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Dream Interpretation: Son šŸ˜“ - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Son? Discover the significance of seeing a Son in your dream šŸ’¤ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Son appears in your dream āœ…

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šŸ’”Possible meaning

This is a symbol of your responsibilities, care, and love. Often, people will dream about harm befalling their son when they feel anxious, stressed, or not strong enough to protect or attend to their responsibilities and loved ones.

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šŸ§­ Direction


Believe in yourself! You are strong enough to care for and protect those things you love. However, doubt will sabotage your abilities. Notice the state of the relationship between you and this vulnerable part of yourself and your relationships. Believe in yourself to make the changes and take the stand you need.

ā¤ļø Feelings

The dream about a son can evoke feelings of love, pride, and responsibility. It may symbolize the deep emotional connection and bond between a parent and child. The dreamer may feel a sense of joy and fulfillment in seeing their son grow and succeed. It can also bring a sense of protectiveness and the desire to provide guidance and support. Overall, this dream may elicit warm and positive emotions associated with family and parenthood.





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Dreams of users containing the word Son

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17 Jul 2024



I had a dream that I had a son. My mom was driving me back from the hospital. We got into the driveway of the house, ig I was living back at home, and I was kind of excited. As we're getting out the car some neighbors came to greet us and see the new baby. I was kind of uneasy because I was trying to smile through the fact that my boyfriend was no where to be found. Where is you boyfriend my mom asked and my neighbors waited for a response. I wanted to cry and scream but I simply said, "I'm not sure. I think he's coming soon. " I started to get my son out the back seat as I was fully recognizing that I was someones mother. I knew it. I knew I would have a son first for some reason. As I started to unbuckle him from the car seat, he started to slip though it. The car seat started to fall apart. Oh wow. My neighbor said. That is not a great car seat. I snapped, I know, I had to use my baby doll car seat because I have no place to put him. I picked him up and held him in my arms. I thought about how tiny he was but that would only last a few days. I needed a bigger car seat. I started to think about the face that I'm responsible for this human being for the rest of my life. I continued to hold him and looked up at my mother. Her eyes were full of pity. Tears began to swell in my eyes. I shouted, I didn't even want a child and now he left me alone with a son! I began to really feel the pain of being left alone. I went inside with my son. As I was walking I was thinking of all my options to get him a car seat. I figured I would ask my dad to buy me a all in one stroller/car seat for my birthday instead of the gift he was giving me. I started planning a baby shower in my head and taking a mental note of everything I wanted on my Amazon shopping list. I laid him on the bed and began to cry again, almost in denial that I was really alone with this child.

16 Jul 2024



I was in a big store that looked like Walmart. There were a few familiar faces who apparently worked with me, one of them being an ex-friend named Rosa. As I was sorting SIM cards, I run into a guy and a small child (toddler). He looked very familiar, I knew him from somewhere. He says hi to me and he tells his little one to say hi as well. We have a conversation and he tells me that I am the mother of his little one. I got caught by surprise because I didnā€™t remember ever birthing any other child but my son Issac. He looked a little hurt and asked me if I didnā€™t remember a few years back when he got me pregnant. Suddenly, I got a flash of memories. In the memory, I remembered that we had a one night stand and had an accidental pregnancy. I let him know about the pregnancy and that I was going to abort. He begged me to keep his child and told me he would take full responsibility and not ask anything of me. He just really wanted a kid. I was hesitant of keeping the pregnancy but he kept insisting, so I decided to have the baby and give up my parental rights to him. When I had these memories, I felt extremely guilty that I had a child, gave him up and forgot about him. I went over, introduced myself to the boy and gave him a hug. He looked so much like his father and looked only a little bit older than Issac. I let dad know that I was sorry for forgetting about our child and that I wanted the opportunity to be in his life because he deserved to have a mother. He seemed surprised by it but was open to it and then they left. I started to think about how I was going to break the news to my family, Issacā€™s dad and all my loved ones. Nobody knew about the existence of this boy and I had forgotten about it myself. I wondered how I was able to block the memory out of my mind for so long. I knew I had to make things right, let all my loved ones know about ā€œmy first bornā€ and make up for lost time with this boy.

14 Jul 2024

Abandoned home


12yr old estranged autistic son is suppose to be being watch by a relative who has passed away, but the relative is not paying attention so I find my son by hearing his screams. He is in a decapitated abandoned building with one eye hanging out and bloody scratches all over his face.

14 Jul 2024



I dream of a way over flowing water and truning into a river while am suppose to walk in the water while caring my son an my back

13 Jul 2024

Abandoned home


13yr old autistic son who I never see was in an abandoned house with his eyeball hanging out and face all scratched up and bloody

13 Jul 2024



I am hanging out with Patrick and Brittany Mahomes and Travis Kelce. My son Blake is there. I tell Brittany and Patrick congratulations on their new baby.

12 Jul 2024



I was driving my car home with my father in the right passenger seat mumbling about something. He sees a person in a blue polo shirt and long white pants dragging a sign. My dad was saying that he hates realtors or something political of some sort. I made the right turn into our street as I see more of the same type of people in front of our neighbors home. They saw our car as we were pulling up the driveway and started making their way towards us. We started walking into the garage. That's when I noticed my mom was heading out to the front yard with a broom and I could hear my mom say no we are not interested, thank you. I heard one of the blue shirts talking back in like a rude fashion but with a happy faceq. I head into the house and closed the front door. After closing the front door, I turned around and see a brand new closet on the left where our bathroom used to be. It smelt new and it had brand new hangers inside of it. I thought, wow this is so convenient and decided to grab some of my clothes to put in. Immediately after, I hear this barking. I knew it wasn't my dogs because they dislike going outside. I opened the front door, head into the garage, and I see this small pug outside. It was shivering and sad. As I was getting close to it, I saw money starting to fall to the ground from a gray pants. I tried my very best to grab all the money before it started to fly away. That's when I noticed a twenty dollar bill caught wind and started to fly away. I chased after it. As I was chasing the twenty dollar bill, I thought I saw a clip of money on the ground and started to investigate it. Found out it was only trash. I immediately disregard the trash and contined to chase after the twenty dollar bill. Unfortunately, a bird grabbed the money before I could and flew over the fence into a bush. I was like oh well at least I got some money. I turned around and head back home. As I was walking back, I noticed this guy and son looking outside my neighbors house on the right side of my house. I didn't think much of it and tried to head inside my house. That's when the weird guy who looked like he was on Crack started approaching me asking if I saw his gray pants. I tried standing my ground saying that I seen no such thing. He started to laugh and then said, if you see it, tell me. I refused to touch him in any sort. He turned around and started talking to himself that he needed to find the money before the big man came along. I see this Christmas float parade enter my cul-de-sac and i asked the weird guy, is it that guy?. The Crack man was going absolutely crazy and the big man started talking with him while sitting on the float. I headed into my house and closed the door. I looked out the window and see what was going on outside. It was like a big Christmas party happening with one of the neighbors.

11 Jul 2024



I apparently left a girl watching my son, Issac, at a big playground. I walk over to the playground to meet up with them. The girl turns out to be a random girl I went to school with named Deanna. It was as if she was his nanny. We start conversating at the playground but I canā€™t remember about what. While we talk, weā€™re both chasing my son Issac around. Suddenly, Iā€™m a little girl at that same playground. My dad is at the playground taking care of me. I was playing and suddenly got the urge to run to my dad, so I did and I gave him a big hug and held on to him.

10 Jul 2024

Big waves


There was a great wave, like a tsunami, drowning everything in ice cold water. It was so violent, so huge, just one big wave that destroyed everything in its path. I could hear people running but no one said a word, it was completely silent, almost like I wasnā€™t able to hear anymore but I could still hear the water rushing. It wasnā€™t even like being under water, it was more like an extremely heavy blanket that weighed me down. Suddenly I found myself in a room. My youngest son was there playing, like any normal day. There was another woman there, older than me, I somehow knew she was a nanny to some other kid I couldnā€™t see but I knew was there. I sat there, completely calm but also knowing I had moments before been in a tsunami wave although everything was completely normal now. Inside I felt the urge to run, to go outside and help and see the disaster the wave mustā€™ve left behind but I didnā€™t move. I couldā€™ve, nothing was stopping me. But I didnā€™t. I just sat there, watching my son calmly play.

10 Jul 2024



My dream begins with me sleeping in the same place that I fell asleep in in real life. I am woke up by the man who is laying in bed with me, only its not the man who is in my bed in real life. It is my son's father, who has been deceased for ten years. We are both naked. He proceeds to spread my legs apart, and he starts to perform oral sex. An alarm woke me up from the dream, but I quickly fell back to sleep, and my dream picked up in the exact place that it left off at. In bed, with my son's deceased father. Only, this time, somehow the bedroom changed into the backseat of a car. The car was uncontrollably driving through some sort of parking lot with people walking to and from their vehicles. The car had no driver, just us in the back seat. In my dream, I had an over-all feeling of being content. I was not worried about what my naked body looked like. Because I was with my son's father, I was happy.

7 Jul 2024

New Home
Quitting a job
Teeth falling out


I was talking with my adult son who lives in another state. I saw that there was something wrong with his teeth. It looking like a couple of his teeth were missing. I asked what happened and he said he broke his tooth because he grinds his teeth in his sleep. He was wearing glasses , which he normally doesnā€™t. He has good vision. I asked him how things were going and he said he quit his job and has a way of living in a new house every few weeks. I told him of my concern about quitting his job and he said ā€œ donā€™t worry about it. I have a new thing that Iā€™m doing . Iā€™m making plenty of money and I change houses whenever I wantā€. Thatā€™s when I woke up.

4 Jul 2024



I was at this store with my son. We walked around for a little while and I bought him a toy and I got some lingerie to surprise my boyfriend. When we left the store we walked past this playground in the neighborhood I used to live in as a child. I had to move my son because he almost got his by a kid in a swing. Next thing I know I run into a friend and we go back to her place. We are chilling in a room when she walks out to do something. I looked up and wonder where the attic door came from when it slowly started opening. I immediately felt fear and covered myself up with a thin see through blanket. The attic door opened all the way and this dark dead hand appeared and dragging me off the bed and tried to drag me under the bed. I woke up afraid and could still feel the hand from the dream

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