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Dream Interpretation: Insects ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Insects? Discover the significance of seeing a Insects in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Insects appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

Dreaming of insects can represent small annoyances or irritations in your life. It may also symbolize feelings of being overwhelmed or invaded by something or someone. Alternatively, insects can represent transformation and growth, as they undergo metamorphosis.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Think about the type of insect you saw in your dream and what it represents to you. Are you feeling overwhelmed by small problems in your life? Or are you going through a period of transformation and growth? Consider ways to address any irritations or obstacles in your life, and embrace the changes that may be coming your way.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream about insects can evoke feelings of discomfort, fear, and unease. These tiny creatures symbolize irritations, annoyances, and potential threats in our waking lives. The presence of insects in a dream may leave us feeling unsettled, vulnerable, and anxious. It is a reminder to address and confront the small but persistent issues that may be causing distress or hindering our progress.





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16 Jul 2024

Abandoned home


Was at an old house renovating it. Had a lot of bugs and insects investing it including wasps. Tried to find wasp killer but couldn't. Then I had a feast with some family members and friends. We had beer and rotisserie chicken. We were still doing renovation on the house as we also had breakfast food. Then it was a half hour before three, so I left and wandered the city and suburbs. I then went to Jersey Mike's. The sandwich came an hour late. I then went on the highway to make it to work. At work, I was an hour and a half late. I was also two days shy of getting a free day (extra vacation) as well. Work also had feasts of rotisserie chicken.

13 Jul 2024



My wife, Christi went to visit her old Nanny couple at their home to catch up. When she arrived the husband was livingroom and the wife was upstairs doing something. My wife was talking to the husband and catching up on old times. She had on a dress I thought was a little too tight for her to be wearing while conversing with the opposite sex alone. I bought this up to her and she said, "oh it was just Chad, he's innocent." I thought if the roles were reversed, I probably would talk to the wife in the livingroom while the husband was upstairs. Then we were in another home and it appeared my wife and were divorced and in new relationships. The four of of were in the home, but only one couple lived there. My new partner was lovey-dovey and very touchy in a loving and caring way. The guy that was with my ex-wife could not believe that Christi and I were still such good friends. He wanted to know how we were able to remain friends without having animosity. I did not have an answer for him. For some reason Christi and I drove the Jeep into town. I didn't recognize the town. Maybe we were on a vacation? we're going to go out to eat and I was indecisive about where the park the Jeep. At first I parked at the end of the corner and then a vehicle behind me moved, so I changed and parked in the middle of the block. Then a police officer came and advised me to stay clear of the fire hydrant zone. So I moved forward again to make sure I was out of the fire hydrants zone. We went inside and I wanted to order a special drink I had on a previous vacation or dream. The drink had a little bit of apple beer, bourbon and pineapple juice. I recall really enjoying the drink but was disappointed that he give me such a small amount in a tall glass. Then I was upstairs in a room that looked like a dance studio with desk atound the perimeter. I saw a extra large greeting card on the table. I opened the card and inside there was information about my surprise birthday shout out. I quickly closed the card and acted like I didn't see the information. The build was on a campus that reminded me of my alma mater, Dana College campus. I believe it was Welcome Week because there were all kinds of clubs and organizations present with their information table set up outside. There was going to be a special moment during the activities that day, when they were going to surprises me and sing Happy Birthday. I remember going over to one of the tables trying some type of new food it. It was a sweet gelatin in a square shape. Inside the gelatin was 2 or 3 various insects. The combination of insects in each square varied slightly. the gelatin tasted sweet and masked the bitter taste of the insects. The treats were supposed to be a healthy dessert option. I remember having two of them and they were so good I went back for two more. I had to get off a chartered bus parked on the campus. We were loading up to go on a trip. WhennI returned to the bus, I saw an old female friend of ours from the days our boys played youth football. I gave the lady a hug and asked her where husband was. I was standing in the aisle talking while she was sitting down by the window seat. Our conversation was annoying to the people in-between us. She stood up and asked to switch seats with the guy sitting on the end so we didn't have to converse over the other people. We started to talk a little bit and then another guy got on the bus. He looked just like Jim Belushi's character John "Bluto" Blutarsky from the movie Animal House. He began singing and drinking a beer with his moth open. His mannerisms were 100% like John "Bluto" Blutarsky. We were astonished and how he could take a big sip of beer and sing without swallowing the beer. When I was on the bus earlier it seemed like folks were taking window seats and putting their duffel bag next to them in the middle seat. Towards the end most of the seats were filled and and it was getting closer to the time for them to sing Happy Birthday to me.

25 Jun 2024



I only remember fragments of the dream. I remember being on vacation with my two younger children and they were swimming. Somehow I knew I was there with a new love, not my current husband. They were so happy and we were surrounded by lots of people that we knew. It felt relaxing and normal and safe. The kids were swimming on a mattress and a large swarm of insects or mosquitoes arrived and everyone got in the water to help the kids to shore safe and sound. The insects surrounded me and crawled inside my clothes. Strong arms dragged me away and suddenly we were inside, my kids having a shower and people fixing lunch while laughing and talking. I was safe and happy. My new love came in the room and said โ€œI havenโ€™t said hello to youโ€ and started kissing me and I felt happy and safe but a voice in my head said โ€œyouโ€™ve felt like this before and it was always a lieโ€. And then I woke up

25 May 2024



There was a little shop where I was working. It was a shop where hair dressing, tailoring and few more things are done. I wasn't doing anything because I was not good at anything. But then one day I started making clothes for customers. Rhey loved it. Then I saw everyone was suffering from something. It was like a disease. Everyone was running on the road, seeking help. I saw insects coming out from my clothes. Then someone took my took me to the sky. In the sky there was another world. No one but me and another middle aged man was there. He told me that he rescued me. I was watching from the sky the place where I used to work. I saw people were waiting for me to come back. I was sad as he took me the moment I got recognition from the others.

14 May 2024



I dream a lot about walking on places full of colorful natural elements, bright blue streams with beautiful pink flowers growing inside them, vast green areas with scattered strong trees, a blue grass field which was the strangest... I collect flowers and plants all my way, even those surrounded by insects, and they don't hurt me. People seem to be fascinated by my love for plants and how I take care of them too.

23 Apr 2024



I dream of a vacation in a wooden house with my family. My parents were there and also my sisters and their children. Inside the house was a big bird just staying there and actually to big to fly out of the house. When I was wondering how the bird would feed himself, it vomitted. the vomit attracted insects ( a lot) and then the bird ate the insects. The bird never did harm to us. It was a black big bird wirh a colerful nozzle.

3 Apr 2024



I was in a house full of spiderwebs with spiders and other insects. I could not even walked because of the spiders. I decided to clean but as I was cleaning a swamp came to attack me. I saw the wasp trying to sting one of my fingers.

23 Mar 2024



I had an appointment with Po in town. We went to a coffee shop in Amsterdam North, it was a place with a beach club aesthetic. Then we went to a kind of clothing store in the center. Po still had to do something with that employee he knew there. I was waiting outside. It took a very long time. So I walked around for a bit and then decided to go home and change. I wanted to take the tram, but it was one of those trams where you had to stand on the outside of the back. There was a woman standing behind me who started squeezing my neck. I turned around and saw a brown haired woman, I got angry so I started pinching her back. She started screaming hysterically and looked like a demon. Then I was home and had to pick out an outfit for when Po was done in that store with the employee. I had tried on a lot of outfits, including two big black brown coats. I also tried a green dress with a black and white dotted blouse over it, but I thought that was too feminine. I also tried a white t-shirt with a brown spencer over it. That looked nice, but then I put a brown coat over it and everything looked like my skin color, so all the clothes disappeared and I looked naked. Then Lucy walked to my room and we all saw ants walking in the hallway. Lucy called our father and he also came to look at the ants. My father also saw a very large insect on the wall. He grabbed it but it turned out to be a wine bottle on legs. My father then had a company praying to get rid of those ants. That man came and immediately saw that there was an ant nest in the wall between the electricity cables of the laundry room. Then I texted Po and he said he was almost done, so I ended up going to town in a brown spencer with a black big leather jacket over it.

15 Mar 2024



There were insects every where in my room : cockroaches, huge spiders, lizards. And we struggled to put them out. My girlfriend didnโ€™t know if she wanted me in her life. We were in a restaurent and someone tried to make me pay something I didnโ€™t buy. A friend was feeling bad so I tried to make her feel better. A guy came to check if we all had Christmas gifts as I was naked in my room. Sexy people who turned me on so bad walked with me leaving this place.

13 Mar 2024

My crush
New Job


i had a dream that i was in a different country with some random people, 1 girl and 2 boys and i guess that we were traveling the world so first we were at a place in the forest we lived with the one girls family and got to show that we could experience the outdoors we fished, she had a bird and we played with that and then one day we travelled to my house where we stayed for a few days and it was an amazing time i realized that this girl was amazing, fun, adventurest and just a bra personality but something happend in her family and she had to go back home. So then we spend the night and while i am downstairs in my room I was around all these weird crazy bugs and insects. Iโ€™ve never seen these insects but i didnโ€™t know what to expect. then A huge place was a huge mansion, and it felt very European and in this European place we had to go to school, but the school was artsy and expected a lot from us. one day closer to the first day of school we ended up going to class but to pass my one class I had to go over a steppingstone bridge over the pool while it was busy. I told them I need to go across while I was walking across my bag dropped into the water and I was embarrassed so I went to the teacher who also hosted us into her house and told her I needed to grab stuff out of the pool while missing class. I ended up running into the boys. I ended up living with, and they mentioned the new girl. transitioned to the house the one tall boy, with brown hair was hooking up with her, but he didnโ€™t want a serious relationship while she did. The other boy had a crush on me, but his parents were the host of the week so he was very set in stone on the rules while one night we needed to go downstairs to grab something to eat. Iโ€™m at both boys downstairs while the host son left the other boy made a move on me. the attention was nice, so I remember snuggling on the couch while snuggling he showed me videos and photos of the other girl that she sent to him. Meanwhile, there was his phone on speaker and echoed throughout the house. As soon as I felt comfortable, I made the first move and we started kissing, after the hostess mother and the boy caught us and flipped out while he was a bad boy, I automatically apologize and explained our reasoning. He did not like that stormed off while I was back going into my room. I kissed him and he was furious.

13 Mar 2024



I was at some sort of park and there where a lot if weird people there and I was thinking about where I should stand but all the people were so strange I didnโ€™t want to stand with any of them. Then I sat at some sort of table and an insect had bitten my and my legs hurt a lot my โ€œcolleaguesโ€ of whom I donโ€™t know any of them in my waking life , called a doctor and the pain went away. Then we were at our comapany which was very very futuristic and there was a big buffet and I wanted to eat everything! suddenly there were a lot of monsters we had to fight combat style. It wasnโ€™t serious or anything and we knew that they were coming. Then I dreamt that it was morning and my teacher was in my childhood bedroom with me to evaluate my performance and I forgot to clean up my room so it was very messy and I friend to clean it up quickly

7 Mar 2024



I had a dream that society was on the brink of collapsing. The people split into factions based on personality and merit. The factions were fighting over power instead of a solution. The sky was always dark throughout the entire dream. I somehow discovered a long last insect who was the Insect King grandson. I was rewarded with riches in insect currency which had the highest value above the human currency. As I was heading home 2 people from an opposing faction tried to intimate and overpower me. I somehow developed powers that welded poison and paralysis making my opponents unable to move. The God of Death witnessed my powers and wanted to examine the extent of it. He brought me to my parents for permission to investigate me and tell them about the poison I used that accidentally killed one of the opponents I faced prior. As we are waiting, I was about to demonstrate my ability to control his body even if he was a God, but I woke up before I could complete the task.

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