Dream interpretation about Shit, Leaving, Moving, Family, Fun, Group, Heart, Black man, Bike, Child, Cousin, Dog, Pool, Couple, House, Light (Not Dark), Metal, Boy, Door, Head, Point, Thought, Type, Hills, Looking, Walking, Ass, Creepy, Panic, Passing, Racing, Words, Playing, Super
my cousin & I decided to go for a walk, because I’d been to wherever we were (in the dream) & told her I thought she’d like it on the walk / hike, there were white people with their kids, some alone, some on bikes or with their dogs, all on the trail/roads we were on I consciously acknowledged the surroundings starting to change and feel unfamiliar and uncomfortable but we eventually got to this store / bar place with a pool table & I told her I had to go get something & I’d be back I left my cousin, then went on my own walk and it was an actual hike like on a dirt road, mountain trail type thing People were still passing, families, couples, singles, bikes & dogs but they were all looking at me weird a few bikes almost ran into me, they seemed like they didnt see me til i said words ?? one person had a kid on a tricycle & maybe somebody with them and said “sorry for starring, but i’m just wondering… do they even let black people here?” & i didnt here the person at first so i said “huh?” they said “oh, i’m just wondering what you do when it gets dark around here” & i remember by this point, i was panicking trying to find my way back to the place my cousin was so we could go home, there was a kinda steep dirt hill and some metal fences that i was trying to navigate thru the white people to get to when this person ^^ started talking to me so my response was “i don’t come out after dark, thats why I’m trying to get back” & they just had a creepy, sinister ass energy & didnt say anything but i heard “good luck” in my head my heart was racing & i was moving faster & frantically now & eventually i saw the place my cousin was, started kinda running & when i got to the door there was a black man (i thought) then in my head i said “a black person???” then looked up and he turned into a white dude??? it was like the black was an illusion or he only looked that way in a certain light?? but his darkskin faded into white and then he acted friendly in a very uncomfortable way, on some get out type shit when i got into the building my cousin was playing pool & listening to music w a group of white boys our Age-ish she looked like she was having fun, i told her we had to go then everyones energy got super creepy and froze and i said “NOW” then i woke up
Dream date:
25 Jan 2024
Emotional tone:
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