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Dream Interpretation: Six 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Six? Discover the significance of seeing a Six in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Six appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbol reflects your personality. It suggests you are supportive, protective, loyal, balanced, and romantic. However, these traits have a shadow side. You are sometimes very passive, self-sacrificing, perfectionist, and idealistic, and these end up causing anxiety and jealousy.

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🧭 Direction


Seeing six of anything in your dream means you must reflect on your personality. Notice the dream symbol and understand the underlying meaning (positive or negative) it is showing. You need to sometimes be easy on yourself. It's good to be perfect; however, don't let your self-sacrificing and perfectionist traits dull your positive characteristics.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of the number six may evoke feelings of balance, harmony, and stability. It signifies a sense of completeness and fulfillment in various aspects of life. This dream may also bring about a feeling of responsibility and the need to maintain a steady and organized approach to achieve desired goals. The number six often represents nurturing and caring for oneself and others, fostering a sense of love and compassion. It may also suggest a need for cooperation and collaboration in relationships and endeavors. Overall, the dream of six elicits emotions of contentment, security, and a desire for a well-rounded existence.





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9 Apr 2024



I returned to my old neighborhood to find it had been gentrified intensely. Massive 6 story apartment blocks replaced my former house. I drove up and down the block, disappointed. The perspective then changed. I was a Punjabi man threatening to bring information on an Indian gang to the police. I kept declining the boss' bribes, knowing they'd try to kill me. I acted as if I was leaving, and went around the corner with a butter knife. The boss sent his guard around the corner to kill me, and as soon as he came into view I stabbed him on the underside of the chin, so the knife went into his mouth and held it shut, so he couldn't yell for help. I left him to bleed out. Soon the boss also came to investigate where his guard had gone, and I did the same maneuver. The dream ended with both men dead and me fleeing with a duffel bag of money.

8 Apr 2024



There was some type of trip to a planet similar to earth. There were school buses lining everyone up. Then we were on a cruise in the middle of the ocean but there was a spy and I needed to get rid of them. At one point I was in a car driving down a steep hill with a little upward slope. When I got to the bottom the slope propopelled me high in the air, so high that I flew over the Jesus statue in sao Paolo. Then the dream changed to me being home watching a commercial that mentioned taking a trip outer space. Later on when I’m at the port I see a spaceship that kinda just looks like a charter bus. For some reason I’m fighting like an alien of sort in space because aliens were trying to ambush us before we landed on the new planet. It was like a matrix fight in outer space, nobody knew I was outside fighting because they were all distracted. Then we’re in the planet and there’s a cruise ship, we’re taking a trip around the different oceans. I meet a lady on the cruise who looked like this girl I went to high school with, esilona. I don’t know the exact details but something happens on the planet that makes us basically realize we’re all going to die. I have a vision of my family watching the news and crying for me. We are limited on the amount of mail robots, so I can only send one letter to family. I decide not to send a letter immediately since it might be better to send one before I died. The planet is going dark, and shrinking like a deflated ball from the top down. Alien critters have come out and they are eating our food. Esilona and I are on the balcony in the cruise ship, talking about life and reminiscing memories because we know we only have about 6 days left before the planet folds itself and we inevitably die. Well, it turns out that the spies are still here and they infiltrated the cruise. They actually organized a meteor to crash into the planet and kill is all. Turns out that the free tickets we all had to come here was just a ploy and all of us were on some kind of hit list. They’ve been killing people one by one but nobody knows because everyone is too stressed about the world ending. Esilona and I take it upon ourselves to find them and find out if they know how to save us. In real life, we were on a cheer team together, so in the dream, we were doing a lot of acrobatics when fighting the spies. I found a suitcase with a space laptop and sent communication to the USA government that this was all a trap. No response. Meanwhile, the entire world is watching the news daily, hoping that someone would come save us. There is a meteor shower going on between earth and where we are, and it doesn’t seem safe enough for anyone to rescue us. I suddenly because the spokesperson for the group, talking to governments on the space laptop. Clips of the conversation were shared on the news and in my visions I see my entire family sitting in front of the tv. There are candles lit, my grandma is lighting sage, my mom is holding a rosary and praying, my dad and brothers are crying and holding each other. Back on the planet we still have the atmosphere shrinking, air is running low. Esilona and I are laying in a beach looking at the sky, patiently waiting for death to come take us. That’s when I get a vision of seeing the planet from space, and I see different axis, trail of meteors, and a rendezvous point. I run to the cruise ship and yell “is anyone good with their hands?” And an couple of men say they are engineers, blacksmiths, carpenters, etc. together we try to find a way to create a shield around the cruise, hoping that it could float in space and give us more time until spaceships came to get us. It worked, and we managed to launch the ship into space. That’s when I find a piece of paper and some crayons, and I write to my family “mom, dad, Jeff, Mickey, I love you all so much. If I don’t live, know that I tried as hard as I could to save us all” and give it to the last mail robot available. That’s when suddenly there is a loud snap in space, and we see the planet burst into little pieces. Everyone unanimously voted that I was now the captain of the ship, and so I went to the front of the ship with a space costume to sit alone and look at the empty black space sky. I saw about 50 spaceships coming our way to save us so I ran inside to tell everyone to be prepared for rescue. Then our ship imploded. The force field couldn’t contain the pressure of space anymore. We all die. But then I wake up on a beach in what I think is some kind of deserted island. Turns out that the implosion took us to different timelines on earth because we fell into a black hole. The island that I washed up on was actually a military site, and the scientist there knew that I would be coming. Together we work to predict this ploy to send passengers to their death in the new planet. And I realize that my dream just looped, and now I can stop it all from happening.

5 Apr 2024



This dream was very different. I had this dream 2 to 3 years ago but I still remember it as clear as day. I see myself floating in a white void with gray smoke like swirls being the only thing in the void, besides me. I'm just slowly drifting while in a deep sleep, but I can feel that I'm at peace. Sensing myself at peace, it was the greatest feeling. While still dreaming I suddenly start to hear someone call my it sounds like whisper is at first but then it starts to get louder and louder. eventually this makes me open my eyes so I can find who it is calling after the third time my name gets called everything goes black then I started the first blink was nothing but a bright light and blurred visions, second blink the light is brighter and the blurred vision start shaping like people. the third blank was when I started hearing the voice calling my name but it was very muffled. Before I got to the 4th blank The voice started becoming more clear and when I opened my eyes to faces started to appear. I wake up and what looks like a surgical room with two mercenaries trying to wake me up and guided me through a mental wake up. well they were doing that all of these doctors and scientists were around me unplugging neuro plugs from my skull and spineI making sure my vital signs were okay. One of the mercenaries was just messing with me which kept pissing me off while the other one was making sure he didn't have to step up and do something since he thought my Powers were out of control, even though I still didn't know what they were. After I get cleared from recovery I get sent to bed with a group of people and we walk to our one room that was filled with military like bunkers. We all get to bed and I keep getting questioned with what happened while I was in my simulation that needed so many extra mercenaries around me. but I just tell them I don't know, roll over throw the blankets over my head and go to sleep. the next morning at 0500 hours, a hurricane alarm goes off and we all started getting up making our beds getting dressed. A tall fit Asian man starts playing music from his clock radio to get everyone excited for the day. We're almost done getting ready all together then a woman wearing a white medicine jacket with a clipboard starts calling out our names to make sure no one's missing. After she's done doing a roll call we have to put these metal electronic collars around our own necks then we line up single file and go to the cafeteria to eat breakfast. When I get to the cafeteria there's a whole bunch of adults and children there but only from the ages of 6 years old too 34 years old but we were all divided by different categories. After we finished our breakfast me and the people that are sitting with me got brought to a room that looked like it was set up like one of those chairs from The matrix. Asian man that was playing music in the morning to wake everyone up sat in the chair and all these people gather around and started attending to him. I then go with the woman in the doctors jacket and get taken to an examination room. I'm wearing a white gown sitting in a chair while I'm getting poked and prodded at quite different scientists. They are trying to get me to activate my Powers but I was having a difficult time doing that. I'm doing a physical exam and due to boredom I look out in the hallway, but to my surprise I see a group of children that look like they're around the age of seven and nine being led by men with guns. That's the last time that I ever see those kids. It's the next thing in the dream I start getting into an argument with the lady in the white doctors jacket telling her that we need to stop what we're doing because this is becoming excessively wrong, but she just ignores me. The next day in the dream I noticed that the bunk beds in the rooms are becoming more and more empty and in that morning of breakfast time I'm talking to a tall muscular Asian man named jet, a blonde Russian girl named Anaya, you're handsome but scruffy brunette man named Jackson, and my cousin Tony, trying to convince them that we need to get out of here and take the kids with us and without hesitation they were in with the plan. The next day in the dream we're doing our usual stuff and I notice these twins that are new to the groups. One twin is a girl and the other twin is a boy and the girl carries around a gray rabbit with her at all times. When I saw these twins I started feeling worried and angry. When our scheduled examinations were over I had a conversation with jet, Anaya, Jackson and Tony and we planned to leave that night. Thing skip forward to that night and we're all running down a pitch black alleyway with the kids we tried to escape with. The female twin with the bunny rabbit trips and falls from trying to keep up with us. Jet sees her fall and immediately runs back to try to go get her. Jackson is losing his mind Aunt jet when he turned around to get the girl because we were in a very specific territory that we were not supposed to be in. this area was worse than the place that we were running awat from. I keep trying to tell Jackson to calm down and to make sure the other kids hide at least while jet gets the girl but as soon as Jet got within arms reach of the girl these Bright lights like there were multiple cars lit up at the little girl and Jet. This weird gang of super mutants came out from the lights and almost killed the girl and jet. I got scared worried and heartbroken because of anything happened to those two I would have been lost. I hear guns finishing loading and saw them aiming at jet and the little girl I screamed out loud to make it stop then everything went pitch Black. We were still in the alleyway because I heard jet running towards me with the girl and he whispered in my ear thanks for saving me. Now that we got rid of this crazy gang we all made a run for it we're trying to go to the ocean but at the nick of time we get caught by the people who were trying to experiment on us. Helicopters and military grade everything just started popping up out of thin air surrounding all of us. They take us down one by one and make sure that we couldn't speak or touch anyone. They had us locked up as if we were the most dangerous beings on the face of the Earth. The next day I am so angry that I'm just screaming and yelling and fighting with every person that is a part of this facility to the point where they had to put a specific collar on me that continuously injects me with a sedative. When Anaya saw this she was not happy about it at all and kept finding a way to stop the collar from activating but when the white jackets found out they killed Anaya and locked me in a water tank with an oxygen mask and a straight jacket. I can see through the glass as if I'm looking through a window and I noticed that they were going to take the twins. And when I saw that they were going to take them my eyes turned white with fury, I break the tank that I'm in and then I start to absorb every ounce of water within a 10 mi radius formed it into a 87 foottallbody and start attacking everyone while I was slowly walking to the city. At that point I had lost full control over myself because I was full of sadness and rage. The last thing I remember seeing this dream was the government response teams pointing every weapon they owned at me firing them at me and watching all the bullets tanks and missiles turn into dust as they try to hit the water body that I had stuffed myself into

4 Apr 2024



In the dream i looked frail and sickly and it had clearly been another night of no sleep or food. I then went to the doctor where they ran multiple tests and blood work and as i waited they made me sleep w sedatives. When i awoke they told my cancer had came back as stage 4 terminal and that i had 6 months to live. Then i woke up

2 Apr 2024



I went with Lotte, Ellis and more people to pick out clothes to sell in a house. Something flew past the house and broke windows because it flew right through them. It was an amine character. Then we left the house and went to a school to sell our clothes. It was a school with an airplane on the roof. The roof of the school was lowered by the municipality because it was 6 meters too high. The plane sort of fell through the roof of the building. Then we went to hand in the clothes and Lotte and Ellis were the first to go. Then I wasn't allowed to hand it in because the red leaves were gone, Lotte had received the last one. Lotte came back and said that handing in clothes wasn't that scary. She had calculated herself that she would receive 64 euros, but she had only received 56 euros for her clothing. This made her angry. I was furious and told a teacher at the school that I still wanted to hand in my clothes. You had to sell your clothes to an anime character. The teacher tried to stop me but still wanted to. A voice came with a strange echo to the voice. But the teacher said that was not the case. I got angry and told her to turn off the ultrasound. When I got up there I saw a black and white anime monster that was angry. I wanted to sell my clothes so I went to talk and suddenly the monster turned into a cute little girl.

2 Apr 2024



My boyfriend and I had inherited my great grandma’s house for some reason his ex was there. She was helping us clean it up. She tried talking to me and shut her down by letting her know that I don’t care because I’m not her friend. Then I woke up from that dream and proceeded to tell my boyfriend about the dream. We were in the downstairs master bedroom on a king bed where our daughters were sleeping. He said “Maybe you were communicating to her through your dreams.” We started to have sex I was giving him oral then I got on top of him. The dream changed. I walked into my boyfriends house and there were at least 6 people in there who were drinking with him before I got there. I got angry and started kicking them out. They claimed I can’t kick them out because it’s not my house so I dragged them out by their hair. The dream changed. I was at the rivers harbor there was a festival going on. This pack of wolves were after me and I threw money at them and they left me alone. At the harbor festival they were giving away free random assorted drinks in a 6 pack, I found an empty seat at a picnic table and was going to mix my vodka shot with sprite in my clean cup, but some kid sitting across me took my cup and put chocolate milk in it. I got so mad I started yelling at the kid and everyone around my started recording me on their phones. I decided I’d just go for a swim. The harbor had a cliff with harpoons and rope along the side like a ship. It even had a skiff boat on the side of the cliff. I started climbing up from out of the water.

29 Mar 2024

My crush
Large rocks


I was trying to get off the titanic with a group of people and one of them was an old friend from high school I haven’t seen for over a year. I remember running around the ship trying to find stuff then trying to escape through a window that we broke because that part of the ship went underwater. I remember thinking it was weird I could see underwater because it was supposed to be night, which it was but I could still see underwater which was convenient. Once we got to the deck of the ship, the climbed up to the back of the ship that was still above water and I had the thought to do what they do in the titanic movie which is so jump at the exact time the ship goes down so that you don’t get pulled under with the boat. My friend Will was suddenly also there and we jumped to avoid getting sucked under as far. I could see his legs underwater so I swam up and over towards him and was able to reach him. Then I asked him where Landri and Luke were at (my best friend and my crush) and he said he hadn’t seen them for awhile and last he saw they were in the ship. Then I saw my aunt and uncle who I hadn’t known were aboard and swam over to them and their kids and found my grandparents were also over there. I told Will that my uncle Tony couldn’t be there cause he was supposed to be one of my pallbearer, which was a conversation me and Will had had in real life. My uncle Tony had a camp chair he put on a beach towel and somehow this made it float so his four kids were on top of him and his wife was also on a camp chair but hers was half sinking. My brain tried to explain this by deciding to put a large rock underneath Tony that his chair was half on so that’s how it was staying up. I told Will that we needed to go look for Luke and Landri and he said it was dangerous because if we stayed totally in the water for 15 minutes we had the chance of getting hypothermia and wouldn’t be able to recover no matter what even if we got saved but I told him we had to go so he told me he’d go with me. I could feel in my heart what direction to go and quickly found Luke (my crush) next to some driftwood that Jack and Rose from the titanic movie (who in this dream I knew we had been friends with especially Luke) were also hanging onto. Luke had been in the water for about 15 minutes and I was scared had gotten hyptothermia so me and Will dragged his half passed out body over to the rock where my family was. There I took off half his life jacket and also mine and since he was sat on the rock I sat on his lap and hugged around him trying to warm him up. Will asked if we should go back out looking for landri and so I asked Luke if he’d seen her and he said he didn’t know if she’d made it off the ship and I knew it was a lost cause to go looking. Even though I wanted to be sad I was just numb and couldn’t really feel anything. Nothing really felt that serious. Eventually an hour later a life boat came to look for survivors, and they picked up Rose just like in the Titanic movie and then came our way. I waved them over and they came to save me, I was also still across Luke and told them to bring him in the boat too. Will was floating nearby and I told the people in the boat to grab him and they told me he was dead, but I told them sometimes he just looks really out of it even if he’s not (which is something he will do in real life with sleeping) so they grabbed him and he was alive and my brains logic behind this was that he is an outdoor nature guy and kind of built so he just survived. In real life 6 people were saved from the water after the titanic sank so I had the same logic in my dream and my uncle Tony and one of his kids were still alive and able to be saved. The next morning came and I was talking to Will about the events of the night before and Luke finally came around and I was relieved because he was going to make it.

28 Mar 2024



It started off as a shooting game with not real guns but watery paint. So im shooting everyone I’m winning big time finding the best spots and shooting before anyone else does. Then I get towards the last two people left and some mean girl pulls out my phone and says “your sister has been blowing u up what kind of sister are u” and I pushed her and the teacher came and told me she can take me home and I asked about the game and she said there’s nothing she can do. When I got in the car I seen the last two ppl I was supposed to be shooting passing by in a different car taking their siblings home. So either way I wouldn’t have been able to shoot them. I get home and jojo was not okay she was worried about me for one. And she couldn’t breathe so me and her ran out back to go to the hospital and when we got there the drs looked at me like I was crazy I told them she couldn’t breathe and they took her and told me I had to wait. As time goes by they end up releasing her she’s fine and we go home. Well when trying to leave they were asking me why was I leaving I got scared because I wasn’t even there for me. So we ran. Then apparently I get mixed up with sum bad ppl and they telling me they gone shoot me but I told them I could get them gold from ward Cameron. The guy ends up letting me go but is still expecting me to hold up my deal. I run off and I ended up back at the hospital with a scary doctor. I tried to run and escape so many times that I had to be watched so I finally started complying with the girl dr because she was nice. I went to the bathroom to try and change and shower and the scary guy dr was watching me through the mirror so I went to close the door and he busted in and kept looking out and in the door to make sure no one was coming and I kept screaming help!! But nothing felt like it was coming out. But I kept screaming so that maybe they could hear it. Then the lady dr did and told the scary guy dr to get out and let her take care of it. She tells me same thing happened to her and we need to write a statement right now. So we went to the room to right one and she was hella scared that he was going to bust in and as I’m writing everything down I started waking up. The only number I remember are 48 and 6.

26 Mar 2024



It started where my friend and I were moving in together with her daughter who is 6. She has a very controlling boyfriend who drinks a lot. I remember in my dream he wasn’t happy she was moving in with me. At one point he was talking to her daughter when my friend left the room saying, “ you’re so bad. Don’t make your mom want to die…” just really horrible stuff. He didn’t know I could hear so I went and told my friend. My momma who is now in heaven came into my dream looking at me, mad at me with this piece of paper that made no sense insinuating I was on drugs wouldn’t believe that I was okay while I was telling her I had to go to work. I slapped her on the head trying to show her what she was reading was wrong and we just got in a huge fight. I made myself wake up at that point.

22 Mar 2024



Don't remember what I was looking for or going towards but I was picking at something in my mouth and thought a tooth was loose and pulled it and half my jaw came out with like 4 to 6 teeth on it in pairs, but my mouth felt ok, just like missing teeth. And I was picking gunk off the teeth that were in my hand on the jaw part I took out

22 Mar 2024



I was at work attending a training workshop. My colleague was given a presentation. He was talking about his belief on alien life and inteligent life before mankind. I wanted to participate and answer the questions but my boss looked at me and gave me the eye like I should not participate or ask any question. I remember at the end of the presentation as the workshop was ending, we stayed around and one of the College vice presidents was talking to me. We were walking together to go to Subway which was in the next building on the campus. As we were walking he told me he makes a six digit figure salary and he is depressed. He went on to say that his depression is not from everyday life, he believed his depression started in his mother's womb because of her lifestyle and because she was depressed. I just listen I was very surprised that he was sharing such personal information with me. I wanted to share with him some information but I never got a chance to do so. After we entered the building I just ordered an iced tea even though I was somewhat hungry. I grab the cup for the iced tea and I almost grabbed this lady's pizza and then I realized I didn't actually order pizza. Then another friend of mine came over and said, hey that is my pizza. she actually ordered the special cheese on her Pizza just like she saw me order the last time we had lunch together. I went over to the beverage dispenser to fill my cup with iced tea and then my boss came over and was asking me what I knew about the next phase of our project. As she was talking to me I was not paying attention to filling my cup and the tea over flowed and spilled into the floor. My boss wanted me to tell her what I knew about our project as I was starting to cleaning up the iced tea. She went to go grab some napkins. There were napkins next to the beverage dispenser right by me so I begin using them to clean up the tea. She was getting a little impatient as I was cleaning up the iced tea. I finished cleaning it up anyway as I was telling her about phase two of the project. She said no I don't want you to tell me, I want you to tell the president and the vice president. I look over to my left and the vice presidents for the college and the president were sitting on the floor, on a red rug with their legs crossed Indian style. They were waiting patiently little kids waiting for the teacher to read a story book. I looked their way and started talking to them and explaining to them what I knew about the phases of the project and what each phase would accomplish.

17 Mar 2024



There was a spirited contest at mom’s college, where there were 6 elderly people to an outdoor table and each person had to construct an Easter egg puzzle made of dirt and cookies. I waited for each person to try their own and then I suggested that we all work together on one puzzle at a time; that this had worked for me in the past. As we started to team up, I went to the buffet to get food for our table before the food ran out. I tried to grab the containers of baked beans, but the lids were loose, and beans were oozing out. It was such a mess, that I had trouble grabbing the cookie supplies too. And then the 6 containers multiplied and I had to return some. The cashier was nice but not helpful. I took my bagged items and walked by a table where my deceased friend, PattiJo was working solo earlier, and her puzzle was there, but she was gone. I didn’t worry, I figured I’d find her later. When I finally got back to our table, an official told me I took more than two minutes getting food, and implied I lost before I could even begin. And all I was trying to do was to be helpful. I also had a meeting to get data from someone at the school. They hadn’t provided it since 2017 and said they would someday. I threatened to take it up with the Monsignor, with whom I am friends. Then I saw him laughing and happy, working in the church.

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