Dream interpretation about Falling, Parent, Injury, Award, Spirit, Brother, Family, Issue, Lake, Life, Movie, Problem, Sister, Clowns, Apartment, Body, Flying, Member, Middle, Name, Past, Pool, Water, Dancing, Foot, Thought, Tree, Climb, Parking Lot, Flies, Food, Ground, Dorm, Going, outside
I had a dream that I was hovering around as a spirit watching two sisters at a large family event. The even seemed like an awards ceremony with dancing and food. The first sister was doing everything in life her parents and other family members thought she “should”. The second sister was as well, but in the middle of the event she announced that she was no longer going to stick with the “traditional” route and was going her own way. When she did, the first sitter criticized her, became very mean towards her and called her all kinds of names. The second sister went on about her business and kept going after her dreams. Then, it seems the dream completely changes set and setting. I was in a higher education settingovong into a dorm or apartment. A lot of people I knew were there as well as my mom. My brother was also on his way. My brother had a hard time parking and had a big issue with getting let in. He finally did and there was a problem with a pair of boots that he brought. The dream changed set and setting again. All the sudden I was in my body flying across a lake. It was cool and gloomy outside. The trees were bare and it felt like I was attempting to get away from something in the water. After making it over the lake, I flew past a tree into a back yard and purposefully fell out of the air into an old, empty pool that was dirty. I landed perfectly without any injuries and began to climb out of the pool. One o climbed out, I touched the foot of a female version of the clown “IT” from the movie “IT”. That startled me and I chose to wake up.
Dream date:
4 Jan 2024
Emotional tone:
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