Dream interpretation about Falling, Leaving, Friends, Therapist, Aunt, Family, Grandmother, Life, Party, Sister, Woman, Boyfriend, Arm, Child, Daughter, Eye, Man, Name, Pool, Sleep, Space, Year, Baby, Baby girl, Childhood, Dinner, Hand, Head, Rock, Six, Tall, TV, Walking, Looking, Bottle, Couch, Staring, Ask, Frozen, Going, Smile
I was with my boyfriends whole family at public party space. There was this very large shallow pool that I was relaxing and in. I noticed a very attractive, tall, well built man staring at me and we were exchanging glances. He appeared silent and mysterious as we continued to make eye contact. I walked around inside of the pool with my boyfriend until he decided to get out to talk to people he knew but I stayed in. The man was walking toward me and it was almost like everything around us was frozen. He asked me if I would like to go to dinner with him and gently grabbed my hand. We started walking together hand and hand until I suddenly pulled my hand away and gave him an irritated facial expression. I walked away from him leaving him in the pool while we remained in direct eye contact the whole time. I was roaming around until I was suddenly at a large home with my boyfriends family. It was his mother,, grandmother, aunt, his daughter, sister in law, and infant niece. In real life, I was friends with his sister in law in childhood but lost touch as we are very opposite from one another. His 6 year old daughter was holding the baby and watching tv. I consistently got up to check on her and the baby. His daughter began bottle feeding the baby and was struggling to hold her and feed her at the same time. The baby started to fall out of her arms and I quickly swooped in to grab the baby. I held the baby girl in my arms, rocking her, feeding her, and she slept soundly. The baby’s mother came over and I asked her if she wanted to hold her baby. She took her daughter from my arms and went to the couch to breastfeed. I was smiling and the rest of the women came to sit with me. His sister in law asked when we were going to go out together and which of her friends I would want to go then proceeded to name names. I began by hestitantly agreeing but then shook my head and said I’d rather it be me, her, and extended the invite to all the women there. All of sudden, the environment changed and I was in a gymnasium with my boyfriend. I looked to my left and saw a young adolescent male who looked exactly like a grown up version of a child I used to work with as his therapist. I was surprised couldn’t quite remember his name or who exactly he was. He was with his mother who was cold and standoffish. We exchanged a look or two but did not say anything. I looked to my right and saw the man from the pool staring at me as well. He had a blank expression but was motioning me to come over. Then I woke up.
Dream date:
15 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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