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Dream Interpretation: Maggots 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Maggots? Discover the significance of seeing a Maggots in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Maggots appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

Dreaming of maggots can represent feelings of disgust, decay, and corruption. It may indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed by negative emotions or situations in your life. Alternatively, it could symbolize transformation and growth, as maggots are often associated with the process of decomposition and renewal.

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Consider what in your life is causing you to feel disgusted or overwhelmed. Are there any negative emotions or situations that you need to address? Alternatively, if you feel that the maggots in your dream represent transformation and growth, think about what changes you need to make in your life to move forward. Embrace the process of renewal and let go of anything that is holding you back.

❀️ Feelings

The dream of maggots can evoke feelings of disgust, repulsion, and unease. It may symbolize decay, filth, or a sense of being overwhelmed by negative emotions or situations. The presence of maggots in a dream can also suggest feelings of powerlessness or being consumed by something undesirable. Overall, this dream can leave a lingering sense of discomfort and a desire to rid oneself of unpleasant experiences or emotions.





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Dreams of users containing the word Maggots

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3 May 2024

Video Game


I was in a video game playing as a zookeeper and managing the animals and their food. There was a bear and I gave him apples. There were flies I had to take care of and maggots. Which was gross but I didn’t think much of it in my dream. Also there was this competition of who could make the best vase and I got it done just in time. The judge was not in favour of this one guy and me, he was generally neutral.

28 Feb 2024



I went to a BeyoncΓ© show but also someone was playing guitar and it was beautiful BeyoncΓ© was paying tribute to Whitney or someone but it was both funny and so beautiful that I got choked up and almost cried There was a random meeting with Dwayne idk what about there was a cat in the toilet and I was washing the cat to get fleas off and left the cat to go get cat food and bowls because I didn’t have any But I somehow managed to leave the cat in the toilet and I said sorry and kept the cat on my shoulder after washing the cat Then my brother was trying to put some weird maggots on me that came out of his back My mom was being mean my brother said something random and I think it’s like resentment but it was direct I did not want the weird maggots coming out of him on me so I bit him to let me go because I was worried about the cat and then when I got out of his hold I panicked because the cat was gone

25 Feb 2024



it was daytime and me and many others were running out of a building or a house or something because it was overflowing with maggots of all sizes and shapes and as we tried to avoid touching them there was fungus and oversized bacteria moving around and soon it was like an ocean of maggots and gross rotting bacteria and mold and I woke up

14 Feb 2024



I had a dream there were maggots in my skin, I was trying to cut them out of my thigh but as they went deeper, they burrowed into my bones and I remembered being upset my bones were full of holes and being eaten alive. I woke up extremely distressed.

11 Feb 2024



I had parasites coming out of the back of my left knee and from my scalp. a double tailed scorpion came out from a Maggot that squeezed out of my scalp . And a bunch of white long skinny parasites would come out from behind my knee . My boyfriend tried to help me by pulling them out but it would hurt and make the parasites go crazy inside and I could feel them move in my leg and sometimes a clear liquid with tiny white stuff would spill out

22 Jan 2024



I had done a pregnancy test, never saw the results. I also had maggots coming out of my skin

31 Dec 2023



I was sleeping in bed and I when I woke up I realized that I had been sleeping on maggots this whole time. I was so disgusting and looked at my back and saw red spots. I started freaking out and telling my dad.

29 Dec 2023



i saw a maggot in my underwear and i got very scared and then i asked my mom if she wanted me to do her hair

21 Nov 2023



I was in an apocalyptic world trying to survive with a large group. The group split up to go out and grab supplies when a man that was with us got attacked and injured, resulting in a young girl being taken away by the attackers. The rest of us got there too late to save the girl and so I carried the man back to safety, leaving the place the girl was taken. When we went back to where our group had set up in a few safe houses, the girls mother was extremely upset and blamed the man for killing her daughter then threatened the man. The majority of the group was on her side, angry and ready to tear this man a part. I tried explaining that it was out of his control, that he had tried his best to keep her safe to the point he was beat up to the brink of death. He tried running away from the group but it was hopeless. They had found him, beat him up and fed him maggots then disregarded his body in an old compost bin filled with bugs and rotten food. Later I took him out of the bin, where he has passed out from all the pain and brought him into my house with my mother and brother. I took him into the bathroom to clean him up and take care of his wounds. My brother assisted me while my mum remained apathetic. He was still barely conscious so i let him rest in the closest in my room which i set up comfortable to sleep in. Just in case other members of the group came inside ane checked our bedrooms. I did not want them to discover him taken care on my bed. It was then that someone had broken through our security fences and doors into our backyard & garage space. I took a gun with me and went there to carefully check who it was and i knew there would be no way for them to escape back outside. A part of me wondered if I had a hallucination as that is a problem in my real waking life. But when i went to check the security doors and fences, it was clear someone had broken in. I looked around the garage and then a little boy stood up from behind a sofa with his hands up. Seeing the poor condition he was in, i immediately dropped my gun and went towards him to carry him inside. He had a chain around his neck like a leash and cuts and bruising on his body. I removed the leash and collar then took him quickly inside as he told me everything he had been through, living as a test subject and captive under the woman's power. The one who lost her girl. I, in an extreme state of shock and panic and concern told my mum about everything. To which she laughed, remaining completely apathetic to anybodys suffering. She told me I will only ruin things and belittled my abilities which only increased my already heightened anxiety. She then bad mouthed the boy, saying he had most likely done something to deserve the treatment he got and that we should throw him out in the streets. I was extremely repulsed and angry when she said this. Realising she has been nothing but hostile and refusing to help anybody but herself, i, in a fit of rage pointed a gun at her and asked her to get up and repair the fences and do something useful. She retaliated, pointing a gun right back at me and saying that she knows i could never use the gun on a person. But that she wont hesitate as I mean nothing to her, that i had been a burden and disappointment to her ever since i was born. She explained that her life wouldve been better without me and I caused all her misery. I drop my gun and feel utterly heartbroken yet angry and guilty. I feel a rush of intense feelings that leave me speechless. My brother intervenes after hearing all our shouting and takes the gun away from her hands, leaving it a little bit away from her then closing her door and leading me to the boy in need of urgent care. I take care of the boy to the best of my abilities and he is able to move around just fine. It felt as if the deepest scars were from within him. The torture, abuse and trauma permanently stuck in his mind for the rest of his life. Despite this he is very strong and smart and tries to help us in every way possible. Once the woman realises he has escaped she goes with her group of men, door to door searching for the boy and having a pitty story ready for whoever may question her actions. Eventually she enters our house forcefully after we try to reject her. She then sees the boy trying to do what he believes would protect us best by giving himself up. I furious, do not allow them to take him and fight them to the best of my abilities. As i do so, the injured man comes out worried about what is happening. The woman realises i had taken in both of them and looked after them. She is beyond angry and leaves us all terribly injured. Taking away the man to make an example out of him. The boy is left with us as she no longer saw the value in keeping him for her experiments. Once we gain our consciousness and try to get back up on our feet we realise he is gone. We help each other recover then go out at night searching for him. We see a horrendous sight. He is hung up with wire in front of the womans house with blood pouring out of his neck. His hands tied with wire behind him and his clothes ripped off his body, exposing all his fresh wounds. He is dead. And soon after I wake up from the shock, drenched in sweat with a racing heart.

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