Dream interpretation about Sex, Nightmare, Mother, Alone, Leaving, Friends, School, Girl, Park, Spirals, Store, Front, Floor, Part, Point, Step, Thought, Wall, Window, Jumping, Looking, See, Feeling, Fruit, One, All, Concrete, Exploring, Going, outside, Watched
I was in a store, I came out after buying some snacks, I was with my mom but then she left, outside was a massive park where my school friends were, I went into a shack where I had sex with a girl I don't know. It all changed without me noticing but then I was in front of a spiral staircase which seemed endless, I started going up, feeling scared from the ambience, it was quiet and dark, at some point I was standing in a really wide concrete pillar, everything was dark around me, from the staircase up until this point, there was a chain hanging from seemengly nowhere as it was infinite, then I was standing in nothing, it was just an abyss, I saw a shop with many many floors, everything was inside a dark abyss, I stepped in one of the floors, there weren't any walls and it was a clothing store, whenever I saw the void I felt scared that I'd to jump off, though I stayed and started exploring the store, then I was in another store, there were walls again, I was with my mom, we bought some veggies and fruit, part of the fruit where we took it from was rotten, after we paid, I was alone and the store closed, I looked out of a window and everything was still inside the abyss from before, then I felt observed and went to hide in a freezer shortly before waking up. Whenever I thought about being watched in the dream it felt like a nightmare even though I don't think it was.
Dream date:
2 Nov 2023
Emotional tone:
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