Dream interpretation about Died, Drugs, Fighting, Mother, Leaving, Friend, Heaven, Mad, Moving, Boyfriend, Daughter, Part, Point, Sense, Six, Stuff, Drink, Head, Looking, Paper, Reading
It started where my friend and I were moving in together with her daughter who is 6. She has a very controlling boyfriend who drinks a lot. I remember in my dream he wasn’t happy she was moving in with me. At one point he was talking to her daughter when my friend left the room saying, “ you’re so bad. Don’t make your mom want to die…” just really horrible stuff. He didn’t know I could hear so I went and told my friend. My momma who is now in heaven came into my dream looking at me, mad at me with this piece of paper that made no sense insinuating I was on drugs wouldn’t believe that I was okay while I was telling her I had to go to work. I slapped her on the head trying to show her what she was reading was wrong and we just got in a huge fight. I made myself wake up at that point.
Dream date:
26 Mar 2024
Emotional tone:
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