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Dream Interpretation: Flies ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Flies? Discover the significance of seeing a Flies in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Flies appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

Flies in a dream symbolize annoyance, irritation, and small problems that are bothering you. They may also represent feelings of being dirty or unclean. Alternatively, flies can represent transformation and change, as they are often associated with the process of decay and rebirth.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Think about what is currently bothering you in your waking life. Are there any small problems or irritations that are getting under your skin? It may be time to address these issues and find a solution. Alternatively, if you are feeling stuck or stagnant, the presence of flies in your dream may be a sign that it's time to let go of old habits and embrace change.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream about flies may evoke feelings of disgust, annoyance, and unease. Flies are often associated with filth and decay, symbolizing a sense of contamination or impurity. The presence of flies in a dream can create a feeling of being overwhelmed or invaded by something unwanted. It may also reflect a sense of powerlessness or frustration, as flies are difficult to control or get rid of. Overall, this dream may leave a lingering sense of discomfort and a desire to cleanse or rid oneself of negative influences.





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6 Jul 2024

Abandoned home


I was at my old house, my family was arguing, I felt sick and I looked over, I told my mom that I didnโ€™t want to leave and that I want to look at ny garden. She said okay but to not eat anything. I was confused but when I went to my garden it was covered in spider webs, rats, crows, flies, and mumified carcasses of said animals. Thereโ€™s an abundance of fruit and vegetables, literal mountains, they start to rapidly rot. Flies surround me and I get overwhelmed, I run inside and the inside of the house was a thrift store, something Iโ€™ve always wanted to own. My mom tells me that she owns this thrift store. I look around, finding multiple items that Iโ€™d like to have, I ask my mom if I can have it and a employee yells at me so I shy away and put everything back. I nearly cry. Then the same employee struggles to measure the size to cut a box and accuses my mom for printing the size smaller than the measurements were. I spoke up at told her that itโ€™s obvious that theyโ€™re just example photos and of course the measurements wouldnโ€™t match up. She rolled her eyes at me and suddenly a really tiny employee was wrestling a tall man in tactical gear. And all the customers were cheering the tiny woman on.

28 Jun 2024

Black Cat


There were three cats: one black, one white and one grey. The white and black cats were ganging up / fighting with the grey cat. I shooed them off of the grey cat. It looked at me with sadness and I then realized it had flies/ bugs on it

3 May 2024

Video Game


I was in a video game playing as a zookeeper and managing the animals and their food. There was a bear and I gave him apples. There were flies I had to take care of and maggots. Which was gross but I didnโ€™t think much of it in my dream. Also there was this competition of who could make the best vase and I got it done just in time. The judge was not in favour of this one guy and me, he was generally neutral.

27 Apr 2024



I remember vaguely like some food was rotting like a burger but I can really make out what it was because of the flies. But I seem to just remember looking at rotton stuff and just rot. It seemed more warm like a haze of yellow all around.

8 Apr 2024



There was some type of trip to a planet similar to earth. There were school buses lining everyone up. Then we were on a cruise in the middle of the ocean but there was a spy and I needed to get rid of them. At one point I was in a car driving down a steep hill with a little upward slope. When I got to the bottom the slope propopelled me high in the air, so high that I flew over the Jesus statue in sao Paolo. Then the dream changed to me being home watching a commercial that mentioned taking a trip outer space. Later on when Iโ€™m at the port I see a spaceship that kinda just looks like a charter bus. For some reason Iโ€™m fighting like an alien of sort in space because aliens were trying to ambush us before we landed on the new planet. It was like a matrix fight in outer space, nobody knew I was outside fighting because they were all distracted. Then weโ€™re in the planet and thereโ€™s a cruise ship, weโ€™re taking a trip around the different oceans. I meet a lady on the cruise who looked like this girl I went to high school with, esilona. I donโ€™t know the exact details but something happens on the planet that makes us basically realize weโ€™re all going to die. I have a vision of my family watching the news and crying for me. We are limited on the amount of mail robots, so I can only send one letter to family. I decide not to send a letter immediately since it might be better to send one before I died. The planet is going dark, and shrinking like a deflated ball from the top down. Alien critters have come out and they are eating our food. Esilona and I are on the balcony in the cruise ship, talking about life and reminiscing memories because we know we only have about 6 days left before the planet folds itself and we inevitably die. Well, it turns out that the spies are still here and they infiltrated the cruise. They actually organized a meteor to crash into the planet and kill is all. Turns out that the free tickets we all had to come here was just a ploy and all of us were on some kind of hit list. Theyโ€™ve been killing people one by one but nobody knows because everyone is too stressed about the world ending. Esilona and I take it upon ourselves to find them and find out if they know how to save us. In real life, we were on a cheer team together, so in the dream, we were doing a lot of acrobatics when fighting the spies. I found a suitcase with a space laptop and sent communication to the USA government that this was all a trap. No response. Meanwhile, the entire world is watching the news daily, hoping that someone would come save us. There is a meteor shower going on between earth and where we are, and it doesnโ€™t seem safe enough for anyone to rescue us. I suddenly because the spokesperson for the group, talking to governments on the space laptop. Clips of the conversation were shared on the news and in my visions I see my entire family sitting in front of the tv. There are candles lit, my grandma is lighting sage, my mom is holding a rosary and praying, my dad and brothers are crying and holding each other. Back on the planet we still have the atmosphere shrinking, air is running low. Esilona and I are laying in a beach looking at the sky, patiently waiting for death to come take us. Thatโ€™s when I get a vision of seeing the planet from space, and I see different axis, trail of meteors, and a rendezvous point. I run to the cruise ship and yell โ€œis anyone good with their hands?โ€ And an couple of men say they are engineers, blacksmiths, carpenters, etc. together we try to find a way to create a shield around the cruise, hoping that it could float in space and give us more time until spaceships came to get us. It worked, and we managed to launch the ship into space. Thatโ€™s when I find a piece of paper and some crayons, and I write to my family โ€œmom, dad, Jeff, Mickey, I love you all so much. If I donโ€™t live, know that I tried as hard as I could to save us allโ€ and give it to the last mail robot available. Thatโ€™s when suddenly there is a loud snap in space, and we see the planet burst into little pieces. Everyone unanimously voted that I was now the captain of the ship, and so I went to the front of the ship with a space costume to sit alone and look at the empty black space sky. I saw about 50 spaceships coming our way to save us so I ran inside to tell everyone to be prepared for rescue. Then our ship imploded. The force field couldnโ€™t contain the pressure of space anymore. We all die. But then I wake up on a beach in what I think is some kind of deserted island. Turns out that the implosion took us to different timelines on earth because we fell into a black hole. The island that I washed up on was actually a military site, and the scientist there knew that I would be coming. Together we work to predict this ploy to send passengers to their death in the new planet. And I realize that my dream just looped, and now I can stop it all from happening.

8 Apr 2024

New Job


The year after my grandpa passed away, in 2022, we were in our new trailer, me and my grandma, because we basically had to move out of our house that I grew up in forever by January. I had a dream. I was laying on my blow-up mattress, because that was my bed at the time, in my new room in my trailer. I was sleeping on my blow-up mattress. Then suddenly, I was asleep. I remember in my dream, I was at my grandfather's sister's house, in the back room where my grandfather would always sleep and stay when we visited there. That room that he stayed in, I have always been afraid of that room. For some reason, I have no idea why, but I always was. The fear. I never felt safe in that room. So, in my dream, I was in that room he used to sleep in. The room I was scared to be in. I remember the door being open, wide open. It was nighttime. I always watched TV at nighttime. Since the door was open, there's a hallway. One side of that wall, of that hallway, is a huge closet. The closet doors was a huge mirror. So, it's pitch black in that hallway. I cannot see anything. It's dark. It's black. It's scary. Then, I remember the whole room going dark. The TV was not working. I was trying to change the channel or something on my TV. It was not working. The TV went to TV static. I don't remember if the bedroom door was closed or open when the whole room went black and the TV was not working. Then, I remember my whole body. I don't know if it was in a blanket or not, but since I sleep on my back, my whole body was turning. Slowly turning. Slowly turning into a full circle. Slowly turning. Halfway before, whatever it was, I was going to see. I don't know if it was going to be a demon or whatever, but I woke up. I woke straight up from that. I woke up gasping. I wake up and to the left of me in the bed, a swoop of black. Like a swish of a black spirit or something black flew by me and disappeared in the room. I remember still not being able to move because I was paralyzed. I felt like I was paralyzed. I was not able to move, speak, nothing. Completely in terror and fear. I finally was able to move maybe after 15 to 20 minutes. Then, I was crying. I was bawling my eyes out. Completely scared, shitless because I had a night terror a year ago in my old room. Now, a year later in my new room, I am having a night terror again. I have no idea if a horrible spirit was following me from my old house that just happened to follow to my new house. I do not know what it was, but that was a very scary time for me. Thank God, now, in the year 2024, in my own place that I own, my own apartment, night terrors are not happening anymore. Thank God. I do not know if it was a trauma from back then or what, but it was very scary. Very scary.

27 Mar 2024



I was in a motel but everyone kept their doors open. My room lead to a downstairs and backdoor. The area looked very poor and people were struggling. Someone asked me for some fruit so I decided to go grab some. I jumped off the top staircase to fly. The lady who asked me for the fruit was shocked I could fly. I said "I have to fully believe I can and I will fly". I didn't go and get the fruit after that because I needed to defend my room from something that I don't remember

26 Mar 2024

New Job
Make up


Me, my cousins, my 2 aunts, my friend Luke, aand my ex boyfriend were all on a long flight together. I thought we were all flying to a tropical destination. But 8 hours later we land in New York City and weโ€™re actually going to Randallโ€™s Island for a music festival not a tropical island. But now we had to come up with a story for why we were in NYC and didnโ€™t tell our friend Kaitlyn who lives there. So we made up a story and told Kaitlyn it was a last minute trip, she believed it. Luke was also in a fight with a different friend and I was the mediator. My ex boyfriend was also there and he was trying to convince me he slept well on the flight but I did the believe him and it was obvious he didnโ€™t.

18 Mar 2024



Last night, I dreamed of being in an apartment in a tall building with my sister and my son, but The weather was bad. It was windy and raining, and the building was swaying back-and-forth until it eventually fell over everybody survived, and we climbed out of the window in the house and then we had to live in a shelter, where kind of look like a school and we got served out of a window where we made our special orders of food we went to school we had to learn to fly and learning to fly with other people I dream I started to learn how to fly, and then I ended up flying with some other people like my sister and other people, and we went to a business building where they donated shoes and it was a rollerskates in there that were given to me they were bright colors like neon and neon pink and everybody and I took off and took a shower that was behind the room everybody but I forgot to grab a washcloth and body wash that I had to ask someone to get for meto grab the soap and washcloth clothes were hung up in front of the show as a door

5 Mar 2024



I was driving in my dadโ€™s old blue Ford focus and he was in the passenger seat and I believe my ex-boyfriend was in the backseat and there was a motorcycle in front of us and my dad got mad at the person driving it because they were doing tricks on the road. he asked me to speed up so I did and then he kicked the back wheel of the motorcycle and the guy on the motorcycle flew off and I knew he was dead so I started panicking and I was running with my dog to get away from the accident and ran into a house to start packing my stuff. When my other ex-boyfriendโ€˜s mom came in and then I realized the guy in the motorcycle was my other ex-boyfriend not the one in the backseat, but a different one and she didnโ€™t know yet that he had died because of my dad in the motorcycle crash

4 Mar 2024



I dreamt I was going on a vacation. I went to the airport and it took a long time to find my terminal. Once I arrived, I had about 2 hours until takeoff and I was afraid to leave the terminal area because I thought I'd miss my flight. I board the plane, fly to a destination. Get out and explore a campground and wilderness park. Then shortly after arrived back at the airport to board another plane. Went to the second destination. I remember this airport being filled with people. Large crowds and I was trying to find my children amongst the crowds. Finally boarded the new plane and headed towards the next destination. Sightsee at the new location for about 10 minutes and then went back to the airport to board a plane to go back home. This airport was many terminals and they were set up like the stores in a mall. I saw terminals to my left, right and in the middle of the building. I remember thinking how does a plane board from the middle of an airport. And then I woke up to my alarm going off.

21 Feb 2024



I dreamt that my sister and I were going to take a trip to Russia and Iceland. We took a plane to a drop off point but it was just a few minutes of a flight away. We get off the plane and start exploring. Iโ€™ve done this hike before. Itโ€™s icy and cold but sunny and there are patches of green. We have stopping points that we can hit for shelter and food, but we have to contend with the wildlife. We encounter a wolf dog at the first stopping point. This one means no harm but definitely wants to take our food from us. We find a huge stash and throw some food so the wolf leave us alone. Then we run into a bear. The bear starts coming at my sister and I distract it by pulling up a blanket and covering my sister. The bear comes at me and I remember that bears will be stunned if you punch them square in the face. So I do. I punch that bear right in between its eyes. It stops it from attscking but doesnโ€™t do any damage . We start climbing up the shelves of this shelter until we find a door that we can shut behind us, locking the bear out. We sleep the night in the shelter. Then we continue on foot the next day and the bear is gone. We hit Iceland. I show my sister where we are compared to the map. I want to go to Iceland but my sister asks if it is worth it. I notice we would need to go through customs and that sounds too complicated we keep exploring Russia. We run into another bear on the way to finding society. I use the same blanket trick and we throw food at it and escape. We find a group of people who house us and then fly us back to where we came from. At the end of the dream I am looking down at the world, viewing the paths we took and am amused.

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