Dream interpretation about Dead, Shit, Chasing, Leaving, Storm, Alarm, Following, Car, Father, Game, Grandmother, Money, Church, Driving, House, Girl, Laundry, Leg, Light (Not Dark), Middle, Reason, Stairs, Bathroom, Door, Face, Floor, Front, Looking, Top, Eating, Kitchen, 10 / Ten, Going, outside, Pastor, Against, Playing, Porch, Living Room
The dream took place at my grandparents house. It was mixed with the one that’s alive and the one that’s dead both of their houses. I drove over to my grandparents house (the one that’s alive) and she was going to take me to the hide and seek game to play , the person that was hosting the games was the pastor of a church that I’ve only been to twice. whoever got out first lost and whoever is the last one standing wins a very large cash prize. The first thing I did when I got there was scope the house out and see where everything was at second find some good hiding spots and it became around two or three in the afternoon and the game is about to start so everyone’s trying to use the bathroom at the same time every bathroom that I went to. It was either occupied or the door is being slammed in my face, so I just waited outside of the bathroom. eventually did open so I went into use the bathroom and I was getting really nervous how the game was gonna work, i didn’t wanna get caught or ‘die’. while i was in the bathroom I heard the Blair go off for the game to start and I was like oh shit I’m still in the bathroom so I get out of the bathroom and I go out to see where I’m at and all the lights in the house are turned off. I creeped around the house and eventually made my way into the dining room. I think it was and everyone was just standing on top of the table. The objects in the house were normal size, but for some reason we were 10 times smaller than it was so everyone in the house could fit on top of the table, eventually I saw blue light creeping around on the floor and I looked down to see what it was and it was like dustbunnies screw drivers and just weird common household objects. They seemed really scary at first because they were chasing everyone around trying to catch them but eventually I just got tired of running around and playing the game. I was running out of breath, I ended up going into the bathroom upstairs in this bathroom is looking down at the stairs into the living room. I don’t know why I didn’t shut the door, but for some reason I decided to take a look around before shutting the door and one of the little glowing bolts got into the bathroom with me and just slightly tapped my leg and I turned into a light blue thing. I assume that meant I was out so I just made my way downstairs to find my mom and she was still playing the game she was still in the game, so I told her I’m out I’m just gonna go chill outside and wait for you to be done. So went outside and outside look like my dad‘s house. Everyone is just chilling on the front and back porch and on the back porch I see the pastor, the one who’s hosting the game just chilling on the back porch. He’s leaning against the back door and talking up the storm with someone he had that look on his face like he was up to no good anyways the game ended. I don’t remember who won but they got their prize and everyone left so I got in the car and my grandma said you know there’s another game later tonight, right I was like no I didn’t know that but I can’t drive there cause I can’t see in the dark and she said I can just drive you there if you want no biggie. I said OK why not? I got nothing else to do so she starts driving me there and it takes a while to get there at least two or three hours and when we finally get there, there’s like no one there it’s just me and one other person, obviously the pastor was there because he was hosting the games. But this house was exactly like my grandmas (The one that’s dead). so I go in and just take a look around getting used to surroundings. Obviously I didn’t realize it was my grandma‘s house my dream, but I did notice it when I woke up, but I had over to the laundry room for some reason and I saw another girl just doing the laundry. So I decided to kneel down and help her switch over the laundry while we were switching it. She looked over at me and said do you just wanna team up instead of going against each other and I said yeah sure why not. It’s just the two of us. right in the middle of switching the laundry, the lights turned off, and the Blair went off for the game, and I immediately went to the kitchen. She followed me. I saw brownies laying out on the counter, so I decided to start taking what was left and save them for later when I was done, I was eating them while I was taking them. Me and her decided to tidy up the kitchen a little because it was a mess but we saw blue light creeping into the kitchen and we both immediately went for the bathroom. I don’t remember what happened because I woke up from my alarm.
Dream date:
10 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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