a grocery store, I have to buy something. I look at the kids chocolate milk. Then I look for my mom.

18 May 2024

Haunted house


A graveyard visit The cemetery in the mountains, much like the one we visited for their park facilities in Izu That but make it more ragged and overgrown, mountainous and the paths winding I get haunted and such, we try to escape The ghost i believe was that of a woman We look for certain things to seal it according to all the information we could gather from the found items(maps, some cryptic messages, the cemetery mansion’s origins and such…) We fly off the cliff and try to go back to Atami I believe, flying over the bow-curved shorelines Butterflies Brown and purple

15 May 2024



It was a beautiful flowers and tree and food on the trees and my mom was there and my cat was there.and the all of a sudden it turned green and black and my cat was cat was under a house trying to catch a mouse.and a purple monster showed up and it had light purple body.and he had on underwear and a shirt.i was looking everywhere and I was creeper out.and I was searching for my cat.and my mom was there but she disappeared.

9 May 2024



i was at my grandparents house, my grandma was still alive. the house had a backwards layout, but it was the same furniture. i was sitting on the couch holding this baby boy, he was a chubby baby. blonde hair, blue eyes, and just the cutest face. i remember holding him, cause grandma told me to keep him away from crayons, glass dishes, and dog treats on the floor. so i just held him. grandma was crocheting something, it was just peaceful. it was golden hour, the sun was shining through the window, it was beautiful. everything was covered in a golden color, i almost shed a tear. everything was how it should’ve been. i sat the baby up right on the couch, supporting its back and sides with the couch pillows, and i went on the floor to play or something. i got back up after a while picking up the crayons off the floor, so the baby could crawl around, and i noticed the baby had purple, red, and blue all over its mouth. he was holding a purple crayon, and i said “DONT YOU DAR-“ and he started eating the crayon. i grabbed it from his hand, and he was giggling so much. i said “you know you’re not supposed to e-“ and he pulled out another one that had a bite left, and he shoved it in his mouth so fast i couldn’t grab it. i pried his mouth open to try and dig it out, but it was already at the back of his throat. i said “don’t choke..” and he swallowed it. i said “okay that’s enough.”. i picked him back up and held him for a bit, then i put him on the floor. grandma said “don’t let him get those!”. he immediately started crawling for a glass cup, i jumped up and immediately got the cup, then he went to the corner of the couch for the dog treat that was there. i sat the glass cup on the t.v stand and picked the baby up. i tried to sit it back on the couch again but he was too squirmy. someone else grabbed the baby for me and held it while i picked the floor up. grandma got up and said “i’ll be outside if you need me!” and she went out the back door through the kitchen. i finished picking everything up and brought the dishes to the sink, and i started to run the water to do the dishes, and i heard that girl on the couch say “what are you doing? you know you don’t have to do those dishes.”. i said “yeah i know. i just wanna do one last thing for grandma to show how much i appreciated her.”. i leaned over to try and look out the window to see where grandma was, but i couldn’t really see her. i think she was out by the dogs graves. unless she was digging one for herself, i don’t remember but i had gotten that feeling she was when i woke up. but anyways after trying to look out the window, i went to grab one of the dishes out of the dish pile, and i woke up. i was so sad i didn’t get to say goodbye to grandma one last time.

8 May 2024



Somehow I was drawn to those tiny animals of all species and was able to understand what they were saying when all I heard was squeaks one little tiny dragon wolf was a purple emerald pink color had a special powerful brace on and for reasons unknown I was chosen to inherit all of its healing abilities to help those who need help immediately but after I helped this tiny creature it became very protective over me... it was very calming yet hilarious especially when it laughed of course all in sqeaks

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