Dream interpretation about Sex, Died, Dead, Injury, New Job, Yelling, Moving, Control, Doctor, Mad, School, Car, Father, Tooth, Flying, Middle, Mind, Reason, Driving, Situation, Sleep, Gym, Class, Dinner, Front, Hand, Tall, Looking, Uniform, Eating, Familiar, Basketball, Acting, Going, Repeat
I was in a familiar school I had drempt about before, with the same people. There was a new principal and some things were set to change. I just had the 3 classes so I wasn't worried. The day started with with the main class that taught the necessary lessons to graduate. Next was gym class where we had to put on a uniform that looked a lot like my basketball uniform from middle school, a blue and white jersey with blue shorts. Afterwards was lunch hour where a lot of us would go elsewhere to eat while some stayed back. After lunch was ASL classes but nothing much ever happens in them. Yet, this day was different. I was sitting in my car, the car turned off and only one other person in the lot . This car was a black convertible in decent condition, the other a red sporty car. While I was minding my business the other car decides to move and before I knew it they ran straight into the front of my car, causing me to fly out. Luckily I didn't have too bad of injuries, only the loss of one tooth. At home, I was talking to my dad about what to do and my mom but in as usual and started yelling at me saying if I wasn't driving horribly and going 300 this wouldn't have happened. While she kept yelling and repeating herself, I kept repeating that I wasn't even moving. Eventually I had enough and yelled louder to stop. She kept trying to butt in but I didn't let her. I told her that she needs to stop acting like she always knows exactly what happened even I she wasn't even there, that I was parked and the car wasn't even on when they hit me and she's lucky I'm even still alive, and sarcastically said, "whoops, sorry I was just eating lunch and minding my own business and forced this car to hit me, total my car, cause me extreme pain physically and financially fuck me over! My bad! So what was I supposed to do then? How was I supposed to react? Just die instead? I don't know what you want from me in a situation I couldn't even control, why you're mad at me for something out of my hands! I'm done listening to you if you can't even try to understand what I'm going through right now! If you have anything helpful to say then you can tall but otherwise I won't listen to the bullshit coming out of your mouth!" That's the basics of what I remember. She sounded so defeated for.the rest of the night and finally dad and I decided to get a doctors apointment.
Dream date:
11 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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